Daming Haiku

Chapter 115

The Spanish soldiers quickly turned their heads and looked at the sound, and their morale suddenly fell into their crotch. Because they saw their commander, half of their heads were blown away, and their brains collapsed far away. They fell straight to the ground and could not die again.

"Haha! I finally caught this bastard! I stared at him for a long time just now and didn't find a chance. Now I killed him!" The sniper withdrew the wolf tooth rifle in the hole and said proudly to several * hands around him.

It turned out that the sniper had been staring at the commander of the Spanish infantry. He killed three ordinary soldiers, but never had a chance to knock him down.

This time, he took the initiative to jump out and grabbed the command knife. He could see that he was the leader, so he was immediately targeted by the sniper. After aiming for a while, he waited for him to gather the team and was about to launch an attack. As a result, he shot down and killed the house dozens of meters away. The guy opened his head.

"Remember it for you, you did a good job! Just do this, who dares to show up and kill him? Let's see how bold they are. If they dare to come up and attack our battery, let them come and kill them as much as they want! Damn, I don't know what the meat of these foreign devils tastes like..." Feng Twelve just passed by, patted the sniper's shoulder hard, and said proudly.

After listening to it, everyone felt a chill in their hearts. How could Feng Twelve think of this problem? Usually, they don't lack meat to eat! This guy is even curious about what human flesh tastes like. It seems that this guy has too much contact with those native auxiliary soldiers, and it's better to stay away from him in the future.

Many people subconsciously avoided Feng Twelve and despised the barbarian in their hearts.

The Spaniards had just summoned up a little courage. After their commander was hit in the head on the spot, they suddenly disappeared and rushed behind the reef. This time, without their commander, it was no longer possible for them to organize any effective attack. They could only lean their backs against the reef one by one in fear. Shi kept praying to their God in his heart.

Through the telescope, Anthony saw the efforts of these infantry, which eventually disappeared, and his heart completely sank into the deepest part of the trench and became cool.

He knew that his plan to send troops to attack * Taiwan today had completely failed again, but the price of failure was too high. Nearly 200 infantry and sailors were left on the island where the turret was located. Now they don't even have boats to escape back, and only the remaining two boats have been abandoned under the desperate shaking of the sailors. Those people on the island fled back to the sea first. At this time, he could only bring these soldiers back except to let the big ships of the fleet dock. In addition, he had no better way.

But it's too dangerous to lean the ship up, which is equivalent to asking them to put the cannon on their forehead and fire. In case they lean over, not only did they not rescue these soldiers, but were sunk several big ships by them, then they would be completely sad this time.

If he pays such a loss, it is estimated that even if he returns to Manila, he will be immediately arrested by the governor and then pulled out and hanged. He can't afford the cost of sinking several large ships.

So he fell into a dilemma. Don't save him! There are still more than 100 soldiers! If they are not saved, the remaining infantry will probably fire directly at him on the spot!

But he wanted to save him, but he was afraid to pay a greater price, which made him really want to cry, but he couldn't find a solution.

At this time, the infantry officer on his boat rushed to him and pleaded with him loudly: "Your Excellency, the plan to send infantry to attack the fort has completely failed. The soldiers can't capture the fort at all. Now please send a ship immediately and pick them back! If it's too late, I'm afraid they will all be killed on the island by these barbaric Chinese pirates!"

Anthony's mouth was as bitter as eating Huang Lian. He didn't know what to say. At this point, he could only take a risk, so he comforted the infantry officer and ordered one of the ships in the fleet to approach Peace Island, as close as possible to Peace Island, and carry several small boats in the fleet, but It is no longer the boats on those ships, but sloops with larger tonnage, trying to rescue the soldiers trapped on the island.

As for other ships, they exerted all their firepower and fiercely shelled the Peace Island Fort. Even if the fort could not be destroyed, it would at least block their sight and strive to allow these soldiers to withdraw to the ship and escape from the ascension.

The sound of the cannons on the sea became more dense. The big boats kept spraying flames at the fort, hitting the shells one by one. A mass of dust on the island. The forts trembled violently from time to time in the shelling. Finally, under the fierce bombardment of the enemy, another corner suddenly collapsed. The outside gun window was like a ghost. It drilled into a shell and directly destroyed a 24-pound gun in the gun window, hurting many soldiers and villagers in the fort, and almost detonated a box of gunpowder bags that had just been picked up on the fort, which shocked everyone into a cold sweat.

