Daming Haiku

Chapter 293 Under the Situation in Taiwan

Speaking of this, Yu Xiaotian stopped and glanced at the men standing in front of him. They looked confused, but Sun Baoqiang replied, "I am the big boss. My subordinates think that the reason why this red-haired man keeps making trouble along the coast of Daming is that they just want to find a foothold to buy with Daming. Just sell it. I don't know if what my subordinates said is right?

Yu Xiaotian immediately nodded and said, "That's right! This red-haired man wants to find a foothold in the coastal area of our Daming to do business with our Daming!

But I'm afraid you don't know the origin of this red-haired man and dry silk man! I'll tell you a brief story today!

In fact, these red-haired people, Franco-machine people, and Gan Lasi people are all Taixi, which is what we call European countries! The dry people we often talk about, in fact, their country is called Spain!

And a long time ago, these three families actually belonged to Spain and belonged to one family! But later, the Flang machineman became independent from Spain. To put it bluntly, he became the king and no longer listened to the king of Spain!

Not long ago, the Red-haired people also left Spain and established their Netherlands! You just need to know this!

So far, the king of Spain has regained control of the territory of the Frang machineman. Now the two families are one, but after getting rid of Spain, the Red-haired people have begun to go against their old owners everywhere!

These three families all started by sailing. The red-haired people later settled down and couldn't get along with their old employer. They saw that their old employer Spaniards ran to our Daming's side, so they quickly chased their buttocks and rushed over. First, they grabbed Batavia from their old owner and wanted to do it with us Daming. Make a lot of money by buying and selling.

But Batavia is located in the southern ocean, a little far from our Daming. Daming merchants don't want to run that far to do business with them.

So the red-haired man wanted to emulate the Flang machineman in those years, and also made a place like Macao on the coast of Daming, but Daming suffered a loss and was no longer fooled, and refused to give the red-haired man this opportunity.

So the red-haired people began to make trouble and wanted to rob a place to open a port for business. Later, there was the battle between the Ming government and their Penghu.

The red-haired people are now learning to be smart. They feel that it is obvious that Daming will not agree to grab a place directly from Daming, so they retreated and simply ran to the south of the member island, occupied the big member, and began to build a city. They wanted to take the Hongmao City as the base, and compete for business with their old boss Spaniards in the future.

Although this member island is very close to the Ming Dynasty, it has never been under the jurisdiction of the Ming Dynasty and has been included in the territory of the Ming Dynasty, so the red-haired people took advantage of this gap.

The reason why I took you here to occupy the two places of Chicken Cage Bay and Freshwater is actually because it is not under the jurisdiction of Daming, and it can be used as the nest of our sea wolves in the future!

Now the red-haired people have come to Taiyuan Island. In recent years, they have colluded with our colleagues along the coast of Fujian, Guangdong Province, constantly intercepted merchant ships going to Manila to trade with the Ganla people, and forced them to turn to Hongmao City in Tainan to do business with the Hongmao people, which is equivalent to cutting off the financial path of the Ganla people.

Yu Xiaotian scolded the blackhead.

The black head was scolded by Yu Xiaotian and shrank his neck. He quickly lowered his head and knelt down on one knee and pleaded guilty, "The big boss is angry! Blackheads don't dare anymore! Please rest assured that I will never dare to be careless in the future. As long as I still have a black head, I will never let anyone rob this chicken cage bay! Unless he steps on my body!"

When Yu Xiaotian heard such a guarantee, his face relaxed and nodded, "Okay! I'll believe you again! For the sake of what you have done here this year, I won't care about you! But you all remember that this chicken cage is the foundation of me, and there should be no careless! I put you here to reassure you. If I don't reassure you, how dare I give you such an important place to guard!"

After hearing this, Blackhead, Sun Baoqiang and others quickly bowed to accept the order and thanked Xiaotian repeatedly. According to Yu Xiaotian's words, it was obvious that their group of people should be Yu Xiaotian's trust in them, not exiled here, so they had nothing to complain about. .

(Today, two chapters are still updated together, and the number of words in this chapter is too few!)

Chapter 294 Embrace

When Yu Xiaotian asked about the recent developments of the native tribes around the chicken cage village, Blackhead asked Li Qing, who is now hosting dealing with the natives here, to report to Yu Xiaotian.

