Daming Haiku

Chapter 14 gloomy end

Yu Zhigao turned out to be the same as Zhang Jiace's deputy general in Fujian, and Yu Zhigao was the son of Yu Dayou, a general who shocked the coast of Fujian in those years. First, he was promoted to martial arts in Wanli, and then became a hereditary guard commander. Over the years, he has been responsible for fighting against Japan and preparing for Japan in Fujian. He has made many contributions and was promoted to vice general. The position.

Then Yu Zhigao made contributions in the Battle of Penghu, and the deeper reason was that Yu Zhigao had help in the dynasty and had a solid foundation, so he was promoted to the position of general officer of Fujian at the end of last year.

Zhang Jiace and Yu Zhigao used to be deputy generals and had a good relationship with each other. This time, Zhang Jiace was unlucky. He was attacked by a sea wolf and shelled Puxi's city, but he was smart enough. After the war, he immediately sent his own soldiers to secretly capture and kill some coastal exiles and small thieves, which brought more than 100 heads. Full of combat skills.

Therefore, under Yu Zhigao's help of lobbying, Zhu Qinxiang wanted to blame Zhang Jiace, but failed in the end. On the contrary, Zhang Jiace "killed" more than 100 pirates, and this time he still had merit.

In the end, Liu Yinglong, a coastal defense guerrilla, had to take charge of this matter. Liu Yinglong was ordered to be removed from his official position and rushed home to be a local rich man!

What made Zhu Qin more angry was that he heard that the sea wolf was secretly sending people to lobby in the land government. He spent a lot of money to ask Fujian officials to impeach him and vowed to dismiss him. In addition, Zhu Qinxiang himself belonged to the Donglin Party. After Wei Zhongxian gained power, he was in the same situation with the Donglin Party. Zhu Qin naturally Wei Zhongxian can't please him.

There happened to be so many people impeaching Zhu Qin, how could Wei Zhongxian let go of such a good opportunity? Therefore, before the end of the fifth year of the apocalypse, the court issued an order to dismiss Zhu Qin and replace Zhu Yifeng, the former right-wing and inspector of Fujian, to replace Zhu Qin, who is quite a new governor of Fujian.

So far, Yu Xiaotian's struggle with the government this year basically ended in a complete victory. Zhu Qinxiang was repeatedly slapped by the sea wolf because he chose the wrong opponent, so that he finally got a disgraced dismissal and went home for retirement.

The news of Zhu Qin's dismissal was sent to the wolf's den on Nanri Island as soon as possible. After hearing this, Yu Xiaotian sighed slightly and felt that it was not worth it for the governor of Fujian.

Originally, he wanted to shoot him and quietly entered the village. He made his fortune peacefully at sea and didn't want to make such a deal with the government. However, Zhu Qinxiang wanted to talk to him and tried his way to take him with him. He asked himself that he didn't pick up this time, but he was not afraid. If someone wants to treat him, he will naturally not sit and wait for others to treat him, so this time he will deal with Zhu Qinxiang, the governor of Fujian, so fiercely.

Now that Zhu Qinxiang has been dismissed by him, he has been dismissed and went home to rest, so he has ordered to let the busy sailors and the barracks during this period stop, ending the second large-scale attack on the coast of Fujian.

This time, it was so noisy with the government that it made another live advertisement for the sea wolf. The sea wolf actually dared to move even the officers and soldiers, and took the initiative to force the door to directly destroy the warships of the officers and sailors in the water village. This is quite shocking news for the pirates in the two areas of Fujian.

Although the officers and sailors have not made much achievements in suppressing bandits at sea for so many years, at least they carry an official name. Even if the pirates at sea are strong, few people take the initiative to fight the officers and soldiers, but this time Yu Xiaotian took his men However, the sea wolf troops set this precedent, beating the officers and soldiers in a gray face, and destroyed dozens of warships of the officers and soldiers at once.

It turned out that Chu Cailao and other peers who rubbed their hands in the dark originally planned to see the direction of the wind. Once the officers and soldiers defeated the sea wolf this time, they immediately began to fight against the sea wolves and take back everything they had lost before, especially Chu Cailao, who gritted their teeth and secretly vowed that they would be born with filial piety. He slept and ate his meat, and revenged for his humiliated defeat on Nanri Island at the beginning of the year.

