Daming Haiku

Chapter 119 Small Frustration

Looking at the Chinese pirates' fleet sailing to the upper position and adjusting to a vertical formation, Anthony's heart was full of surprise. This Chinese pirates gave him too many surprises. Obviously, they were completely different from their peers. They were by no means the kind of mob that could only swarming.

And he clearly saw that these pirates were actually taking the initiative to have the upper hand, which is a little similar to the British. In this era of sailing ships, grabbing the upper hand is equivalent to putting himself to death. Once the war is unfavorable, he doesn't even have a chance to run. Although he can improve the speed of the ship, he can only bravely. Rush under the enemy's muzzle.

It takes considerable courage to do this, which is not something ordinary people can do, and those British people are the best at doing this. Can't these pirates learn from the British, or did they invite British naval officers? Anthony's heart was full of doubts.

However, in this case, he can only fight. Fortunately, there are many cannons on their ships. When the enemy passes them, they have enough opportunities to destroy some of the other's ships. It is better to frighten the other party at once, so that the next step is much easier.

So he also ordered the fleet to turn, grab the wind, and meet the sea wolf's fleet.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and everyone's nerves begin to suddenly tighten. A cannon has been loaded with ammunition and pushed to the side of the ship. For such a battle, the cannon does not need to adjust the shooting angle left and right. It only needs to flatten the muzzle. When the ship travels to the side of the enemy ship, it can be ignited directly. The key is to see how fast the gunners on both sides are loading.

In addition, within a unit of time, it depends on who fires more shells and firepower, and who has stronger resistance. This is obviously a slight advantage for the Spaniards. After all, their large splint boats are made of quite thick wood, even ordinary armed merchant ships. Because in order to sail far from the sea, it must also be built quite strong.

Chinese ships have a certain advantage in the use of partition technology and have stronger sunk resistance, but in terms of ship materials, they are not as good as Western ships. Most of these ships are war ships converted by merchant ships. At the initial construction, merchants used ship plates in order to save construction costs and purchase costs. The wood is thinner, and the wood will not be made entirely of hardwood, but more fir and pine for construction. In this way, the ship will naturally not be too strong in bullet resistance. Even in the hands of the sea wolf, it has been reinforced and modified to a certain extent. Where is the foundation of these ships themselves, but it has been improved. The carrying capacity has not been thickened. If you do that, it will be much more troublesome than building a new ship.

Everyone silently stared at the distance of the enemy ship, and their palms sweated, but no one retreated at this time.

The Spanish sailors, who were so aggrieved these days, bombarded the pirate fort. They suffered a lot and sent more than 200 infantry to the fort island, which was swallowed by others.

Now they have finally got the opportunity to avenge this arrow, so the Spanish sailors are all rubbing their hands and preparing to beat these damn Chinese pirates hard, so that they can really experience the power of their Spaniards.

At this time, the Spaniards finally began to fire. At the right side of the warship they started, from front to back, flames and smoke suddenly began to spit out on the two decks, and the blessing ship that hit the head in an instant rose. Fragments, Spanish shells hit their hull heavily, and opened a hole in their ship in an instant.

The sailors on the ship were torn up a lot in an instant. They were beaten by the enemy's gunfire, and the sails were also torn. In a moment, they were beaten like beggars.

The screams and curses suddenly sounded on the sea wolf's boat. Some timid people quickly lay on the deck and almost cried for their father and mother.

"Fire for me! Fire!" The one-eyed dragon stood on the stern of the ship. Today, this leading blessing ship is the ship of the one-eyed dragon. Hearing that it was going to fight with the Spaniards, Lima, the one-eyed dragon, jumped with high requirements to follow Yu Xiaotian and also asked to act as a vanguard ship.

When he just saw the Spanish warship, he was really shocked, but he could only bravely command the ship to rush towards the Spanish fleet. As soon as the two sides looked at each other, he was beaten first.

Seeing that his boat was beaten so badly, the men on the ship were killed and injured in the blink of an eye, and their hearts trembled a little, and they were a little shocked, but he was not a timid person. In an instant, he recovered from this shock and roared and commanded the troops on the ship to fight back.

Both sides are trying to show the enemy a color today, so when they are close, the distance between the two sides is very close. When the fleets are staggered, the distance between the ships between the two sides is only more than 100 meters, which is basically similar to the bayonet on the cannon, basically against each other's forehead.

While suffering the first blow, the ship of the one-eyed dragon also began to fight back at this time. The cannons on the upper and lower decks on the starboard side of the ship also immediately began to ignite and fire, and in an instant, they also spit out flames, roaring at the shells and hitting the enemy ship.

At such a distance, it is almost impossible to lose using the current cannon. What's more, the Spanish warship is large. At a distance of more than 100 meters, it stands in front of the sea wolves like a wall. If this does not hit, the gunners on these ships should really be pulled out and killed. .

The fleets of the two sides sailed into the scope of the exchange of fire in turn, so all of them began to fire at each other. There is no possibility of cleverness in such a battle. What they fight for is firepower and resistance.

At this point, the sea wolf is obviously at a disadvantage. I'm afraid the most unfortunate thing is the first boats, especially the ship of the one-eyed dragon as a pioneer.

His modified lucky boat could not even hold on to the tail of the enemy's team. He only had time to shoot a few rounds of volley. His ship was shot into a sieve by the artillery of the Spanish warships that criscrossed them. Almost all of the right side of the ship was destroyed, and even the artillery was destroyed by the enemy. The hull was There were a lot of holes, and a large amount of seawater gushed into the hull from cracks and bullet holes.

(Special thanks to the autumn maple forest and nails for the reward of two friends in **! Your support is the driving force for my persistence! As long as you don't die, you will never update! Ha ha, in addition, my condition is much better now, at least I don't have a fever! The cough is still severe, and the trachea has not recovered. According to the doctor, it will take about 20 days for the trachea to gradually recover! Bad luck!)