Since the last time Yu Xiaotian personally led people to destroy the largest native tribe nearby, the surrounding native tribes have seen the power of the sea wolf fire weapon with their own eyes and began to respect and fear the sea wolf, a group of foreigners.

They watched the indigenous people of the most arrogant tribe here for so many years, cut to the ground like mowing grass in front of the sea wolf's guns and "guns", but they did not even have the ability to fight back at all. They were frightened by the fierceness of the sea wolf.

And they also saw that when the sea wolf members were cleaning up the battlefield, they ruthlessly cut off the necks of the seriously injured natives, and were shocked by the sea wolf's means and began to be full of awe of their outsiders.

So since that time, the number of local attacks on chicken cages in the surrounding area has been decreasing, which has greatly improved the safety of the sea wolves and the immigrants transported here during their activities in this area.

In the past, the sea wolf people and immigrants rarely dared to move far away from the chicken cage village, and only dared to move in a slightly wider place near the chicken cage village. However, after that time, the scope of activities of the sea wolf tribe began to gradually expand and began to extend their tentacles farther away.

After cooperating with the sea wolf once, some native tribes within dozens of miles around the surrounding area got a lot of advantages, that is, they carved up the territory of the destroyed tribe, harvested a lot of booty, got a batch of slaves, and got some knives, axes, guns and tools from the sea wolf, which can be said to be various They are all very happy.

In addition, they also found that these outsiders are not as bad as they think. Generally speaking, they do not provoke these outsiders, but these outsiders are also easy to deal with.

And these outsiders here have a lot of good things in the hands of Chickenlong wan, which are usually difficult for them to get, especially tools and cloth, which are much easier to use than those bone, wood or even stone things in their hands.

So these native tribes began to deal with the sea wolves in the chicken cage village, and from time to time they would run to the chicken cage village to exchange the skins and sea wolves they hunted for some useful things.

And the blackheads have also specially formulated a standard for barter trade, using some knives, axes, saw blades, tea, salt and cloth and other things to clearly mark the price, exchange for the animal skins they hunted from these natives, and set the corresponding levels for the skins of the natives, so that they can trade At that time, you can also know it in your heart.

In this way, the locals nearby felt that the sea wolf, a group of outsiders, were still very fair, so the relationship between them was better.

In fact, these natives are not completely in a closed state. In the hundreds of years before the sea wolf came here, many pirates and Japanese pirates have come to Taiwan Island to settle down, so the natives have not dealt with outsiders, but these outsiders mostly have little knowledge with the help of the natives, or kill the natives indiscriminately. , or arrest the natives as slaves, even if it is a transaction, they like to cheat the natives.

This has also caused the Natives' attitude towards being hostile to outsiders. They also adopted the same hostile attitude towards the sea wolf landing in Chicken Cage Bay, constantly attacking Chicken Cage Bay, trying to limit these outsiders to Chicken Cage Bay, and even hoping to drive them away.

But after cooperating and dating with sea wolves for a period of time, these natives found that the sea wolves did not seem to be as bad as they thought. When trading with sea wolves, they felt it was very fair. In the past, several of their best animal skins could not be exchanged for a knife, but now the sea wolf opened The price is more fair, so that they can now exchange fewer animal skins or prey for more useful things.

So gradually, these natives weakened their hostility to the sea wolves. They felt that after having these outsiders, their life seemed to be a little better, and they no longer hoped to drive the sea wolves away. Otherwise, they would have no place to change things in the future.

However, such a transaction does not suffer losses for sea wolves. On the contrary, the price offered by sea wolves is still very large for their profits. Often, the price of animal skins they exchange can be more than ten times after being transported to land, or to Manila, Macao and other places, but relatively speaking, the locals I just feel good.

Now, under the auspices of Li Qing, this kind of barter trade has been quite large. Every month, they can exchange for nearly 1,000 animal skins. Among them, the most popular are the skins of Taiwan's unique water deer and sika deer, as well as the relatively rare Taiwan cloud leopards, which are obtained every month. Profit can basically meet the living needs of the masses here.

It can be seen that as long as the mountain and sea economy develops seriously, it is still quite profitable.

In addition to the leather trade that has been formed in Chicken Cage Bay, sometimes the natives will trade some inedible wild animals with sea wolves. Li Qing also accepts them all according to the order, which is for the local ministries to improve their food. After part of the pickling, they are also sent to Nanri Island as a local product for other sea wolf masses. Have a taste.

