Daming Haiku

Chapter 288 Second Freshwater 5

At present, the new Dingjia veterans here have temporarily formed a super squadron, with six detachments and a logistics team, which are responsible for providing food and other support to the squadron.

It was Meng Fei who led the team this time. Meng Fei performed well in the South Japan Island War and was looked up by Yu Xiaotian and was ready to reuse this guy next. Therefore, this time when the freshwater camp was established, he asked Meng Fei to come to take charge. In addition, he also sent a deputy to Meng Fei.

This deputy is Liu Tong, who has not been very revealing in recent years.

Liu Tong is the first group of people he saw when Yu Xiaotian came to the world. When Yu Xiaotian controlled the bird boat of Liu's shopkeeper, Liu Tong turned around and gave Yu Xiaotian a lot of help and killed Feng Scar.

Later, Liu Tong has been following Yu Xiaotian, but in recent years, Liu Tong has not stayed in the fleet to work, but was sent to the prison by Yu Xiaotian to work.

Liu Tong's position in the prison hall is not very high. He has always been responsible for leading some patrols. In fact, to some extent, the prison hall patrols are an internal guard of sea wolves. They are not mainly responsible for external affairs, but mainly responsible for public security patrols and other things on Nanri Island.

But few people know that Liu Tong actually has another unknown job, that is, he is full-time responsible for selecting people with high loyalty, and then mixed sand in various places as a way to control the subordinates of Yu Xiaotian.

And Liu Tong has done a good job in the past two years, but recently, because of Wang Hong's affairs, as the main person in charge, he failed to find that Ma Feng and other people were in trouble in time, which had a great impact on him.

This can be said to be a dereliction of duty of Liu Tong. If he can find that Ma Feng and others have signs of rebellion in advance, he can let Yu Xiaotian be on guard in advance, so that he will not end up causing a disaster and lead to Wang Hong's death.

So after this incident came out, even if Yu Xiaotian did not investigate Liu Tong, Liu Tong felt that it was inappropriate for him to continue to stay in the prison, so he secretly pleaded guilty to Yu Xiaotian and asked Yu Xiaotian to deal with him.

Liu trusted Liu Tong very much, and Liu Tong did a relatively steady job and pleaded for Liu Tong. After Yu Xiaotian asked about Ma Feng after the incident, he found that Ma Feng and the others had rebelled. In fact, after the fleet was sent to Treasure Island, it was not arranged in advance.

Therefore, Liu Tong's responsibility is not very big. Even if Liu Tong's sand sprinkled in the fleet found that Ma Feng and others were disturbing at that time, he could not inform Liu Tong. In short, Liu Tong could not be blamed for this matter, so he no longer held Liu Tong accountable.

However, considering that Liu Tong was worried about this and did not want to do this kind of thing again, he wanted to go back to work in the fleet, even if he was just a captain, but after repeated consideration, Yu Xiaotian felt that Liu Tong could still be reused.

So he finally pulled Liu Tong out of the execution hall and put him in the new camp as a deputy for Meng Fei. In this way, Liu Tong will accumulate popularity in the future. If he is outstanding in the future, he can be promoted faster.

And Liu Tong, as the first person to follow him, is also the most loyal subordinate to him. His current status is not even as good as many descendants on the Little Yellow Island who later followed him. For example, Blackhead is now sitting on the side of Chicken Cage Bay. Luo Xianbin has been promoted to the deputy management team of the three teams, including Han Xian, who is now been Transferring to the flying-name Clippers detachment to replace Luo Xianbin and become the management team of the Clippers detachment, but Liu Tong has never been silent and silently became a small patrol leader in the prison hall, which Yu Xiaotian also felt that it doesn't make sense.

Coupled with Meng Fei's bold and impulsive personality, although he can be said to be brave and resourceful, there is always one person around him who can remind him. Therefore, Yu Xiaotian is also worried that Meng Fei will make mistakes in the future. Now Liu Tong asks to resign from the affairs of the prison. So he transferred Liu Tong to Meng Fei to work and also stared at Meng Fei for him.

As for Liu's coming to help Meng Fei, Meng Fei has no problem. Meng Fei also knows Liu Tong and has had a lot of things with Liu Tong. When he caught Chu Cai's detailed work on the island and cracked the business stack that served as an eyeliner for Chu Cai Lao, it was actually the support provided to Meng Fei by Liu Tong behind his back.

And Meng Fei also knows that Liu Tong is actually not simple. He has a very close relationship with Yu Xiaotian. Although his status is not high, he is very trusted by Xiaotian. In addition, Meng Fei also heard that Liu Tong was the first person to follow Yu Xiaotian. There is no reason to have been doing small work in the prison hall. Now Yu Xiaotian has asked Liu Tong to be his deputy. This person is not simple either.

