Daming Haiku

Chapter 304 Mobilize the masses*

On the contrary, after each operation, the sea wolf will first transfer these captured population to a temporary assembly point at sea, allowing them to recognize each other first, find their relatives, and let these villagers carry the soft things and some tools in their homes during the operation.

The sea wolf did not force the property carried by these people. Instead, after transporting it to the gathered island, it asked them to sort out the belongings they carried, keep them by themselves, and did not forcibly confiscate them.

In addition, the army of the sea wolf department is disciplined, and the women among these people who are not allowed to be captured by the huo forces. Although there have been some cases of the sea wolf tribe who raped women during this period, once they are found, these guys who can't control their lower body will be severely punished immediately, especially dozens of military sticks or whips, or directly tied up. Get up and escort him back to Nanri Island and send him to the execution hall for disposal.

For these disciplinary people who were sent to the execution hall, most of the execution hall first beat the military sticks, and then sent them to the hard labor camp to serve hard labor for one to three years. For several of the serious criminals, they simply tied them to the execution ground and cut off their heads, and sent their heads to the bitter masters to kiss them. I saw their end.

And these captive people, when their homes were attacked by sea wolves, were all scared to death. When they were escorted to the ship by the sea wolf, they cried in a mess. They felt that they were completely finished this time. I don't know what they would suffer in the future! Therefore, after getting on the boat, all the people on the boat cried, and even some women tried to throw themselves into the sea on the boat to preserve their virginity.

But when they were transferred to some small islands on the sea for assembly, these villagers gradually found that these fierce sea wolves on the shore became no longer as fierce as when they went ashore, but became kind.

After these people arrived at the temporary assembly point, they even let the villagers recognize their relatives and sort out their belongings by themselves. They did not take away the belongings they carried with them, let alone harm women.

After arriving at the temporary assembly point, the sea wolf people here have even cooked a pot of food for these captive people to eat.

The hungry people couldn't figure out the situation at the beginning, so they could only follow the instructions of the sea wolves. First, they were lined up to receive bowls and chopsticks, and then went to the cauldron, where someone put food in the bowl in their hands.

When they held the bowl and looked at the food in the bowl, they found that the food provided to them here was unexpectedly good. The bowl was full of thick rice porridge, and there were some seafood and salt in the porridge, and even a little minced salted fish.

For these ordinary people, they dare not eat more food even at home all year round, but they didn't expect that after being tied up by these pirates, they ate such a meal here, so these hungry people began to snore one by one with bowls. Come on, some children even licked the bowl after eating, looking unsatisfied.

"Everyone can hear it clearly! Don't be afraid! Our sea wolf is not what you think, although we used a little stronger to invite you here this time! But we are not like some colleagues, just to harm you!

You can rest assured about this! You have also seen. Has anyone harmed you, our sea wolf brothers? No!

Has anyone robbed you of your belongings? No! Yesterday, there were indeed several immoral things that harmed women, but you have also seen that those who should be beaten have been beaten, those who should have been killed have been killed, and there are several immoral things that have been tied up by us and sent back to the prison for disposal. They have suffered!

So you don't have to be afraid! Our sea wolf brothers will not do anything to you!

And you all look at the bowl in your hand. If we want to hurt you, can we treat you with this meal? Impossible! It's good to give you a bite!

Since I'm here today, I might as well tell you! In fact, we didn't tie you up to harm the villagers!

Look at yourself. Speaking of how many people planted their own land when they were in your house? Isn't it all for those rich people? After paying the tenant rent of the owner all year round, how much harvest can you lose?

Now we invite you here to find a good place for you. In the future, every family will have its own land, and there is no need to look at the faces of those rich people! And we sea wolves will help you build new houses so that you can live a stable life! Where can you find such a good thing?

So you don't have to be afraid. Next, we will send you to a place where there are endless fields and endless fields. As long as you have the strength, you can open up wasteland and grow as much as you can, as long as you are busy!

