Daming Haiku

Chapter 64 Malaria

After listening to Dr. Liu's words, Yu Xiaotian felt cool in his heart as if he had been splashed with cold water. This is equivalent to the fact that Dr. Liu's guys have been here for more than half a year. He has invested huge resources in this and wants them to make even a little breakthrough in this regard. The idea fell into emptiness.

But he can't lose his temper about this matter, because many things in medicine need to be gradual. The treatment of many diseases, even after hundreds of years, was broken through by doctors. Although he knew that there is an ingredient in chrysagemium that can treat malaria, he did not know how to extract this ingredient. We must rely on these doctors to gradually explore and find available solutions.

In just over a year, he wanted to make a breakthrough. Obviously, he was a little too hasty, so it was meaningless for him to complain. He also wanted to put these men under ideological pressure and finally discouraged and unwilling to continue.

So he nodded to show his understanding and comforted Dr. Liu.

And this Dr. Liu is also a person with good medical ethics. He admires Yu Xiaotian, the leader of pirates, for paying so much attention to the prevention of malaria. For pirates, few people will care about this problem. In their eyes, human life is the most worthless thing. For them, killing is like killing a grasshopper. Ants are generally simple, and human life is not as good as an ant for them.

However, Yu Xiaotian, the leader of the sea wolf, is an unexpected opponent, and even these immigrants, attach great importance to their health. They do not hesitate to spend money to find ways to get drugs and get them to treat these people. This is quite rare.

And Yu Xiaotian clearly pointed out a way to treat the plague of malaria. If they do it, it will be a huge thing to benefit the people. I don't know how many patients with malaria can be saved in the future, which is more important than making a seven-level Futura. It can completely offset the murder created by Yu Xiaotian.

This is also the reason why he is willing to stay here and take some colleagues to experiment with malaria treatment here. The most important thing is that he admires Yu Xiaotian as a pirate leader, but he does less tyrannical things, but pays great attention to the local people's livelihood. Instead of causing serious harm to the people, it is on the edge of Fujian. The sea provides a relatively stable and safe environment for fishermen and coastal people.

This kind of thing is a little strange, but it can't be denied that Yu Xiaotian has good thoughts and does not regard the lives of ordinary people as grass mustard people, which is even a hundred times stronger than many officials on land today.

So Dr. Liu is also willing to stay at ease and do more, but so far, he has not found an effective way to cure malaria with chrysapsis. Looking at the disappointment on Yu Xiaotian's face, he also feels that he has lived up to Yu Xiaotian's expectations and feels a little guilty.

So Yu Xiaotian talked to him about how they made these yellow wormworms, and Yu Xiaotian also asked Dr. Liu to take him to see the laboratory here, that is, the workshop for making traditional Chinese medicine.

Here Yu Xiaotian sent more than 20 boys and girls to Dr. Liu and others. Most of these boys and girls are orphans. They have gone through literacy and learned to read a lot of words. They can roughly read some medical books by themselves, and through observation, the sex of these orphans Ge was relatively calm, patient, and conscientious and responsible, so he was selected to be an apprentice like Dr. Liu, followed them to study medicine, and also helped them take care of the patients, and also helped them with pharmaceutical materials.

These boys and girls are busy in the workshop of medicinal materials. Some are cutting medicine, some are boiling medicine, and some are making powders. They are steaming and cooking. They are busy.

Yu Xiaotian looked at their situation and dumped a large amount of drug residue in a pit outside the workshop, which shows that Dr. Liu and others have not been idle here for half a year, but have indeed thought of a lot of ways to fire pharmaceutical materials and find an effective way. , but so far, they have not found a suitable concocting method to cure the malignant disease of malaria.

So he was relieved that as long as these people were willing to continue to work, time would make them succeed sooner or later, and the treatment of malaria by wormworms was not completely discovered by later scientific researchers.

These scientific researchers found this kind of chrysafflower in countless ancient prescriptions. It is certain that some doctors have discovered the role of chrysafflower in ancient times, and they must have succeeded in curing malaria with chrysafflower, so they inspired future scientific researchers and finally succeeded in the experiment. , artemisinin, an antimalarial drug, was extracted from artemisinin.

