Daming Haiku

Chapter 72 Test Gun

Originally, in order to improve the power of the wolf's own husklift gun, it increased its caliber, increased the weight of the projectile, and increased the power of the husknitus commonly used by the Ming army, but it caused a relatively shorter range. Later, in order to improve the range and accuracy, Yu Xiaotian wrapped it with small cloth pieces when it was used by the public. Stop the projectile and stuff the projectile into the barrel to improve the closed air performance and increase the range.

However, the improvement of this is limited. Compared with the qualified small-caliber bird, the range is still not dominant.

So there are some remarks about this soldier, but in terms of power, the sea wolf's huskling gun is still quite powerful. Within 50 steps, it can basically penetrate iron armor, 70 steps can also penetrate leather armor, and even in 100 steps, it has a certain lethality, which can kill unprotected enemies, but the accuracy is already It's terrible. Even the best shooter can't guarantee that one of the ten guns can accurately hit a target the size of a human target a hundred steps away.

The qualified bird rifle used by the Ming army can sometimes hit targets more accurately than 70 steps away, which is a little stronger than the sea wolf's husknitting gun, but its power is a little insufficient. It can only kill some unprotected targets. Thicker leather armor can't penetrate, let alone iron armor.

As for the three-eyed bullets used in the Ming Dynasty, not to mention the effective range is only 20 or 30 steps, and there is no aiming function. It can only rely on the archer's approximate aiming. The probability of hitting the target is very low. Basically, most of the fired bullets do not know where to fly, and can only deal with large-scale dense enemy groups. It has a certain effect.

Yu Xiaotian didn't explain anything to Meng Fei, but just said, "I can tell you that although this projectile is much heavier, it can definitely be shot much farther and more accurate than the round bullet you used before!" Just look at it first and tell you why later!"

At this time, a humanoid target was erected at 50 meters, 70 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters or even 300 meters away. The humanoid heart of the target was drawn with white gray, and a dot was also drawn on the head.

Yu Xiaotian saw that Liu Wang was ready to shoot. He knew that Liu Wang was a fanatical shooting enthusiast. As long as he had nothing to do, he would run to practice guns. Sometimes at night, he had to carry his special flectar with a high-precision flach gun and practice aiming at the lights. His hard work pays off. Liu Wang's shooting level is in the sea. Among the wolves, he is absolutely the best. When using the flist gun specially made for him, this guy once set a good record of four out of ten 100 meters away.

Even among the sea wolf soldiers, no one has surpassed his record, so Liu Wang is actually a qualified sniper, but unfortunately he uses a smoothb, and the effective range is too short, otherwise it will be quite powerful.

"Five the target of 50 steps first, and then calibrate the gun! By the way, how thick is the target? Yu Xiaotian said to Liu Wang, and then asked the soldier responsible for setting up the target.

"To tell the big owner, the target is set into three layers of wooden handle according to the instructions of the big owner. Each layer of wooden target is half an inch thick and is made of pine wood! Three inches in the middle!" The soldier responsible for setting up the target replied quickly.

Yu Xiaotian nodded and said, "It's almost done. Try it!"

As soon as Meng Fei and Fang An heard this, they came to the spirit. Although the huskling gun they used was powerful enough, they could only penetrate two layers of wooden targets in 50 steps, and the wooden targets could not be too far apart. Basically, they had to be next to each other. However, today Yu Xiaotian set up three layers of wooden targets 50 steps away, which was still three inches apart, which It's a little suspense. This fer gun doesn't seem to have much charge. The warhead is a little heavy, but can it penetrate so many layers of wooden targets?

"Yes, hit the target 50 steps first!" Liu Wang responded loudly.

After saying that, he immediately picked up the gun, separated his feet, stood firmly, put the buttstock firmly at the shoulder socket, and obtained a stable fulcrum. His left hand stretched forward and held the lower part of the gun body. His right hand clenched the butt and put his index finger on the trigger and turned on the safety.

Everyone stopped whispering and calmly looked at the target 50 steps away.

Liu Wang adjusted his breathing, relaxed his right hand slightly, and began to aim at the target through the door and sight on the barrel. It was not until he felt completely sure that he gently pulled the trigger.

There was only a bang, and a mass of white smoke rose from the muzzle of the gun. Everyone saw some wood chips immediately bursting out of the target fifty steps away, and the sharp-eyed person immediately saw a hole on the left edge of the white spot in the heart of the target.

"Beautiful! It's hitting the bull'seye! Brother Liu's shooting is really good! Awesome, awesome!" Someone immediately flattered Liu Wang.

