Daming Haiku

Chapter 130 Strange fleet

The battle ended faster than expected, because the villagers of Linjia Village were stunned by the sudden shelling. Many people were scared to pee their pants and killed and injured several villagers. The rest of the people's morale suddenly plummeted and fled down the wall and rushed to the village to try to find a place to hide.

After the sea wolf troops attacked the broken village gate, they only received extremely weak resistance. Only four or five villagers of the Lin family blocked the village gate at the guy in an attempt to prevent them from entering the village.

But these villagers didn't even have a chance to play with their lives. As soon as the village door was pushed open, more than a dozen *hands were picked up*, and a row of guns were pointed at them, and they were killed in the village gate on the spot.

Then the remaining sea wolves raised their weapons and roared into the stockade. Whenever they met someone who wanted to resist, they directly put down their knives and guns and dismembered them on the spot.

As soon as Lin crippled his legs and ran down from the wall to greet people to resist, he was dominated by several sea wolves and cut them wildly. After a few strokes, he dismembered Lin's body on the spot, and he couldn't die anymore.

After lifting the resistance of the villagers of Linjia Village near Zhaimen, the sea wolf troops immediately attacked the village. At this time, the villagers of the Lin family in the village had already been scared to fart. In addition, the forest lame had been killed, and no one organized them to resist.

The villagers drilled into places where they felt safe, pricking their heads in the sand like ostriches, but their buttocks were still exposed.

As a result, in the roar of the sea wolf people, the men and women in the village were quickly taken out one by one and knelt on the two rows of the streets in the village, all of which were like half a sieve chattering, lying on the ground and begging for mercy.

It only took a moment to watch the sea wolf beat down Linjia Village. The immigrant village stewels who were forcibly invited to watch the battle were also scared to soften their legs.

They thought to themselves that fortunately, they were still knowledgeable this time and came here to meet the big boss. Otherwise, it would be their village that would be robbed now.

This sea wolf is really powerful. It's really good to deal with a small village like them. It doesn't even give Linjia Village any room for resistance. If you deal with them, I guess they will be more miserable.

After Yu Xiaotian saw his subordinates attacking the village, he was no longer interested in watching it. He brought him tea, sat aside and drank comfortably, and even chatted with the stewidans of these immigrant villages.

Until someone returned to the ship with a scoop and ran to him to report: "The big master, the village of Linjia Village has been eliminated. A total of 12 enemies have been killed, and a total of 124 people in the village, including men, women and children, were captured. According to the interrogation, there are still 18 people in Linjia Village who went hunting in the morning and have not returned to the village, so Not included! Please decide in charge!"

Yu Xiaotian stood up and said, "Burish the dead, bring all the prisoners back to Majiabao, count and ship the materials here, and transport them back to Majiabao! Leave a prisoner and ask him to inform the unreturned villagers, so that they can rush to Majiabao tomorrow for treatment. If they don't come, I won't guarantee the safety of their families!"

The captain of the brigade immediately took the order loudly, turned around and jumped back to the sump, quickly returned to the shore and began to work according to Yu Xiaotian's instructions.

The villagers of Linjia Village were gathered and buried the 12 people who were killed outside the village. They were ordered to pack up all the available materials in the village and transport them to the river and loaded them on the ship.

Before dark, Yu Xiaotian took the boat back to Majiabao first. The rest of the people rested on the spot for a night's rest in Linjia Village. The next morning, an elderly woman was left waiting for the unreturned villagers in the village. The rest were all tied to their arms with ropes by the sea wolf. Twenty people in a team, along the freshwater river bank, escorted Arrived at Majiabao.

After returning to Majiabao, the custories of the immigrant village said goodbye to Yu Xiaotian one after another, and all accepted Yu Xiaotian's conditions without objection, promising that they were willing to accept the jurisdiction of the sea wolf in the future.

After discussing with Fang An, Yu Xiaotian told these people that he will not stay here in the future, and all matters here will be left to the leader of this party in the future.

These people quickly saluted Fang An again. Fang An said indifferently, "Everything will be handled according to the orders of our head. As long as you cooperate well with me, Fang will never treat you badly!

Yesterday, the matter of Linjia Village was not easy for us to kill, but we did not allow anyone to disobey our intentions here. They took the matter of Linjia Village by themselves. There are also some villages nearby that have not received the news that we are here. So after going back, please inform them on their behalf and ask them to have If you have time, don't make any more misunderstandings and make everyone unhappy!"

