Daming Haiku

Chapter 110 Fight Again

"Why don't we think about attacking them at night? The night will become our best protection. The enemy can't see our ships clearly. We can take advantage of the night to cover and capture their forts!" An infantry officer said.

But the infantry officer was immediately attacked by the captains.

"Hum! Can you come up with this method? We don't know anything about the situation below the water surface near Jilong Bay. We don't know the depth and waterway at all. Under the enemy's cannon mouth, if we want to attack their fort at night, it is simply suicide! Once a ship hits a reef or runs aground, I'm afraid it can't be saved at all. We can only wait to be broken into pieces by the pirates' cannons!"

Anthony held a pipe in his chest, smoked quietly, and listened to the speeches of his subordinates. After they had enough quarreled, he hit the pipe and put the pipe on the table.

"Gentlemen! I have heard your opinion! Now let me talk about what I think!" Anthony pretended to be as calm as possible, stood up and said to the people present.

When everyone saw Anthony starting to speak, they sat down and listened to his speech.

"Today, as you said, we really underestimate the firepower of this group of Chinese pirates! We didn't expect that these damn Chinese pirates got so many cannons from somewhere, and they were so powerful!

Among their turrets, there are at least ten heavy guns, and the others are at least 12 pounds of cannons, and the number should be about 30. Such firepower is very fierce!

Today, our battle obviously failed to destroy their fort, which made us realize that we can no longer despise our opponents. These Chinese pirates are completely different from the Chinese pirates we knew before. They have received strict training, have a strong will to fight, and their fighting skills are also superb. This can be seen from the speed of their shelling, even stronger than the gunners on our ship! ......”

When Anthony said this, the captains didn't look good. They didn't want to admit what Anthony said, but they had to admit that it was right, because they also watched the counterattack of the battery today. The time between the two fires was very short with the same gun window on the fort. It is indeed beyond the firing frequency of the gunners on their ship.

This fully shows that these Chinese pirates are by no means a mob, but have received very rigorous training, and the gunners cooperate quite well to achieve such a fast operation of artillery shooting.

And their speed did not affect the accuracy of their shelling. Today, they all saw that the shelling rate of these pirates at a distance of 400 yards has reached about 20%, which is simply unimaginable.

At such a long distance, even if they let their artillery operate the cannon, it is difficult to hit more than 10%. Today, hundreds of shells have been fired from various types of artillery on their ship, but the number of shells directly hit the fort is basically only a handful, and the enemy does not have it in the number of artillery. Under many circumstances, they hit their ship with more than 30 shells in a row, and almost each ship suffered several times, causing not too small losses to their ships. One boat was even directly killed and injured more than a dozen sailors, and one ship was almost broken by the mast.

Even if their sea artillery platform is not stable enough, they still feel unacceptable to be defeated by a group of Chinese pirates.

This is also the reason why some of them proposed to fight at a close range. At such a long distance, their artillery hit rate is too low, and the enemy's hit rate is too high to effectively exert their firepower advantage.

"But now that we have come here, we can't return here. The Governor has given us the task, and we must complete this mission!

I decided to continue to attack their forts tomorrow morning and try to destroy their forts. In addition, tomorrow we can tentatively send infantry called speedboats and try to capture their forts. If it works, then we can break through their defense line and enter the bay. , shelled their castle!

Presumably, these Chinese pirates will be afraid after losing the external defense line! Maybe the surrender will be announced!

In another minute, send soldiers to scout. Is there a land passage to Jilong Bay? If it really doesn't work, we can bypass the forts they built from the land and directly attack their castle, which will probably work!"

Anthony continued and said his plan.

After everyone listened, this plan is relatively stable. Basically, the various plans they proposed have been adopted and integrated and implemented together. They have no better way but to do so.

So the fleet rested at the temporary anchorage for half a day, and the infantry who came with the fleet also sent personnel to scout in the direction of Chicken Cage Bay along the coastline, trying to find a road that could lead to Chicken Cage Bay on the shore.

The next morning, the Spanish fleet drove outside the chicken cage bay again. This time, the two sides had nothing to say, so they rumbled and fought directly.

