Daming Haiku

Chapter 77 New Ship

Except for the sails, the rest of the three newly created dhows have been put in place, including the mast, which has also been installed on the platform, which shows that the craftsmen of the boat have mastered the center of gravity of this kind of ship and can safely put it into the water without worrying about it. When it comes to water, there is an accident.

The three boats are on the platform. The linear shape is very beautiful, and the hull is painted with black paint. On both sides of the sharp bow, the painter is also asked to paint two fierce wolf heads with color paint, instead of the two docile fish eyes often drawn on coastal fishing boats, and this sign will be determined as the standard of the sea wolf battleship in the future. Zhi, it will be popularized on sea wolf ships in the future, which can be regarded as sea wolf's enterprise CI.

Yu Xiaotian deliberately introduced this identification system among the sea wolves, so that the sea wolves can form a set of their own unique logos, so that people can immediately understand their identity as soon as they see the sea wolf's warship.

Yu Xiaotian doesn't like the messy flags of other peers in this era, especially those surname flags made with their leader's surnames. Such signs are too personal. Hanging this kind of flag is equivalent to putting these ships under someone's private name, including some generals in the Ming army. Caste flags to indicate their identity have led to a tendency to privatize the army.

Therefore, since the beginning of its creation, the sea wolf has not used the surname flag, including the naval division and the soldier system. In addition, several command flags have been designed to represent the status of each ship in the fleet, such as the handsome flag, the sub-ship command flag, etc., to avoid the creation of a ship or a certain ship. The fleet belongs to someone.

All ships fly the sea wolf flag, indicating that they only belong to the sea wolf group, not to any private. All the leaders of the sea wolf are also appointed by Yu Xiaotian. They only command some ships on behalf of Xiaotian. These ships still belong to the sea wolf group, and do not belong to Yu Xiaotian. Any other private product.

This can undoubtedly make them clearly understand who they are working for, who is responsible for paying them, how well they eat and wear, and can also make the sea wolves have a sense of cohesion and honor.

The simplest way to make the sea wolf masses have a sense of cohesion and honor is to take them to win again and again. Now it seems that Yu Xiaotian has undoubtedly done a very good job. In recent years, no matter what opponent the sea wolf is, it has rarely lost.

This also makes the current sea wolf masses begin to have a feeling that their sea wolves do not need to be afraid of anyone on the sea. Their sea wolves are invincible, which is undoubtedly of great help to improve the self-confidence and morale of the sea wolves.

A team that has always been timid and afraid of things cannot gain a foothold at sea. It is not enough to be brave enough. It requires everyone in a team, at least most people, to have this belligerent desire to make this team dare to fight and be good at fighting.

There is no doubt that Yu Xiaotian has initially built such a team and established a relatively complete system that can motivate the people to do things bravely.

Now he has selected more than 200 captains and first mates according to the methods of the British navy, but only two-thirds of them can get ships, and the remaining one-third of the captains and first mates have nothing to do on the shore and can only take turns on the training ship. They go to sea for adaptation training every month to maintain their ability to control and command ships, and also cultivate their ability to command naval battles.

The captains and first officers of the sea wolf's sailors are under pressure, because if they don't work honestly, if they make a little mistake, they may be dismissed. If they get off the ship and stay on the shore, if they make a big mistake, they will be expelled from the sea wolf and sent to the hard labor camp. If they make a small mistake, they will be deducted. In addition to the payment and reward, you have to squat on the shore and be confined. In addition, you have to make a cold bench. I don't know when you will get a chance to get on the boat again.

This method is undoubtedly a great spur for the captains of the sea wolf. If you can't do it, you can change people. Anyway, there are many people waiting behind, and the sailors on the ship are not subordinate to any private individuals. Anyone who is the captain is the same.

People who want to live in the sea wolf sailors have no foothold at all under this system. If they don't go to the top, it depends on their personal ability. The nepotism has little influence among the sea wolves. Unlike other pirate groups, the relatives and friends of the big family have to ascend to the sky and become them. The person in power will reach out if there is something good, and if there is difficulty or danger, just let others do it.

After such a system is implemented, it will be much fairer among the sea wolves, and the masses also have expectations, especially some slightly self-motivated or ambitious pawns, who feel that they have a run and work harder. Anyway, as long as they work hard, they will always have a better day.