Since the ancients found that Artemisia can cure malaria, there is no reason why these medical officers can't find this method. As long as more experiments are done, sooner or later they will definitely find an effective method and finally achieve a certain curative effect.

So Yu Xiaotian encouraged Dr. Liu and other medical officers here, so that they would not be discouraged and continue to experiment until a solution was found.

Originally, Yu Xiaotian planned to leave here after seeing the situation here, but when he inadvertently asked about the situation of some surviving patients, he accidentally learned a useful message from Dr. Liu.

Dr. Liu inadvertently mentioned a teenager suffering from malaria. Originally, his condition was already very serious. After being sent here, he was dying. However, after taking some drugs, his condition actually stabilized and temporarily saved his life, but he was not cured, but he only saw some curative effect. , just because it has not been cured, but the condition is a little milder and is still under observation, so Dr. Liu did not mention this just now.

When Yu Xiaotian asked about the situation of the surviving patient, he inadvertently mentioned the situation of the teenager and immediately attracted Yu Xiaotian's attention.

"This is a good phenomenon! Why didn't Dr. Liu mention it just now? Yu Xiaotian became energetic as soon as he heard it and asked Dr. Liu excitedly.

Dr. Liu quickly explained it to Yu Xiaotian.

"Don't worry so much! This is a good thing! Although this teenager has not been cured, it is also good news for us. At least it shows that the method you used has achieved a certain effect and has not been wasting time. We should hurry up and continue to adhere to this method to see how effective it is. If the teenager is finally cured, then this is equivalent to I found a way!" After Yu Xiaotian learned the news, he suddenly became energetic. The disappointment just now was swept away and asked Dr. Liu to take him directly to see the sick teenager.

The teenager was arranged in a ward, and someone specially took care of him here. The teenager's face was yellow and very thin. He lay quietly ** without saying anything. He just stared at the roof. It was not until Yu Xiaotian and Dr. Liu entered his room that his eyes turned slightly, but for him There was no response to their arrival.

But the nurse in the ward knew Yu Xiaotian's identity and quickly knelt down to kowtow to Yu Xiaotian. The teenager had a more or less reaction. He seemed to struggle to get up, but he still couldn't sit up, so he lay down again**.

Yu Xiaotian didn't care. He waved his hand to let the apprentice in the ward go out. Dr. Liu walked over, took the teenager's pulse, and asked the teenager a few words, which was probably how he felt today.

Then he turned around and said to Xiaotian, "He is still swinging today, and there doesn't seem to be much sign of improvement, but after giving him his pulse, he doesn't find any signs of continued to deteriorate!"

Yu Xiaotian looked at the teenager and turned around and walked out of the ward. Dr. Liu saw that Yu Xiaotian did not avoid patients for this matter. He personally went to the ward to check the patient's situation. He was also very impressed by him for doing so. Many people saw such a patient, let alone get close, most people could not avoid it. Xiaotian didn't care. It can be seen that Xiaotian is not hypocritical, but really cares about this matter.

After walking out of the room, Yu Xiaotian chatted with Dr. Liu for a while and asked Dr. Liu how he used the medicine. Dr. Liu said, "For more than half a year, the patients sent here and the colleagues here have been equipped with various prescriptions based on the instructions of the master. Less fabrication means, but most of them don't work.

I used cooking, boiling and other concoction methods to treat artemisia, but the effect is not good. This time, I checked a defective ancient book prescription, in which there is a medicine that seems to be used to treat this disease. As soon as the artemisia is held, a liter of water is stained, and the juice is taken, which can be cured! So I simply stopped trying to concoct it!

And when this son came, he was already terminally ill. Seeing that he had more qi and less gas, he thought that he could do his best, so he used this method. Unexpectedly, after drinking for two consecutive days, this son's life was hanged!

Today is the fourth day. Although it seems that there is no sign of recovery, it has not continued to deteriorate. In this way, I plan to continue to use this method, increase the amount of medicine, and let him take it for a few more days to see if it improves!

I didn't mention this to the big man just now, because although he hung his life, he didn't see much improvement, so he didn't say it to the big man! I hope you can forgive me!"