Daming Haiku

Chapter 305 Title

When the sea wolf retreated, the people on the island were silent for a long time and looked at the guys kneeling in front of them. For a while, no one dared to do anything to them, because these people usually accumulated so much power that now although they were caught by the sea wolves and were left behind in confusion. In front of the villagers, these people still don't dare to take anything to them.

And these bullies also realized that their situation was very bad. They quickly panicked and searched for familiar faces in the crowd. When they saw people from the same village or their tenants, they immediately howled.

These guys called the names of some people they knew, talked about how good they had been to these people before, how many good deeds they had done for them, and begged them not to mess up.

But it's better for these guys not to mention the past, but once they start to mention what they have done before, some people begin to recall the evil deeds of these people.

So someone began to dare to point to these guys and rebuke their evil deeds and refute what they said. As soon as someone took the lead, more people began to remember that they had been angry with these guys before, so the crowd gradually began to boil, and more and more people began to remember In the past, the more angry they became, the more excited they became. Some people couldn't help pointing at these guys and cursing.

Of course, some of them are the most victimized by the most bitter masters. Some people cried while scolding. Some people said that their family were killed and injured by these people, some people mentioned that their daughters were occupied by these guys, and some people said that their land was forcibly occupied by these guys... ...

In short, the more angry they became, the more excited the crowd became. Gradually, the crowd began to rush forward. I don't know who shouted in the crowd: "Smash! Smash these bastards!" With that, a stone flew out of the crowd and fell on these guys.

As soon as they saw someone stone these guys, some bold people also joined them and began to pick up stones on the ground and throw them at these guys. When they saw someone starting to throw stones, more and more people began to join them.

These guys are very unlucky. Hundreds of people gathered here. Even if each person picks up only one stone and throws it, it is hundreds of stones. They have never practiced iron cloth shirts and golden bell covers. How can they withstand such a stone rain!

After a while, the crowd boiled up. The stones were thrown out of the crowd like heavy rain and fell on these guys who were kneeling on the ground. First, they beat them to burst their heads and burst their blood. Then after a while, they were knocked to the ground, but the people were still He didn't stop, but worked harder.

At first, these unlucky bullies still screamed and begged for mercy, but after a while, they couldn't scream out. Some people were quickly knocked unconscious, but the stones were still falling, and the stones began to turn into stones, getting bigger and bigger, just a ray of incense. These bullies were all killed alive and killed by these excited people, and they were all different. Even in the Hall of Hell, the Lord of Hell may not be able to recognize them.

Even so, the already crazy people still refused to stop, continued to throw stones at their bodies, and kept smashing these guys into mud. At this time, the crowd gradually calmed down.

But when they saw them smashing these bullies into meat mud alive, these people began to be afraid again. They quickly retreated one by one and quickly hid far away. They began to be afraid one by one.

The sea wolf who lectured them at this time, with a disgusted expression, looked sideways at the guys who were killed alive, shook their heads slightly, and once again walked to the front of the crowd with a loudspeaker.

"Look at you, I just said let you take revenge, but I didn't say I wanted you to kill them alive! You can also have a look. What did you smash them into? Is there any human form?

You have made a big mistake this time! They are all gentry in your hometown! You just scolded a few words and beat them twice, but you actually killed them alive! What should I do? If the government knows this, arresting you will be a serious crime to kill the head!"

As soon as they heard the words of this sea wolf, these people were suddenly scared. They are usually honest countrymen and know almost nothing except farming. Now in anger, they have killed these people, and almost everyone has taken action, even if they don't know these bullies. Seeing so many people doing it, I couldn't help losing a few stones, so no matter who wants to push them, they can't push them away.

If this matter spreads to the land, then even if the sea wolves put them back, then these bully's relatives and government can't forgive them. If they are not killed by the relatives of these guys, they will be arrested and killed by the government. Therefore, they just now beat them randomly. Although they were happy, they gave their own back way. Completely interrupted.

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at each other one by one. Some people reacted quickly and soon realized that they were fooled by these sea wolves today. They dug a hole, and they jumped down foolishly, which is equivalent to sending a name to the sea wolf. In the future, in addition to following the sea wolves, they will listen to people. There is no other choice than the family's instructions.

After seeing the expressions of these ordinary people, the sea wolf coughed, copied the horn and shouted to them, "It's okay! Now that this has happened, you don't have to be afraid. Just follow our sea wolves. Our big head can ensure your safety and will never treat you badly! I dare not say that you will be prosperous in the future, but as long as you are willing to work hard to farm, at least ensure that your food and clothing is not a problem. The worst thing is that it is much better than your previous life on land!

