Daming Haiku

Chapter 59 Omission

Today, he also randomly checked the household registers of some immigrant villages of the Tamshameon City Civil Affairs Office, which are divided into households. The members of each family have been registered in detail. The household registration book is quite perfect. In addition to writing down the date of birth and gender ancestral, everyone has also made their personality simple. Registration, and even the physical condition of some people has been marked, and even their family relationships have been recorded in detail.

This is even stricter than the household registration system of later generations. As long as you find out the household registration book of an immigrant village, you can have a very intuitive understanding of the manpower situation of this immigrant village. The number of acres reclaimed by each family has also been registered in detail, and a copy of the land lease of their fields has been retained. Ben also recorded the situation of the fields very clearly.

So Yu Xiaotian was very happy about this and excitedly took the new civil affairs chief Lu out of the city to inspect the actual situation of the immigrant village.

Lu is sometimes a former classmate of Lin Yiyang. He is older than Lin Yiyang and is also a son of a poor family. In his early years, he was admitted to the reputation of a scholar, but he has never been admitted to Ju Ren, and his family is very poor.

But this Lu is sometimes very similar to Lin Yiyang, but he doesn't like to read dead books and dabbles in other aspects of knowledge. He has a broad vision and is not a person who is too calm.

This Lu sometimes can't be admitted to a person for a long time, and his family is very poor. Although he is a little thin, he can't afford to hire long-term workers and can only cultivate by himself.

However, in this era, most of the students are out of work and specialize in studying. Few people cultivate their own farmland. Lu sometimes has to farm by himself because his poor family, so he is despised by many classmates. In addition, he has never been able to get into the examination. These days are getting worse and worse, so he does some small businesses to subsidize his family.

Lu is sometimes not a pedantic person. Unlike some of his classmates, he is poor and refuses to plough fields or find a living to support his family. He is more flexible and responsible to his family. He pulls down and does some small business to satisfy his family.

In this way, he is regarded as an alien or even a shame by his classmates. Few classmates are willing to date him, which makes him very unpopular and ridiculed at home.

Lu sometimes didn't care about it. He still insisted on doing some small business or farming by himself. Originally, his small life gradually got better and was relatively calm.

But he did not meet a virtuous wife. After he was admitted as a scholar, he was regarded as a promising person, so some people said that the matchmaker married the daughter of a landlord's family.

But after his wife married her, she found that his family was so poor that she couldn't even afford to hire a long worker and maid, and had to go to the land in person to plough the field, so she complained about it and often quarreled with Lu from time.

And this woman was a little beautiful, unwilling to suffer, and a little frivolous, so she attracted butterflies in the village. Originally, Lu was sometimes more tolerant of her, but it made her worse.

Later, when Lu sometimes went out to do business, this woman actually got mixed up with a man in the village, not to mention having an extramarital affair, and sometimes a classmate with Lu, and gossiped everywhere in the village.

Lu sometimes heard about it and warned his wife not to mess around again, but his wife still went her own way. Later, Lu sometimes came home from the outside at night and bumped into his wife and a man. After hearing the sound of him coming home, the man jumped out of the window. And escape.

Lu is sometimes a man. How can he stand such a cuckold insult? After kicking the door, he did not catch the rape in bed, so he strangled his wife to death in anger.

Originally, the law of the Ming Dynasty stipulated that if the adultery was caught in bed, the master could be punished if the adulter was killed, but Lu sometimes could not catch the adultery in the bed at that time. He only heard someone jumping out of the window and killed his wife, so he could not be exempted from responsibility according to the Ming Law, but if the government did not delve it deeply, it would be fine.

But this time his wife's family quit and sometimes sued Lu to the county government office, and his father-in-law spent money to buy out the officials in the county government office, which made Lu sometimes suffer a lot and lose face. Finally, even his reputation was removed, including those Bo Tian in the family were also taken away by his father-in-law.

Later, Lu was sometimes sentenced to exile, but some classmates really couldn't stand it. They spent some money and finally saved his life and saved him from the pain of exile. However, Lu sometimes could no longer live in his hometown. Like Lin Yiyang at the beginning, he also went to Fuzhou to become an accountant and make a living.

Lin Yiyang knew this Lu sometimes. The two usually had a good relationship, a little friendship, and their hobbies were relatively close. He knew that Lu sometimes had a bad experience, so he wrote a letter to send someone to find Lu sometimes, and secretly * his current situation told Lu sometimes.

