Daming Haiku

Chapter 128 Aftercare

The interpreter quickly translated the black-headed words to these Spanish soldiers and looked at the cold sea wolf soldiers and pointed to their black hole muzzle. These Spanish prisoners were suddenly discouraged again. Now that they have become prisoners, they can only succumb to the ** power of others.

So the following clean-up procedure became much simpler. Under the supervision of the sea wolf soldiers, these Spanish soldiers were stripped into bare pigs, and everything was confiscated, including their military uniforms, all of which were classified and put into large baskets.

This is actually a quarantine procedure for sea wolves. In fact, these Spaniards are not much cleaner than the people of Daming, and they will still have fleas on their bodies. They don't take a bath for many days. What's more, they are trapped here now. Now the weather is already very hot. They are stinky, and many people are still hungry. Diarrhea, so the necessary quarantine should be carried out.

As for the remaining 200 craftsmen and Luzon's black monkey slaves, it is even simpler. They have no decent clothes in the first place. Many people are almost naked. After learning from the previous car, these guys who have been half-starved to death were quickly stripped into bare monkeys and naked. A group of ten people were tied to their right hands and began to take them to Keelung Fort.

The whole war in Keelung Fort has come to a complete end. For the next half of the month, the whole chicken cage bay was in a busy state.

A large number of damaged ships need to be initially repaired in Jilong Bay, while Keelung Fort is not suitable for building boats because there are too many rainy days here, and it is difficult for wood to dry naturally here, so there are only a small number of craftsmen here who can only carry out simple repairs.

But fortunately, Seawolves will now be equipped with one or two rough carpenters on each ship. These rough carpenters can't build ships, but they can still do some rough repairs. These people gathered here in Keelungburg to make some simple repairs to the damaged ships so that they can restore their navigation ability. After that, we will go to Tamsui and Nanri Island Boat House for thorough maintenance.

And the two captured Spanish warships became Yu Xiaotian's treasure. After a day's rest, Yu Xiaotian immediately arrived at the dock, drilled into the two Spanish ships, and began to observe carefully from the inside out.

In fact, the construction technology of Western sailboats is not much higher than the technology used by Chinese craftsmen. Many details, such as the tenon and tenon structure, are not as good as Chinese craftsmen. However, after careful observation, Yu Xiaotian feels that Western shipbuilders pay more attention to tolerance problems. The parts produced are obviously relatively small in tolerance, and they are good at summarizing experience. Among the technology of ship construction, there are also some technologies used by Chinese craftsmen.

In addition, these large splint ships are not as good as he thought. Although the European wood resources are not exhausted, the hardwood resources are not sufficient, and the Spaniards have unique advantages. They are the world's first sunless empire.

As the pioneers of colonialism, the Spaniards first entered the Age of Great Navigation, encircling around the world, occupying a large number of colonies, and had great resource advantages, so they used much more convenient materials in shipbuilding.

In the Americas, there are a large number of oak forests that can be harvested for shipbuilding. Oak itself is the best material for shipbuilding, not because oak is harder than other wood. The key is that in addition to being strong, oak produces much less fragments than other wood, which can effectively reduce Fragments kill people.

Some wood looks very hard, but once it is shot, it will produce a large number of fragments. These fragments fly around in the narrow cabin, similar to scattered bombs, so the harder the wood used in shipbuilding, the better, and the characteristics of oak itself make it the best shipbuilding wood. Western toughness, high hardness, and not easy to crack or deform after immersion, eventually becoming the most important wood for Western shipbuilding.

And these two Spanish ships used a lot of oak, but in some non-critical parts, they still used a lot of fir and pine instead of oak to reduce costs.

The most important thing is that the interior ribs of these Spanish ships are very dense, far stronger than the rib plate structure used by Chinese ships. The keel is also made of whole wood, with sufficient materials, which makes their ship structure very strong and strong impact resistance.

The two ships were hit by a lot of sea wolf shells, but after being hit by so many shells, their internal load-bearing structure was basically not damaged. The main damage was the ship's side boards, masts and sail cables.

Therefore, as long as the two ships are carefully repaired, the two ships can continue to be used without any problem, and because the two ships adopt the internal cabin structure, it is more convenient to arrange artillery in the gun compartment and can be loaded with more artillery.

The merchant ship, because the cabin needs to be loaded and used, is not equipped with artillery, so if it is changed to a gunboat, it only needs a small transformation to load more artillery, which will greatly increase its firepower.

In addition, Yu Xiaotian carefully observed the artillery loaded on their ship. The cannons cast by the Spaniards are well made. It is obvious that their casting process is quite good. Although the technology used is not much better than that of Daming craftsmen, they pay more attention to tolerance control and manufacturing artillery pores. Rarely, this has nothing to do with their rigorous style.

