Daming Haiku

Chapter 286 Return to Freshwater 3

After inspecting the village, Yu Xiaotian was not satisfied with the overall progress of the project here, and the number of labor invested everywhere could not meet the needs. If it continues like this, it will definitely not be completed according to his established plan.

However, Yu Xiaotian did not get angry and continued to let Fang An and others accompany him to inspect the Dazhai Village until he finished reading the whole situation of the Dazhai, and then returned to the temporary office of Fang An and others in Danshui Village.

Fang An's yard is the house of the former steward of Majiabao. The yard is not too big and the decoration is not very luxurious. After being simply cleaned up by Fang An and others, he moved in, but it looks clean and neat.

Yu Xiaotian did not let Fang An prepare any banquet. He directly sat down and called their daily meals. While eating, he talked with Fang An and others about what he saw here this time.

On the whole, Yu Xiaotian's opponent An and others are still satisfied with the progress of their work here, and he can understand the difficulty of opening a new plate here. Everything has to start from scratch. For them, it is really not easy, and there are many indigenous people nearby who don't want to see sea wolves expand on a large scale after they come here. Show the wasteland here and grab the territory with them, so from time to time the indigenous people will come here to disturb them.

Yu Xiaotian asked about the situation of the natives here, and Fang An roughly introduced the general situation here to Yu Xiaotian.

On both sides of the Tamsui River, they have found a total of six relatively large indigenous tribes, whose specific names are unclear, but three of them are relatively strong. Each tribe has about hundreds of people, and the largest is said to be about 1,000 people, which is very fierce.

These three indigenous tribal branches are in the middle and upper reaches of the Tamsui River. They are very unfriendly to sea wolves and immigrants here. They regard them as enemies, refuse to make any contact and transactions with sea wolves and immigrants here, and often attack immigrants who cultivate wasteland here.

In the past six months, according to Fang An's statistics, more than 40 immigrants have been attacked and killed by the natives or kidnapped by them.

But Fang An is not a vegetarian. While following Yu Xiaotian's requirements, he tried his best to get in touch with them, dispel their hostility, and occasionally gave them some small gifts to try to get along well with them.

But the effect is not very good. Only three smaller indigenous tribes expressed satisfaction with their kindness and did not come to trouble them, but the other three natives never gave up and constantly harassed them, trying to drive them out of the area.

Fang An is also not polite about this. In the past six months, he has personally led the sea wolves here many times to retaliate against these three natives.

Sometimes they deliberately ambush to attract the natives to take the bait, and then shoot them all at random to kill some natives. Sometimes they grab the prisoners and force them to lead the way and directly dig out their old nests.

In the past six months, Fang An and others have also killed, injured and captured two or three hundred natives, so that the natives know the power of their sea wolves. They dare not be as arrogant as before. They only dare to wander around the outskirts of the immigrant village, and as soon as they saw a large number of immigrants or sea wolves appear, they escape into the mountains and forests.

At present, this tough method is acceptable, but for the sea wolf, it is more difficult to harvest wood upstream.

Because the indigenous people are good at moving in the mountains and forests, good at bowing and arrows, and are very good at hiding, the loggers are often attacked, which affects the supply of wood for building villages and houses.

The next step is Fang'an's plan that once there are enough people here, he will go into the mountain to attack one of the indigenous people again, so that they dare not show up in the future.

Yu Xiaotian also agreed with Fang An's plan and promised to send him 100 soldiers to deal with the indigenous people first. Although Yu Xiaotian did not regard his strategy on Taiwan Island as aggression, for the local natives, they were indeed aggressors, and their appearance If it disturbs the peaceful life of the natives, they will definitely feel unhappy.

Therefore, resistance and conflict will certainly exist for a long time. This contradiction cannot be solved without using powerful means. We can only fight with one hand and pull the other to gradually let the natives know that their sea wolves are willing to live in peace with them after they come here. After a long time, this conflict will gradually subside, but it is necessary before. The killing is still inevitable.

