Daming Haiku

Chapter 34 A Yellow Sparrow in the Back 3

The shell of the gun roared to the ship under Zheng Yiguan, but the shell landed in the sea far away from the ship and did not pose any threat to them.

But it still shocked the people on the boat. After a closer look, it was found that there was still a Yan Siqi ship in the sea wolf's fleet. This time, all the luck of Zheng Python's psychology was all lost.

Obviously, the sea wolf boats that came here this time have reached some kind of agreement with Yan Siqi. It was Yan Siqi's men who led the sea wolf fleet here. Now Zheng Python can basically be sure that today they are completely trapped and fooled by Yan Siqi. These three Yan Siqi's silver boats are not good at all. What kind of silver is likely to be used as bait to attract them to bite the hook.

Then let the sea wolf's fleet ambushed nearby and take the opportunity to kill them.

Zheng Python was stunned this time. What should I say? The mantis catches the cicada and the yellow finch is behind! Yes, that's what they said. This time they were fooled. Zheng Python was shocked and angry when he thought of this, and immediately ordered his men to prepare for a fight to the death with the sea wolf fleet.

Yu Xiaotian originally wanted to hear what Zheng Yiguan's men were going to say, but he didn't want to tear his face with Zheng Yiguan immediately in his heart. Since he broke them today, as long as he could scare them away, it's better not to fight or not to fight, leaving a way out for Zheng Yiguan in the future.

But he thought so, but Chen Xun didn't think so. Chen Xun was not his subordinates. Regardless of it, he immediately rushed up and fired a gun. It was clear that he was going to pull him into the water and force him into the muddy water.

As soon as Chen Xun fired, then it would be equivalent to declaring war, because Chen Xun came with him, which means that he wanted to hide and could not avoid it.

Yu Xiaotian had no choice but to order the red battle flag to be raised and order the fleet to prepare for battle. If this battle is not fought, it will not work.

Since he wants to fight, Yu Xiaotian has put down his distracting thoughts. Today, he can't be blamed for this matter. Zheng Yiguan wants to take this batch of silver from his mouth, so this is equivalent to breaking up with him, and there is nothing wrong with him.

According to the historical combat principle of sea wolves, as long as they fight with people at sea, they must have the upper hand. This has become the most basic combat principle of the sea wolf division.

The eight sea wolf ships, under the command of Xiaotian's handsome ship, immediately turned the geese-shaped formation into a vertical array. Originally, they were in the upper position, and it was much easier to seize the upper hand, so they immediately rushed to Zheng Python's fleet, grabbed the T-head position, and concentrated their firepower to hit the enemy ship closest to them first.

If the sea wolf's fleet does not do anything, once it is determined to fight, it will never be soft. It is impossible to negotiate a solution today, and there is no choice but to fight.

All the sea wolf ships faithfully carried out Yu Xiaotian's order, quickly changed to a vertical array, obliquely in the limelight position, and rushed to the fleet under Zheng Yiguan.

Zheng Python saw that the sea wolf fleet was aggressive and rushed towards them, so he shouted, "Brothers, don't be afraid of them, beat them hard and let them see how powerful we are!"

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and faster. The ships led by Zheng Python are using a regiment, that is, all the ships are grouped. In this way, it is not easy to be separated. Relatively speaking, after the fight, it should be more stable, but the shortcomings are also obvious, and it is impossible to effectively play all ships. Firepower.

However, this shortcoming is not a big deal for them. Originally, the firepower of their fleet is very limited. Each ship is equipped with one or two broken cannons, and even some ships do not even have cannons. Naturally, there is no problem of promoting firepower.

Yu Xiaotian glanced at Zheng Yiguan's ships and men on his ship. On the whole, he did not see any difference between Zheng Yiguan's men and ships and other colleagues. They were basically a virtue. As soon as he started, he put on a posture of a shrinking turtle. He looked aggressive, but yes After having sex with him, he was only beaten.

So Yu Xiaotian sneered and ordered, "The ship ordered each ship to concentrate its firepower to attack the nearest enemy ship. After going there, it immediately turned around and continued to grab the T-head to let them see what a naval battle is!"

Yu Xiaotian has not participated in such a naval battle for a long time. Now that there are more and more cannons on his ships, and many things do no longer need him to do by himself. Today's unexpected encounter made him excited. A large amount of adrenaline secretion made him produce a kind of like he used to go to the ring. The previous feeling was very comfortable and exciting, which made him enjoy this feeling a little.

Seawolf's fleet hit Zheng Yiguan's fleet heavily with a beautiful right hook. When the two sides approached two or three hundred steps, Zheng Yiguan's fleet had already raised a mass of smoke and sparks, and then there was a messy sound of gunfire.