Sometime after receiving Lin Yiyang's letter, Lu gritted his teeth and followed the sea wolf troops sent to Nanri Island. After meeting Yu Xiaotian, Yu Xiaotian also valued him and asked him to do business with Lin Yiyang first. Later, when Lin Yiyang was transferred from Danshui City, the administrative affairs here were handed over to Lu. Sometimes I come to take care of it.

Lu was sometimes very surprised by the achievements of the sea wolf. Seeing that the sea wolf had created such a big situation in the desolate land of Taiwan Member Island, he stayed at ease. In fact, he and Lin Yiyang were both the same people, who were banned from their careers on land and had no hope in the future. They mixed down on land. It's not easy to go home and be laughed at and despised, so I was forced to choose the road of thieves.

On land, they are at most an accountant, because of their identity and path. Although sometimes if they are lucky, they can have the opportunity to be a master or staff of an official, or they may also be a guest, but such opportunities are rare for them, and it is unlikely that they want to live a decent life.

So Lu is sometimes very satisfied that he can come here to work for Yu Xiaotian. Except for Yu Xiaotian, he has no chance to obtain such a social status.

Therefore, Lu sometimes works here, but he is also quite dedicated, and he is also a relatively good person. After Lin Yiyang, he basically took over the civil affairs of the whole Tamsui City, but he also did a good job.

Lu sometimes accompanied Yu Xiaotian out of Danshui City and introduced the people's conditions to Yu Xiaotian as he walked, while Yu Xiaotian listened and watched, nodded from time to time, and sometimes chatted with Lu.

But after they walked for a while, Yu Xiaotian began to be in a bad mood, because he found that he still ignored the infrastructure construction of the countryside on the freshwater side.

The roads here are all simple roads. There is no foundation, just a simple flat road. There are no drainage ditches on both sides of the road, and the road surface is also ordinary soil. In dry weather, there is a thick layer of floating soil on the road, which is dusty, but once it rains, the road becomes very It is muddy, difficult for people and animals to walk, and many places are like a mud pond.

The road has no roadbed. Sometimes it has to pass through ox carts and other vehicles. After a long time of crushing, the road turns into a ditch, which is almost difficult to walk on rainy days.

Taiwan Island has a lot of rain, and the freshwater side is a little better than the chicken cage side, but one-third of the year is rainy days, which is really inconvenient to walk.

And Yu Xiaotian walked while looking at the farmland on the roadside. Although a large area of land here has been expanded into farmland by immigrants, it has basically planted crops.

However, the agricultural facilities here are very lagging behind. The most important thing is that although the land has been planned and divided, the water conservancy facilities have not been directly improved during the reclamation.

The land was connected and flat, and most of the low-lying land was filled, but it also destroyed the original terrain and made many places lose the function of drainage. Although there was no rain during this period, Yu Xiaotian still saw that there was a lot of water in the land in some places, and crops could not grow at all, and it was still very tolerant. It is easy to form new puddles and breed mosquitoes.

So he realized that he still didn't pay enough attention to agriculture and was always self-righteous. He felt that as long as he opened up these wastelands into farmland, he could blow up food, and he could easily solve the problem of the sea wolf's own demand for food in the future.

Now after seeing such a situation, he feels that his previous idea was really too wishful thinking. Although the expansion of freshwater is doing well and has opened up a lot of farmland, such farmland facilities are seriously lagging behind, and there are no good water conservancy facilities to assist agricultural production.

However, farmland is not equipped with good water conservancy facilities, which obviously cannot be cultivated well. When the wind and rain are smooth, there is no problem, but once there is a long period of heavy rain or drought, there will be serious problems immediately.

In dry days, although these farmland are very close to the freshwater river, they can't use the water of the freshwater river for irrigation. They can't solve the problem at all, and it consumes a lot of manpower.

Once there is a long period of heavy rain or torrential rain, the farmland will not be able to discharge the stagnant water, causing serious waterlogging. Even if it is close to the freshwater river, it will not be able to drain the stagnant water smoothly.

In this way, agricultural production cannot be guaranteed at all, and naturally there is no need to think about food self-sufficiency. If it is not done well, it may also produce more than 10,000 disaster victims, which will become a burden for sea wolves.

So Yu Xiaotian sometimes asked Lu about this matter. Lu sometimes looked at the farmland and bowed to Xiaotian and said, "The big head is really accurate! This matter is indeed a omission of the lower class! Recently, after taking over this job, the main focus has been on the resettlement of immigrants, and this matter has never been arranged!

In addition, there is a large amount of work everywhere in the workshop, and there is not enough manpower to do the renovation and excavation channels. This matter is too expensive and labor-intensive. I'm afraid it will not be easy to do for a while!"

(** is numb! Whoever likes to explode!)