In addition, Spanish artillery does not use the British system, and artillery certainly can't be called the British system of 36 pounds or 24 pounds.

These artillery often cast some patterns on the outside, which looks beautiful. At the same time, they are polished carefully and the craftsmanship is quite exquisite, which also has a lot to do with the development of their European ironmaking technology.

However, after careful observation, it can be found that although the tolerance control of these cannons is much better than that of Daming's gunners, there is still a big gap with the sea wolf's own cannons.

This is all thanks to Xiaotian's "invented" iron model casting method. The advantage of iron model casting cannon is that the iron model can be used repeatedly, and each cast cannon is made from a mold, so the tolerance is naturally much smaller.

And these Spanish gunners have not yet mastered this technology. Of course, the cannon tolerance can't be controlled better than the sea wolf's self-made artillery tolerance, and the gap is still quite large.

Another problem is that the weight of the Spanish cannon is much larger than that of the same type of cannon built by the sea wolf, at least more than one-third of the weight of the same kind of sea wolf cannon.

The main reason for this situation is that Western gunners also can't guarantee that their mold moisture is completely dry when casting guns. There may also be some defects inside the gun wall when casting guns. In order to ensure the safety of the artillery, the gun wall should be thicker when casting.

The sea wolf itself uses the iron model casting method, which has solved the problem of moisture in the cannon model. In addition, the internal model water cooling technology is now used. The quality of the cast cannon is quite good, and the scrap rate is also very low. From the inside to the outside, the interior solidification is the earliest and the hardest, so the barrel wall of the gun can be cast more If it is thinner, the weight of the gun will naturally be greatly reduced, and at present, the weight of these guns can continue to be reduced, at least by about one third, making the artillery lighter.

The application of these technologies also provides the possibility for sea wolves to cast heavy artillery in the future. As long as they need it, they can be molded at any time to cast heavy cannons or snake cannons of more than 36 pounds.

It's just that their ships are limited at present, and they don't need such a large artillery for the time being, so heavy guns are not needed for the time being, but as long as his big ship can be built, he will cast heavy cannons, so that these maritime powers will also experience the power of the Chinese sea iron fist.

What's more, he will have more than that. One day, his ultimate goal is to replace sails with a steam engine and push the era into the era of steam power. At that time, I'm afraid no country in the world can compete with him again.

However, I'm afraid it will take a long time for technical accumulation to build a steam engine. In addition, he has not been exposed to a real steam engine. He has only learned the basic principles of the steam engine on some information. It is estimated that it will be difficult to build a steam engine without ten or twenty years of technical accumulation.

As for the captured rifles, he just took a simple look, mainly focusing on their barrel manufacturing. The Spanish rifle should be a heavy rifle, with a larger caliber, larger than the sea wolf's own * caliber, about 18 mm, and may even reach 20 mm. This thing is so powerful that the general armor can't stop it at all, and it can even kill a big wild boar at close range.

The barrel is also wrapped in two layers of cooked iron. The way of construction is basically the same as that used by Daming, including his gun craftsmen, but in terms of craftsmanship, it is not much better than his gun. Now his shooting is not a small workshop production.

The sea wolf's gun completely adopts a standardized production mode. Each craftsman is only responsible for the construction of the same parts. There are special molds for testing. The quality of the guns produced is absolutely no worse than these Spanish-made musket guns. What's more, he has now prototyped a rifle and used Mine bullets, as long as it is large After being put into production and modification, his infantry will become the strongest infantry in the world. When the infantry of any country meets them, they will be bombarded far away.

In the eyes of others, all these extreme things are in the eyes of Xiaotian, but they are nothing at all. However, these two boats are still very good at his eyes. So far, he has not been able to build such a Galen ship for the time being. This kind of ship is temporarily in the sea of East Asia. Shang, can definitely be called a bully. As long as he repairs it, it is estimated that he will not find several opponents among his peers for a long time to come.

So he ordered the two ships to be simply repaired temporarily to restore a certain navigation capability. After waiting for the restoration of a certain navigation capability, he sent the two ships to Tamsui and Nanri Island for thorough renovation and reinforcement and a certain degree of transformation.

In addition, he did not forget the ship that sank in the shallow water by the sea. I don't know how much the ship's injury is and whether it is worth repairing, but at least there are many artillery and various materials on the ship, which are quite valuable.

So after cleaning up the hundreds of Spanish infantry on the shore, he immediately arranged people and began to go to the place of the sunken ship, sending water ghosts to explore the ship and check the damage of the ship.

But when doing these things, Yu Xiaotian felt very uncomfortable, because the wound on his leg actually began to inflame, and it began to cause him to have a fever.

(Special thanks for the rewards of the snoring, the silent passers-by, and the three wandering brothers in Jiangnan! My wife quarreled with my father-in-law, and my father-in-law ran away. Now I have become a full-time dad! Dizzy, I don't have time to write!)