Daming Haiku

Chapter 71 Mine Bullet

When the sea wolf gun is built to build the barrel, it is not necessary to assemble directly after the barrel is built. It must go through a live-fire test to check whether the joints of the forged barrel and the barrel can withstand the pressure of firing the gun. It is necessary to be on a fixed platform, jam the barrel and test shot twice to ensure that there are no unqualified guns. The tube is assembled and sent to the soldiers.

When conducting the test, it is also necessary to check the shooting accuracy of the barrel, aim at a wooden target 30 steps away from the fixed platform, select the barrel with the best shooting accuracy, store it separately and assemble it into a high-precision gun, mark it, distribute it to the superior shooters in the army, and improve the use of * Efficiency of time.

These measures greatly ensure that the sea wolf's gun is produced*, and it will not easily cause explosive failure in use, so that the sea wolf masses can rest assured when using them, so as to avoid the sea wolf masses fear of using *. In addition, the accurate * can be given to those who are good at using them, which can play a greater effect in wartime. .

The barrel selected by Zhang Blacksmith this time is a barrel that has been inspected and qualified, so there is no need to carry out another inspection. After installing the screw plug directly in the back, it is assembled into a finished huskling gun.

However, on the surface, this phoon is no different from an ordinary phoon, except that there are four left-handed rifles in the barrel.

While Zhang's blacksmith assembled the new gun, Yu Xiaotian was also busy preparing ammunition for the new gun.

When the bore gun was first manufactured, although it had the advantages of long range and far more shooting accuracy than the smoothb gun, it was not popularized at the initial stage. The most critical problem was that it could not effectively solve the problem of loading difficulties.

The projectile of the bore gun, no matter what the shape is, must be slightly larger than the inner bore diameter in order to insert the projectile into the river line and rotate the projectile when it is closed and fired to improve the stability of the projectile when flying in the air, improve accuracy and range.

However, this makes it very difficult to load the projectile, and the user is also embarrassed. Once there is a blind fire, the user can basically dig the projectile out of the barrel in a short time on the battlefield, turning the gun in the user's hand into a fire stick.

Therefore, the online worm gun has been invented for a long time. This kind of gun has never replaced the dominance of the smooth worm gun in the army, and this kind of gun has increased the production time and greatly increased the cost because of the process of pulling the ripping line, which is even more unpopular.

It was not until the middle of the 19th century, when the Frenchman Minet invented the Minet, that solved the problem of projectile loading, and the army that used this gun achieved an unimaginable victory when they fought against the enemy who tried the smoothbore gun on the battlefield, which made the rifle begin to receive attention of all countries and gradually replaced it. The dominance of smooth-bomb guns in the army has become the most effective weapon in the hands of infantry.

And these problems are not a problem for Xiaotian. He began to prepare for a long time ago. As soon as the wire gun was successfully made, he began to produce the Mine bullet.

Yu Xiaotian has been planning for a long time. Once the trial production of the rifle is successful, he will change the shape of the bullet from a round to a cylindrical conical warhead.

The quality of such a bullet is two to three times higher than that of the round bullet of the same caliber, so that its penetration can be improved several times, the range will be improved several times, and the accuracy will greatly exceed that of the circular warhead.

The key is the tail. The diameter of the Mine bullet itself is not thicker than the inner diameter of the barrel, but slightly smaller than the barrel, so that the Mine bullet can be easily loaded into the chamber and sent to the bottom of the barrel. Its tail is hollow, loaded with a cork and loaded into the chamber with the bullet.

When the gunpowder explodes, the cork expands under force, stretching the tail of the warhead, beyond the barrel diameter, and inserting the warhead firmly into the barrel line, which effectively plays the role of closing the air. At the same time, it also makes the bullet begin to rotate when it flies out of the gunbore. In this way, it is not easy to completely solve the bullet in the gun. The problem of loading the gun.

There is not much technical difficulty in making the Mine bomb. For the time being, you only need to make a mold, melt the lead water to make it by casting, drill part of the tail, insert a cork, and make it.

Temporarily, it will be a little troublesome and the cost is also very high, but once you start mass manufacturing, you can design a set of molds and make them in batches, which can reduce costs and greatly increase the output, which will not be much more laborious than making round projectiles.

For making a small amount of this kind of projectile, as long as Yu Xiaotian's guidance, the craftsman will naturally get it out quickly. After measuring it with the sea wolf's self-made standard caliper, it can be completely used.

So Yu Xiaotian went straight to the shooting range with these dozens of new Mines.

