Daming Haiku

Chapter 295 Native Auxiliary Soldier

This is probably the best news I heard after Yu Xiaotian came to Jilong Village. Since he led people to seize Jilong Bay, he has found a big problem that his men, whether they are crew or soldiers, are mostly transformed by fishermen in the coastal area.

Although these people are good at fishing, most of them are soft-footed shrimps when they enter the mountains and forests. They are not familiar with the jungle, let alone fighting with people in the jungle.

The last time he led people into suppressing the group of native tribes that attacked and killed the sea wolves. If he hadn't for the other native tribes to help, lured the group of locals out of the mountain forest and killed them with a platoon shot, it would have been difficult for him to deal with these natives roaring in the mountains and forests alone.

Although when he recruited soldiers last year, he began to pay attention to recruiting some hunters from the mainland of Fujian and adding them to the barracks in an attempt to improve the combat ability of sea wolf soldiers on land, especially in mountains and forests, such a method has not yet had an immediate effect.

After realizing this, Yu Xiaotian decided to take advantage of the unique natural conditions of the chicken cage village and the trust relationship established here with the natives to let the soldiers here enter the mountains and forests and learn how to survive and fight in the mountains and forests.

When he came to the chicken cage village this time, he undoubtedly wanted to see how the blackheads had done in this regard this year. Now after listening to Sun Baoqiang's words, Yu Xiaotian can rest assured. At least it can be sure that his arrangement at the beginning has had a certain effect and made the sea wolf troops stationed here. We have a certain ability to survive and fight in the mountains and forests.

The next step is to implement this method to Tamsui Village, so that the garrison of Tamsui Village can also gain experience in this regard, so that they can fight in the mountains and forests.

He did this not only to deal with the indigenous people living on Taiwan Island. Since he has determined that the sea wolf will develop on Taiwan Island in the future, in addition to dealing with the harsh environment here, he also has to deal with possible enemies, including many Western troops that have been weaponized.

Therefore, it is necessary for his soldiers to have a strong ability to fight in the mountains and jungles, which is also his capital to firmly control Taiwan Island in the future.

So Yu Xiaotian immediately nodded with a smile and said, "Well done! This is what I want! Unfortunately, the weather is too bad now, otherwise I must immediately accept your results and see for myself the level of the soldiers here hunting in the mountains and forests!"

The black head said proudly, "Please rest assured. At present, we have begun to be equipped with more and more tuff guns. Some time ago, 40 short guns were also distributed. After our people entered the mountain, they are no longer as frightened as before!

At present, Brother Sun and I go into the mountains to hunt every ten days. Basically, we can return the whole body and bring out a lot of prey!

In addition, in the past year, we have arrested more than 200 native slaves. These people are all monkey spirits in the mountains. After we cleaned them up hard, one or two are now obedient to us and very obedient, especially those guys who have been injured and saved by us, are even more obedient. .

So my brother Sun and I incorporated dozens of young and powerful and obedient people into the soldiers, acting as auxiliary soldiers for our people and following our brothers into the mountains.

With the help of these guys, it has made our people work much more smoothly in the forest. These guys are smart and flying in the mountains and forests. Some guys even dare to hunt with their bare hands, and it's not to mention setting hunting traps!

And they are also good at using bows and arrows. We have given them some strong bows that we don't use, and replaced those bamboo bows and bamboo arrows that they used to use well. These guys are much more powerful. With them, it's not difficult to enter the mountains now!"

After hearing this, Yu Xiaotian was quite surprised. He didn't expect to use these captured natives to fight for them, but he didn't expect to make Blackheads think of this method.

The natives have lived in the mountains and forests since childhood. The familiarity with the mountains and forests is by no means something that outsiders can achieve in a short time. There are special skills for activities and survival in the mountains and forests. If outsiders want to learn, it is really not easy to learn.

If the natives can be transformed into their soldiers, then this is awesome. The combat effectiveness of these native soldiers in the mountains and forests will definitely far exceed the sea wolf's own soldiers.

This method is quite a good method, so Yu Xiaotian nodded again to express his satisfaction with such a method. Later, he wanted to see how capable these native auxiliary soldiers were.

In the next two or three days, due to the impact of the typhoon, it was always raining heavily in Jilong Bay. The project could only stop and the ships could not go to sea, so that Yu Xiaotian could only stay here honestly and take the opportunity to have a good rest.

Since the old man had a stalemate with Chu Cai, Yu Xiaotian has been busy preparing for the war. After winning the battle of Nanri Island, various post-war aftermath came again. Yu Xiaotian was busy with four feet and had no chance to breathe for a while. It was not easy to arrange the post-war affairs of Nanri Island. Then there are various workshops* things.

So he set off for Danshui Village and Jilong Village for inspection. This time, he encountered a typhoon in Jilong Village, which forced Yu Xiaotian to take a rest.

