Daming Haiku

Chapter 287 Return to Freshwater 4

The construction site of the boat is also very lively, with about three or 400 workers. At this time, all kinds of things needed to build the boat house are being built here.

Chuanliao is located about a few miles upstream of Danshuizhai. The water surface is wide, the water depth is suitable, and the terrain on the shore is also relatively good. When Yu Xiaotian came, he had taken a fancy to this place and had already designated it as the location of Chuanliao in the future.

Now Yu Xiaotian wants to drive Chuanliao to Danshui Village, which naturally becomes the location of Chuanliao.

In the early stage, Guo Fu, who was the main steward of the boathouse, came to supervise the array this time. In addition, he also brought several craftsmen who were familiar with shipbuilding, who were responsible for directing and dispatching personnel and building a new boathouse for sea wolf.

Although the dock has many advantages, in the current situation of catching up, it is obviously not a good way to build a ship with a dock, because digging a large dock requires much more labor than building a platform, and it takes more time to build a dock than the time to build several platforms.

So after consideration, Yu Xiaotian believes that the use of platform shipbuilding will not have much impact before they have the ability to build a larger ship.

And the cost of the platform is low. As long as the hull is built, it can be launched immediately, continue to carry out other habitats in the water, and free up the platform to continue to build new ships. In this way, the shipbuilding speed can be greatly improved as long as there are enough manpower.

So far, what he needs most is this light dhow. Although its hull is not large and its armament is not very strong, it is that this kind of ship is fast and flexible, and its firepower far exceeds that of the same size. It can also be used in sea operations.

More importantly, the current construction process of this ship is basically mature, and the craftsmen of the boat are familiar with its construction method. If construction starts on Nanri Island and here at the same time, it is estimated that they can get another six to eight sloops by the end of the year.

In this way, he can have a fast fleet that can cope with medium and low-intensity naval battles, and also have a pretty good patrol fleet, and can even equip a sloop in several places as a ship to convey messages or transfer important personnel and materials.

In short, what he needs most at present is this kind of boat, and if he wants to have such a fleet before the Spaniards take action against northern Taiwan next year, it depends on the progress of the project of Tamsui Village.

Now in May, he asked that at least three platforms be built here by the end of June, and immediately began to install keel on these three platforms and start building new ships at the end of June.

And if the progress of this time is put here, if there is a slight delay, it will delay the construction period, so when he comes here this time, the busiest place in Danshuizhai is probably even this new ship.

With the personal intervention of Xiaotian, the sea wolf gathered three or 400 workers here, including not only craftsmen, but also bought domestic slaves, and many hard labor.

These people are scattered on the whole ship's construction site and are as busy as ants. Due to their serious lack of animal power here, the limited cattle previously prepared are mostly used for farming, so the heavy physical work here basically depends on manpower to complete.

And a perfect and usable platform needs to lay a solid foundation now. Otherwise, when building a ship, the foundation may be subsidence because the foundation is not strong enough, and the hull tilt will eventually lead to the ship's inability to continue to build, or the hull structure of the ship may be distorted.

So as the most important platform in the boathouse, many people here are busy building the foundation. Yu Xiaotian has thought many times about getting cement for their various reconstruction projects, but cement is simple to say, but it is not easy to build a cement factory.

He has not been able to solve the grinding of various materials so far. He can only grind various raw materials with animal power or hydraulic stone grinding. The amount of work required is not small. At most, he can only use some slag currently produced in Nanri Island Workshop District, plus some tiles and broken porcelain pieces to grind them into powder. Make some earth cement for temporary emergency use, but if you want to get real silicate cement, he has to solve many problems first.

So here he can only use the ancient production technology to build his boat house. A group of people gathered on the construction site, the sound of the trumpet, taking turns to pile with a sledgehammer, and more people are struggling to ram it.

A pile of logs was piled up near the construction site. After the foundation was laid, it immediately began to be sawed by the carpentry, transported into the foundation of the construction site in sections, and began to build a platform.

A large wooden frame for shipbuilding is placed on the foundation, and there must be a slide to connect the platform. In addition, there are many workshops related to cooperate with the platform. For example, there are also workshops specializing in making hemp ropes, workshops for making sails, workshops for making iron products for ships, materials for twisting, and The shipbuilding industry is indispensable for bent wood cattle and so on. Only when all these things are in place can they really start shipbuilding. Otherwise, ships can't be built.

