Daming Haiku

Chapter 116 Making Dumplings

Next, whether Anthony should lead the fleet back to Manila or continue to stay and attack the chicken cage bay is his most difficult thing.

Just withdraw and pat your buttocks and leave, but what about after you go back? He took so many ships, soldiers and sailors all the way to Taiwan Island, but he couldn't even defeat a group of Chinese pirates. This was not the Dutch occupation of Penghu. They faced the Ming army, and it was not shameful to fail.

But if he goes back and says that he is beaten all over the ground and runs back to Manila, he will be completely ashamed. It is light to be sent to the gallows, and the whole Spain will be ashamed of him because of him.

Who will look up to them, Spaniards in Luzon in the future! I'm afraid that even the Chinese pirates who used to respect them will no longer take them seriously in the future, so when their Spanish cargo ships appear in the South Ocean again, they are not guaranteed that the Chinese pirates will flock up and slaughter them like chickens.

Another point is that the Chinese immigrants living in Manila and Luzon Island are very strong in Manila and control a lot of financial resources, and these Chinese people seem to be tame, but God knows if they will one day replace their Spanish rule over Luzon. , drive them out of Luzon and become the new masters there.

Anthony forgot that Luzon was a vassal state of China less than a hundred years ago, but now in the eyes of these Spaniards, Luzon is their forbidden thing, and he has completely forgotten whose territory Luzon was before.

He remembered the time when the Chinese were in Manila more than 20 years ago. When they heard about it, the Spaniards still had a lingering heart.

If they are defeated by a group of Chinese pirates this time, once the news is sent back to Manila, will the Chinese people there still be as obedient to them as before?

Anthony dares not think down. If he doesn't find a way to defeat this group of Chinese pirates, there will definitely be no good fruit to eat when he goes back. This is a certainty.

But if he can take Jilong Bay, anyway, there will always be an explanation when he goes back. Even if he is dismissed, he will not be hanged on the gallows.

So after thinking about it, he still didn't dare to lead the team to withdraw to Manila. He had to insist on and find a way to see if he could take down the Chicken Cage Bay in other ways.

That night, Anthony sent several light speedboats. Under the cover of the night, he touched Fort Island again to rescue the Spanish soldiers on the island.

But the sea wolf did not make it easy for them.

After repelling the attack of the Spanish fleet for the second time during the day, more than 100 Spanish soldiers were trapped on the island.

These Spanish soldiers panicked like rabbits one by one, hiding in the cracks of the reef and didn't even dare to show their heads. During the day, they completely experienced the power of the sea wolves. They watched the boats transporting them over were sunk on the shore by sea wolves and cut them off. Take the way back, and then cut them down in front of the fort like rice.

Then killed their commander, and finally almost sunk the big ship that tried to rescue them, forcing their ship to withdraw from the battle and leave them on the island.

And the damn Chinese pirates in the sea wolf's fort keep shooting at them, but anyone who is a little careless will be shot down as soon as he shows up.

The enemy's accurate shooting method makes them feel incredible. You know, although the rifle is very powerful, it is not easy to hit a person easily from 50 meters away. However, there are obviously several sharpshooters in the opponent's turret, and the kind of rifle is as long as long eyes at any time. Waiting to harvest their lives.

These trapped Spanish soldiers were not so careful at first, but after being killed one after another, they no longer dared to show up.

The shooters of Chinese pirates can accurately hit their heads and easily open their heads, so they only dare to lie behind the reef and dare not even fart easily.

Of course, the Chinese pirates in the fort did not let them stay in the reefs. After the fleet withdrew, these Chinese pirates also tried to eliminate them.

A group of Chinese pirates, holding knives and guns, came out of the fort and launched an attack on them, trying to clean them all from the island. These Spaniards still made some efforts to resist, killing and injuring more than a dozen Chinese pirates, and several people themselves were killed.

So the Chinese pirates withdrew to the fort and continued to use cold guns to deal with them.

The Chinese pirates kept shouting at them in the fort. Through the Chinese translator they brought, they learned that the pirates were shouting for them to surrender and not to kill them.

But they surrendered to a group of Chinese pirates. Obviously, these Spanish soldiers' self-esteem was a little unbearable, so they decided to continue to resist, because they still had a little expectation for their commander and felt that he would not abandon them and would definitely send a ship to save them at night.

After dark, these hungry Spanish soldiers hid in the reef. At this time, a beam of light was suddenly thrown on the fort, illuminating their position.

