Daming Haiku

Chapter 246 Divide

After a while, Luo Xianbin appeared near the fleet with several Clippers, and a Clipper quickly sailed to the horse's boat with a handsome flag.

The boat made a beautiful arc near the horse xiao's boat, quickly closed the sails and slowed down, and slowly leaned against Ma Xiao's boat. Someone immediately threw over the soft ladder, and Luo Xianbin sweated heavily and climbed from the soft ladder to Ma Xiao's boat.

"Xianbin, why did you arrive at this time? Do you know that you are late than the reservation? Ma Xiao split his head and asked Luo Xianbin.

Luo Xianbin nodded and said, "See Commander Ma!" I know it's late! I still hope Ma will forgive me."

"Is there any trouble that dragged you down?" Ma Xiao immediately asked.

"That's not true. The main reason is that we just found that there was a movement in Mr. Chu Cai's fleet. We were going to come to meet you, but we saw that Mr. Chu Cai's fleet moved, so we waited for a while!"

"Oh? What's going on with Mr. Chu Cai's fleet? Say it quickly!" Ma Xiao asked Luo Xianbin with a roar.

"This old man suddenly mobilized part of the fleet and moved to the wharf north of our Dazhai. Now their large fleet has been divided into two groups, most of which are still on the shore of the back mountain to the east, but the other part has moved to Dazhai!

We just saw that Mr. Chu's fleet had changed, so we stayed and stared for a while. After seeing their movements, we rushed over! I'm afraid that after you go there, you won't know their situation for a while, and something will go down!" Luo Xianbin opened his mouth and replied quickly.

As soon as Ma Xiao heard the situation, he understood what Luo Xianbin said. This situation is really important to him. According to the news they got yesterday, Chu Cai's old fleet is basically concentrated in Houshan Bay. Today, they will definitely all go straight to Houshan Bay. At that time, it is likely that Chu Cai will have a batch of boats. Only near them, once the fight starts, they are likely to be attacked on their backs.

Luo Xianbin brought him back a very important information today, which will no longer catch him off guard.

So he immediately nodded. After thinking for a moment, he asked Luo Xianbin, "Do you mean that most of Mr. Chu's fleet is still on the back mountain bay?" So how many ships are there to Dazhai?

"Yes, most of Chu Laoer's ships are still in Houshan Bay at this time, but about dozens of large boats have been separated and moved to Dazhai! Look at the posture and want to launch an attack on Dazhai from the direction of the dock!" Luo Xianbin confirmed it again.

"So there should be no problem with Dazhai at this time, and it is still in our hands! That's easy to do!" After hearing the news, Ma Xiao was in a somewhat better mood. At least there is no accident in Dazhai. As long as Dazhai is still in their hands, Yu Xiaotian and his brothers on the island will be fine. This is undoubtedly quite good news for them. At least they are one day late and did not cause serious consequences.

"Of course, I didn't see who stayed in the village! Although Chu Cai has many boats, as long as we are in charge, even if Chu has three heads and six arms, there is nothing he can do with our Dazhai! However, yesterday, according to several of our brothers hiding on Xiaori Island, Chu Cailao attacked our Dazhai all day yesterday, and the sound of the cannon sounded for a whole day. It is estimated that Chu Cailao risked his life to attack Dazhai again, but I don't know what the situation is now!

However, it seems that Mr. Chu Cai wants his dog to jump over the wall. Today, he wants to attack Dazhai from both the island and the sea. I guess this man is going to work hard! It's just the right time for us to come today!

Commander Ma, what do you think we should do next? Luo Xianbin said proudly to Ma Xiao.

After Ma Xiao lowered his head and thought for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said, "What should I do? I think we should do it according to our original plan, but we need to change it a little! Our ship is not as old as Chu Cai. If we do it two times at the same time, it will definitely disperse our troops. We can only pick one hand first and kill as many old Chu Cai's boats as possible!

The fleet continued to follow the plan and went straight to Houshan Bay. First, clean up Chu Laoer's fleet on the other side of Houshan Bay and then talk about another batch! We don't have the strength to eat them all at once. If everything goes well, let's break up the fleet under Chu Cai on the other side of Houshan Bay, and then turn around and deal with the remaining batch on the Dazhai side.

However, I think your Clippers detachment will still work hard. First, go to Dazhai to drag the old Chu Cai's fleet over there and buy us more time to kill some ships in Houshan Bay. I will ask Liu Yidao to take ten ships to cooperate with your detachment. Once we win, you can hand over the matter over there to Liu Yidao and others. , rush to chase the escaped enemy ships, but don't chase too far, wait for my order at any time, and come back to deal with the remaining ships.

