Daming Haiku

Chapter 58 Immigration 2

However, the price of the acquired Ming people will be relatively higher, and Yu Xiaotian does not intend to let them be completely slaves for a lifetime. For these slaves who were forcibly abted from Daming, he placed them according to their status as slaves. Young and strong men mainly concentrated to do some rough work, but not hard labor, such as in the sea. Do some rough work in the brick kiln and construction site exclusive to the wolf.

Women are mostly placed in garment factories to use them as female workers, not as sex slaves. Ancient women are good at making female red. Naturally, sewing clothes is not a problem for them, and there are many white vines on Taiwan Island. These vines used to be useless, but now the sea The wolf got several rattan craftsmen, and then these rattans were used, which could make some rattan helmets for the sea wolf, but also make some rattan chairs and other things.

And these things are light industrial products. In the past, there were few such large-scale works specializing in women's work on land, and women are careful and have natural advantages in this regard. In addition to the sea wolf's own use, some of the products produced can be sold directly to immigrants locally, even the best. The products can also be sold on land. As for the future of these women, the middle-age women among them will be assigned to the sea wolf department as wives in the future.

Some elderly men were assigned to work on the sea wolf's own farm. When the sea wolf opened up fresh water and chicken cages on Taiwan Island, they did not allocate all wasteland to immigrants, but left a considerable amount of land suitable for reclamation and in better condition as their own. Exclusive self-retained land, to put it bluntly, even if it is the official field of the sea wolf, it is cultivated by the purchased slaves, so that the grain can be harvested directly enriches the sea wolf's granary for the sea wolf masses to eat.

In addition, not all farms are farmed. Among them, there are also livestock farms, specializing in raising pigs, sheep and cattle, and even captling captured deer. In addition, there are also special chicken and duck breeding.

In this time and space around freshwater, there are many wetlands. In order to prevent the epidemic, when Xiaotian ordered immigrants to level the land, a large number of wetlands should be filled to reduce the breeding of mosquitoes and change the environment.

However, there are still many small rivers and ditches because of running water, which usually need to be used for drainage and irrigation. These living water is of good quality and there are not many mosquitoes, which can be used to raise ducks.

At present, it is impossible for Yu Xiaotian to open a centralized chicken farm like future generations, because there are no vaccines and veterinary drugs, and high-density breeding is not realistic at all. Therefore, we can only adopt the free-range method. The chickens and ducks raised are grown up eating natural food and taste delicious. They can provide some chicken and duck meat for the sea wolf department to change Live a good life and lay eggs for the sea wolves.

Nowadays, the farm area left by the sea wolf has tens of thousands of hectares. More rice is planted, some wheat and corn are also planted in some dry land, and sweet potatoes are planted in some poor land. Hundreds of slaves work on the farm. The grain produced in the first year meets at least 30% of the sea wolf's own needs. Please, and this is not a ripe land. After two years of maturity, the output will become higher and higher.

In addition to the grain produced by immigrants, the sea wolf's purchase of part of it can almost make up for the food gap that the sea wolf needs. Even if there is still a gap, it is not much different. In the future, the sea wolf will no longer rely on the problem of eating on land, except for a lot of funds left. It also ensures the safety of sea wolf grain.

As for the problem of children, some slaves follow their parents when they are sold. These children can continue to follow their parents and be taken care of by their parents, but many of them are separated from their parents, or simply their parents are killed, so these children are centrally supported and special women are assigned to take care of them. Life.

In addition, children in this era are by no means like children of later generations. They can't take care of themselves. Four or five-year-old children begin to work at home. They have to take their little brothers and sisters, follow them to the ground and do what they can. They often have to weed and feed pigs or pick up manure.

So it is easy to take care of these orphans. As long as they learn the rules, they basically don't need to take care of them. It's enough to have food and clothing.

And Yu Xiaotian also pulled out some literate people from the hands that are not rich to help these children learn literacy and simple counting. During the older day, he will take half a day to go to various factories to do some simple things, learn some crafts, and wait for them to grow up. Later, he will become a craftsman or a professional worker.

After one to two years of education, some teenagers of the right age decided to select them into the naval division and barracks of the sea wolf in the future to become sea wolf soldiers. Later, they will be trained according to non-commissioned officers or officers to gradually become the backbone members of the sea wolf military system to ensure the loyalty of the sea wolf army. Sex.