Therefore, Meng Fei did not dare to underestimate Liu Tong. He was quite polite and afraid of Liu Tong. After all, the people in the prison hall were very prestigious among the sea wolves. Even if Liu Tong's previous status was not high, no one dared to look down on him.

When Yu Xiaotian and Fang An visited here, Meng Fei and Liu Tong immediately came to salute.

How's it going? It's okay to do your new camp here!"

Yu Xiaotian asked the two of them.

Liu Tong did not say anything, deliberately stood behind Meng Fei's side, gave up Meng Fei, and asked Meng Fei to answer Yu Xiaotian.

Meng Fei immediately raised his chin, raised his ugly face with black spots, and shouted, "Satisfied! After marking it yesterday, I turned around the neighborhood. The place here is not small, and the terrain is complex, which is just right to clean up those new people!

From tomorrow, I will start to take these bastards, build fences and barracks first, and ensure that this place will be built within a month!

In addition, please ask the big man to help us prepare more wood, and do more on the campus to practice these guys!"

After Yu Xiaotian and Fang An looked at each other, they suddenly laughed. Yu Xiaotian didn't say anything, but Fang An spoke first. Fang An held the iron hand that Yu Xiaotianxin made for him with his left hand and said to Meng Fei, "Brother Meng is really busy! Yesterday, I didn't come here to have a few drinks with my brothers in the village, and I actually brought people here directly! What a punishment! Later, the brother will prepare a banquet for himself, and he must fine three glasses of wine for the Meng brothers!"

Meng Fei hurriedly hugged his fist and said, "I'm really sorry, Brother Fang! It's really military affairs, and I don't dare to neglect it. The boss here urges me tightly, and I dare not neglect it. I hope Brother Fang will forgive me!"

Yu Xiaotian felt even more funny in his heart, but he was also gratified that Meng Fei has now equipped with the quality of a standard soldier, and with the three fires of the new official's appointment, the fire is burning! He was eager to show his ability, so this guy didn't even enter the stockade and brought people here directly. If his men can be like Meng Fei, he really don't have to worry about achieving a great career.

But for the request just made by this guy, he shook his head and said, "It's okay! You can drink this wine when you have time. Now I want you to get you more wood. I don't think Fang An and I can help you with this matter!

You guys only care about the things under your eyes and don't look at how busy Danshuizhai is now. They are quarreling for people everywhere. Where can I find someone for you and help you cut wood?

So don't expect Fang An and I to help you. You can find a way to get the wood by yourself from tomorrow! At present, there are more than 300 people here, and the manpower is sufficient, and they are all big men. If I don't let you draw people to help elsewhere, you should be satisfied!

As for the tools, you can get them from Fang An, but you can find other things by yourself. There are so many forests in the north of the east that you can cut as much as you want!"

Meng Fei's face collapsed as soon as he heard it, squeezed an ugly face together, and said to Xiaotian, "How can this work! These guys will cause trouble if they go out! It's not enough to mark some tools. At least it's okay to get us a few ox carts!"

After thinking for a moment, Fang An nodded and said, "Brother Meng, the boss is telling the truth. It's not that I don't help you here, but I need people everywhere here now. If it's convenient for Brother Meng, I really want to ask Brother Meng to help us!

But about the ox cart, I can help Brother Meng transfer two cows and two big cars. If there are more, there is nothing I can do!

However, as long as the Meng brothers are brave enough to cut wood directly on both sides of the upstream, they can put them down, which is much more labor-saving than using an ox cart!"

Meng Fei immediately shouted, "What is that?" Isn't it just to take people up there to cut wood? Why dare you do this? Is it possible that the natives here can catch me and devour me alive? Give them an ambitious leopard, they don't have the ability! Tomorrow I will take people to have a look in person. What's so powerful about these natives!"

Yu Xiaotian was in a much better mood after hearing this. Meng Fei is full of momentum and dares to do it. After this guy comes here, it is estimated that it won't be long before some disobedient natives around here will have bad luck!

Sitting in a tent in the camp of the new camp, Yu Xiaotian, Fang An, Meng Fei, Liu Tong and others sat down again to continue to discuss manpower issues. Fang An said to Yu Xiaotian, "Big head! I know you are kind-hearted, but if we continue like this, we will definitely not be able to start the workshop area and boathouse according to the construction period you requested!

I don't know why the big head has urged so urgently, but there must be a reason for the big head! We are really short of people now! If the big head still relies on money to recruit manpower and immigrants step by step, it is estimated that hundreds of people will be good every month!

My subordinates think that since this is a very moment, the big man no longer has to stick to the previous rules. He might as well let go and simply capture some villagers along the coast. In such a short time, he can get a lot of human and material resources!"

Meng Fei and Liu Tong also nodded to Fang An's proposal. After all, they are pirates. Sometimes doing something out of line is not necessarily anything, which is the idea of most of them.