There is another very important reason, that is, everyone knows that there may be "sand" staring at their every move around them at any time. As long as they are a little slack or other misconduct, they may soon be known by the prison.

Yu Xiaotian knows very well that everyone has selfish desires in their hearts, and this selfish desires must be curbed. If they want to curb this expansion of selfish desires, they must put everyone under supervision. Only then came up with this method of sand mixed down and use some professional whistleblowers to supervise these subordinates on his behalf. Move.

Only let the men know that they can't act recklessly at any time. There will always be some eyes staring at them in light or dark, and they naturally dare not come.

In the past, some captains or some people on the ship felt that after going to sea, no one could see what they were doing, so they were lazy at sea, avoiding war, picking up soft persimmons, and even hiding the stolen goods secretly.

Such a situation will soon be investigated by the prison hall. For this reason, there have been more than a dozen captains and first mates. Because they colluded to do small actions on the ship, they were taken by the prison hall first to serve them with heavy punishment, and then they were dismissed. Some people were expelled and assigned to the hard labor camp, and some people were even exposed to the public. Hang it on the dock for people to watch.

Therefore, the discipline of the sea wolf has been greatly improved later. Not to mention that everyone is in danger, at least let them know that if you work here, you must work hard. Doing small actions is to ask for yourself, and there is no future.

Of course, this method of sanding will have some disadvantages, such as making subordinates feel less trusted, but in general, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, and the sand is usually hidden among sailors and has no right to interfere with other people's actions unless it is very necessary to show their identity to take over. Ship or team.

And the regulations of the sea wolf make it clear that as long as they work hard and follow the rules, the sand will not pose any threat to them, and will become the main witness of their meritorious service when necessary, to ensure that when they do well, they will not be buried, so that no one knows it and they can't get praise. Reward.

So for all the people in the sea wolf department, the existence of sand is a double-edged sword for them. If they do well, the sand can help them. When they don't do well, don't blame Xingtang for being rude to them.

This has gradually become a culture of sea wolves, which makes the sea wolf masses form a good disciplined atmosphere, so that Yu Xiaotian's opponents can prohibit them, such as arm fingers, and they don't have to worry about losing control of their opponents.

Yu Xiaotian looked at the three new ships on the platform and sighed. At this time, Guo Fu came to ask for instructions. All the preparations had been completed and asked Yu Xiaotian if he could start to let the ship into the water.

Yu Xiaotian quickly withdrew his mind and immediately nodded and said, "It's time to start!"

With a burst of rapid sound of firecrackers, the people on the platform evacuated one after another, leaving only a few people responsible for operating the ship's launch.

The platform is directly connected to the slide that goes into the water. When the ship is built, the problem of going into consideration. When the ship is built, the bow points to the slide and is equipped with a blocking wooden frame.

Once the ship is built, the wooden frame that blocks the ship from sliding down should be removed, and then the ship should be pried. The ship moves to the slide. After entering the slide, it can slide into the water by the ship's weight.

And this launch process is very risky. With a little carelessness, the ship may roll over on the shore during the launch process, and the hull will be damaged. However, it is very difficult to correct the hull under the technical conditions of this era, and may even cause the ship to be scrapped.

In addition, the ship needs to be checked for a final inspection before going into the water, and the weight of the ship should be adjusted. The ballast stone for leveling should be placed in the center of gravity without major deviation, and it should also be fixed.

The slide now has no rails, so it can only be made of hardwood to make the slide. The slide should be wider, and sleepers should be laid below to ensure that when the heavy hull is pressed on the slide, the soil cannot be soft and cause the slide to sink on one side, so that the ship is likely to roll over.

Therefore, when building the platform and the slide, the foundation should also be carefully compacted, and the groove of the slide should also use a certain depth to prevent the bottom of the boat from touching the sleeper below.

But these things have been solved by the craftsmen of the boat, and there is basically no need to worry about anything. After receiving the order, the remaining archers began to remove the wooden frame blocking the ship and open up the obstacles between the platform and the slide.

In the past, when the ship went into the water, it had to rely on many people to pry the ship out of the platform little by little with a lever to slip into the inclined chute, but now this stupid method is no longer used.

(Thank you to my old friend Hulu Brother for rewarding again! Thank you very much!)