But at such a distance, their shelling poses little threat to the sea wolf's fleet. At best, a few cannons can fly into the sea wolf's fleet, and they can make a few small holes in the sea wolf's sails. For the sea wolf, it is not a problem at all.

The situation of firing guns without an effective distance is common among pirate groups and even officers and sailors in this era. The cannons are not like their weapons, but more like what they use to strengthen their courage. At first, including the sea wolves, they also committed such a problem in order to get rid of the sea wolves. The problem is that Yu Xiaotian took a lot of time in the first two years to adapt the rule that they will not easily fire until they have an effective range or receive an order to fire.

Yu Xiaotian scoffed at Zheng Yiguan's men and felt much more at ease. There was no suspense in this battle, just to see how long these guys can last.

When the sea wolf fleet continued to narrow the distance with Zheng Yiguan's fleet, their fleet rowed directly in front of Zheng Yiguan's fleet in a column. Just as the distance between the two sides approached about 150 steps, the sea wolf fleet began to fire in turn.

Starting from the first ship, when all the sea wolf ships entered the closest distance, they aimed at Zheng Yiguan's fleet with the side, and all the cannons that could fire on the side of the side began to fire in turn.

Suddenly, there was a series of continuous gunfire on the sea. Twelve-pound cannons, twelve-pound short guns and six-pound cannons fire together in turn and hit Zheng Yiguan's ship on the side of the ship.

Such shelling continued uninterrupted, from the first sea wolf's warship passing in front of them until the end of Zheng Yiguan's fleet, which lasted for more than ten minutes, and the sound of artillery never stopped.

After the first wave of attacks of the sea wolf fleet is over, look at these ships led by Zheng Python, especially the three or four ships running in the front, which is terrible. The shelling of the sea wolf fleet is all concentrated on their ships, and all kinds of shells have a relatively high hit rate at a distance of less than 200 meters. Suddenly, the three or four ships were knocked down and the fragments flew randomly. The pirates on the ship were hit by shells. In the blink of an eye, two ships were beaten and began to sink, and two boats were beaten and began to enter the water, looking at the loss of the ability to continue fighting.

Zheng Python's boat was in the fleet and did not become the focus of the first round of attack. When he saw that the sea wolf's fleet was so sharp, he was also scared. He was also a knowledgeable person. With such a shelling method, he vaguely felt as if he had known each other. When he thought about it carefully, he immediately thought that before They once tried to * three Thai ships at sea, and those Thai ships used this method to deal with them.

Three Thai ships lined up and rushed in front of their fleet. The cannons on the side of the ship fired once and broke up several ships they rushed up. They were shocked that they had to turn around and flee. Not only did they get a bargain, but they were driven into birds and beasts by three big ships and suffered losses. A lot of manpower.

I didn't expect that the sea wolf also adopted this method of warfare today. Although each ship of the sea wolf is not as many cannons as the cannons of the Taisi cannon ships, it is not small, which stunned them.

Originally, Zheng Python wanted to take advantage of the similar strength of the two sides to compete with the sea wolf, but when this one came face to face, they were beaten with cannons by the sea wolf's fleet.

At this time, he finally saw the sharpness of the sea wolf's cannon. Sure enough, as the legend, the sea wolf's cannon was really not blown. It was fierce and accurate, and very powerful. This time, Zheng Yiguan's men were very scared, and some people immediately retreated.

They came to make a fortune today, not to die. Just now, they besieged Yan Siqi's three ships and fought relatively smoothly, but now they met the sea wolf's fleet, but they were completely abused by others and didn't even have the strength to fight back.

So some people immediately retreated and wanted to simply greasy the soles of their feet.

But how can Zheng Python let his men run now! Although he knows that he has encountered a hard stubble and can't win, he still can't run, because he has to drag the sea wolf fleet and Yan Siqi's ships. He can't let them quickly send the news to Bengang and buy Zheng Yiguan some time to escape from Bengang. If they run now, it won't take much time. At that time, the sea wolf's ship and Yan Siqi's men will return to Bengang and pass the news to Yan Siqi. If the sea wolf's ships are added, Zheng Yiguan will not have a chance to escape from Bengang at all, and he will be hanged by Yan Siqi and the sea wolf in Bengang.

This time, they are stealing chickens and rice. Even if they know that they are not the opponents of the sea wolf, he can only take these men to the end and buy some time for Zheng Yiguan to escape.

So Zheng Python immediately pulled out his waist knife and roared at all his ships: "Don't run. If anyone dares to escape from the battle, I will never forgive him! Although the world is big, I, Zheng Python, will definitely chase him to the ends of the earth! Give it to me and hold them back! Close up with them!"