However, the result surprised Mr. Chu and others again. This time, the sea wolf won so much that they didn't even have a chance to take action. They came to take the lead. They killed the warship mobilized by the government, abducted merchant ship nailed by the government, and immediately killed the government's plan this time. Medium.

Such a result suddenly made Boss Chu Cai discouraged, and he could only continue to stay honestly, secretly used his strength to breastfeed, pull people everywhere, * the merchant ship replenished the ship.

And after Mr. Chu Cai suffered a big loss from the sea wolf on Nanri Island, he also decided to lay down and taste the gallbladder and feces to paint the wall, and find a way to make his own cannon.

For this reason, Chu Cai has been constantly going back and forth between red-haired people, Flangji people and Gan Lasi people in the past six months, and even contacted the British business hall in Batavia that did not come to China's coastal activities, and wanted to get some cannon-casting craftsmen from them.

But these efforts have failed, and these Thais are not stupid. They care very much about the output of craftsmen. Nowadays, arms are hard currency along the coast of Daming, and a light naval gun (six pounds, eight pounds) can be sold for more than 1,000 taels of silver, and heavier naval guns, such as 18 pounds. The cannon can sell at least 3,000 taels of silver. How can they easily teach pirates like Chu Cai the art of casting cannons?

Therefore, after half a year, Chu Cai's desire to imitate the Western cannon by himself failed, but he spent a lot of money to buy more than a dozen Hongyi cannons from the red-haired man, which could not solve the big problem at all, but only enhanced his strength.

Later, Mr. Chu Cai heard that after the battle between Zhangzhou Prefecture and Quanzhou Prefecture in Penghu, some craftsmen borrowed the Hongyi cannons that captured the red-haired people to imitate some Hongyi cannons, so he tried to spend money to inquire about them in the two places. Later, he learned that the Hongyi cannons imitated by the government were the lightest and one or two thousand pounds and the heaviest residence. However, it has reached 4,000 to 5,000 pounds, which can't be loaded on the ship at all, and it is extremely difficult to imitate.

Chu Cailao weighed the strength at hand. Although the Dongshan Island he is located in is not small, there is only one small blacksmith's shop on Dongshan Island. It is simply a joke to rely on such infrastructure to cast the Hongyi cannon by himself, so he has to die and pin his hopes on the government. One day, the government can destroy the surname Yu, and then he followed the government and beat the water dog to revenge.

But at present, Mr. Chu's hope has failed again, and Mr. Chu Cai found that he was facing a new opponent, that is, Zheng Yiguan, who suddenly appeared along the coast with a large boat and his men, appeared in the coastal areas of Zhangquan and other places. At the beginning, he began to compete with Mr. Chu Cai for territory, and there was a tendency to expel Mr. Chu Cai from the coast of Fujian. At this time, Mr. Chu Cai felt a little big and could no longer think about how to revenge on Yu Xiaotian.

Chapter 15 Zheng Yiguan's Character Problems

The sea wolf can be said to have gained and lost through this conflict with the government. What has been lost is the relationship with the government that he has carefully maintained over the past year. Because of two large-scale attacks on the coastal areas, he completely tore his face, which also made him successfully rise to the most hated pirates of the Fujian government.

Because of the break in the relationship between him and the government, the government began to restrict the operation of sea merchants on Nanri Island, which affected the business in the Nanri Island business warehouse area and reduced part of the sea wolf's tax revenue.

However, they also got a lot. Through the two battles of Nanrishuizhai and Chongwu, the reputation of the sea wolf has reached a new height, making it the most fierce representative among its counterparts along the coast of Fujian and even in the two Guangzhou. This also makes the merchant ships passing through the absolute control area of the sea wolf and the sea wolf even more With respect, few people dare to pass through the sea wolf's control area without paying money.

This has made the sea wolf's toll income grow quite rapidly in the past year, reaching five times that of last year, making the sea wolf council make a lot of money.

As for the dozens of large and medium-sized merchant ships forcibly tied back to Nanri Island from Chongwu, Yu Xiaotian did not completely do things for these sea merchants, so that they each took out part of their silver to redeem their boats and boatmen, and warned them that this was the first time for their sake, if in the future If they dare to help the government deal with the sea wolf, there will be no such cheap thing.

