Daming Haiku

Chapter 131 Yan Siqi

At present, Yu Xiaotian only has one boat. First, he was unable to eat the fleet, and he didn't want to delay any time among these people, so he ordered the temporary captain of the Flying Fish to cut the ship from the front of the fleet, arrogantly drew a beautiful arc in front of the fleet, and looked at it again. The fleet then turned to Nanri Island and sailed at full speed.

And in this fleet, there is a big man with a beard, who is also carefully observing the Flying Fish where Yu Xiaotian is located.

Looking at this novel ship, moving through the waves flexibly at sea, and at a speed that they could not understand, they passed in front of their fleet at a high speed, showing off in an arrogant posture, circle under their nose, looked at their fleet, and then headed straight. Drive in the west direction.

"God! What kind of boat is this? Why so fast?" Someone on the boat immediately exclaimed and shouted at the Flying Fish.

"I have never seen such a boat! It's really eye-opening today. It's the first time I've seen such a boat! It's so fast!" Someone immediately said.

"Brother Yan, you are well-informed. Have you seen this ship? What kind of boat is it?" Someone asked the bearded man.

"No, I haven't seen it. Over the years, we have been on Pinghu's side, and our knowledge is really terrible! Now that you come back here, it can be said that things are right and wrong! I didn't expect to see such a good boat today! I just don't know who built this ship!" The big man shook his head and replied with the same envy.

"This ship looks a bit like a Thai ship, which is different from our Daming's ship. Our Daming ships are made of bamboo sails, and this ship seems to use the soft sails of the Thai people! Maybe it's the dry silk man or the ship of the Flang machine man!" Someone began to analyze it smartly.

"It makes sense! This boat doesn't seem to be made by our Daming, but it's really a bit like a Thai ship, but why did the Thai people come here now? It seems that they are going to go to Fuzhou! What are they doing here?" The man surnamed Yan nodded.

"Yan is the head of the family, didn't Zheng Yiguan under Manager Li go to our place a few days ago? I heard that some time ago, the Ming officers and soldiers and the red-haired people of the State of Lan fought a big battle in Penghu. Will this ship be the ship of those red-haired people?

Zheng Yiguan said that now the red-haired people have also arrived at the Taiwanese and are going to build a city around the Taiwanese. Maybe they will go to Fuzhou for business!"

This person called Yan is not a stranger. It is Yu Xiaotian who was thinking about Yan Siqi who wanted to meet just now. Today, he happened to take his fleet to ship some goods to Fuzhou.

Yan Siqi was chased by the Japanese lord and the shogunate because of the crime. After the defeat, he had to take his brothers and escape from Japan in more than a dozen boats. Along the way, he sailed from the Ryukyu Islands to Liuqiu Island, that is, Taiwan Island.

After the defeat of Governor Yan Siqixin, he could no longer hang in the territory controlled by Japan. He discussed with his subordinates about where to go, and someone proposed that he should take his brothers to Liuqiu Island, which is now Taiyuan Island, to find a place to settle down.

His men once went to a place on Taiwan Yuan Island. After landing, he saw a place with beautiful fat water, which was very suitable for farming, so he encouraged Yan Siqi to take them somewhere and find another way out.

And Yan Siqi is very thoughtful. After listening to his subordinates, he feels that this is also a good way. After all, Taiyuan Island is relatively close to Daming, and you can go out to the coastal area of Fujian by holding the Strait. There are many ships on the route, and it is also relatively close to their hometown. It is also very good to recruit people. Ps.

So he listened to his men's advice and took a group of people to Taiwan Island after sailing for more than a month. When they arrived at Taiwan Island, they first saw Chickenlong wan first.

And in Chickenlong wan, I saw that this place had been occupied by people, and even a fort had been built on the island outside the mouth of Chickenlong wan. At the same time, people were stationed there. Yan Siqi took people around outside Chickenlong wan and tried to see who occupied it. Soon a ship rushed out of Chicken Cage Bay to meet them.

Yan Siqi saw that these people who rushed out were not like Ming officials, but like a group of pirates, and they didn't seem to be easy to deal with, so he did not conflict with blackheads. After announcing their names, he led the fleet to leave Chicken Cage Bay and sailed directly to the place where they were going to where they were going to.

Recently, they have found a bay to land in some places south of Taichung, which is roughly located between Chiayi County and Yunlin County, which belongs to the Pingtung Plain of Taiwan. It is an alluvial plain with fertile land and is very suitable for reclamation and farming.

