Daming Haiku

Chapter 245 Staling Plan

These captains also felt the mood of their subordinates and repeatedly cheered up the sailors on their ships before departure, so that they didn't have to think too much about it.

Now they are about to approach Nanri Island, and the sky is about to light up. These captains will not lie down and sleep or close their eyes to refresh themselves. In addition to staring at the ships in front of them and commanding the helmsman on the ship to follow the ships in front of them not to leave the team or run away, they should also pay attention to the movements of their subordinates on the ship. To.

When they saw the worried and depressed appearance of the sailors on their ship, these captains and their first mates began to mobilize their men on their ship for the last time.

"Brothers, Wang's suffering is something that everyone can't think of and don't want to see! But the matter has happened. Commander Wang would rather die than send him back to the wolf's den for treatment. What is the purpose? Do you understand? Didn't he just want us to catch Mr. Chu off guard and beat him ass?

Besides, this matter was done by Ma Feng's unfaithful bastard. He is the brother of the king, and it has nothing to do with the brothers of the third team! You can't blame this matter on the brothers of the third team, not to mention that now that Commander Ma has taken over the flag of Commander Wang, Ma Feng's bastard is the first one who wants to kill Commander Ma! So don't complain about this, brothers of the third team anymore!

We are going to fight with Mr. Chu Cai soon. Look at the bears of you bastards. They are like cramps. Are they still a little human? Anyway, we are also sea wolves, the big head. At this time, the big head is still sitting in the wolf's den, waiting for us to go back. If you still look half dead, I think you will simply jump directly into the sea here and pull down, so that your hands and feet will not become soft-footed shrimp for a while! ......โ€

This is what the captain of the second team said to his men on the boat.

And there is also a captain on the other side of the third team who is cheering up his subordinates on the ship: "Brothers, listen, although Ma Feng is the deputy of our team, who doesn't know what he is? Now this guy is ungrateful and has done such a bastard. What a fool! One or two of you are like dead mothers. What do you want?

Now let's not say anything else. Even if we feel shameless because of Ma Feng, today is the time for us to wash away the shame of this man. You don't dare to enter and cheer up. Are you ready to beat the old Chu to the death and show the prestige of our three-team? What a wait!

I'm staring at you today. If you lay soft eggs for me at this time, you bastards will squat and pee for me in the future! I have no face to take you anymore. I also find a mast to hang up and pull it down! Don't be angry with your grandchildren! ......โ€

In a word, in the fleet, at this time, the captains and first and secondmates of almost every ship squatted in their respective subordinates, pointing fingers and gags at their subordinates, saying some truths that they think are very reasonable.

In this way, in any case, such encouragement still has a considerable effect. After listening to it, many people temporarily left behind the nonsense in their minds, took a deep breath to refresh their spirits, and began to cheer up a little.

And Ma Xiao's mood is very heavy at this time, and he also feels that the burden on his shoulders is very heavy. When Wang Hong has nothing to do with him, at least the main business in the fleet is Wang Hong, and he is the auxiliary. Wang Hong can worry about some things. He beats the drums, and the two of them cooperate with him without feeling pressure. Too strong.

However, Wang Hong is now seriously injured and his life is on the line, and there is a possibility of leaving at any time. Now all the burdens are equivalent to pressing on his shoulder, making him suddenly feel a little overwhelmed, for fear of making mistakes if he is not careful.

In addition, he also knew that the Ma Feng incident was a great blow to the troops of the fleet. At the same time, the loss of the coach in the battle was also an ominous omen for them. The ancients did not believe in ghosts and gods. Everything always pays attention to a bright end, but today, before they left the army, such a thing happened, which undoubtedly gave My heart is shrouded in a layer of haze.

What's more, what they are going to deal with today is a huge thing. There is no doubt that Chu Cai's fleet is very strong. Originally, some novices were afraid of this war. Even people like Ma Feng finally took the risk to do it because they were not optimistic about this fight with Chu Cailao. You can imagine how much the angry thing will have on the fleet.

What he is most worried about is that many people in the fleet can't stand the psychological pressure when they are in battle. They panic and cause chaos, which eventually leads to their defeat. In this way, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for their sea wolves, and as the most critical general of this battle, he will undoubtedly become the eternal sinner of the sea wolf.

After thinking about these things, Ma Xiao felt that his scalp was a little numb and his mind could not completely calm down.