Shells staggered across the sea and flew to their respective targets. Pieces of gravel and dust kept rising on the land, and waves rose from time to time on the sea.

This time, the Spaniards no longer put the fleet hundreds of yards away from the shore as they did yesterday, but approached the fleet about 300 meters outside the mouth of the bay and launched a fierce artillery battle with several forts at the mouth of the bay.

For the distance within 300 meters, although the distance between naval guns is still a little far from the sea, and the accuracy of the hit is not guaranteed, but the hit rate and accuracy of the shells are obviously improved compared with yesterday. All types of light and heavy shells fall on the fort from time to time, and the gravel flies outside the fort.

At this time, the interior of the battery is also full of unpleasant smells. The smell of gunpowder smoke makes people cough and irritate their eyes. From time to time, the battery is shot and will shake violently. When the artillery inside the battery is fired, it will still cause the battery to tremble violently and shake a large area of dust.

However, after yesterday's experience, the personnel in the fort performed much better today. They knew that their fort was strong enough to collapse, so they were not too afraid. Even if a piece was bombed yesterday, it was an accident. It was quite safe to hide in the fort.

Everyone struggled to push, load and fire. Some people raised the medicine bag from the lowest ammunition depot to the gun position and loaded it into the gun barrel like running water.

Today, Sun Baoqiang personally went to the fort to supervise the battle, because various affairs on the side of Keelung Fort have been arranged, and there are blackheads in the middle of the town and command in Keelung Fort, so Sun Baoqiang does not need to stay in Keelung Fort anymore.

And Sun Baoqiang is also a little selfish. He knows very well that he has a foothold in the sea wolves. The most important thing is the battle. These people usually stay on the side of Keelung Fort and have few opportunities to get combat achievements. This time, they finally met the Spanish attack. If they don't take the opportunity to get some battle achievements, it will be too good. It's a pity.

But in Keelung Fort, because of the Peace Island Fort and Bay Point Fort as its barrier, generally, as long as the enemy does not break through this line of defense, it is basically unlikely to attack Keelung Fort. Therefore, if you want to make achievements, you can only have a chance to go to the front line and sit in the fort.

Among these three forts, the Peace Island Fort is the most critical and the main target of the enemy's attack. Therefore, Sun Baoqiang finally decided to go to the Peace Island Fort. As long as the Spaniards are repelling several attacks, the credit of directing the battle on the front line will definitely not be able to escape. .

After the war, Sun Baoqiang occupied the position of Feng Twelve's observation port, holding a monocular, and constantly observing the situation of the enemy fleet on the sea.

And Feng 12 could only squeeze into a gunner's observation window, observe the situation on the sea, and silently calculate the landing point of the shell and various shootings.

"Feng Twelve! You are all idiots! How can you fight like this?" After observing for a while, Sun Baoqiang put down his telescope and scolded Feng Twelve, who was not far from him.

Feng Shishi quickly turned around and said, "Please show it to Commander Sun!"

"Look at it yourself! The cannons here fight separately and fire at will. This is simply to disperse the firepower! Do you understand?

The big head has told us many times that in the case of our limited firepower, we should focus our firepower on an important goal first to ensure effective destruction! Have you forgotten all about this? With such fragmentation, when can we sink one of their boats? I think you, the captain, if you continue to work like this, you'd better just do something later!" Sun Baoqiang scolded Feng Twelve.

When Sun Baoqiang heard this, it was really reasonable. Although they had fought happily here in the past two days, they did forget about it. The gunners in each position were free to choose targets for shelling. Although they also killed and injured enemy ships, they did not seriously hit an enemy ship, let alone sink them.

After being scolded by Sun Baoqiang, Feng Twelve remembered that Yu Xiaotian really told them some skills and principles on how to use artillery during their training.

In a situation like today, instead of fighting casually, it is better to concentrate firepower to fight a boat first. In the case of not being able to completely destroy the enemy, the best way is to concentrate firepower to ensure that it is more cost-effective to effectively destroy an enemy's target.

(I actually had a high fever yesterday afternoon. It seems that taking medicine didn't work, so I had to run to the infusion at night, and I have to continue the water this afternoon! I'm dizzy!)