Now that you line up, someone will register you. You will report your name and who is in your family. Who is the head of the household? We will make a book for you by household. In the future, when you arrive at the place, three households will be given a cow, and each family will be given three taels of silver! Where can you find such a good thing?

If you don't have farm tools after you get to the place, we sea wolves also have ready-made ones for you to borrow. It's not too late to buy them at a discount next year after you have a harvest!

In short, you don't have to worry about anything. At this point, it's natural for you to follow our sea wolves! But it's better to say ugly words first. If anyone is disobedient and makes trouble for us, our knives are not vegetarian! If you have the guts, just come! ......”

(Today is my mother-in-law's birthday, and I guess I will drink too much, so the two chapters have been updated together!)

Chapter 106*1

Ships full of forcibly captive people began to set out from several small islands in July, sailed separately to Taiyuan Island across the sea, entered the Tamsui River and Chicken Cage Bay, and docked on the dock.

After arriving at these two places, a group of people who were not used to take the boat walked off the springboard, and some were even carried down or lifted off the boat.

When they arrived at these two places, they were almost crying, because when they were on the ship, they had already felt the direction of the ship's voyage, driving towards the east far away from the Ming Dynasty, farther and farther and farther away from their home, and the Chinese people have had a feeling of earth since ancient times. When they knew their distance After their homes became farther and farther away, these people began to panic and cried on the boat.

Fortunately, most of these people are not good at nature. Although they are noisy, they dare not seize the ship under the custody of the sea wolf. They can only cry and continue to be transported to unknown places until they reach their destination.

It was not until they landed that they learned that this was Taiwan Member Island, which is also called Taiwan, and the place where they landed was the territory of the sea wolves.

So these people had no choice but to drag their belongings with their belongings and went down to the shore. Then the sea wolf personnel received them and guided them to a temporary gathering point, where a large temporary haystow had been built and fenced around them.

For good, although the sea wolves here were strict with them, they were also very disciplined and did not harm them. Some people examined their bodies, some people gave them some unknown decoctions, and some people separated them and took them to the two large pools to take off all their clothes and wash them. I took a look and began to serve them porridge.

But the sea wolf had a way that made these people very unhappy. All the men were shaved into bald heads, while women were forcibly washed their hair carefully with something that would foam.

And their clothes were also thrown into the boiling pot and boiled before returning them, which made these people panic. They didn't know why the sea wolf cleaned them up so clean.

Of course, the sea wolf department also gave them some explanations, saying that this is for their good. The soup given to them is to help them get rid of the insects in their stomachs. In addition, it can also help them prevent some diseases. As for shaving their hair and washing their hair, it is to remove lice and fleas in their hair. In short, it is for him. Hello.

Although these people arrived here reluctantly, they could only be at their mercy. After being locked up here for more than ten days, except for some sick people who continued to stay, the rest of them began to be guided to some surrounding places by sea wolves, sent them some tents and tools, and began to be built with them. House.

Only then did these new immigrants see that there are indeed a large area of uncultivated land here, and there are indeed many completed villages around. Some villagers are busy farming in the fields they have cultivated, and there are already some crops in the land. It is beginning to mature, but there is indeed a thriving scene.

So these new immigrants felt more or less comforted and began to have a little expectation for the future...

Yu Xiaotian walked in the workshop area of Dazhai and stopped to chat with the foreman in charge in some workshops from time to time. Since the launch of this large-scale attack on the shore, he and his men have clearly realized that their sea wolves have attracted the attention of the land court and the government.

They are no longer the old group of silent sea wolves. Since their defeat this time, they have officially entered the eyes of the government and become a force valued by the government.

Although Zhu Qinxiang did not immediately organize troops to launch an advance and suppress them this time, the information obtained from everywhere shows that the government has begun to regard them as a potential threat. As long as they still stay on Nanri Island and continue to operate along the coast of Fujian, the government will only mobilize troops against them sooner or later. Things.

So those who had previously resisted Xiaotian's relocation of various workshops to Taiwan Yuandao have now understood Yu Xiaotian's intention.

Nanri Island is no longer a safe place. These workshops that seawolves rely on for a living are indeed not suitable to continue to stay on Nanri Island. For their next development, it is really necessary to gradually move these workshops to Tamshai Village or Chickenlong wan to avoid one day here. Become a battlefield again.

