Daming Haiku

Chapter 127 All stripper

Gerard looked at the sea wolf's infantry phalanx from afar, and his heart was still full of surprise. The sea wolf's infantry phalanx is very close to their infantry phalanx, and they are also equipped with a large number of "fireguns". There are also some spearmen in the team, but there are also some soldiers who can't see what they are doing. What? Everyone has two skins on both sides of their waist, and I don't know what's stuffed inside.

And he could see at a glance that these sea wolf infantry had obviously undergone very rigorous drills, and were by no means a mob like ordinary Chinese pirates or even the official officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

It is obvious that these sea wolf infantry have queues and formations, which is a little Western-style. Maybe they are trained by Europeans themselves. The quality of equipment is definitely no worse than their Spanish infantry, but their clothing may not be as good as theirs. These people' military uniforms are still Chinese. Simple and coarse clothing, but after wearing leggings, it is also very energetic.

And from afar, the "fire rope guns" in their hands are black and well made. What's more strange is that the * hands of these pirates are not wrapped in fire ropes. You should know that the most obvious sign of the * hands of this era is that except for carrying a fire rope gun, they are all wrapped in fire ropes. As a spark, they did not see this kind of fire rope in these sea wolf infantry, which made them confused.

But they can't doubt that once such a sea wolf infantry is done, it will not be weak. From the other party's actions, they can see that this is a well-trained army, and the implementation of military orders is completely like an arm's finger, and the discipline is even far beyond They, who are the best infantry in the world.

A very organized and disciplined army, the combat effectiveness will be very terrible. As a Spanish soldier who created the world's new era of infantry phalanx, no one knows this better than them.

Gerard looked at the seawolf's infantry from afar and couldn't help but feel eager to try. He really wanted to have the opportunity to fight with these pirate infantry to see whether they were powerful or his own Spanish infantry.

Unfortunately, today is not the right time. He knows very well that there are at least dozens of cannons at the seaside, which are aimed at them. As long as he moves a little, these sea wolf cannons will kill them on the spot like mowing grass.

Thinking of this, Gerrard was very discouraged. As a proud Spanish officer, today he will lead the team to surrender to a Chinese pirate, hand over their weapons, and also hand over their honor.

But there is nothing they can do. At present, they are here, calling every day, and the earth is not working. God doesn't seem to have been able to bring his power to this land.

So he smiled bitterly in his heart, turned around and shouted loudly, "All of them! Put down your weapons!"

The Spanish soldiers who followed him dejected the fire rope guns, spears, waist knives and other weapons carried on their shoulders one after another and threw them at their feet, including the gunpowder cans and other accessories they carried, which were also untied and thrown at their feet, but some people kept Carrying a knife.

"Turn back! Walk together!" Gerrard ordered again.

All the Spanish soldiers immediately turned back and walked forward as ordered. It was not until they left the abandoned weapons on the ground that Gerrard ordered them to stop and turn around again. By this time they had already disarmed.

Seeing that the Spaniard put down their weapons, the blackhead nodded with satisfaction, turned around and ordered the sea wolf's soldiers to carry the huskling gun on their shoulders again, lifting the preparation for battle, but still maintained a state of vigilance.

The Blackhead, with two guards and a prisoner's interpreter, immediately strode towards Gerald. At this time, he had learned that the bearded Spanish officer, the commander here, through observation and interpretation.

When the blackhead came to Gerrard, he stopped and straightened his chest. The interpreter quickly said to Gerard in Spanish, "Your Excellency, this is the commander of the sea wolf in Chicken Cage Bay! He is responsible for accepting your surrender today!"

Gerald looked up and down at the black head. He was a little dissatisfied, because he thought today that the big leader of the sea wolf might come to accept his surrender in person, but the other party obviously did not pay attention to him and only sent the leader stationed in Chicken Cage Bay, which was a little too contemptuous of them.

But now that this has happened, he has nothing to say, so he took off his command knife from his waist, came to the blackhead with the command knife, and shouted, "Gerard, the Spanish officer, lead my soldiers today to surrender to your army!" Please accept my command knife! In addition, please keep your promise and don't hurt my soldiers!"