In addition, after discussing the lack of manpower here, Yu Xiaotian, Fang An and others decided to make full use of the existing human resources here.

Nowadays, after more than half a year of immigration, Sea Wolf has emigrated more than 2,000 people from land. This number is not large, but it will gradually increase, and a few ships will transport two or 300 people every month.

In addition to the number of some early immigrants that originally existed here, the number of immigrants around the Tamsui River is now close to 5,000, or even more.

About 2,000 people can be used as labor. The manpower of these people should be fully utilized. Yu Xiaotian proposed to take ten days every month to order these migrant workers to work in batches and work in Danshuizhai, while their sea wolves will pay these people a certain amount to speed up the speed of the project here.

However, Fang An shook his head and said that it was very difficult to put forward this idea put forward by Yu Xiaotian. He had also thought so, but immigrants did not have sufficient labor. Now it is the time to open up wasteland, and the use of labor is very large, which involves the question of whether immigrants can eat next year.

Moreover, immigrants also have to guard against the natives. The young people in the working village should be ready to deal with the attacks of the natives at any time. It is not realistic to take out so many people, otherwise it will make the immigrants here very dissatisfied.

"Let's use the method of pumping! Don't all the immigrant villages have our people? Our people should be very familiar with the situation of each immigrant village. As long as we know how much labor each family has, we can do it!

If each family has three labor forces, they must provide a labor force to help. We can pay them. If the labor force of each household is less than three people, they will not be paid!

If there are five workers, they will draw two, which will not have much impact on their reclamation and farming! I don't know what this method is under the leadership of the big leader and Fang? Lin Yiyang sat aside and had been listening to them before, and now he finally opened his mouth.

Yu Xiaotian nodded as soon as he heard it and said, "This is also a way. Use the method of drawing Ding to spread it out! Anyway, we won't let them work for nothing, at least they will be full and paid a little, and it won't affect their reclamation too much!"

After listening to this, Fang An nodded and agreed. Tomorrow, he will arrange people to go down and start to follow this method. Once it is implemented, it is estimated that they can attract hundreds of workers in a short period of time.

"One more thing is the problem of burning charcoal. Although the workshop area here is still under construction, once it is put into production, there will be a great demand for charcoal!

So I think we need to prepare in advance! If we collect charcoal from the land, this thing is too light to carry much on a ship, and the consumption is too big!

And we just saw that there are a lot of scraps that are useless. We can open several charcoal kilns in nearby villages to burn charcoal. They pull back to burn charcoal. After burning them, we will take them back according to the price according to the color. In this way, immigrants have another way to make money and do not take up our manpower and transportation. , can save a lot of money!" Yu Xiaotian said while eating.

"This is a good way! There are a lot of waste wood here, and most of the branches cut down are useless. It's good to burn charcoal!

In addition, among the previous immigrants, there are also several porcelain craftsmen. Some porcelain used by immigrants here also relied on us to collect and transport them to them on land. A few days ago, my subordinates discussed with your brothers and gathered these porcelain craftsmen to find a slightly better craftsman. The craftsman asked him to find the available porcelain soil in a village in the north and let them open a porcelain kiln there!

Although their craftsmanship is not good, they all use ordinary porcelain bowls here. As long as they can be used, they don't need anything too good!" After chatting with Yu Xiaotian for a while, Fang An looked better and said to Xiaotian while agreeing.

Yu Xiaotian was overjoyed and nodded with a smile, "It seems that you have also figured out a way! This method is really good. In this way, as long as there is something someone here who can do, it is best to make it by yourself first, regardless of whether it is good or bad! In this way, it can save a lot of transportation capacity! Pull out more boats to carry other important things!"

After everyone finished eating, Yu Xiaotian waved to let the others go down to rest, and he lived with Fang An and began to have a long talk.

