Daming Haiku

Chapter 34 B Yellow Sparrow in the last 4

Zheng's roar was to suppress these men. They all know Zheng's temper. This guy is warlike, grumpy and must be reported. Now that he has said it, he can definitely do it. Once they escape, this guy will definitely not spare them, so they can only stay. I fought hard with the sea wolf.

So Zheng Python led this group of men, quickly dispersed the formation, turned around and chased the sea wolf fleet.

The sea wolf's fleet, led by Yu Xiaotian, circled around the sea, turned the bow, and rushed to Zheng Python again.

"Each ship changes grape bombs and scattered bombs! Shell the decks of these ships!" Yu Xiaotian looked at the men of Zheng Yiguan who continued to rush towards them and coldly issued a new order. Since the fight began, there was no room for mercy. Although the solid bullets were very damaging to the ship, the caliber of the cannons they had was still a little small. If they wanted to sink it easily Some ships also need larger-caliber cannons.

So Yu Xiaotian changed his strategy and decided to kill a large number of pirates gathered on the deck and try to defeat them as soon as possible.

So the sea wolf's fleet turned around and rushed to these ships under Zheng Yiguan again. The gunners of each ship replaced the cannon with grape bombs and shot bombs, aimed at the incoming enemy ships.

At the sound of the cannon, grape bombs and scattered bombs poured on Zheng Python's ship like a rainstorm. After such a long time of groping, they have found grape bombs and scattered bombs. At a distance of 100 meters to 150 meters, they have the best effect on killing the enemy. If it is on land, but If it extends to about 300 meters, it can achieve a quite good killing effect.

Even if it is used to bombard smaller targets at sea, such as large and small sumbans or lighter ships, in order to save construction costs, these ships are made of thin materials and some less hard ship materials, and grape bombs and loose bombs are enough to dismantle them.

In this way, under the baptism of the sea wolf's grape bombs and scattered bombs, the pirates on Zheng's side of the ship were unlucky. They gathered on the deck and were trying to get close to the sea wolf's ships, fighting with the sea wolf, which just became the best target.

However, whenever a shot passes, whether it is grape bombs or scattered bombs, it can immediately sweep the deck and cut the pirates on the deck like grass on the deck. It often takes few cannons, and the pirates of a ship are almost cleaned up. Even if they are not dead, they can only hide in the cabin and dare not show their heads.

Of course, Zheng Python was not willing to fail like this. He also organized the ships to fight back, using their broken guns to fire on the sea wolf's fleet. He also used messy shotgun bullets to crackle on the sea wolf's ships, and also killed and injured some sea wolves working on the deck, but compared The shelling strength of sea wolves, their counterattack is really not enough.

After about an hour of fierce fighting, Zheng's fleet was basically destroyed by the sea wolf's fleet. Of the more than a dozen ships brought by Zheng's python, only three boats were still able to escape, and Zheng's python was also very deadly. He did not kill this guy after several shelling, and his boat was also hit several times, killing and hurting many of his ship. He, but this guy seems to be shrouded in a halo of pig's feet, and he is unharmed.

But after persisting for a while, Zheng Python still sadly found that his men and ships, including firepower, and even tactics, were no different from other sea wolves. The sea wolves rode them all the beginning to beat them, so that they had no power to fight back. A boat followed A ship was beaten by a sea wolf and lost its ability to continue to fight back. Many ships have been battered and began to sink, but more ships have lost their ability to float on the water and wait for death because too many people on the ship were killed.

So Zheng Python was also afraid. Seeing that if he didn't leave, he would be ruined here, so he no longer dared to stay here for another minute. He immediately greeted his men who were still alive on the ship, turned the bow of the boat, immediately ate the wind, and fled from the battlefield.

Zheng Python looked back at the battlefield and almost cried. He brought more than a dozen boats, and now there were only two boats left to follow him. Their three boats were also injured. The men on the ship were killed and injured. The deck was full of human blood, and the sails were full of big and small holes.

This time, they made a big loss. They didn't fish for it, and they were almost destroyed by others. After going back, he felt that he could not explain it to his brother Zheng Yiguan.

So Zheng Python fled from the regiment with his surviving men and went to the south of the Taiwan Strait.

And Yu Xiaotian saw the three boats that escaped, but he was not interested in killing them at this time. If he chased these three boats, it would last for a long time. At present, he is more concerned about the silver that immediately belongs to him and clean up the battlefield quickly.

The sea wolf's ship stopped firing and approached the enemy ships that had lost the ability to escape. They shouted that the pirates of Zheng Yiguan's remnants on the ship should abandon their weapons and surrender, otherwise they would be killed one by one.

The remaining pirates, who had already been frightened, had no courage to continue to resist. They quickly knelt on the deck one after another, waiting for the sea wolves to jump over and tie them up and throw them to the side of the ship.

And Yu Xiaotian took Chen Xun and met Chen Zhongji.

Chen Zhongji has not been idle for a while. He rushed left and right with three boats to follow the sea wolf's boat and beat the falling dog to avenge the siege just now. He also saw the power of the sea wolf fleet with his own eyes.

After a fight, although the sea wolf's fleet could not be said to be unscathed, their losses were negligible compared with Zheng Python's gang, but the ship was hit with some potholes. Some boats only slightly leaked, the sails were broken, and the number of dead and injured was also very small, but Zheng python was one The gang beat his ass, and almost the whole army was destroyed.