It's the cheapest to kill their boat. After checking who participated in the action of helping the government deal with the sea wolf, the sea wolf completely blocked their way to go to sea. If they find that they have a boat to go to sea, they will not let it go.

This group of sea merchants were frightened. In case they meet the merchant ship sealed by the government again and want to go to deal with the sea wolf, they would rather chisel the ship at the dock and sink it on the dock, and they will never participate in this kind of thing again. Otherwise, once the sea wolf wins, they will not want to do this in the future. A profitable business.

In this way, the sea wolf has shocked the sea merchants along the coast of Fujian this time. In the future, it is estimated that many people dare not be the enemy of sea wolves again.

During the period when Xiaotian dealt with the government's suppression, he did not relax his surveillance of Yan Siqi and Zheng Yiguan, and news came from there every few days.

After learning the news of the death of his adoptive father Li Dan, Zheng Yiguan immediately took his men back to Pinghu. According to the news that Zheng Yiguan went to Pinghu this time to mourn was actually to compete for Li Dan's inheritance, and after he returned to Pinghu this time, in this inheritance battle, he could basically It is said that he won a complete victory and almost received Li Dan's entire legacy.

It is said that the legacy left behind Li Dan is very huge. In addition to working part-time as a pirate by relying on sea merchants over the years and accumulating hundreds of thousands of taels of gold and silver, the most important thing is that he has attracted more than 10,000 men and many merchant ships.

It is reported that before Li Dan's death, he controlled nearly 500 ships of various types of sea boats, of which could be used as warships no less than 300, which is more real than pure gold and silver alone, especially those experienced sailors, who can't buy them with money alone.

Li Dan's son Li Guo, because he is young, although he is protected by Li Dan's name, his prestige is not high among Li Dan's subordinates, far less than Zheng Yiguan, who has followed Li Dan to the west over the years.

This time, Zheng Yiguan went to Pinghu for mourning, secretly contacted the subordinates he had made friends with before, and won the full support of these people, so that when they were in the funeral, he took over these industries with the support of these people. Of course, Li Dan's real estate and real estate in Pinghu did not take them all away and left them. Li Dan's descendants, but the sea industry was basically taken down by him and became the new leader after Li Dan.

After receiving Li Dan's inheritance, Zheng Yiguan did not regard Hirado as his home like Li Dan, because he and Yan Siqi had conspired to rise up in Japan to fight against the Tokugawa shogunate, which is now in charge of Japan. Later, they escaped from Japan and then followed Yan Siqi to Taiwan Island.

After Li Dan's death, if he stayed in Hirado, it is estimated that the Tokugawa shogunate would not tolerate him. Therefore, after taking over Li Dan's property, Zheng Yiguan returned to the Bengang area of Yan Siqi, Taiwan Island with a large number of ships and his men.

In this way, Zheng Yiguan's strength suddenly jumped above Yan Siqi. Originally, Yan Siqi valued Zheng Yiguan very much and used to cultivate Zheng Yiguan, but when Zheng Yiguan came back this time and turned to take over Li Dan's legacy, Yan Siqi felt the threat of Zheng Yiguan's status.

Therefore, after Zheng Yiguan returned to Taiwan Island, Yan Siqi still maintained a harmonious relationship with Zheng Yiguan on the surface, but according to the careful observation left there, there has begun to be an estrangement between the two.

In mid-December, news came from Yan Siqi's place, saying that Yan Siqi had begun to secretly call for Zheng Yiguan to be their big boss, which suddenly made the relationship between Yan Siqi and Zheng Yiguan tense.

It turned out that after Zheng Yiguan returned to Bengang, Yan Siqi's men also began to split. A group of Yan Siqi's brothers strongly supported Yan Siqi, but some people began to become ambiguous, and some people even simply fell to Zheng Yiguan's side.

At present, the atmosphere on Yan Siqi's territory began to become very tense. Zheng Yiguan's men and Yan Siqi's men began to have some small frictions during this period. Although Zheng Yiguan is still Yan Siqi's younger brother, Zheng Yiguan's subordinates do not think so. They only regard Zheng Yiguan as their boss. There is no Yan Siqi at all.

