Daming Haiku

Chapter 16 Freshwater Civil Affairs

Yu Xiaotian suddenly felt a little tired. In the past few years, he has hardly stopped fighting with the shark gang, fighting with the mixed river dragon, and Chu Cai Lao. Now he is fighting with the government. Next, he is likely to fight with the Spaniard, and may soon fight with Zheng Yiguan. How many battles are there to wait for him in the future? I can't predict it.

But now he also knows that since he stepped on this road, there has been no turning back. It is like doing this on this sea, just like sailing against the water and retreating. A little carelessness may cause his ship to destroy and kill people. From then on, he will sink on this sea forever. At most, he can become one of the occasional thoughts of some people. It's just a talk.

At present, he is no longer fighting for him alone. Not to mention the children who were adopted by him as the adopted son and adopted daughter, now Lan'er and Xiu'er are about to give birth, and his two children are about to be born. Even for these two children alone, he will go on.

Thinking of this, he cheered up, rubbed his face, got up and walked to the yard, and ordered Liu Wang to send someone to attract Lin Yiyang. Recently, these things are really complicated. He needs a smart person around him to help him analyze. At present, Lin Yiyang is the only suitable candidate, others I can't give him much useful advice on these matters.

Lin Yiyang has been staying in Tamsui City to do his civil affairs manager for more than half a year. Although this guy has never been an official, he really has a little ability. He has a few brushes in civil affairs.

After he arrived in Danshui City, he took over the civil affairs from Fang An. First, he set up a relatively complete administrative management system, from the first level of Danshui City, the township, and then the village-level three-level management, and each village head was re-elected.

It turns out that in the old immigrant villages, most of them are gathered by families, so that their patriarchs or people with high prestige in the family can be served. The new immigrant village chooses some high-virtuous people in the village to serve. Usually, the small disputes between the neighbors in the village are solved by them on the spot. As for the friction between the village and the village , it will be handed over to the township above to coordinate and solve the problem. If the township in the township cannot be solved, then it will be handed over to the General Administration Office of Tamsui City for judgment.

Considering that the natives here are still a threat, the sea wolves alone are responsible for maintaining the safety of the villages. Obviously, the sea wolves in the freshwater city are insufficiently, and the limited garrison has to be exhausted for this. What's more and more, with the increasing number of immigrants, the villages in the immigration area are expanding larger and farther around. Once If there is an accident in a village, even if the letter is reported to Danshui City, there is no time for Danshui City to support.

Therefore, each village must compile the young people in the village. According to the words of this era, it is to train. The young people in the village are called township braves. They have to take a few days a month to send people to each village to train the villagers.

In addition, each township organizes a militia. This militia has dozens of township braves who are always on standby and are led by two sea wolves. The source of the township bravery is from each village. Each village sends several township braves to be integrated into the militia to stand by the militia at any time to deal with possible local attacks. Or a small stalk of pirates go ashore to harass.

In this way, once Tamsui City encounters a large-scale attack by the enemy, each township can immediately transfer a considerable number of villagers to Danshui City to participate in the defense. The overall structure is basically the same as that of Daming local civilian armed forces.

As for the food of the regular militia, it is collected by each township and village. Tamsui City gives each township a fixed subsidy every month, so that those villagers who go to the township can get certain subsidies and prevent them from staying in the countryside for a month, which can ensure their daily needs.

In addition, the transfer of Xiang Yong as a member of the standing militia will take away the strong labor in their family and affect the farming in their family to a certain extent.

Therefore, Lin Yiyang ordered the villages to transfer the township brave to the township as a standing militia, and the other township braves in the village should bear the farming of the transferred villagers and help the villagers complete the farming or watering of the farmland, which will not affect the production of the farmland in their homes. .

And when on land, although all townships and villages also have the habit of weaving and practicing township bravery, and villages will also organize group training to carry out local defense, all townships and villages on land have the final say. When there is such bad service, the burden will be passed on to the small households in the village, and they are also required to bear it themselves. The amount of food and drink is a large family, but they don't have to bear these expenses, which often leads to the bankruptcy of some small families because of such a task.