Chen Zhongji was even more admiring the sea wolf. Thinking about what Chen Xun said a few days ago, he once again sweated coldly. Fortunately, today they stand on the side of the sea wolf and are friendly with the sea wolf. If he is the enemy of the sea wolf today, then they will be miserable and impossible at all. Escape from the palm of the sea wolf.

After seeing Yu Xiaotian, Chen Zhongji immediately knelt down and shouted to Xiaotian, "Chen Zhongji, see Yu Dajia!" Thank you for your help to save the lives of us. Please worship next!" With that, he kowtowed to Yu Xiaotian.

Yu Xiaotian quickly stretched out his hand to hold Chen Zhongji and smiled, "Brother Chen, don't be polite. It's Yu who came late, which shocked you!" Fortunately, Yu found the cigarette you put on and rushed over, otherwise there might be a big trouble today!

As for the grace of saving my life, I can't talk about it. You and I are friends now. How can I sit idly by? Get up and wrap up the wound!"

Chen Zhongji was injured on the forehead and many injuries on his body, but fortunately, they were all minor injuries, but at this time, minor injuries may also kill people. Yu Xiaotian accompanied the ship with medical staff. Come here quickly. Chen Zhongji invited him aside, took off his clothes and began to treat his wounds.

Although Yu Xiaotian has always attached great importance to medical problems, after all, the medical level of this era is here, and it is impossible for him to get things like iodine and hydrogen peroxide. He can only use alcohol to disinfect wounds, use hemostatic powder and some golden sores to treat wounds. As for tetanus needles, don't think too much.

But at least he is a modern person and still knows a lot about the disinfection of future generations. The bandages and cotton used by the sea wolf are all disinfected after high temperature cooking. The golden sore medicine and hemostatic powder are also carefully concocted and prepared by medical officers, which are easy to use and treat. It is also much better than the crude gold sore medicine used by ordinary people.

When disinfecting the wound with alcohol, it was really unbearable. Chen Zhongji was also a tough man, and he grinned with pain, sweating coldly, and his hands and feet trembling with pain.

After some treatment, Chen Zhongji bandaged the wound. Seeing that the so-called medical guard of the sea wolf was very experienced in dealing with the wound, he cleared the bleeding, applying medicine, dressing and other actions were completed in one go, and the dressing cloth was also clean. After the wound was applied, there was a cool feeling, and the pain was relieved a lot. , the dressing was also very strong, even beautiful, so I got up and quickly thanked Xiaotian.

Yu Xiaotian simply asked about the situation this time, and then learned that the leader came to ambush Chen Zhongji this time was actually Zheng Yiguan's own brother Zheng Yiguan's own brother. Yu Xiaotian couldn't remember who Zheng Yiguan was, but since he was Zheng Yiguan's own brother, he should also be 18 Zhi's person, that is, he did not know that Zheng python was in history. It's just Zheng Zhihu.

So he immediately asked if he had caught Zheng Python or found the body of Zheng Python. The people below reported that they had not found it. Only then did Yu Xiaotian know that Zheng Python was lucky enough to be on the three boats that escaped.

If he can catch Zheng python alive today, it is equivalent to grabbing a handle of Zheng Yiguan. Although Zheng Zhilong is a repeated villain in history, he is said to be quite good to his own brothers. He takes good care of his brothers and catch Zheng Python, at least one more condition for extorting Zheng Yiguan, so that Zheng Yi The official also threw a rat and dared not turn against him easily.

"Yu Dawei, since this has happened, Zheng Yiguan is completely against us. The reason why he ambushed here is that he doesn't want to turn against our Dawei immediately. He just wants to take the silver here and kill people.

But now that the matter has been exposed, he must not dare to live in Bengang. Before this bastard escapes, we'd better go back to Bengang first and kill him!"

Chen Zhongji put forward a suggestion to Xiaotian that Yu Xiaotian should follow them back to Bengang first. Anyway, now it has become a fixed number for them to work together to deal with Zheng Yiguan. Today's fight is a mess, and they will definitely not be able to hide it from others in the future.

After listening to this, Yu Xiaotian thought about it for a moment and felt that this was the only way. Between him and Zheng Yiguan, because the battle had been completely broken. Next, if he could kill this guy directly on the territory of Bengang Yan Siqi, he would lose a big match in the future.

As the saying goes, a non-toxic husband. Since things have gone to this point, it is better to start first. It is undoubtedly a good result to kill Zheng Yiguan, so he immediately nodded and agreed, ordered the two ships to stay, take over the captured Zheng Yiguan's ships, and then simply clean them up and restore some navigation capabilities. Take it back to Nanri Island.

These ships look good. Although they were beaten miserably, the structure of the main part of the hull is still very strong and has the value of use. Of course, they cannot be handed over to Yan Siqi. In addition, more than 100 remaining Zheng Yiguan's men have been captured on the ship. These people are also valuable and can be interrogated a lot of useful. Breath.

More importantly, these people are all old sea dogs, good at moving at sea, and are good at boating. With a little repair, they can become good sailors for him.

And he led the remaining six warships, escorted Chen Zhongji and four other Yan Siqi's ships, and went to Bengang. Before Zheng Yiguan escaped, he had better block Zheng Yiguan here and kill him and pull him down.