In this regard, Yu Xiaotian specially found several people who can make preserved meat and sent them to the chicken cage village to make some prey meat preserved meat, and then shipped them to the land for sale. Unexpectedly, the business is also quite good, especially the preserved meat of venison and wild boar meat, which is quite popular with merchants in Fujian. With the pursuit of dignitaries, it has gradually formed a good business. Now Li Qing has set up a special food processing factory in Jilong Village, specializing in making this kind of meat.

And the raw materials have gradually developed from venison and wild boar meat to whale meat, and the production will become larger and larger in the future, which will become a good financial road.

Yu Xiaotian was very satisfied with Li Qing's work. He really praised Li Qing a few words, which made Li Qing very excited and quickly lay down to thank him repeatedly.

"Li Qing! Get up and talk, you don't have to! The things you care about are quite good. Yu has always done a fair job. As long as you do it well, Yu will not treat you badly!

Our sea wolf has just been established, and at present, chicken cages and fresh water, including Nanri Island, are all ready to flourish, and people like you are needed to take care of it! You can do it well. Although I dare not protect your glory in the future, at least I can protect your glory and wealth!

At present, it is particularly important for us to open up the road of wealth, but we can't compete with some trades on the land of the Ming Dynasty. We can't compare with them, such as silk in Jiangnan, porcelain from Fujian and Guangdong, and tea from Jiangsu and Zhejiang!

So we can only develop our own industry according to the situation! As the saying goes, we rely on mountains to eat mountains and water to eat water. Behind us is the continuous mountains and dense forests of Taiwan Member Island and facing the sea. What else can we rely on to make a fortune without relying on these?

So you have to find more ways in this regard in the future. At present, the meat workshop is just the beginning. In the future, what I want to see here is more and more processing farms of various foods. As long as you can make money, you can do it. If you want someone, I will give you a boat for you. In a word, Chicken Cage Bay will produce more in the future. More meat!

In addition to letting our brothers eat well, we also need to exchange it for silver. To do this, you are the meritorious official of the sea wolf, and you will enjoy it in the future!"

After Yu Xiaotian's words, Li Qing had a feeling that he wanted to cry. He used to be just an errand man. Later, the owner's boat drifted here in an accident. He was afraid of being eaten by natives every day, but he didn't expect that his fate had changed so much after meeting the sea wolf.

When Yu Xiaotian learned that he could speak natives, he immediately activated him. Now he is an important steward of the sea wolf in the chicken cage village. In addition to changing his clean and spacious residence, there are dozens of subordinates to run errands for him. In addition, he also married a beautiful wife some time ago, which is placed in He didn't even dare to think about it before.

Now these words Yu Xiaotian said to him make him feel that his life will be running again. As long as he works hard, he may really be able to get ahead and enjoy endless glory and wealth as Yu Xiaotian said, so Li Qing quickly knelt down to thank him.

After Li Qing finished speaking, Sun Baoqiang continued: "After destroying the group of natives, the big head did not specify how to allocate their territory. This move is really a wonderful move!

Since then, several groups of locals around have begun to fight for territory. They will conflict with each other from time to time. At present, these groups of locals dare not easily offend us!

Not long after the year, a group of natives robbed a mountain by relying on their crowd, bullied other groups of natives, and did not allow our people to enter their territory to hunt, and shot and killed our two brothers who went hunting in the mountain.

So he and the Blackhead immediately recruited several other natives, tried their best to clean up the group of natives, captured more than 100 of them, and drove them out of their previous territory! Although they were not destroyed, they were also turned from a big tribe into a small tribe, and they will never be rampant in the future. Their days will be sad in the future!

After this incident, several other natives are even more grateful to us. Their territory is now led by us and provided guidance to our people!

At present, according to the instructions of the original leader, we order the soldiers here to divide into three groups every month, 20 to 50 people each time, under the guidance of the native guide, into the mountains and forests to hunt! After entering the mountain, I also learned a lot from the natives.

In the past six months, we have gained a lot. At present, our people are no longer as easy as when they first came here. In the future, they will not brag about it. If there are locals who dare to attack our chicken cages in the future, even if they don't ask other natives for help, we can go in with our own soldiers. Get rid of it!"