Daming Haiku

Chapter 76 Healing

However, it will take some time to make sugarcane residue, so they sent people to buy some small wineries on land and transport them back for direct distillation and purification.

The reason why Yu Xiaotian is so eager to purify alcohol is not to supply it to his subordinates to drink, nor to prepare to sell it for money, but to medical treatment.

In the past, sea wolves' hygienists and rescuers, including medical centers, used spirits instead of medical alcohol to deal with wounds, but the alcohol content of spirits did not reach the purity of medical alcohol, and the disinfection effect was not good. On the contrary, it may even cause infection. In addition, alcohol cotton balls and disinfection bandages sometimes needed medical alcohol.

So if you want to get medical alcohol, you can only find a way to purify the alcohol and provide it to the hospital.

In addition, in order to treat artemisia, which can treat malaria diseases, the efficiency of soaking in water is too low, and it is not easy to extract most of the effective ingredients. Therefore, Yu Xiaotian discussed with Dr. Liu and decided to use alcohol to soak artemisia and extract usable ingredients from it.

However, in addition to the many impurities in spirits, there are also the disadvantage of insufficient alcohol content. It is best to use pure alcohol for leaching.

Therefore, it became necessary to build an alcohol preparation workshop. Fortunately, this kind of thing was not technically difficult. It just replaced the original condensing pipe with a glass tube as a condenser, so Yu Xiaotian immediately sent people to work.

Fortunately, the glass field has now set up a branch in Tamsui, and there is no need to run towards Nanri Island. This kind of thing can be solved on the spot. Moreover, after the glass field here has learned from the front of the Nanri Island glass field, there are many fewer detours, the production equipment is more perfect, and the output is larger. If not If soda has become a production bottleneck stuck in the glass field, now he produces hundreds or thousands of tons of glass a year, and there should be no problem.

In addition to the time-consuming blowing glass condenser, other things can be solved by foundries and carpenters, so the alcohol preparation workshop was soon established and put into production.

After the first batch of alcohol was prepared, in order to obtain pure alcohol with higher purity, Yu Xiaotian asked the workshop people to continue to do it, while making two more sets of rectifiers to directly form a continuous distillation operation. In this way, even if the terminal alcohol is less than 100% pure alcohol, at least 100% There is no problem with pure alcohol above 95.

After the pure alcohol is prepared, it is immediately transported to the hospital for storage. One part is mixed with distilled water to make medical alcohol, and the other part is used to soak Artemisia.

As for how long it will take to extract the ingredients in the effective treatment of malaria in the wormworm, no one knows this, and we can only explore it step by step, but this is Dr. Liu's matter.

In addition, Yu Xiaotian also found a way to get some alcohol meters. The principle of the alcohol meter is actually very simple. Using the principle of different alcohol and water specific gravity, he added a lead pendant under a hollow glass tube and then made a scale on it.

The purer the alcohol level, the more the alcohol meter sinks. The lower the alcohol content, the less the alcohol meter sinks. In this way, the alcohol content can be determined.

And after pure alcohol was prepared, Yu Xiaotian finally allowed the glass field to try out alcohol thermometers.

Alcohol thermometers can't be more familiar to people, but it is a glass tube with a small hole in the middle, and a small hollow bag that stores alcohol under it. It relies on the principle of cold contraction of alcohol to measure the temperature.

This is indeed a little difficult to make, and Yu Xiaotian doesn't know what to do, but he can leave professional things to professional craftsmen. Now the glass craftsmen in the glass field are quite skilled, and it is not difficult to make this thing.

As for how to determine the temperature, it is simpler. Fresh water is at a very low altitude. Even if it is sea level, the air pressure is almost standard atmospheric pressure.

Seawolves have now formed the practice of transporting ice to the north every winter. Ice cellars with ice storage are dug everywhere, and ice can be used at any time. Although it is costly, it solves the problem of using ice.

After the alcohol thermometer is ready, put it in a bowl mixed with ice water. At this time, the alcohol column indicates zero. After marking it, the thermometer is put into the boiling water. The high point of the alcohol column is the boiling point of 100, marked, and then divided according to 100, and then The thermometer is available.

This thing is very useful and can be used in many places, especially in medicine, so it takes some trouble to make it. In addition to meeting your own needs, it can also be used as an export product to earn money for the sea wolf in the future.