So for these purchased slaves, the sea wolf must make the best use of them and will not be easily wasted.

But some pirates in Guangxi and Guangdong have brought some Southeast Asian indigenous people to the sea wolf, including Luzon indigenous people and Vietnamese. In the eyes of pirates, these indigenous people used to be useless, but now they have heard that sea wolves want to buy slaves and also pointed out that these natives, so these Originally, the unwatched indigenous people became their target.

These pirates then ran to their familiar places, either directly used force to sweep some indigenous tribes and kill the old and the weak directly. The remaining young and strong men and women were loaded on the ship and transported to Nanri Island and handed over to the sea wolf.

Of course, Yu Xiaotian will not be polite to these black monkeys in Southeast Asia. Some young women can directly reward the meritorious sea wolves as slaves as concubines, or as wives. Some beautiful women can be filled into prostitutes to meet the physiological needs of single men in the sea wolves.

As for those young and strong men, they were directly put into the hard labor camp. Yu Xiaotian waved his hand and ordered him to die! Squeeze their labor as much as possible, and these black monkeys are far less diligent than the Chinese. They can be said to be lazy and stupid, but when they go to the sea wolf's hard labor camp, they can't help but be lazy. The supervisors of the hard labor camp are all scum-level figures of sea wolves. They are black-hearted and ruthless, and the whip sticks will naturally teach them what to do. It's called diligence, coupled with hungry food education, these black monkeys are still very capable!

Of course, there are also pirates around Jiangsu and Zhejiang. There are some Japanese or * doors, which have more or less brought some * and Japanese. These beautiful women are selected and sent directly to the brothel secretly opened by the Lu Shanghai Wolf Council Hall. As * use, they are actually very popular with some men on the land. People's welcome.

As for the remaining men, they are also put into hard labor camps, especially for those Japanese, which are strictly disciplined. They are allowed to do the hardest and most tiring work, and they are exhausted!

Therefore, with the increasing number of slaves being sold, the sea wolf's demand for manpower has been temporarily alleviated, and the speed of various projects has also been accelerated after being guaranteed by sufficient manpower.

This finally gave Yu Xiaotian a sigh of relief. The current situation of the whole freshwater village is waiting to be prosperous. It is a thriving scene. The area of the cultivated land continues to advance in all directions, making it almost impossible to recognize the landform here two years ago.

Immigrant villages have been built like bamboo shoots on this land, and many workshops have been built around the freshwater city.

Taking the opportunity to inspect the industrial development of Danshui City, Yu Xiaotian decided to take a look at the agricultural development here and inspect the situation of the immigrant villages and farmland here, so he took some of his men away from Tamsui City and went to the surrounding immigrant villages.

Walking on the road to the immigrant village, Yu Xiaotian's mood was not as relaxed as when he first came to the workshop area and Chuanliao.

Although he has always believed that he has attached great importance to agricultural matters, he has only found that in the past two years, he has really paid attention to industry, especially those military products, and for agriculture, he has only given policies and instructions. , but I didn't really bend down to plan agricultural things.

Last year, he transferred Lin Yiyang here and became the general manager of the civil affairs of Danshui City for half a year. Lin Yiyang also did a lot of things. First of all, he established a perfect management here, verified and registered every immigrant living here, and incorporated it into the management of the sea wolf.

and set up administrative management at all levels from the city to the village, selected officials to set up a management system, and built an administrative framework, so that the sea wolf can effectively manage these immigrant villages and even immigrants, and has also done a lot of work in persuading farmers, so that the affairs of immigrants have entered a comparative On a reasonable track and gradually advancing.

In order to better cultivate and cultivate more farmland as soon as possible, Lin Yiyang also established a reward and punishment system here. He rewarded families and immigrant villages that cultivate finely, punished the unfavorable immigrant villages, collected their food, and even disposed of them. A group of lazy, cheating and slippery, and even not comfortable farming, only wanted to steal chickens and dogs, directly confiscated dozens of migrant immigrants who did not want to work, directly confiscated their land and houses, and escorted them to the labor camp to serve hard labor.

With Lin Yiyang's efforts, the scale of agricultural reclamation in the area of Tamsui City has expanded rapidly, and the management of immigrant villages has been strengthened. Yu Xiaotian affirmed Lin Yiyang's efforts.