And our sea wolf still provides you with food and drink for the first year. After the harvest in the second year, only 40% of your grain is collected, and the rest is your own. You can eat whatever you want, and change whatever you want! Isn't it much better than you used to farm for those rich people?

But I have to say ugly words first. Since I invited you here, you'd better be obedient! As long as you listen to greetings, our sea wolves can't wait for you! But if anyone wants to make trouble, you can see clearly that the knife in our hand is not vegetarian!

Come on! Bring those bastards! Let the big guys see! ......”

Just as these people were busy snoring, a man in indigo sea wolf military uniforms walked to the crowd, took a loudspeaker and began to speak loudly to the forcibly abted people.

The voice of the sea wolf immediately attracted the attention of all the people gathered here and looked at this person one by one, showing doubts, both confused and worried.

What this person said is almost true. Among these captive people, most of them don't have much land on land, and even most of them don't have their own land. They can only rent some land from rich families. After a year of hard work, after the grain is handed over to tenants, there is basically not much left. Food can only barely make ends meet.

Like they have worked all their lives and basically have no savings. If they encounter a disease or disaster, they can only stand still. Otherwise, they may starve to death.

Now these sea wolves suddenly tell them that there is an endless land to send them to open up wasteland and farm, build houses for them, and take care of their meals in the first year. How can such a good thing be possible? So although they sound good, few people actually believe it.

Only a few people cheered, because these few people have heard about sea wolves soliciting immigrants before, and have also heard that after arriving at Nanri Island, they are living a good life. Sea wolves planted their land and helped them build houses. This should not be fake. Now only I didn't expect that the sea wolf would use this method to forcibly capt them.

So someone immediately asked, "This good man, do you mean that the little ones want to go to Nanri Island? That would be great!"

The sea wolf who came out to shout to them looked at the person who opened his mouth to ask, smiled and said without saying, "Don't ask this!" You will know when you get there! Anyway, we sea wolves can't wait for you!"

While talking, several people were pushed to the front of these ordinary people. They were gray-headed and frightened, and were pressed and knelt in front of these people by the sea wolf.

At a glance, many of these people know these people who are tied up by five flowers. These people are their former owners, that is, their landlords, and these people are basically the kind of vicious people who do a lot of bullying men and women in the local area, which can be said to be notorious.

This time, the sea wolves attacked the shore, and these notorious guys along the coast naturally became the target of the sea wolves' choice. They were taken away by the sea wolves and tied their whole family here with the boat. Today, they were dragged out in front of these ordinary people.

"Many people know these guys! Speaking of which, they should be the owners of some of you, but I'm afraid you all know how these people usually treat you.

It is estimated that many people's land should have been occupied by these people. Now you still have to farm for them and be exploited by them!

Our big head is the most hateful person, and we have never seen these bastards! Since I arrived here today, I will give you justice in front of you!

Today, we will give these guys to you. Anyone who has a grudge against these guys can let go of revenge, and those who have grievances can revenge at will! How to deal with it, you can see for yourselves!" With that, the sea wolf's subordinates waved their hands and put aside the men who were holding these guys, holding their arms and making a look on the wall.

In fact, these sea wolves were personally instructed by Yu Xiaotian to do so. Since ancient times, although many landlords and tenants have got along well with tenants, there are indeed some landlords who rely on money and power, bully good deeds, and accumulate deep hatred with tenants and villagers.

These bullies selected today are such a typical example. Usually, the villagers are submissive and dare not be cynic to them, but once these tenants are given a chance, all their anger will completely burst out.

This is a very good way to buy people's hearts. After the founding of the country, this method was used a lot, and it really worked well.

And Yu Xiaotian simply learned this method and handed over these famous bullies to these ordinary people to deal with.

(Sorry, I went out to visit relatives this afternoon! The update is a little late, and I finally caught up! Ha ha! Do you want a monthly ticket?)