And when Yan Siqi led the fleet to arrive here, a large area of wasteland had not been opened, which made him very happy. He immediately led people to build a large land and began to build a fortress, so he was ready to take root in this area.

But they also encountered the trouble of the natives. When the local natives saw them building and logging here, they were very hostile to them and gathered several nearby tribes to attack his village together.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yan Siqi quickly discussed with these natives and said that they had no malice. At the same time, they gave these natives a lot of gifts. The natives saw that Yan Siqi did not seem to be bad for them, so they demarcated their respective activity areas with them. In the future, the well water did not violate the river and acquiesced in their existence.

Yan Siqi has initially gained a foothold in the Bengang area, but he is also facing many difficulties. He has just fled here from Japan and has limited manpower, but there are only more than 300 people. Although he has some savings, it is far from enough for them to tossing around.

So he chose his men and on the one hand rushed back to his hometown in Zhangquan and tried to recruit a group of his men. At the same time, he led the fleet to sea and went straight to the sea in Quanzhou. He did several tickets in a row, robbed a batch of merchant ships and fished a lot of goods.

Now they have contacted a businessman in Fuzhou through acquaintances, ready to take out the goods at hand in exchange for money, and go to the land to obtain the materials they need.

They happened to come here today and bumped into Yu Xiaotian passing by with the Flying Fish. The two sides can be said to have passed by. They didn't know anyone, so they missed each other.

Yan Siqi is very envious of Yu Xiaotian's Flying Fish. There is no one who doesn't like the Clippers in this industry. For them, the efficiency of the hijacking of the ship means that the ship has been greatly improved, and the probability of fleeing has also been greatly improved. However, they can only stare at such a ship and have a look. In their hearts, no one in Ming would build such a ship except the Taixi people.

So after the Flying Fish disappeared on the sea, they could only look at the ocean and sigh and continue to drive in the direction of Fuzhou.

"To Yan Dangjia, on the sea around Fuzhou, Zheng Yiguan said that now it is controlled by a group of pirates who call themselves sea wolves. This group of people is led by a surname Yu, which is said to be very powerful!

Some time ago, when we passed through Chicken Cage Bay, Chicken Cage Bay was occupied by this group of sea wolves. It can be seen that their current strength should be quite powerful, otherwise their hands would not reach so far!

And Zheng Yiguan said that now, what tolls should be paid to the sea merchants in Fuzhou and Funing? Depending on the size of the ship, each ship needs to pay 802 to 1502 to be allowed to pass on the seas of Fuzhou and Funing in three months!

When we go to Fuzhou this time, we have to meet them. If they stop us, shall we fight with them or pay for the road? At this time, one of Yan Siqi's men remembered something and said to Yan Siqi.

Yan Siqi touched the beard on his chin and thought about it. He shook his head and said, "You're right. Yiguan has also mentioned this surnamed Yu and his sea wolf to me. Recently, Zheng Yiguan is very concerned about the movement of this group of sea wolves and inquired a lot about them!

It is said that this surname Yu is not very old and seems to be much older than an official. He is less than 30 years old. He actually overturned Zhang Hu, a shark that once dominated Fuzhou in the past two years. In the first half of this year, he went north to the Funing area, killed Chen Jiu, a mixed river dragon on the side of Funing, and dominated the sea in Fuzhou and Funing. .

In this way, it can be seen that this person is really powerful! He is by no means an ordinary person! Moreover, the official also said that this man was well under the emperor and made his men very brave. Although he seemed rude to speak, he was shrewd!

According to Zheng Yiguan's recent inquiring, it is rumored that this group of sea wolves has nearly 2,000 people and more than 100 sea boats, which shows that this person is not easy to provoke!

Fortunately, when we passed through Jilong Bay, we didn't have any conflict with them. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome to come here!

In this case, we might as well go there and try our luck first. If we don't meet them, it's best. We'll go back as soon as we ship the goods. If they stop us, we don't have to turn against them. Let's borrow the face of an official first and have a look. If it really doesn't work, we should give them the money. They are all right!

At present, we are strong dragons and snakes. When we get to their territory, we can't beat them. Good men will not suffer immediate losses. When we grow up, let's see if they dare to bully us! Not to mention, speed up. I see that the weather will change in the next two days. Maybe it will be windy! Don't get into trouble here! ......”

(Yesterday's homepage was closed, and it seems that the effect is still good! Thank you for your support. In addition, thank you also for your support. Today, I would like to thank you for your appreciation and GZG1972 friends! Thank you for your support. I will continue to work hard!)