Daming Haiku

Chapter 111 Sniper

After listening to Sun Baoqiang's words, Feng Twelve quickly stood up with his legs, raised his right hand to force a military salute to Sun Bao, and shouted, "Yes! Commander Sun scolded him very much! It's stupid!"

Turning his head, he immediately shouted at the busy gunners on the fort: "Stop firing and stop firing for me!" It's all clear to me. Now all aim at the boat in front of me and concentrate on hitting the boat first! No one is allowed to shoot at will, only fight that boat for me! Dry it first and then talk about other things! Did you hear it clearly?"

Some of the gunners didn't understand. Their ears had been shaken by the feeling of being a little deaf and were stunned, so Feng Twelve ran around the fort angrily, like a mad dog, and once again told every gun commander of his request.

At this time, the gun commanders understood what Feng 12 wanted them to do. They quickly lay down at the gun door to find the target assigned to them by Feng 12 and soon set their eyes on a Spanish warship closest to them.

This ship is not actually a warship, but a temporarily conscripted Spanish armed merchant ship. The displacement of this ship is about 400 tons. It is also a Galen ship with 15 guns on board and is not the main warship of the Spaniards.

But today he was assigned to the leading position, close to Peace Island and directly shelled the Peace Island battery.

At this time, the Spanish sailors on the ship were busy and hot, constantly shouting to fill the artillery, and then dodged the fire with a strange scream.

But they didn't know that they had been locked as the only target by the gun commanders in the fort. A cannon in the battery was slowly moved in the shouts of the gun commanders, and the muzzle slowly pointed to the ship.

The black hole muzzle moved slowly, and the gun captains aimed at it in person. The fort temporarily fell into silence. Only the rumble of cannons from the sea could be heard, as well as the roar and vibration of the shells falling on the battery.

"Fire!" When he saw that the cannons had finished aiming and were ready to fire, Feng Twelve suddenly roared hysterically.

"Fire...fire..." A series of roars of gun commanders sounded in the fort.

A series of earth-shaking cannons sounded immediately inside the fort. A gun shook violently and then retreated. The turret was filled with smoke again, making many people cough loudly.

Sun Baoqiang also didn't care about the choking smoke. He rubbed his eyes that were choked by the smoke and began to turn red. He quickly lay down at the observation window and looked at the sea.

The sea of the enemy ship they chose suddenly seemed to be boiling. Shells flew over one after another and hit around the ship. Some shells also hit the ship accurately and directly. Pieces of wood were raised on the enemy ship, and even he faintly passed through the saltpeter. Smoke, saw a cannon on the boat being hit and jumped up, and fell on the deck, while many Spanish sailors on the deck were jumping on the boat with their heads.

This time, Sun Baoqiang became happy and shouted to Feng Twelve with a wild smile, "Okay! Just fight like this! Beat these foreign bastards to death! Next, let's beat him up and let's talk about it!"

A series of gunfire shook Feng Twelve's ears buzzing. He couldn't hear the sound for a long time. He could only see Sun Baoqiang's dusty face, showing a grinning expression, but he couldn't hear what he called.

However, Feng Twelve could guess what Sun Baoqiang said, so he nodded and then barked like a mad dog again: "Just fight like this! Sink this ship to me!"

The Peace Island Fort suddenly changed its tactics, and other ships felt much better, but this target ship was unlucky.

All the cannons on the Peace Island turret have been firmly locked at this time. The sound of cannons one after another keeps ringing, and the shells are flying towards them one after another. There are waves around their ships, and some shells even fall not far from their side, causing the sea water even straight. The poop spilled on the boat, and the sailors on the deck sounded like chickens.

The captain of the ship stood on the stern. Needless to say, he was in a bad mood now. He was so unlucky, but he was targeted by these damn Chinese pirates and became their target. The ship was his private property. This time he was recruited by the governor of Manila.

Although participating in such an operation, if his ship is damaged or the crew is killed and injured, the governor will give him some compensation and will not let him lose a lot of money, but he does not want his ship to be mutilated or sunk, because even if his ship is sunk, the governor does not play hooligans. The price was compensated, but he could only return to Spain and reorder the new ship.