Sun Baoqiang was also shocked and dizzy, and his face was covered with dust. A piece of gravel also scratched his face and bleed a lot, which made his face extremely embarrassed.

"Check the damage and send the wounded and dead brothers down first! The rest of them returned to their respective positions! Damn, if you don't shit these bastards today, I won't be surnamed Sun!" Sun Baoqiang roared angrily. The villagers were very scared at this moment, for fear that the fort could really withstand the cannons of the red hair outside. If they were completely bombarded, they would all be buried alive here. Some villagers wanted to take the opportunity to escape below, but they were immediately blocked back by the soldiers.

One of Xiang Yong was probably scared and shouted that he wanted to go down. As a result, without saying a word, Feng Twelve cut him down on the spot with a knife, twitched and fell to the ground, and soon stretched out his leg to death.

This time, the villagers were completely suppressed, and no one dared to flee to the lower level.

"Stay honest. Except for those who carry the wounded and the bodies of the dead brothers, if anyone dares to shake the heart of the army again, this person will come to an end! Go back and push the gun honestly! Keep fighting for me!

People, you guys go to clean up over there, and then some people to push the cannon away first and don't obstruct the passage! ......”

The ship that was ordered to approach the Peace Island and tried to pick up the trapped Spanish soldiers on the island. After being hit by more than a dozen shells, it turned the bow of the ship and fled the Peace Island again with infinite fear.

And the more than 100 Spanish soldiers on the island shouted anxiously, some crying and some scolding, but they could not change this fact.

The Chinese pirates blocked their way back from the Peace Island and bombarded any ships trying to approach the Peace Island without exception. A sloop finally approached the shore, but disintegrated directly on the shore under the heavy artillery of the sea wolf, and even more than 20 sailors on the ship also fell. In the sea, several people swam desperately to other ships and fled the Peace Island. Several people were hopeless for help and had to swim to the island and became trapped beasts on the island.

Looking at the wrecked ship, Anthony completely died. These Spanish soldiers trapped on the island are completely hopeless. At least today he can't evacuate them from the island. The firepower of this group of Chinese pirates is too fierce. If he continues to try, I'm afraid that the result will be Instead of rescuing them, even their fleet has to be put in.

So Anthony had to order to withdraw his troops again, withdraw from the battle, and go back to the anchorage to rest for a while. At this time, he already knew that the captain of another armed merchant ship was killed with *. It was not that they retreated, but that their captain had died, resulting in the ship's temporary loss of effective command.

As a result of today's fierce battle, they were hit by another sea wolf shell, and each ship suffered greater damage. The other 200 infantry sent now are now trapped on the enemy's island.

Anthony only felt a splitting headache. He didn't know why he had to take on this task. He thought they could easily occupy a foothold in northern Taiwan this time, but he didn't expect that he would encounter such trouble on this trip to Taiwan.

After two days of fierce fighting, he failed to step into Chicken Cage Bay, and even failed to destroy a fort of the other party's forts. On the contrary, all the ships were damaged, and two of them were beaten badly. It is estimated that after this time, it must be overhauled in Manila before it can continue to be used.

This time, the price they paid has greatly exceeded their original plan. Whether they go back now or not, Anthony feels that he can't explain.

Now he is in a dilemma. The equipment quality of this group of Chinese pirates is almost comparable to theirs. In addition to their ships temporarily unable to compete with their Western-style big sailboats, in terms of artillery and *, the equipment quality of this group of Chinese pirates is quite good, and their training process is quite good. The degree is also very high, which has been recognized by him and his men since he has been with them in the past two days.

Now he has to consider what to do next. Today, the soldiers they sent to the Fort Island (their name Peace Island) are still trapped on Battery Island. During the day, under the enemy's fire, they have little chance to save them. They have already experienced it.

So he had to find a way to save these people, otherwise he would have lost so many soldiers, which would be enough for him to be sent to the gallows.

(The condition has finally improved! If you lose water for another day today, you won't have to water tomorrow! It feels really good not to have a fever! Ha ha!)