So in addition to the construction of the platform, there are still many places where sheds needed for other workshops are being built, so in addition to boatmen, dozens of house-building craftsmen have also been transferred here, with some people busy building houses on the shore.

In a word, when Xiaotian visited here, the project here was in full swing, and the people here had heard the news of Xiaotian's arrival in fresh water, and no one dared to slack off. They were all working hard on the construction site. Some hard workers were tired and lazy, and immediately the foreman went to cover their heads with whips. Zi pulled up.

Yu Xiaotian saw Guo Fu, who supervised the work here, and asked about the progress here. Guo Fu said with difficulty: "To be the big head, everything here is good, but there is still not enough manpower. The construction period required by the big head is too short. Our current manpower can only build two platforms before the end of June at most. It's not bad. The three seats can't be done!

And you see, there is still a silo here. Even if the wood is to be transported this month, it will be piled up in the open air. Once it rains heavily, the wood will be wet again and still can't be put down!

So the most urgent thing at present is to build a wooden warehouse and put the transported dry wood in the warehouse, so that shipbuilding can begin in July.

There are also a few blacksmiths who have to come here. There is a shortage of big nails and other things to build houses here. At present, even if these two or three blacksmiths use their strength to breast milk, they can't catch up with so many things.


In a word, Guo Fu said a lot of questions and asked Yu Xiaotian to understand his difficulties.

Yu Xiaotian and Fang An listened to Guo Fu's complaints and nodded, "I remember these. I will give you a solution tomorrow, but before the end of June, if the three platforms are not built well, you should at least ensure that the two platforms can start construction! The third platform will be built in July. By the end of the year, six platforms will be completed here, and six boats can be built at the same time!

If you want someone, I will find a way for you, and I will also help you solve it. In a word, the construction period should not be too long, otherwise, I will ask you!"

The expression on Guo Fu's face was bitter and fast. He nodded with a sad face and agreed. He worked with Yu Xiaotian for so long. He knew Yu Xiaotian's temper. Yu Xiaotian was very anxious to build more flying fast ships at the time. He knew that if he dragged the construction period was too long, then Yu Xiaotian might treat him. You're welcome.

At present, the sea wolf's boat house is not the same. After Yu Xiaotian's repeated search on the land, now there are many craftsmen in the boat house, and there are not many masters. Now Yu Xiaotian is not afraid of being inseparable from Guo Fu. If he can't do it well, the steward of the boat can let others do it at any time.

And he knows very well that Yu Xiaotian is quite generous to take action against their craftsmen. His stewman of the boat is as much as ten taels a month, which exceeds the income of many sea wolves, and there are other subsidies for his family's food and drink. If he is taken down, he will treat him so well. There was no place to find it, so Guo Fu could only gritt his teeth and agree.

After looking at the boat, Yu Xiaotian and Fang An moved to a place not too far from the boat. This place has been cleaned up. The terrain is high and relatively flat. It was originally planned to reclaim a large area of farmland, but with the change of Yu Xiaotian's plan, it was selected as a sea wolf. The location of the new camp.

In the future, a camp will be built here, and the new wolf will be sent here for training. At the same time, after a large number of new recruits finish training, the new camp will also become a barracks for the garrison here.

And it is close to the river, close to the boat house, and not far from the freshwater village. In case something happens, the garrison here can quickly rush to the big village and the ship house.

This time, Yu Xiaotian brought 50 selected soldiers with the ship, and also brought 300 selected new soldiers as the first batch of personnel to station here.

However, at present, their task is not to practice, but to build a new camp here as a pioneer. After the construction of the new camp is completed, they will be transferred to training on the spot. At the same time, a large number of follow-up personnel will be transported to the new camp and start training.

If nothing happens, the new recruits here will be sent to various places after the training time is basically available here. According to Yu Xiaotian's original plan, he will train 1,000 sailors and soldiers before the end of the year to meet his needs next year.

When they arrived at the location of the new camp, the new soldiers and veterans who came with Yu Xiaotian this time were brought here yesterday and set up tents in the camp.

Today, they have not started construction, and the veterans are grouping the newcomers in the newly cleared open space.

According to the custom of the sea wolf, it still adopts a five-five system. A veteran leads ten new men to form a team, a team with two troops, each chooses an army commander to take the lead, five teams form a team, five teams form a squadron, and five squadrons form a brigade...

(Thanks to stdx and the snoring brothers!)