After listening to it, those immigrant village stewards even said yes, saying that they would never dare to be the enemy of the sea wolf in the future. Please rest assured by Yu Xiaotian and Fang An.

The scene of Yu Xiaotian leading his troops to attack Linjia Village yesterday left a deep impression on them. They knew very well that Yu Xiaotian was deliberately giving them a show offense yesterday, but this method was very effective. In the face of the sharp firearms of the sea wolf, they really could no longer have the idea of resisting. .

As for whether the sea wolves will treat their first immigrants as they promised in the future, they are not sure, but they can only wait and see what happens first. If these sea wolves eat their promises and become fat, they can only admit that they are unlucky.

After sending these people away, Yu Xiaotian stayed in Majiabao for another two days and carefully discussed their next action plan here with Fang An.

Fang An put forward some of his own ideas. The two, together with the people left behind to help Fang An, initially determined their general plan of action for the next few months.

After the villagers of Linjia Village were taken to Majiabao, more than a dozen villagers from Linjia Village also came to Majiabao that night.

These people actually returned to Majia Village the night before the sea wolf evacuated from Linjia Village, but they found that something had happened to Linjia Village. Someone had captured their Linjia Village, and it seemed that there were a lot of people, so they were so scared that they dared not go back to the village. They hid outside the village all night and looked at the sea wolf generals and villagers. After being escorted, he entered the village.

The old woman who stayed in the village told them what happened yesterday. Although these villagers were sad and angry, they had no choice but to avenge the sea wolf. They didn't have the ability. In addition, their Linjia Village and Majiabao in this area are not popular. That's good.

They have a small iron shop, relying on a little craftsmanship and extorting the surrounding immigrant villages, so they were destroyed. Now it is impossible to ask people from other villages to stand up for them.

And it is not easy for more than a dozen of them to survive here. There are many natives around, and more than a dozen of them may be killed by the natives by one carelessness.

After thinking about it, they still missed the relatives who had been captured, so these dozens of people discussed that except for a few bachelors who did not agree to surrender to Majiabao, the rest decided to go to Majiabao to surrender as ordered by the sea wolf.

So they rushed all the way to Majiabao, where they were confiscated their weapons by sea wolves and imprisoned in a temporary prison camp.

The villagers of Linjia Village have also become the first free labor force of Hailang here. Among them, about 100 men and women are available, and the rest are old and weak children. With more than 100 workers, the expansion of Majiabao Village can be carried out faster.

Of course, after Yu Xiaotian arrived here, it is definitely impossible to inherit the name of Majiabao. He will change the name of this place to Danshui Village. If he starts building a city in the future, it will be named Danshui City.

Considering that Yu Xiaotian could not leave Nanri Island for too long, after all, it was still the center of the sea wolf for the time being, so Fang An asked Yu Xiaotian to give this place to him and ask Yu Xiaotian to return to Nanri Island.

Yu Xiaotian also nodded and agreed. After repeatedly telling Fang An and others, he boarded the ship and left the mouth of the freshwater estuary with his own guards.

Originally, when Yu Xiaotian came here this time, he still wanted to go south along the coastline and go to the south to visit the movements of Yan Siqi and others who came some time ago. He wanted to meet Yan Siqi and make friends.

But after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was not necessarily a wise move. Now he and Yan Siqi are not friends, and to some extent, they can even be competitors. He can't guess what attitude Yan Siqi will treat him.

So he goes there alone with a boat, which may not be safe. Now he is no longer the barefoot guy who is not afraid to wear shoes. Now that he has run such a big family business, he also needs to be more careful in this regard. Not for himself, he also wants to eat for the thousands of brothers who follow him. Think.

So he temporarily gave up the idea of meeting the legendary Yan Siqi, took his men on the Flying Fish and returned to Nanri Island.

The speed of the Flying Fish is indeed very fast, at least much faster than his previous boats. When sailing at sea, it is also relatively stable, so it is temporarily brought by Yu Xiaotian and used as his transportation ship, which can save him a lot of time at sea and suffer less from waves.

About half a day after they sailed out of the mouth of the freshwater estuary, they met a fleet of five or six ships on the sea, sailing from south to north. Yu Xiaotian observed the fleet with his telescope and did not find any flags. Guess they may be a merchant fleet that wants to pass through the Taiwan Strait.

(Three update! After typing, I almost updated about 10,000 words today. I tried my best! Those friends who watch pirated copies elsewhere, please come back to support the genuine reading! Your support is the basis for the survival of our poor words!)