Daming Haiku

Chapter 120 Know yourself

The one-eyed dragon is about to cry. For a period of time, after he took over the ship, he was proud of his ship. He felt that there were not many ships that could be his opponent when looking at the sea. Basically, he could walk horizontally. The last time he led the fleet to participate in the battle of bombardment of Puxi's city. What was refreshing and refreshing A mess.

But when he met the Spanish fleet today, he knew that his boat was really not a powerful role. It was just a face-to-face, and his ship was beaten into this virtue. The hull was basically smashed, and even a mast was discounted on the spot, with a click. The sail fell down and patted in the sea.

At this time, the whole ship began to sink slowly due to a large amount of water intake, and there was also a roll. The internal structure of the hull was damaged by the load-bearing structure, and the stress changed in many places. Some wood continued to break by itself, making a crackling sound. It was hopeless to look at the ship.

"Grandma's, left rudder! Exit the battle and prepare to abandon the ship! Don't block the boat behind! Unlucky! Hurry up and save the wounded!" Although the one-eyed dragon was reluctant, it still had to give the order to turn the rudder and abandon the ship and drive the ship away from the battlefield as much as possible. First, it was to avoid being hit by the other party, and also to avoid affecting the route of its own ships behind.

The ship struggled to leave the battlefield. After sailing hundreds of meters, the last sail was also cut off, fell down, and temporarily stabilized the hull. The two small semigs hanging on the side of the ship were cut off the cables and thrown into the sea.

The sea wolf sailor clearly stipulates that before the captain abandons the ship, he must rescue the wounded first. He must put the wounded into the small sampan first, so that others can abandon the ship and never abandon the injured easily. The captain must be the last person to leave the ship. Otherwise, even if he goes back alive, he will be handed over to the prison for heavy punishment. , thrown to the hard labor camp is the lightest, and if it is serious, it may be directly hanged.

So although the ship was about to sink, the sailors on the ship still put some of the wounded from the ship into the slamander under the command of the one-eyed dragon, and the others left the ship. The one-eyed dragon finally glanced at his boat with tears in his eyes, shook his head and patted it on the side of the ship, and then fell on. Jump into the sump.

And after a while, the boat slowly sank into the water. All the living sailors were full of tears in the ssam, watching the scene of the final sinking of their ship, and in the shout of the unicorn, everyone saluted the ship until the ship completely sank into the water. After that, they rowed the sangboard and drove towards Chicken Cage Bay. The battle was doomed that they could no longer participate in.

This situation happened one after another. Under the dense artillery fire of the Spanish fleet, four more ships were destroyed because they were hit by too many sea wolves, and the crew had to abandon the ship to escape.

Two of the ships were even too late to withdraw from the battlefield. They sank into the sea. One ship disintegrated directly on the sea, and the sailors fell into the sea one after another.

Fortunately, the sea wolf still had many boats with the fleet, and immediately launched a rescue on the battlefield and salvaged these fallen sailors one after another, so as not to drown them in the sea.

But on the surface, the Spaniards seem to have taken a lot of advantage, but in fact, the Spaniards are not having a good time. They don't like this way of fighting very much. There are too many ships on the other side. They are too busy at all, and the other side is obviously not easy to provoke. Although the firepower of a single ship is weak, However, the number of ships is large, and the cannons on the ship are not as powerful as they are. When the line passes through their side, they also keep firing at them.

The Spanish warship is tall and also a very good target. There is basically no possibility of losing the battle at this distance. Therefore, when the two sides started the war, each of these Spanish ships was also hit by a lot of shells, and the starboard of the hull was hit like a hornet's nest.

Fortunately, their hulls are mostly strong. Although they were hit by many bullets, they were not destroyed, but the people in the hull were still killed and injured.

This is a situation they have never encountered when they fought with Chinese pirates before. Although they seem to take advantage of it, in fact, they may not be able to retreat in the end.

What surprised them more was that the shells used by these Chinese pirates were not just solid shells, but also equipped with a lot of chain bullets.