This beam of light came from the fort, which shocked these Spanish soldiers. They didn't know how these Chinese pirates did this. They could concentrate the firelight and shine in one direction, and it was so bright that someone then stretched out their heads curiously to observe what it was. Something.

But there was an unlucky guy who looked too carefully. He only stretched out his head to observe the source of the beam of light, but forgot that his head was exposed to the beam of light. In a short time, he heard a gunshot from the fort, and the curious baby fell down on the reef without saying anything. Below.

When the people next to him went to see him again, they found that the guy's head had been opened and the enemy could fight so accurately at night, which scared them so much that they dared not show up.

These people were hungry and afraid, and kept praying in the reefs, praying that their people would quickly send boats to rescue them from this hellish place.

At this time, there was a burst of gunfire on the sea. They quickly looked at the sea. Through the darkness, they saw some lights on the sea. Obviously, it was light from the masts of some ships that were not large, and the other was a The flash of continuous flashing gunfire.

They immediately realized that it was their ship that came to pick them up, but the problem was that the patrol ship sent by the sea wolf at night was blocked on the sea, and now the two sides were on fire.

The sailors who have been stationed in Jilong Bay for so long have seized the opportunity.

They dare not go out of Jilong Bay during the day. They can only help the soldiers garrison in the bay or set up checkpoints at various intersections. Only at night can they dare to go out of the bay and patrol the sea to prevent the Spaniards from attacking Chickenlong Bay at night.

As a result, today they finally caught the three Spanish speedboats that tried to dive to Peace Island in the dark to pick up their trapped soldiers.

So these sailors who have been aggrieved for several days are unreasonable. They can't beat those big splints during the day, can't they still beat these dry silk boats at night?

So in the night, they immediately fired fire, hit three Spanish speedboats, and rushed over and fought with a Spanish speedboat.

As a result, after a short period of fierce fighting, several patrol boats of the sailors successfully captured a Spanish slingate and drove two other Spanish speedboats away from the mouth of Chickenlongwan, completely cutting off the thoughts of the Spanish trapped on the island.

Looking at the ships that came to rescue them being driven away by the ships of sea wolves, the Spaniards on the island were completely desperate. A small number of Spaniards with good water simply lost everything, jumped into the sea and swam into the darkness. They wanted to find a place to land near Chicken Cage Bay and then take advantage of the night. Escape back to their temporary anchorage.

But most of the soldiers, because they are not sailors and are not well watery, they dare not jump into the dark sea water. They can only continue to be trapped on the island every day.

When Anthony sounded gunfire on the sea, he knew that his plan to send a ship to rescue those soldiers this night had been bankrupt again. These pirates were so bold that they dared to come out to patrol the sea at night. During the day, his fleet had an advantage, but at night he did not dare to mobilize a large fleet to go out with the sea wolves. The Keron ship fought.

Although those Keron ships are not strong in firepower, they know very well about the hydrological situation in this area. They know where there are reefs and where the water is shallow. They find trouble for them at night. If they are not careful, they may be led to the reefs or shoals to strand and touch the reef.

So he could only mobilize the speedboat as the strength to rescue those soldiers, and their speedboats were not the opponents of those Keron ships equipped with cannons at sea. Sure enough, the three ships sent escaped back to two, and even two Keron boats ran near their anchorage and drove a few from afar to them. Guns, when they fired back, the two Keron ships immediately extinguished the lights on the mast and disappeared on the dark sea.

In the second half of the night, Blackhead sent some additional personnel to Peace Island, including some native auxiliary soldiers who were good at night activities. After landing on the island, he immediately began to launch the final elimination of the remnant enemies on the island with Sun Baoqiang and Feng Twelve.

A large number of sea wolves with bayonet tlock guns and rattan spears, surrounded a reef hidden by Spanish soldiers, and then began to clean up the Spaniards inch by inch.

In the night, the musket used by the Spaniards is simply waste. They must light the fire rope at all times to have a chance to fire, but the result of lighting the rope exposes their whereabouts and immediately attracts the shooting of the sea wolf * hand.

The sea wolf is equipped with a flecter gun, which does not need to light a fire rope at night, so it can shoot secretly. The Spaniards suffer a lot.

In the end, these Spaniards were squeezed into a small beach reef and saw that they still wanted to resist, so Sun Baoqiang ordered to throw*.

As a result, a little ignited light began to light up from all directions. After the bomber ignited the lead of * with a fire rope, he threw it hard at the position of the Spanish soldiers.

(I just came back from the water supply, and the update is late. Please forgive me! In addition, thank you for the reward of the ** brother! As long as you don't die, you will never update! Ha ha!)