After listening to the translated words, Blackhead nodded with satisfaction. As a respect for the other party, he also took the other party's command knife with both hands and nodded, "Please rest assured that our sea wolves always count. As long as you follow my instructions, we will not hurt you!

Now you leave here and gather on the beach. We will check you. You must be obedient and cooperate! Otherwise, I can't guarantee your safety!"

The interpreter immediately translated Blackhead's words into Gerald in Spanish. After listening to this, Gerald nodded in frustration and agreed to the Blackhead's request, and then turned around to order his soldiers to walk towards the beach and come to an empty open space, completely away from the weapons they put on the ground.

With a wave of his hand, the soldiers behind him immediately rushed over. Under the leadership of their respective leaders, they began to collect the weapons discarded on the ground step by step, straightened them up, and sent people to load them on the ship and transport them back to Fort Keelung.

The barracks also sent personnel to take over and carried out a thorough search, including several light infantry guns, which were also confiscated and loaded on the ship.

After those Spanish soldiers were concentrated on the beach, the sea was the sea wolf's warship, and on the land was a team of sea wolf soldiers with live ammunition. These soldiers mostly held long versions of flouncers, but compared with Spanish muskets, sea wolf's flounce guns have a bayonet that can be stuck in the muzzle.

The bayonet of the sea wolf is not very delicate, but it is very long and has a unified system. Most of them are purchased directly from the land. The quality is not good, but there is no doubt that they are very sharp. After being installed on the muzzle, they become short spears. When they stand up, they are taller than people. It can be used as a short spear.

These sea wolf soldiers held flounder guns with bayonets and stood around to monitor the prisoners. The blackhead ordered all the prisoners to take off their clothes and hand over all their private things.

This time, the Spanish soldiers quit. Each of them brought more or less private belongings such as silver coins. These things were handed over, but they couldn't accept to let them take off their clothes.

So Gerald immediately protested loudly, but the blackhead curled his lips and sneered, "Here you have to do as I ordered. What did I ask you to do? The captive's mother also told me the conditions!

I understand that as long as you follow my instructions, I can ensure your safety, but if you don't obey, then you can't blame me!"

Gerard and his soldiers heard a strong threat from the blackhead's words, and then turned their heads to look at the sea wolf soldiers with live ammunition, staring at them with cold eyes, as well as the muzzle and sharp bayonet that shook slightly at them. In the end, they could only soften.

Some Spanish soldiers reluctantly handed over their belongings and began to take off their clothes. Some people hid knives, but now they were immediately found.

For these soldiers who hid knives, they were immediately dragged out of the crowd, immediately tied them with ropes and thrown aside to watch alone, on the grounds that they did not hand over all the weapons as required.

A Spanish soldier resolutely refused to take off his clothes, refused to hand over his personal property and his private knife, and even pushed him with the sea wolf soldiers who searched his body.

Hearing a bang, a nearby sea wolf soldier with a gun fired a shot at the guy. The bullet hit the chest of the rebellious Spanish soldier on the spot. The guy screamed and fell out, fell to the ground heavily, and died in a blink of an eye.

The Spanish soldiers immediately became in an uproar and began to **. They only heard a noise. All the sea wolf soldiers nearby picked up *. At this time, the Spanish soldiers found that the muskets in the hands of the sea wolf soldiers really did not need a fire rope to be fired.

Gerard is also a person with some insight. At this time, there has been a rotating hair* in Europe, which is made according to the clockwork of the clockwork, but the cost is very high. Ordinary people can't afford this thing, and it is also troublesome to clockwork, which is also very troublesome. It's just let * hand shake off the fire rope, but the rate is not Very high.

And these sea wolf soldiers should use this kind of rotary hair*. I really don't know where they got it from. They can even get this. This thing is absolutely rare in Europe.

"Have you seen it all? This is the end of the resistance. I just let you take off your clothes. There are no women here. What are you afraid of? If anyone dares to resist again, don't blame me for being rude! ..." At this time, the black head also pulled out a pair of short hair and waved and roared at the Spanish.

(I'm dizzy! I was so angry that I even made a mistake in the chapter yesterday! I don't know what happened. My son hasn't fully recovered from his illness, and I'm just a little better. My daughter has diarrhea again, and it's been more than ten days, and several hospitals haven't stopped! I'm about to kill now! Unlucky to get home!)