Sometimes Yu Xiaotian himself thinks that he is so busy and so tired. He seems to be in a tense state when he comes to this world and has almost no chance to enjoy life. He just blindly protects his plate and raises his plate with one hand, but he doesn't Have some time to give yourself a rest.

Sometimes he doesn't even feel a little confused about whether it's worth it or not, but he just continues to be busy until he accidentally thinks of this matter, gets a little entangled, and then immediately forgets it.

It has been five years since the apocalypse. In the past few months, he has been busy dealing with Chu Cailao and has not paid attention to the current situation in the Ming Dynasty. A few days ago, before he left Nanri Island, he heard the news from the north that the slave army broke through the Lushun mouth at the beginning of the year. General Zhang Pan, Zhu Guochang was killed and the city was destroyed, which was also a great defeat of Mao Wenlong's Dongjiang army over the years.

Speaking of Mao Wenlong, Yu Xiaotian admires him very much. Mao Wenlong doesn't need to say anything more. Everyone knows that Mao Wenlong is a brave general of the Ming Dynasty. He led a few soldiers and built a strong Dongjiang army in Liaodong. When everyone almost gave up, A base to contain slaves was established behind Jiannu in Liaodong, which made Nurhachi, the slave chief, never dare to commit southern crimes when Mao Wenlong was alive. He had always been worried that Mao Wenlong's Dongjiang army, a sharp blade inserted in their back, would take the opportunity to kill them.

Unfortunately, Mao Wenlong never got what he wanted. Day after year, the court invested countless military resources in Liaodong, but Mao Wenlong's Dongjiang army has never received enough food and salary support. Even the limited military funds and salaries allocated by the court have been stripped by officials in Shandong and other places. After reaching their hands, most of them have been lost, so that since its establishment, the Dongjiang Army has always been worried about eating, which has also led to the deterioration of the relationship between Mao Wenlong and the civilian system.

Mao Wenlong is undoubtedly a very capable person and a great general who is extremely loyal to the Ming Dynasty, but only because he has never been able to obtain enough resources, he can't completely take the Liaodong Peninsula back into the hands of the Ming Dynasty.

The most annoying thing is that Yu Xiaotian has never figured out why Yuan Chonghuan, a bastard, did nothing after taking office, but ran to kill Mao Wenlong first. Historically, he has always said that Yuan Chonghuan is a loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty, but he killed Mao Wenlong and broke the arm of Daming that can contain Jiannu. It doesn't make sense.

Therefore, Yu Xiaotian has always had an unspeakable feeling about Yuan Chonghuan, because the evaluation of Yuan Chonghuan in later generations is very controversial. Some people say that Yuan Chonghuan is a standard loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty, while others say that Yuan Chonghuan is a complete bastard. Even if this guy is not a traitor to the Ming Dynasty, he is also a famous fisherman. A guy who loves to talk big.

At least in the matter of Yuan Chonghuan killing Mao Wenlong, Yu Xiaotian felt that it was really unforgivable.

Last year, the people he sent to transport ice to the north had contact with Mao Wenlong's Dongjiang Army in Shandong. The Dongjiang Army was indeed doing business at sea, pouring some specialties of Liaodong and some * specialties, especially Korean ginseng, Liaodong ginseng, deer antler, leather and horns.

This is also an important evidence that Yuan Chonghuan and other civilian officials later attacked Mao Wenlong, saying that Mao Wenlong and Jiannu traded privately and confirmed Mao Wenlong's crime of companies with the enemy.

However, Yu Xiaotian sneered at this statement. If anyone sits in Liaodong, he will have to find a way to feed so many Dongjiang soldiers and hundreds of thousands of refugees in Liaodong without enough financial and food support from his own country. The court can turn a blind eye to these things, but Mao Wenlong The commander of the Dongjiang Army must find a way to support these people if he wants to take root in Liaodong and survive on these refugees.

Now is the small glacier period. Even the winter along the coast of Fujian is freezing cold, not to mention the Liaodong area in the north. There is no snow for a few months all year round, and from time to time there will be severe droughts. The grain seeds planted in spring even begin to start again before they are ripe. It snowed, and there was no harvest all year round. Before he came to this era, he was not very clear about the impact of the Little Glacier Period on this era, but when he came to this era, he has now learned the power of the Little Glacier Period.

Therefore, to some extent, the small glacier era was also an important reason for the destruction of the Ming rivers and mountains. There was severe drought and cold in the north, which led to a serious famine in the north in this era, resulting in a large area of Daming Mountain, Shaanxi, Henan and northern Zhili. The peasant uprising, and the construction slaves and turfs living outside the customs, also began to commit large-scale crimes in the south in order to live a better life. In addition, the accumulation of corruption in the Ming Dynasty was difficult to return, and finally completely destroyed the building of the Ming Dynasty.