And no one compensates him for the period of ordering a new ship, which will delay a long time for doing business, and time is money. Nowadays, Spaniards know very well that a two-pended ship like him can earn money by transporting goods and people back and forth on the sea for a year. A lot of money, if you do well in a year, you can at least make profits from building a new ship, or maybe even more.

Even if it is the worst, after two years at sea, it is enough for them to make profits from building a new ship, and it will take at least two years to build a new ship from the time he returns to Spain by boat, to placing an order, scheduling, and finally handing the ship. In more than two years, he has no way. Earn another silver coin.

And after the new ship is built, he will recruit sailors again, which will take quite a long time. Now the sailors are not very easy to recruit. Even if they are recruited, the sailors are not familiar with each other and cannot sail immediately. They have to carry out adaptive training for a period of time, not to mention the scum among the sailors recruited now are very Many, it is not easy to control. There are often sailors who disobey the captain's orders during the voyage, and even launch * to kill the captain or throw the captain's first mate on a deserted island and let him die.

So when the ship was locked by the sea wolf fort, the captain was both panicked and depressed and quickly ordered the ship to maneuver to avoid these shells.

However, even after the ship moved, it could not escape the fate of being attacked by concentrated firepower. Soon, the ship was hit by several shells, and large holes appeared in the hull. Several sailors on the ship were killed, forcing them to retreat quickly. Open the distance between the fort and the fort.

But while they turned around and retreated, they were stared at by the hand of a sea wolf on the fort.

A * held a tether gun that did not look strange, poked a hole in the muzzle and carefully observed the situation on the sea through the hole.

At this time, the Spanish ship is about 200 to 300 meters away from the fort. Under normal circumstances, only cannons can get it at such a distance. No one will want to shoot at the enemy with *, so that ordinary * even if they hit the enemy, let alone the accuracy. In terms of power alone, it is basically similar to smashing with stones.

But the sea wolf's * hand is still holding a huskling gun, lying on the shot hole and looking for his target carefully, constantly adjusting the direction of * through the door and sight.

Hearing a bang, the gunman's body shook slightly, and the recoil generated by the flotation gun shooting transmitted the power to his shoulder, making his body shake slightly.

After observing carefully, he shook his head in disappointment and sighed, but immediately began to fill it up again.

He also heard Sun Baoqiang and Feng Twelve's orders. At this time, he also focused his attention on the enemy ship that was attacked by concentrated fire and searched for targets. Some dry silk sailors on the boat ran back and forth on the deck. They didn't know what they were busy with. For these active targets, he did not The grip can hit accurately. What he was looking for was a relatively stable target as his sniper target, and finally a figure standing on the sniper fell into his eyes.

He immediately began to adjust the muzzle, slowly raised the muzzle, and locked the man's figure with the door and sight.

He first took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and then slightly adjusted all parts of his body to put his body in a very comfortable posture, and then calmly locked the target with the thorn gun in his hand.

Then he gently pulled the trigger until the trigger moved back to the state of being about to be fired. The whole person seemed to be integrated with the gun. At this time, he was almost unconscious. The trigger was finally pulled to the firing state, the flINT launch gun was fired again, and the muzzle spit out a A mass of flames immediately raised a mass of smoke, blocking his sight.

* This is very annoying. Whether it is a cannon or *, when firing, no matter how good the quality of gunpowder is, there will be a ball of gunpowder smoke, but the color is different. The better the quality of gunpowder, the lighter the color of gunpowder smoke, and vice versa, the thicker the less sufficient the gunpowder burning.

Shooters often shoot after shooting or firing, because of the problem of gunpowder smoke, they can't see the effect of their shooting. When shooting, it is fire collection, but the impact is not too great. After all, it relies on intensive shooting, and there will always be some bullets that can hit some targets.

However, when shooting alone, this problem is very annoying. Shooters often can't observe the shooting effect at the first time. They have to wait for the smoke to dissipate before they can observe the shooting situation.

(This cold is really difficult, with a fever and cough, and my lungs are about to cough! Continue to water in the afternoon! Unlucky! It's going bankrupt!)