So the planned relocation of workshops has been tightened during this period, especially the two sea wolves rely most heavily on arsenals and gunpowder workshops. As the first batch of workshops to be migrated, it has begun to start on these days.

With the acceleration of the progress of the Danshuizhai workshop area, these workshops were built at the earliest. Although there are still many small tasks that have not been completed, Yu Xiaotian decided not to wait any longer. After transporting some craftsmen and some tools, they will be put into trial production there and gradually improve them.

Now, half of the craftsmen in the gunpowder workshop have carried their tools and boarded the ship to Danshui Village, and two important military weapons workshops have also begun in the past two days.

A batch of previously made tooling has been dismantled and tied with tarp and hemp rope. The package is tightly marked with numbers on it and is being gradually transported to the dock.

Some of the craftsmen who decided to move to Danshui Village and Chicken Cage Village have been busy packing up these two days, packing up their private small tools and soft furniture in their homes, and ready to board the boat at any time.

For this large-scale * operation, Yu Xiaotian ordered the sea wolf's merchant fleet to stop half of the ships and be responsible for this * operation.

More than 20 cargo ships, which have been gathered at the dock at this time, including some escort ships, are also waiting in the bay and ready to set out at any time.

Some bulky things, with the efforts of a large number of people, were loaded into ox carts, slowly shipped out of the workshop area and headed for the dock.

Several leveraged human cranes were erected on the dock, tied some bulky materials, and slowly hoisted them to the ship under the operation of manpower and placed in the cabin.

With the help of modern machinery, such relocation activities rely on manpower and simple machinery, which is not easy and requires the cooperation of many people.

Seeing that the tools they have used for a period of time are dismantled and shipped away from the workshop area, the craftsmen here are a little reluctant.

When Yu Xiaotian went to the shooting, he saw the blacksmith here. At this time, the blacksmith Zhang was busy commanding the craftsmen here to pack the last batch of tools to be moved away, but his face was reluctant.

Seeing Yu Xiaotian coming, Zhang Blacksmith quickly explained the matter at hand and continued to do it. He came to see Yu Xiaotian

"You're welcome! How's it going? How long will it take for this batch of tools to be loaded on the ship? Yu Xiaotian asked Zhang Blacksmith to be exempted from etiquette and asked him.

Zhang blacksmith quickly replied, "There is only this little thing left in this shed. It will be loaded and transported to the dock for shipment. It can be loaded on the ship tonight at the latest, and there will be no delay tomorrow's departure!"

Yu Xiaotian nodded and said, "That's good. I won't wait for it!" This period of delay is not short, and it will take many days to settle there. It will take you to hurry up and let it go there as soon as possible. Otherwise, Xinding can only use those guys with knives and guns after finishing the training!"

The blacksmith Zhang quickly bowed and said, "I understand! These days, a lot of things have been delayed, but fortunately, the craftsmen left behind are finally not idle. In the past two months, more than 100 long guns, * ten short guns have been made. As soon as this person is separated, the output here will be reduced a lot!

I'm afraid that the workshop on the other side of Danshuizhai will not be put into production until at least a month later. I'm afraid it can't catch up! I hope the head of the house will forgive me!"

Yu Xiaotian shook his head: "You are not blamed for this! It's my decision, which will definitely delay some time, but in the future, as long as the guns over there are put into production, the output of both sides will naturally recover!

In addition, during this period, the fleet and soldiers have tied up a group of blacksmiths from the land. After these people are appeased, some of them will be sent to work under you!

Now all the knives and guns have been stopped, right? The new blacksmith should quickly teach them the skills they built, so that they can also help as soon as possible!"

"At present, knives, guns, farm tools and some big nails used in boat houses have all been discontinued! According to the orders of the big owner, the craftsmen turned to cannons and shooting.

If we can give fifty more blacksmiths this time, I can teach them to build fire in two to three months at the latest. Anyway, we don't have to let them learn all the craftsmanship and specialize in the construction of a part. If they can't learn it again, they should feed pigs!

At present, more than 20 craftsmen have been selected to learn how to build a pipe. Now it's almost time to become an apprentice. Next, they will turn to the pipe and specialize in making a pipe. In the future, we can create at least 100 more in a month. There is no problem with the root tube!" Zhang Blacksmith is very confident in the matter he is in charge of.

Yu Xiaotian is relieved. Although the cannon is his foundation, his demand for * this weapon is also very large. * has the natural long-range advantage and the advantage of short training time, which cannot be replaced by other weapons.