Daming Haiku

Chapter 303 Embrave a stick

Zhu Qinxiang, who had just arrived and didn't even have a warm chair, was stunned, because the news was so dense that he was almost overwhelmed, and then a rumor began to flow from the market that the sea wolf suddenly broke out and plundered the coast. It is aimed at Zhu Qinxiang, the new governor of Fujian.

There are rumors that the reason why the sea wolves suddenly attacked the shore this time is precisely because Zhu Qinxiang wanted to attack their sea wolves after taking office. Although their sea wolves have been on the coast of Fujian over the years, they have been restrained and have not harmed the people along the coast, but Zhu Qinxiang wants to send troops to suppress their sea. Wolf, that's why their sea wolves want to return the color to Zhu Qinxiang.

After listening to these rumors, Zhu Qin was very angry. If this is true, then the sea wolf is obviously demonstrating for him! At least he is a governor. As soon as he came to office, the sea wolf gave him a threat, and he wanted to faintly threaten him to be soft. How could he bow his head to a group of pirates? If he was soft, wouldn't it become a joke?

So Zhu Qinxiang quit this time and immediately recruited Liu Yinglong, a coastal defense guerrilla who was sitting in Xinghua Mansion at this time, and ordered him to immediately rectify the water camp warships in Xinghua Mansion and go to sea to pursue the pirate ships.

Liu Yinglong is about 40 years old. He was born to be powerful. The year before last, he followed Nanju Yibing to Penghu and fought head-on with red-haired people. He was quite brave and made military achievements. After recovering Penghu last year, Liu Yinglong was promoted to the post of Fujian coastal defense guerrilla and moved to Xinghuafu Xinghuafu.

Liu Yinglong was ordered to rush to the governor's office of Fuzhou Prefecture. When he learned that Zhu Qin wanted him to lead troops to sea to chase the sea wolves, he couldn't help but look embarrassed.

As soon as Zhu Qinxiang saw that Liu Yinglong did not respond for a long time, he knelt down but refused to take the order. Suddenly, he was furious and said angrily, "Liu guerrilla! Why don't you take orders? Do you want to disrespect the order?"

Liu Yinglong quickly lay on the ground and bent down and said, "I dare not mark it! Lord Futai, please forgive me! The mark is not to disobey the order, but it is really difficult to mark it! Lord Futai, please learn from it!"

Zhu Qinxiang stopped his anger and nodded, "Tell me!"

Liu Yinglong looked up carefully and said, "Lord Futai! The sea wolf has recently attacked and harassed the shore. This matter has been known, and people have been sent to strengthen prevention in the area of Xinghuafu!

However, recently, the lord of Futai wants to go to sea to chase and suppress him, not to be greedy and afraid of death, but to mark the current strength is really poor!

I just arrived at Xinghuawei in March. Although I was a coastal defense guerrilla and was responsible for preparing for the Japanese bandits, I didn't know that there were 1,600 people in the three water camps of Xinghuawei after seeing the water camp here. However, after the inventory here, I found that they were actually old and weak. All of them are included, and there are less than 700 people, and more than half of the staff are missing!

In the past, there were 53 warships of large and small sailors in Xinghua Weishui Camp, but these years, the sailor warships who came here have been in disrepair for a long time, and most of them have been scrapped and rotten on the shore!

At present, there are only less than ten warships left, which are barely usable, and these ships are already dilapidated and cannot be used to fight with pirates at all!

Lord Futai ordered him to go to sea to fight for thieves. The mark is really weak, to mark the current warships and troops under his command. It is said that it is difficult to chase and suppress seawolves. I'm afraid it's even difficult to go to go to sea! Therefore, I hesitated not to take the order under this mark, and I hope that Lord Futai can learn from it!"

When Zhu Qinxiang heard it, his head felt a little big. Although he also knew that in recent years, since Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayu left, the trouble of Japanese pirates has been alleviated a lot. The coastal defense in the south has become more and more relaxed, and the water camps in various places have been abandoned. Even if they are still preserved, the warships have been in disrepair for a long time. Unbearable!

After arriving here, he also inspected two water camps around the mouth of the Minjiang River in Fuzhou. The warships there were all mottled. Some of them had leaked and sat on the shore and sank deep in the mud and sand. The soldiers of the camp were even more short of personnel, which was indeed unbearable.

But he didn't expect that Liu Yinglong's men in Xinghuafu were also in such a situation, even more serious than that in Fuzhou, so he frowned and asked, "Is that true?"

Liu Yinglong nodded quickly and said, "How dare you deceive the lord of Futai! When asked by his soldiers, an old soldier said that since the end of Wanli, they have not built a new ship. After so many years, most of the old ships have long been rotten. Even the remaining ships were allocated some silver in the Xinghua Mansion in the past few years to fight part of the rotten war. The ship was dismantled and put together with usable wood, which is now unusable!