Three brand-new tachable rifles have been assembled and transported to the shooting range at this time. Meng Fei, Fang An and others were also invited to the shooting range to watch the test gun effect.

Everyone gathered in the shooting range. This shooting range is a special shooting range for the new battalion, which occupies a large area. In the north of the shooting range, there is an earth mountain, which can prevent projectiles from flying out of the shooting range and causing accidental injuries to unwitting people. Moreover, idle people are not allowed to enter around the shooting range, and special mobile sentries are sent for inspection.

Meng Fei went to the upstream logging farm a few days ago and took a group of soldiers to conduct a jungle battle training in the mountains and forests on the grounds of retaliating against the natives of the logging field.

And this guy didn't know where to get a few dogs. He was trained quite well and very obedient. He asked them to sit and sit. If he asked them to stand and let them bite, they would bite. The best thing is that these dogs don't like barking and are very quiet.

Yu Xiaotian liked it very much after seeing it, so he asked Meng Fei how these dogs came from. Meng Fei then told Yu Xiaotian that he had two guys under him. He used to be a hunter on land and could train dogs, so he got a few good dogs and let them train them. As a result, he found that the trained dogs were very It is useful.

These dogs have a good sense of smell and are very convenient to track the enemy in the forest. It is much faster than people searching for enemies in the forest. Recently, these dogs have helped them catch a lot of natives in the forest and captured a lot of prey. Next, he plans to get more dogs, train and train them in the jungle in the future. Become their good helper.

As soon as Yu Xiaotian heard it, he was immediately happy. Isn't this a military dog? Although these dogs are native dogs in China, these native dogs are not necessarily bad. They are also very smart and have a sensitive sense of smell. Some dogs are quite large and fierce, which is no worse than the common German blackback in later generations. As long as they are good at adding ** from childhood, they can still be used as military dogs.

With the help of this thing in the jungle, it can be said that the result is half the result. It is much faster than searching for the enemy by manpower alone. As long as they smell it, the enemy basically can't run away. If there is a small group of natives who dare to attack the territory of sea wolves in the future, with these military dogs, they will definitely have no place to escape. .

So Yu Xiaotian immediately affirmed Meng Fei's practice and ordered the two soldiers who were good at dog training to be selected and used as dog trainers alone. He also gave them credit and rewarded them with silver. This kind of precious talent must be rewarded, and should be reused and properly protected in the future. Taiwan Island is full of mountains and forests. Military dogs are too useful for them.

Fang An, Meng Fei, Liu Tong and others did not know what Yu Xiaotian wanted them to do at the shooting range today. After seeing the three fuch guns sent, they were also a little strange. They picked up the three guns and looked carefully. They did not find anything different from the three guns and the Japanese tachate rifles they used, at most These three guns have made some minor changes in details. The operation seems to be more comfortable, the mechanism is more sensitive, and there is also an additional safety device to prevent soldiers from being too nervous and causing accidental fire. Only when aiming with a gun can they turn on the safety so that they can be fired. In addition , it doesn't seem to see anything new.

So they all asked Yu Xiaotian what to show them this time. This gun is not too new!

Yu Xiaotian pretended to be mysterious and smiled, "You will know in a moment. Today, I asked you to come here to let you grow your knowledge!" You will know the power of these three guns in a moment! Liu Wang, you are good at shooting. You can try it first!"

Liu Wang immediately took a gun, took a gun, took the bamboo tube, bit off the plug, put the gunpowder into the gun barrel, then took out a Mine bullet from one side, put it into the muzzle, sent the Mine bullet into the gun with a whole strip, gently pounded it a few times, and compacted the ammunition.

Then he clamped the butt under his armpit, took out the gunpowder to open the door cover, poured the gunpowder into the fire door, pressed it with his thumb, covered the fire door, completed the filling action, opened the flint head with a click, and was ready to fire. All movements were very skillful, but they were as good as ordinary flint guns. There is no difference in operation.

At this time, everyone found that the kind of bullet taken out by Liu Wang was not the round bullet they commonly used, but a column-shaped round-headed projectile made of lead, so Meng Fei took a Minee bullet and muttered, "Can this thing also be used? It seems to be much heavier than ordinary tongs! Isn't this far away?

The big head, our huskling gun can't hit far in the first place. Can we change it to this kind of gun? If this can only be 20 or 30 steps, wouldn't it be a big trouble?

(It's really spent all the way! More than 50! There's no way, my butt hurts!)