Liu Wang put down the gun and was not satisfied with the shooting. He said, "It's almost right. The first time I used this gun, I didn't hit the center position. It's not good! This gun doesn't seem to be able to aim low, and the trajectory seems to be higher than the gun I used before! The recoil seems to be a little bigger! But it doesn't matter. Adjust it. The next shot should be more accurate!"

Of course, Yu Xiaotian knows why. Liu Wang still aims according to the old habit, but he doesn't know that the warhead of this kind of rifle is much higher, and the trajectory is much lower and flattened. He will definitely shoot higher according to his old habit. This is not obvious at a distance of 50 meters. If it is far away When it comes to 100 meters, it will be more obvious, and there is even a possibility of missing the target.

At this time, the person who watched the target first shook a small white flag from the bunker behind the target, prompting him to stand up and stop shooting. After a while, the person who watched the target stood up, stretched out his head to look at the target, and immediately shouted, "Nine rings! Drop the upper left! It's pierced! Wear all three layers of wooden handle!"

Meng Fei jumped up and immediately exclaimed, "Wow! It's really pierced! Awesome! Haha! Now even if people put on three layers of armor, fifty steps can kill him!"

Liu Wang continued to load and shoot the fifty-step vertical target again. After his adjustment, the accuracy of this gun is better, directly in the ten rings, and it is in the middle of the large white dot at the mouth of the bowl, which belongs to the ten rings of the ten rings, which is very accurate.

The target caller immediately shouted, "The ten rings are in the middle, absolutely ten rings! All are knocked down!"

Liu Wang was relatively satisfied this time, with a proud smile on the corners of his mouth, nodded and said, "This time it's almost the same. I lowered the muzzle a little, and I really hit it! This gun is very accurate and more accurate than my best gun!"

But other people are concerned about the power of this gun at this moment, because it is not difficult for many people to hit the target in 50 steps. 30% of the hands in the barracks can almost hit the bullseye with a certain probability, and they are surprised by the power of this gun. 50 steps away, it can be easily worn. Through the three-layer wooden rake, this is not the kind of flint that they often use, and it is also penetrating, indicating that the penetrating power of this gun is more than that.

"Don't try the 70-step target, just try the 100-step target!" Yu Xiaotian is quite confident in Liu Wang's shooting level. Seventy steps is not difficult for him. He deliberately wanted Liu Wang to experience the real advantage of this rifle.

Liu Wang agreed, so he immediately picked up the gun and began to aim at the target 100 steps away. He calmly adjusted his posture and pulled the trigger at the aim point.

Usually, Liu Wang often trains to shoot targets 100 meters away, but it is a smooth bore gun. Even if it is a smooth bore with good accuracy, if he wants to hit a human-sized target at a distance of 100 meters away, he has to use a lot of luck. Liu Wang has set a record of 4 out of 10, which is using smooth bore. When the gun was fired, it was already a big explosion of character.

Today, Liu Wang changed to this kind of rifle. It is reasonable to deal with the target 100 meters away, and there is no big problem.

After hearing a bang, everyone looked at the target 100 meters away. Someone began to take out a monocular telescope to observe, but then the target person 100 meters away stood up and shouted after looking at the target, "One target!" Hit the head! All three layers of targets have penetrated!"

After hearing this, everyone immediately cheered and praised Liu Wang here, saying that Liu Wang played well. It was really powerful that they directly hit the head of the humanoid target a hundred steps away from such a distance. More importantly, they heard the call of the target. A hundred steps away, the gun actually penetrated three layers of wooden targets. It shows that the power of this gun is really much more than the temper guns they used before. If it were the kind of temper guns they commonly use, even if it is a big outbreak of character and hits a vertical target 100 steps away, it can only penetrate a layer of wooden target at most. It is enough to penetrate a layer of wooden target at this distance. It is guaranteed to shoot the armor-piercing target.

However, this gun penetrated three layers of wooden rake a hundred steps away, which means that even if the enemy wears two or three layers of iron armor, it can penetrate his armor, which is enough to kill and injure the enemy.

Everyone was greatly shocked, not because Liu Wang's shooting skills were too good, but very surprised by the penetration of this gun.

But Liu Wang shook his head repeatedly and said, "No! No!"

Meng Fei raised his voice and asked, "You have hit people in the head. What's wrong? The first shot from a hundred steps away hit the head. It's the first time I've seen it!"

Liu Wang immediately shook his head and said, "No, no! I'm not aiming at the head, I'm aiming at the chest. How can I hit the head? Under normal circumstances, even if the fire gun hits the target, the gun will fall lower. I deliberately aim higher, just to hit the chest. How can I aim at the head and hit the head?

The trajectory of this gun is too straight! No, let me try again!"