Here in Danshui City, Lin Yiyang will never allow such a thing to happen. The sea wolf will not let the large households in these immigrant villages take such advantage. After he took office, he immediately conducted a big survey of the population of each village. All the villagers in the immigrant villages will register by household, and the strong labor force of the right age will be on the household registration. It is clearly indicated that when drawing Ding, if you draw Ding in proportion, you can't transfer this kind of dispatch to a small family.

And sometimes there will be some large families and rich gentry families on land who are unwilling to send people, so they privately spend money to ask the village to pay for them to deal with such an dispatch. In Danshui City, they are also completely banned. Once someone is found to escape such a task, they will be fined a large amount of money. In serious case, most of their family's land will be confiscated, and those who avoid business trips will also be sent to hard labor camps for half a year to a year.

So many ills on land are basically banned here in Tamsui City, making the folk affairs here more fairer.

As for drawing up and training militias and forming regiments in villages, each village has gained basic self-preservation ability. Even if they encounter something that can't be dealt with in the village, the militia in the township will rush to the site of the accident to reinforce in a short time.

As for the training of these township brave militiamen, Fang An will be responsible for assigning soldiers to each townships and villages to practice these township bravery. Of course, the practice of township bravery cannot reach the level of daily training of the new battalions and soldiers, but it is necessary for them to master relatively simple cooperation techniques and certain Fighting technology.

In terms of weapon configuration, it is mainly cold weapons, mostly some single-knife long guns and shields. In addition, they are also equipped with some bows and crossbows to make them have minimal combat effectiveness.

This has a great advantage, that is, through this method, the immigrants here are basically all soldiers. Almost all the strong workers of the right age have to receive a certain degree of militarized drills in a certain period of time every month. Once the sea wolf needs it in the future At that time, you can recruit new people from them, and you can use them after a short training.

This practice is actually to raise soldiers for the people, so that the sea wolf does not have to raise a large number of regular soldiers in peacetime, which can save a lot of money and resources. However, once needed, a considerable number of basic militias can be obtained from immigrants in a short time and integrated them into regular barracks. In a short time, you can put it into battle.

And these militias usually have opportunities for actual combat. With the increasing number of immigrants in the freshwater city and the increasing area of the pioneers, they will inevitably clash with the natives and occupy the living space of the local indigenous people. Although the indigenous people's behavior has been restrained after being beaten several times by sea wolves, with the sea wolves The increasing number of immigrants and the construction of new immigrant villages still cause many contradictions between them, and minor conflicts often occur.

Therefore, militiamen in various townships and villages often participate in some minor conflicts with the natives. Although these conflicts are sometimes just small fights, and even can't even hurt people's lives. At most, they can break their heads, over time, they can still effectively temper these militias.

In addition, as the scale of Danshui City becomes larger and larger, the number of ships coming and going here is also increasing, which has caused some small pirates to cove this area. Some pirates in Fujian or Guangdong or even Japanese found that there were large areas of migrant villages and pioneering arable land on the freshwater side, so in Ming Dynasty Knowing that this is the forbidden place for sea wolves, they still come here to try their luck.

Although Tamsui City has been developed on both sides of the Tamsui River, it is relatively close to the seaside, and there are not too many dangerous places by the sea. A small few pirates can still touch the shore at some times to attack the immigrant villages closer to the shore.

Most of the time, the villagers can cope with such a small group of pirates. Even if they can't stand it, they can run back to the village to release wolf smoke and ask for help, and the militia in the township will immediately come to help.

In this way, it also solved the trouble of a small number of pirates coming here to harass. In addition, with the completion of Tamsui City, Yu Xiaotian also tilted his manpower and material resources towards this side, adding several patrol boats here to strengthen the patrol intensity on the sea outside the Tamsui City. During this period, he has captured several attempts to The small pirates who try their luck here have basically curbed this situation.

At the end of the fifth year of the Apocalypse, all kinds of situations in Danshui City were basically stabilized. Lin Yiyang basically ended his mission in Danshui City and handed over the affairs of the general affairs of Danshui City to a classmate named Tian Fengjiang. He was recalled to Nanri Island by Yu Xiaotian and continued to be his participation. mou.

After Lin Yiyang returned to Nanri Island, he made a public report on his work in Tamsui City in the past six months, stating his work there and some achievements during this period.

These heads of the sea wolf have another understanding of Lin Yiyang's ability, which is a complete affirmation of Lin Yiyang's ability and makes Lin Yiyang's position among sea wolves more stable.