Fang An was indeed sad about Wang Hong and Ma Feng. Yu Xiaotian carefully enlightened him. The two had been talking about it in the middle of the night and drank a pot of wine. Fang An's heart knot was finally opened.

"Don't worry, big head! In fact, I also know that people can't come back to life after death! We didn't think of anything about the third brother. No one is responsible for this!

As for Ma Feng, although I have always regarded him as my own brother, I didn't expect this guy to be so disappointing that he would have done such a bad thing.

So it's not a pity for this guy to die. If I still feel sorry for him, I wouldn't have pleaded for him at the beginning and watched him light him!

When I chatted with the big leader for such a long time today, my heart is much brighter! I won't drink this wine anymore! I'm really a little slack during this period, and I don't keep an eye on some things, and I hope the head of the house will punish me!" Fang An pushed away the wine cup and took a deep breath to Xiaotian.

Yu Xiaotian saw that Fang An's mood had become normal, and his spirits were refreshed and his mood became better. He smiled and said, "This time, I'm most worried about you!" For us, Tamsui Village will be the top priority in the future.pao, shooting and boating will come first now!

If you haven't cheered up, then I really don't have a good helper! Now I'm relieved to see that you can untie the knot!

This time I came here and brought you a generous gift! Come on, bring me the things I ordered for Fang Wuge!"

A personal guard quickly held a box and sent it into the room. Yu Xiaotian opened the box, which was divided into several grids, containing several things made of fine iron and cooked copper.

Yu Xiaotian took out a copper tube, and the other party said, "This is the prosthetic limb I specially made for you when I have nothing to do!

The iron hook you use on your left arm is also old, and it's time to change it! Try this prosthetic limb to see if it is suitable or not. With this thing, it may be more convenient for you to live and move in the future.

He said that he helped Fang An remove the iron hook on his broken arm and installed the prosthetic limb made of copper on his broken arm. The front end of the prosthetic limb was an iron hand. With the movement of Fang An's arm, the iron hand would do some simple movements.

Fang An saw this kind of thing for the first time. He was very curious. He kept moving his arm and letting the iron hand at the front end open and close back and forth, and actually grabbed the wine glass on the table.

Under this, An was very happy. Lianlian thanked Xiaotian. Then Yu Xiaotian took out several other accessories in the box and told Fang An the use of these things. Among them were hooks, a short knives and a small shield. They only need to be installed on the prosthetic limbs and locked them with nuts, and they can be used, even if they move with people. In his hand, his left arm will also become a sharp weapon.

Yu Xiaotian really spent a lot of thought on this prosthetic limb and took time to think about it. It took several months to let the craftsman help him make the idea into a real object, and let a subordinate with a disability similar to Fang An use it for a period of time. He felt that it was okay to give it to Fang An when he came here this time. Delivered here.

Fang An looked at these things and was very moved. For so many years, after he lost his left hand, he has been a little inferior for this. He can only press a simple iron hook. As his left hand, it is very inconvenient to live, and the iron hook of his left hand is not very useful when people do it.

But today, when he saw that Yu Xiaotian sent him with so many functions, he was really moved. He used to know that Yu Xiaotian was good at pounding some strange skills ** tricks. He didn't expect that Yu Xiaotian would specially spare so much energy to make such a set of prostheses for him. In the future, he will have After this thing, his life will become much simpler, and even if he kills the enemy, his left hand is no longer a waste, especially the small shield, which provides him with a layer of protection. In addition, the iron hand and short blade below are an unexpected weapon.

If Yu Xiaotian doesn't pay attention to him, it is impossible to do so much for him. How busy Yu Xiaotian is, he knows better than anyone that he can spare so much time to make this for him, which makes Fang An grateful and doesn't know what to say.

So Fang An suddenly got up, knelt down to Yu Xiaotian and shouted, "Fang An, thank you for the grace of the head of the family!" In the future, Fang's life will be the head of the family! Fang An is willing to die for the great head!"

(Today, I will present a chapter of 4,000 words! Thank you for watching! Ha ha!)