"Leader Ma! The front is compass! There are less than seven miles away from our Nanri Island! I haven't seen the lights of the Clippers detachment for the time being!" A captain under Ma Xiao said to Ma Xiao.

Ma Xiao put away his messy thoughts, forced himself to stabilize his mind, and said in a low voice, "I know! Keep looking, Luo Xianbin should be here to make peace with us according to yesterday's plan! Wait a minute!"

Luo Xianbin led the Clippers detachment and was quite busy these days. He and his men took five single and double mast flying fastboats. As a reconnaissance ship of the sea wolf fleet, they had to travel between Nanri Island and Treasure Island and Treasure Island every day, and reported the situation of the Chu Cai old fleet found to Wang Hong and Ma Xiao.

Yesterday morning, Luo Xianbin rushed back to Treasure Island with his detachment because he didn't wait for the main fleet to return to Nanri Island. He wanted to question Wang Hong and Ma Xiao why they did not follow the plan. When he arrived at Treasure Island, he learned that something big had happened on the island. Ma Feng suddenly rebelled, injured Wang Hong and disrupted him. Our original plan.

Now Wang Hong's life and death are hanging on the front line, so Ma Xiao told Luo Xianbin that he planned to postpone the operation for a day. Luo Xianbin didn't fart. He took his several ships back to Nanri Island again to explore the news of Chu Cailao near Nanri Island, and according to the agreement, he took the Clippers detachment in the southern sun in the early morning. The north side of Luopan Island in the north of the island will be at peace with the main fleet.

According to the plan, Luo Xianbin should have arrived here and waited for the main fleet here. He is now Ma Xiao's eyes. Before the main fleet launched the operation, he wanted to inform Ma Xiao about the situation of Chu Cai's old fleet that arrived near Nanri Island at night.

However, when the fleet was about to arrive at rosan Island, they still did not find the light signal sent by Luo Xianbin's Clippers detachment. At this time, Ma Xiao's heart suddenly sank. He couldn't figure out why Luo Xianbin also made a wrong today and did not come here to make peace with him as planned.

If Luo Xianbin doesn't come again, he can only lead the main fleet to Nanri Island and directly fight with Chu Cailao under the condition that the enemy is unknown.

But if he does this, he can't know the specific situation of Chu Cai's old fleet in advance. In this way, he can't know himself and his enemy, and his chances of winning this battle will be much lower.

Ma Xiao's heart was worried and secretly complained about why Luo Xianbin had a problem at this jux. If they didn't win this time, then Luo Xianbin would undoubtedly become the second sinner.

"Use the signal light to send signals! Let's see if the Clippers detachment reacted and whether they didn't find us coming and didn't signal!" Looking at the dark sea, Ma Xiao saw that the fleet was about to arrive at Compass Island, so he had to take the risk of making his men signal to signal to the area of Compass Island and try to establish contact Luo Xianbin.

The speed of the fleet began to slow down when it arrived here, delaying the time to wait for Luo Xianbin's Clippers detachment to appear.

A lamp suddenly lit on Ma Xiao's handsome ship. There is also only one round hole covered with glass that can shine in one direction. The rest of the place is made of copper leather, and there are several movable covers in front of the glass of the lamp. After pulling the cover plate, the lamp can It flashed like a blink of an eye.

This is also a signal lamp made by Yu Xiaotian himself and asked the craftsman to make. There is an oil lamp in this lamp, and there is a concave copper mirror on the back of the oil lamp, which just reflects the light of the oil lamp out of the lamp hole in front of it, which can make the lamp brighter and the light farther. The principle is actually a spotlight. That's all.

But in this era, directional light is a new thing. You can see the light emitted by the fleet in only one direction, and read the meaning from the flickering light.

After the first signal was sent, there was still a black hole on the sea without any response. At this time, the fleet began to stop gradually, and everyone's mood sank in vain. I don't know what happened to Luo Xianbin's fleet and missed the appointment at this time.

Ma Xiao waited for a while and did not find Luo Xianbin's detachment. He couldn't help but be more worried, so he ordered to send a signal again. At the same time, he also made up his mind that it was about to be dawn. If Luo Xianbin did not appear again, he would no longer wait for them and directly ordered the whole fleet to rush to Nanri Island.

But soon after the signal was sent, the same flashing light finally appeared on the water on the left side of the front of the fleet. Someone immediately pointed to the direction of the light and shouted to Ma Xiao, " Commander, it's the Luo Pipeline!"