Daming Haiku

Chapter 65 Turnaround

After listening carefully to Dr. Liu's words, Yu Xiaotian was excited. He knew that he should have almost found a way!

According to the state when the teenager came, if the drug is ineffective, it is estimated that the teenager should have died, but after taking the medicine, it has been four days, but it seems that the teenager is not about to die. This life is basically suspended.

Then this shows that this method is effective this time, so he thought about it and said to Dr. Liu, "In this case, this method should be effective!

Think carefully about why this method will have a certain effect this time, but why other concocted methods have always been invalid in the past? What's the difference?

Find this difference, and maybe you will find the key to the problem!"

After listening to Yu Xiaotian's words, Dr. Liu began to meditate and began to think about it carefully. After a while, he suddenly showed a look of realization and clapped his hands and said happily, "I understand!"

Yu Xiaotian quickly asked, "Oh? Tell me about it!"

Dr. Liu immediately said, "In the past, we used to concoct this medicine as a common means of steaming, boiling or boiling or nine steaming, but it didn't work. This time, I gave this medicine, but I just soaked it in water for a period of time. According to the remnant prescription, I twisted the juice of the yellow worms and combined it to clear the medicine. Water, with it, has a little effect.

So, this medicine cannot be prepared by steaming. Instead, it should be soaked in cold water, which can have an effect. Therefore, I have never seen the effect of this medicine before. I'm afraid it is on this problem!

If this is the case, it seems that this medicine cannot be heated in the future, let alone be concocted by nine steaming, otherwise it will lose its effect!"

After hearing this, Yu Xiaotian was also very excited. He rubbed his hands and walked back and forth and said, "It seems that this is the key to the problem! There must be something in this yellow worm, which is effective for this disease, but this substance cannot be heated and cannot be steamed repeatedly, otherwise this substance will be destroyed or lost and lose its effect!

Haha! That's it! That's how it should be! Let's find the key to the problem! Let me think about it, let me think about it!

Water can extract the active ingredients in this medicine, so other methods may also extract the active ingredients!

What is more effective than water? Ether? No, I can't get this thing! Kerosene? Nor will it! I can't get this either!

What should I use? By the way! Use alcohol! Haha! Yes, just use alcohol!"

Yu Xiaotian's thoughts were suddenly opened. Suddenly, he danced excitedly and became incoherent. He rubbed his hands and didn't care that Dr. Liu was looking at him. He walked back and forth in the yard, talking to himself and saying something that Dr. Liu couldn't understand.

Dr. Liu has never heard of ether, kerosene or anything at all. He is also very fresh about the term alcohol, but he does not dare to interrupt Yu Xiaotian's thoughts. He can only watch Yu Xiaotian go back and forth.

After Yu Xiaotian turned around for a while, he suddenly turned around and said to Dr. Liu, "Mr. Liu, it seems that we have found the key to the problem! This kind of chrysafflower should be effective for this disease. There must be something in this medicine that can cure this disease, but this kind of thing is afraid of heat, so it cannot be applied by conventional means.

Although clear water can soak this substance in wormworm, it certainly has not been very good. I'm afraid this is also the reason why this son is effective in taking medicine, but it has not improved much. It is just the key to hang his life!

So you might as well find a way to soak this active ingredient in wormworm with something else, and then use it for patients.

I think you can use alcohol... Oh! It should be spirits, yes, that is, spirits. After soaking this medicine with spirits, and then letting the wine volatilize, it is estimated that the purity of the active ingredients will be better!

If this method works, then we will not be afraid of malaria in the future. As long as we can solve this problem, I'm afraid that countless people will live in the future. This is a great kindness!"

When Dr. Liu heard this, he nodded repeatedly and felt that what Yu Xiaotian said was very reasonable. Although he did not know much about some nouns, effective substances and alcohols, using spirits to concoct Chinese medicine is still a common method in the preparation of traditional Chinese medicine.

However, traditional Chinese medicine soaked wine is mostly drunk as medicinal wine. If the strong wine is soaked in this yellow wormworm, I'm afraid that even if it is soaked in effective things, I'm afraid that patients can't drink medicine bars!

So the next two began to discuss how to extract the active ingredients in the wormworm with spirits in the yard, and Yu Xiaotian told Dr. Liu some of what he knew about the extraction.

After listening to this, Dr. Liu, as an experienced old traditional Chinese medicine doctor, quickly understood what Yu Xiaotian meant by extracting. To put it bluntly, he used spirits to soak the thing that can treat malaria in chrysap from chrysap, integrate it into the spirits, and then let the spirits evaporate. What is left is a high-purity drug.