If Lord Futai doesn't believe this matter, you can ask the magistrate of Xinghua to know that there is no delusion under the mark!"

This time, Zhu Qinxiang scratched his head a little. Originally, he thought that he would attract Liu Yinglong and send Liu Yinglong to sea this time. Although he could not take back Nanri Island, he could at least beat the sea wolves and give them color to hit their arrogant arrogance, but he didn't expect to get such a result.

If he still forces Liu Yinglong to go to sea, then Liu Yinglong will certainly not dare not say no, but he can be sure that even if Liu Yinglong goes to sea, he will at most wander along the coast of Xinghuafu, and it is impossible to work hard to recover those sea wolf ships.

So he had to make another plan for this matter, so he immediately recruited the commanders of the envoys and asked in detail about the situation of the navy in Fujian, as well as the troops and ships used by Nanjuyi to attack Penghu.

However, after such a question, Zhu Qinxiang couldn't help but be even more discouraged.

It turned out that Fujian has tens of thousands of troops on paper, with a total of 1 or 20 military guards in various places and more than 10 coastal water villages. On the surface, the number is huge, but in fact, in recent years, Fujian's military equipment has been lax, and the military equipment has not been repaired, and there is a serious shortage of soldiers in the local security offices. In fact, available soldiers Only 30,000 people are less powerful, and there are hundreds of warships on record, but in fact there are only more than 200.

The last time Nanjuyi commanded the Red-haired man to attack Penghu, he almost used most of the warships in Fujian, but the number was still insufficient, so he had to temporarily recruit some merchant ships and fishing boats to participate in the war, and in the battle of Penghu, these ships were also damaged a lot.

In order to fill these vacancies afterwards, although Nan Juyi also thought of many ways to add some warships to some villages, this only made up for some of the gaps. In fact, the number of warships of Fujian sailors has not increased in the past two years, with the decay of ships. On the contrary, there is still a decline.

If Zhu Qinxiang wants to deal with sea wolves, he should at least follow the example of Nanjuyi last year and mobilize most of Fujian warships to participate in the war, otherwise it will be difficult to overwhelm the current sea wolves in number.

But this matter is easy to say and difficult to do. Although Zhu Qinxiang is the governor of Fujian at present, it is not a word to launch such a large-scale military operation. This involves mobilizing many soldiers and horses to participate in the war. Everyone knows that when the army of the Ming Dynasty is mobilized, it must be opened first. Pulling out the pay, you also need to give part of the previous unpaid soldiers, and once someone dies in battle, you will be given a pension.

In a word, if you want to use so many troops, this military capital is a big problem. Without 120,000 taels of silver, it is difficult to start a military operation on such a scale.

After arriving in Fujian, Zhu Qin also asked about the stock of banks and the reserves of grain and fodder in Fujian, but the result was not very optimistic. When Nan Juyi attacked Penghu, he spent a lot of money, and all Fujian governments have paid a lot of money. Now the treasury of Fujian is not full, so he wants to do it in the short term. Raising so many military resources is really not an easy task for Zhu Qinxiang.

Therefore, after Zhu Qinxiang waved his hand to drive away Liu Yinglong, he had to order the coastal states and governments to strengthen their defenses against the coastline, and counties should convene townships to prevent the attack of seawolves. In addition, he had no good way.

Under the instructions of Xiaotian, the sea wolf launched a month-long attack on the coast of Fujian, and found that the government did not make a tougher response, so it calmed down and ended this large-scale attack on the shore.

Over the past month, the sea wolves have gained a lot. They have plundered more than 70 villages along the coast of Fujian, and these villages have been carefully selected in advance. In each village, there are one or two or three large families, but the property obtained from their homes is as high as tens of thousands of taels of silver. If some of these things are counted, it is estimated that the value will double.

In addition, a large number of cattle, mules, horses and other things have been obtained from these large families, which is also the materials urgently needed by sea wolves. Freshwater villages and chicken cages are now pioneering in a large area. It is impossible to rely on manpower alone. Large livestock are urgently needed to help cultivate. This large number of mules and horses have greatly alleviated them. The demand for animal power.

In addition, their biggest harvest is the abted population. Through this month-long operation, the sea wolf captured thousands of people from the coast of Fujian. Although less than half of the labor force is carried out by the whole family.

For these ordinary villagers who were kidnapped, although the sea wolf behaved very hard and fiercely when plundering, in fact, after forcibly wrapping them away from the shore, they did not harm these people.

(Today, I would like to thank the Eagle Martial Brothers for the reward, and I will update another chapter in the afternoon! I have decided to update no less than twice a day this month. Thank you for your help! Let's get off to a good start! Ha ha!)