And some of Yan Siqi's hardcore subordinates naturally don't like these new subordinates who are disrespectful to their brothers on their territory, so it is very normal for friction. Although Yan Siqi and Zheng Yiguan are oppressing and nothing serious for the time being, Yan Siqi's side is the same now. A gunpowder barrel is ordinary. If a little spark falls in, there may be a big explosion.

After learning these news, Yu Xiaotian can be sure that history has begun to change because of his appearance at this moment. This is the end of the fifth year of the apocalypse. According to the historical process he once knew, Yan Siqi should have died long ago, but in this time and space However, Yan Siqi unexpectedly avoided the death of a violent illness and survived.

Then Yan Siqi's survival has caused Zheng Yiguan's path to deviate from the original track. Now no one can predict where Zheng Yiguan should go, but one thing can be confirmed that today, his appearance in Xiaotian has made the situation on the sea more complex. Miscellaneous.

Yu Xiaotian calmed down and began to think carefully about the future wheres of Zheng Yiguan. After the understanding of Zheng Yiguan's development process in the old time and space, and the direct relationship with Zheng Yiguan in this time and space, Yu Xiaotian can now be sure that Zheng Yiguan is by no means the kind of righteous person.

Historically, because Zheng Yiguan is the father of Zheng Chenggong, many records are full of praise for him, describing him as a shrewd and capable person, but if you think carefully about the road he has taken, you can find that Zheng Yiguan is by no means a righteous person.

If he was a righteous person, he would not have rushed to Pinghu as soon as Li Dan died and take Li Dan's legacy from Li Dan's descendants in the name of worshiping his godfather, making him a hegemon on the sea.

In addition, before inheriting Li Dan's inheritance, Zheng Yiguan inherited Yan Siqi's manrole and put the industry created by Yan Siqi into his pocket.

Later, Zheng Yiguan gathered coastal giants in the area of Bengang on Taiwan Island, established the famous 18 Zhi Pirate Group in history, and became the leader of 18 Zhi.

And he received the government's invitation in history and turned into a red-top merchant. At the same time, he also became a general who controlled the military power.

For this reason, many of his brothers have turned their back on him, including the famous Liu Xiang and Li Kuiqi, as well as the less famous Yang Liu, Yang Qi, Zhong Bin, He Bin and others. If Zheng Yiguan is a righteous person, he will not force so many brothers to turn away from him.

In the next few years, these old brothers were cut off by Zheng Yiguan one by one and erased them from the sea. In addition, Xu Xinsu, an old friend who had an incompetent relationship with his adoptive father, also died at his hands. Such a person is by no means a righteous person, otherwise he would not have made so many hands. It's a matter of mutual damage.

Zheng Yiguan also had the biggest stain on his life, that is, the Ming court treated him well, but when the Taran entered the south, Zheng Yiguan saw that the Houjin Taran was powerful, so he immediately turned to the Houjin Taran.

And this premise was that the Manqing Tatar forced his wife to die. In the case of the strange Japanese woman Tianchuan, Zheng Yiguan still defected to the Houjin Tatar for his own glory and wealth. Even his son Zheng Chenggong did not allow him to do so. Later, the angry son rose up and took over Zheng Yiguan's industry and soldiers. , embarked on the road of resisting the Qing Dynasty.

So in any way, Zheng Yiguan has a poor character and can be said to be a complete villain. Everything is based on his own interests. He is a standard businessman, and his thinking mode is also a standard businessman's thinking mode. He only pursues interests. As for righteousness In his opinion, nothing can influence his behavior. His brother sells it. As long as it is beneficial to him, he can do anything.

This is Yu Xiaotian's evaluation of Zheng Yiguan, and he believes that he has not misread Zheng Yiguan's character, but he also has to admit that Zheng Yiguan is a very smart person. He almost grasped almost all the opportunities on his life path and jumped into it at a young age. He was a hegemon in the Chinese sea and was good at using various relationships, eventually controlling the whole Chinese sea.

Sooner or later, such a person will become his strong enemy of the sea wolf. At present, the two sides are at peace for the time being, but with the expansion of Zheng Yiguan's strength, it is only a matter of time before he and the sea wolf have a conflict.

(Two chapters have been updated together today! If there is any inconvenience, please forgive me!)