Daming Haiku

Chapter 126 Forced to surrender

There was a small boat slowly leaning against the shore, and a man came down from the boat, waving a small white flag in his hand, which meant that he was not hostile and asked the Spaniards in the camp not to shoot.

Gerald ordered everyone not to open fire, and put out the fire rope first, so that it would be troublesome for someone to be too nervous and accidentally fire.

Although he was very nervous, he also had a sense of pleasure. When they fell into a desperate situation, the pirates finally remembered to send someone to contact them. As long as they could establish contact, things might turn around next.

So he watched the man with the small white flag slowly walk out of the barricade. At this time, they found that this person was actually a translator they brought from Manila and was also a Ming expatriate to serve them, but at this time, this person should have been captured by the other party.

So he ordered the man to be put into the camp and immediately began to interrogate him.

"The leader of the sea wolf asked me to come and tell the distinguished commander! Now His Excellency Anthony is already on his way back to Manila! Please don't have any illusions about him!

In addition, the leader of the sea wolf already knows that you should have no food, and he told me that he doesn't want to kill you all, and he doesn't want to watch you all starve to death here!

So he asked me to come and tell the commander, please lead everyone here immediately, put down your weapons, walk out of the camp and surrender to them!

The leader of the sea wolf promises that he will save your life, will never kill anyone casually, and will also provide treatment for the sick and wounded among you!" After the interpreter entered the camp, he immediately said to Gerrard.

Gerrard frowned and asked, "Did he only say these things?" Didn't he put forward other conditions?"

Translation shook his head and said, "No! The leader of the sea wolf only said that. He asked you to immediately put down your weapons and leave the camp to surrender before noon tomorrow. Otherwise, he will no longer accept your surrender!

And he also said that he would not accept any conditions you put forward and only promised not to hurt any of you after your surrender! As for you, you can't make any conditions! That's all he wants!"

"This is impossible! We have 400 brave soldiers here. Even if he surrenders, he must promise us some conditions!

You go back and tell the pirate leader that we can surrender, but he must send a ship to send us back to Manila, and we can't delay the time, otherwise, we won't surrender!" Gerrard said as soon as he heard it.

But the interpreter shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Commander, please don't make any conditions. The leader of the sea wolf has made it very clear. He does not accept any conditions you put forward. He only promises to ensure the safety of your lives after your surrender. Nothing else will be accepted and will not continue to You negotiate!

If you don't accept surrender, you can leave here now and go anywhere, but they will not accept any of you surrender until you are all killed!

They said that this is their territory, and you can't leave here alive! That's all they said! Even if the commander asks me to go back, it won't help!

The time limit is before noon tomorrow, and by noon tomorrow, they will shell the camp here! And completely cut off the water flowing into the camp!"

As soon as Gerard heard this, his scalp was numb. Now no one knows their current situation better than him. Now it seems that he still has 400 soldiers and more than 200 artisan slaves, as well as several light infantry guns and more than 300 arson guns.

This force looks considerable, but in fact it is far from as powerful as it seems, because they have no food, and it is now the seventh day. Their last bag of grain has also been eaten by them. Next, unless they are willing to eat human flesh, there are still more than 200 hungry there. Half-dead slaves can be eaten by them for a while.

But these Spaniards have no interest in human flesh. No matter how hungry they are, they are unwilling to choose to eat human flesh, because most of them are Christians. They believe that if they eat human flesh, they will never go to heaven.

So from now on, they will have no food. No matter how well equipped an army is, it will not have any combat effectiveness, which he knows better than anyone.

What's more, among his infantry, there are also some European scum. They are not all Spaniards. They went to Manila to get rich and were later recruited as infantry. These people will not die for the king of Spain.

So as long as there is no food supply, these people will definitely not fight for him. Honor is not as good as this kind of shit in the eyes of these scum. All they care about is how many silver coins they can earn. If there are no silver coins and food, they will not hesitate to invest. Falling the enemy.

What's more, even if he has food, his condition is not much better. There is too much rain here and the air is too humid. A few days later, the large amount of gunpowder they carry has begun to be damp. The fire rope on their soldiers has also been wet by the rain and becomes difficult to ignite. With these, they want to Well-equipped pirates fight, and there is no chance of winning at all.

What's more, they don't plan to fight with them at all. They just need to drive the gunboat to the shore and aim at their camp for a day and night. It is estimated that there are not many people in this camp who can still leave alive.

It turned out that Gerrard also wanted to negotiate with these pirates and win some benefits for them, but now it seems that this idea is a delusion.

The pirates have already seen through them and have not made any fair negotiations or transactions with them at all, but forced them to unconditionally lay down their weapons and leave the camp to surrender tomorrow morning.

Overnight, the Spanish camp was like boiling, arguing about what to do. Some people were unwilling to surrender to these Chinese pirates. Their only little self-esteem did not allow them to surrender to these dirty Chinese pirates, so they proposed to rush out of the camp, rush into the jungle, and kill them. A bloody road to escape from here.

But the vast majority of people are not interested in the proposals of these few fanatics. At this moment, they already feel empty stomachs and are protesting like them, rushing out with empty stomachs and running into the jungle. There is no possibility of survival at all. They I was sent here not to commit suicide, but to make a fortune.

So more people are still willing to accept the request of surrender, at least to save their lives first. The Spaniards did not leave the proverb that Qingshan did not have to worry about burning firewood, but they also understand this truth. As long as they live, there is at least there is hope, but if they die, there will be no hope. Most people don't want to be called by God to serve God now.

When the day was bright again, sea wolf warships began to appear on the sea outside their camp, slowly began to approach the shore, and lined up in a horizontal line, turned around the boat, and began to slowly point the black muzzle to the Spanish barricade.

About 300 pirates, in a small boat, began to approach the shore, and began to land on the shore, lined up into a neat team, silently stopping in the distance, waiting for the next order of the attack.

What worries the Spaniards in the camp is in the jungle behind them. There has been no movement these days, but today, in the jungle, there are signs of shadow activity, and there are continuous figures in the jungle. Obviously, they have surrounded the Spanish camp. Next As soon as the time limit arrives, if the Spaniards refuse to accept the request for unconditional surrender, then they should attack the Spaniards.

Time slowly passed by minute by, and the sea wolf did not urge, but waited so quietly, but the more it was, the more pressure it made the Spaniards in the camp feel.

It was getting closer and closer to the final time limit, and the pressure was getting stronger and greater. Gerrard still refused to give up. He sent two people with the interpreter and went out of the camp to try to go ashore to the people of the sea wolf department for the last time to fight for a favorable conditions for their surrender.

But before they approached the sea wolf masses, someone shouted an order among the sea wolves: "All of them have, stand up! Raise the gun! ...The people who came over listened and didn't take another step forward. They stopped immediately and returned to your camp. We don't accept any conditions you put forward! If we dare to take another step forward, we will shoot!"

As a result, the two Spanish officers who were sent out were immediately driven back to the camp in frustration.

Counting that the time was getting closer and closer to noon, Gerrard finally collapsed. He knew that it was impossible for the sea wolf to accept any conditions they put forward, and it was meaningless to continue to wait.

So he could only sigh and order the whole team.

400 Spanish soldiers immediately lined up, followed by more than 200 slaves who were about to starve to death. They began to walk out of the barracks and come to the open place on the shore.

The sea wolves on the shore also immediately began to gather and formed a small phalanx, ready to fight.