These days, Xiaotian is busy, and every day he has to take some time to go to the hospital to visit the teenager suffering from malaria as a mouse and observe the progress of his condition.

Dr. Liu insisted that the teenager continue to take water soaked in wormworm water every day and increased his measurement. At first few days, the teenager's condition did not improve much, but it did not deteriorate, and even repeated a little, but he never lost his life. However, as the time of taking drugs increased, his condition began to gradually There has been an improvement, the frequency of pendulums has begun to decrease, and the body temperature is not high at the beginning of the disease.

This situation undoubtedly gave Yu Xiaotian and Dr. Liu a shot of heart-strengthening agent, and they were very happy. This can indeed prove that artemisia does have the effect of treating malaria, which makes everyone suddenly gain confidence and more firmly believe that what Yu Xiaotian said is right.

So they continued to treat the teenager with chrysteen, and also began to give other patients such soaked liquid.

Next, they found that other patients with malaria also had different degrees of malaria symptoms after taking the medicine made by this method, and the number of deaths began to decrease. Some people took it for a few days and improved greatly.

This made Dr. Liu even more excited, including Yu Xiaotian, who was also happy, so they stepped up the preparation of alcohol and began to soak a large amount of chrythia with alcohol, recording the soaking time in batches for testing.

Extract the soaked wine* with natural volatilization to extract the remaining ingredients, and finally obtain some extracts, and give the extract directly to the patient a small amount to observe the efficacy of the drug.

This is a long process, because the drugs extracted in this way are still very rough, containing many unusable impurities, and the content of each batch of raw materials seems to be different.

At present, what Yu Xiaotian and others can do can only reach this step. If they want to further purify these extracts, they need to establish a set of chemical industry and medical chemical industry. Yu Xiaotian thinks that he does not have this ability and can only rely on future generations to gradually explore. .

And Dr. Liu also found that some raw materials are effective and some are simply ineffective due to different origin, which means that chrysanthenium grown in specific areas contains ingredients that can treat malaria, but some places do not have such ingredients.

The collection time is different, and the amount of effective ingredients contained is also different, so the curative effect of the prepared drugs is also very different. How can we determine what season, where, and what soil grows on the chrysardines have the ingredients to treat malaria? This is not something that Yu Xiaotian can do himself. Love.

Professionals do things, which is the principle that Yu Xiaotian has always adhered to, so let Dr. Liu and other doctors gradually explore it.

In a word, the teenager gradually began to recover, and the teenager already felt that he was bound to die, but he didn't expect to be saved. This time, he was extremely grateful to Xiaotian. This is the kindness of life.

After his parents heard the news, they cried bitterly. If it hadn't been for Yu Xiaotian's time to receive them, they had planned to go to Danshui City to kowtow to Yu Xiaotian.

I heard that the sea wolf was still recruiting new ding, so his parents immediately decided to send the teenager to the new camp of the sea wolf as a soldier. His life was given by Yu Xiaotian, and they let the teenager repay Yu Xiaotian's kindness in this way.

Several flying-size fastships in the boat finally went down from the platform into the freshwater river together after the last intense habitat and inspection.

The whole boathouse is full of gongs and drums, firecrackers and bustling. This is the first time that a freshwater boathouse has been built to launch, so it has been very valued. Yu Xiaotian personally rushed to the boathouse to participate in the launching ceremony of the ship.

Someone brought the lion dance team and performed in the boat. Guo Fu even asked Yu Xiaotian to wake up the lion head of the lion dance team. The atmosphere was extremely warm.

Before the ancients were launched into the ship, they used to sacrifice gods, especially the Mazu Dragon King, for psychological comfort, hoping to protect the safety of the ship. Even when the ships were launched, Chinese and foreign countries were used to a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and even some Western countries had to invite priests to give it. Their boats prayed.

There are similarities between Chinese and foreign habits, but the gods worshipped are different.

Therefore, after the sea wolf's boat boat is caused, there will also be some celebrations, but in half of the case, it is not so grand, just because this is the sea wolf's freshwater boat boat is built for the first time to be launched, and this time three boats were built and launched together, so it is very grand.

Such an event is naturally necessary to participate in Yu Xiaotian, not to mention that he is still in Danshui Village, and there is no reason not to participate in such a celebration.