This medicine extracted from spirits must be thicker than the juice soaked in water, and the effect should be better. If possible, they will find a good medicine to deal with malaria this time, which is undoubtedly great news for them.

Why is a famous doctor called a famous doctor? That's all because famous doctors since ancient times have solved problems that others can't solve, can cure diseases that others can't cure, benefit the world, and pass on their experience, so that countless people can benefit from it, so these famous doctors have been praised by future generations.

Dr. Liu himself is also a well-known Langzhong. Although he has good medical ethics, he also has the habit of liking a false reputation. Now Yu Xiaotian has given him a chance to live forever. As long as he seizes this opportunity and finds a way to treat malaria with chryspharia, he can be called a famous doctor. In the future, it is not necessarily impossible to be immortal.

So Dr. Liu is also very excited now and is ready to do a big job.

Yu Xiaotian originally came to Danshui Village this time. At first, he just wanted to inspect the workshop area here, especially the workshop under the military equipment institute, for the progress of weapons production.

But after arriving here, he unexpectedly found many problems here, so he finally decided to stay here for a period of time to personally supervise the rectification of various problems here.

More importantly, he finally saw a glimmer of hope in the treatment of malaria from the hospital, so he wanted to see for himself whether the teenager with malaria could be successfully cured.

So he sent Liu Wang back to Nanri Island and entrusted the matter of Nanri Island to Liu Laoliu for the time being, while he stayed on the side of Tamsui City.

For the various problems found during Yu Xiaotian's inspection, Lu sometimes did not dare to neglect them, and immediately began to arrange for all the immigrant villages under the control of Tamsui City. Each immigrant village has a special person responsible for supervision and rectification.

Yu Xiaotian personally sat in Danshui City, summoned all the village chiefs and township leaders of various immigrant villages to Tamsui City, personally lectured them, once again stated the importance of hygiene and epidemic prevention to them, and strictly ordered them to go back for rectification immediately.

And rudely tell these people that if someone dares not to disrespect his orders and carelessly pay attention to this matter, in addition to removing them from their current positions, they should also be assigned to a hard labor camp to experience months of hard labor.

This scared these civil officials to death. They ran back one by one and began to gather the villagers to rectify the sanitary conditions of the immigrant village.

This immigrant village is quite lively. In addition to being busy with spring ploughing, immigrants also have to take time to sort out the hygiene inside and outside the village, including filling puddles, digging sewers, introducing clean water directly into the house, covering the huts, and directly introducing water into the huts of the toilets, flushing water after defecating and digging sediment. The pool introduces domestic sewage into the sedimentation tank for precipitation treatment.

In addition, three sedimentation tanks were also dug out in accordance with Yu Xiaotian's requirements. The first large sedimentation tank first initially precipitated domestic sewage, and then introduced the precipitated sewage into the second pool for secondary precipitation. After the second precipitation, the sewage basically had little impurities, and then entered the third filter tank. Filter in.

The filter pool has set up two layers of filtration layers at the outlet. The first layer is filled with fine sand, which filters out the remaining impurities in the water, and then the second layer is filled with crushed and compacted charcoal. Now they can't make activated carbon, but charcoal also has a strong adsorption and filtration ability, so it can be crushed and filled into the pit with miscellaneous charcoal. After compaction, the sewage penetrates from here, and the water from the outlet is quite clean. It can be discharged directly or directly introduced into the field to water the farmland.

This is not to save water, but to reduce the discharge of some domestic sewage, reduce pollution as much as possible, and reduce the breeding of mosquitoes, basically from a hygiene perspective.

In addition, although such a primary sewage treatment system is more troublesome, it can precipitate the organic matter in domestic sewage and regularly send people to dig out the rotten sludge in the sedimentation tank, which is also quite a good ecological fertilizer, which can strengthen the field and increase grain production.

In addition, each village sent one or two sea wolf members to supervise whether the villagers acted in accordance with the health requirements. After a few days, many villagers who did not comply with the requirements and still defecate anywhere inside and outside the village were arrested.

For these guys who don't follow the rules, it's easy to deal with. They directly press on the open space in the village in public, take off their trousers and bare buttocks * a bamboo board.

The first time they grabbed the spanking, the second time they grabbed the double spanking, the third time they grabbed the confiscated field, and sent them to the hard labor camp for reform.