I don't know what you think of my arrangement?

After listening to Ma Xiao's arrangement, Luo Xianbin immediately nodded and said, "It's so good! That's it! Don't be late. It's almost dawn. Let's get started quickly! If it's too late, it will really be dawn!"

Ma Xiao nodded and said yes, Luo Xianbin immediately turned back to his ship, took his Clippers detachment and ten ships led by Liu Yidao to form another fleet. Together with Ma Xiao's main fleet, Yang Fan once again began to bypass Luopan Island and accelerate in the direction of Nanri Island.

At this time, waves of artillery began to spread from the sea wolf village. The sound of artillery spread far away in the quiet sea in the early morning, and soon spread throughout the whole fleet.

Everyone's heart was moved again, and it can be guessed that Mr. Chu Cai began to attack their Dazhai again, but such a gunfire also cheered the sea wolves in the fleet.

Although the previous incident of Ma Feng greatly affected the morale of the sea wolves in the fleet, and most people were worried during the voyage, once they heard the sound of cannons coming from the island, they began to get excited.

This is also the result of their long training. No matter how bad they are, once they hear the sound of gunfire, they unconsciously begin to adjust their state and enter the state of war.

The gunners of each gun stood up quickly and began to check their guns. The handkers were all in place and were ready to adjust their sails at any time. One of the two helmsmen operated the steering, and the other was ready to replace them at any time nearby. If the soldiers on the ship did not have guns to operate, they began to check what they had in their hands. Weapons such as tunduns, knives, hooks and forks, and * are placed in the most accessible position.

Even the players who have nothing to do for a while have automatically begun to prepare all kinds of buckets of sand, barrels and other things, ready to damage the tube at any time.

After seeing that the crew on the ship had returned to their state, the captains and first mates of each ship breathed a long sigh of relief and concentrated on the upcoming war.

The fleet continued to maintain light control and accelerated towards Nanri Island. The ships began to rise full sails and maintained a formation and distance from each other. At this time, a trace of fish belly white had begun to appear on the sea level in the east.

Ma Xiao turned his head and looked at the light on the edge of the sky and thought about the time. They were still a little later than planned. According to the original plan, they should have been close to Nanri Island at this time and almost began to take action.

But now they are still about three or four miles away from Nanri Island. In front of them is the Back Mountain Bay on the north coast of Nanri Island, which is the berth where the old fleet of Chu Cai's ships landed and ships docked.

It seems that they can only drive to the Back Mountain Bay when the sky is bright. At that time, the opponent must have found them, but in general, they are not far from the original plan. Even if the opponent finds them a little earlier, there is not enough time to anchor and sail against them.

At this time, another wave of fleet led by Luo Xianbin and Liu Yidao had broken up with the main fleet and sailed towards Dazhai. Their task was to drag another group of Chu Cai's old fleet on the other side of Dazhai, so that when the main fleet started, the ships under Chu Cai's old men could not escape and return to help.

"Leader! An enemy ship appeared about a miles in front of the left. It should be a sentry ship under Mr. Chu. They should have found us!" At this time, the upper bucket on the ship suddenly pointed to the left front position of the fleet and shouted to the Ma Xiao below.

Ma Xiao immediately looked at the position pointed by the upper bucket. Sure enough, he found a slingboat hanging lanterns not far in front of them. At this time, it was coming towards them. Although the sky was not bright, at this distance, as long as the other party was not blind or night blind, it was also bad at this time. It's time to discover the existence of their fleet.

Ma Xiao took a deep breath and said, "Remove the lights! Get ready to do it! Let him come here and take him to sacrifice the flag first..."

The sea wolf's fleet immediately began to pull the sails, adjust its course, restart formation, and sail towards the enemy ship.

At this time, several old men of Chu Cai lay on the port of the ship and chatted. Their bodies shook slightly with the shaking of the ship. Listening to the sound of cannons from the direction of the island and Shanghai Lang Dazhai, they all secretly felt lucky.

"Grandma, our brothers are lucky this time! I didn't spread it up to attack the sea wolf's village! This sea wolf really lives up to its reputation. It's really amazing! Yesterday, many brothers attacked the village and lost their lives outside their village. It's not bad luck for us to do this job!" A guy turned around and sat on the boat board and said to several accomplices beside him.

(Thank you again for the reward of the snoring brothers!)