The main function of the chain bomb is to attack the mast, the sail and sail. After the chain bullet flies out of the gun, it rotates rapidly under the action of inertia and centrifugal force, sweeping everything along the way. As long as the sail rope is hung, it will be cut off immediately. Once it hits the mast, it will destroy the mast. Even if it is constantly hit the mast, it will at least give The mast causes great damage. As for hanging the sail, even if the sail can be pulled off, there is no problem at least a large piece.

So in the naval warfare in the sailing era, chain shells are a very important shells. There are more equipment on European warships, but as for popularization, they are not.

After all, the production of this kind of chain bomb is quite troublesome, and the production process is complicated, so the manufacturing cost and purchase cost are much higher than that of ordinary solid bullets. A chain bomb can buy a lot of solid bullets, so even the rich Spaniards only have a small amount of equipment on their own ship, which cannot be used in large quantities. The degree.

But today they found that these Chinese pirates have many such chain bombs. From the beginning of the war, the other party began to use these chain bombs to constantly attack their Spanish warships.

The flying chain bombs flew across the Spanish warships and tore all the things that stopped them along the way. As a result, several large Spanish splint ships suffered heavy losses.

Although Western-style sailboats have many advantages, they also have some disadvantages. First of all, their sails are very complicated, and their natural operation will be quite complicated. After ordinary people get on the ship, they will probably faint on the spot and don't know how to operate them.

Therefore, Western-style sailboats have very high requirements for sail operators in terms of sail operation. Sailors often climb to high masts under harsh sea conditions and weather, walk with bare hands on crossbars, and operate sails while maintaining balance on the constantly swinging masts violently.

Therefore, some people say that sailors are the bravest people in the world, which is reasonable, but complicated sails have also become their weaknesses. These sails on ships like forests are easily damaged by chain bombs, even if the mast is not interrupted, as long as they can be cut. Breaking enough sails can still make them unable to move.

In the sailing era, if the sail and mast are damaged, it is equivalent to a woman, stripped naked and tied to **, and can only wait to be fucked.

Today, Seawolves clearly know that their cannons alone cannot easily bombard these Spanish warships, so they took out a lot of chain bullets to attack the sails of Spanish warships.

Although Anthony was relatively satisfied with their results at this time, he also realized that the danger had come. He found that the mast sails of each ship in his fleet had been damaged to varying degrees.

If it goes on like this, his fleet will probably become a super-large rowboat, so he is afraid. This group of Chinese pirates, who seem to know their Western ships and tactics very well, grasped their weaknesses and attacked their weakest sails and masts at all costs.

And the other party is obviously fully prepared. It seems that they have been waiting for this day for a long time, preparing so many chain bullets in advance as their trap.

How is this possible? It is impossible for these Chinese pirates to know in advance that the Spaniards come here, but the various performances of the enemies these days seem to show that they have known and are preparing for it for a long time.

First, they built perfect defense facilities and unusually strong forts in Jilong Bay, and then a large number of fleets came to support them in a short time, and then prepared so many chain bullets to attack their ships.

If they are unprepared in advance, Anthony really can't figure out why they can do so well, but it doesn't make sense! How can these Chinese pirates predict their coming in advance? Are they really like the legend that some people have the ability to predict the future?

How is it possible for Anthony to shake his head and forget this idea? This must be an unrealistic idea that he has suffered a series of setbacks in recent days. There is no possibility for Chinese pirates to have this ability to predict the future.

At present, he has to seize the time to defeat this fleet. Although at present, the captains and sailors in his fleet have done a good job. The artillery fire is very fierce and accurate, and many enemy ships have been destroyed, but the problem is that the enemy is not as vulnerable as he thought. Their resilience is too Strong, how can you continue to fight under such a loss?

So he ordered the fleet to change its course, take the front warship as the leader, cut into the local fleet, disperse its fleet, give full play to the firepower advantages of their hulls, and try to kill enemy ships as much as possible, and try to defeat them as soon as possible.

In addition, he couldn't think of a better way. Fortunately, their ship's hull structure was strong, and at worst, they carried out collision tactics and used ships to destroy their ships while using artillery.

(Thank you for the reward of the Huluing Brothers and the Nails in ** brothers!)