Daming Haiku

Chapter 136 containment

"The big head is good to the brothers, and the brothers know that otherwise, the brothers will not be so desperate. They are all benevolent, so the brothers are willing to work for the big head!

The head of the family can rest assured that our governing hall has begun to arrange these things, and most of the pensions have been distributed, but some brothers are bachelors and have no relatives. These brothers, we have invited their rankings to the loyal ancestral temple to worship!

As for the brothers who are disabled after recovering from their injuries, please rest assured that we will properly arrange them and will definitely not treat them badly!" Li Gouzi quickly agreed.

Yu Xiaotian is afraid that many things will be delayed during his serious injury. It seems that the people in Li Gouzi's governing hall are still dedicated. There is no delay in this kind of thing, and what should be done during his serious injury has been done.

And he has heard Liu Laoliu say that the award has also been arranged. The reward, the medal should be given, and the medal. In addition, several captains of the ship who lost the ship will be equipped with a new ship as soon as possible. For the captain of the sunken ship, they cannot be allowed to come back to sit on the cold bench. It is something specially explained by Yu Xiaotian.

Once the captain of the sinking ship comes back and sits on the cold bench, it will inevitably affect morale. Therefore, when dealing with this kind of thing, the captain of the ship that fought bravely fought and sank the ship, the sea wolf will pay the full amount and will not affect their income. In addition, before they get a new ship, Take a break.

Once there is a new ship, it is important to arrange for these captains to get back on the ship, which is also a way to inspire captains to dare to fight. The captains of the province are afraid of sinking and are afraid of wartime.

However, after experiencing this naval battle, the sea wolf's sailors will have a great development, making them more confident and more brave when fighting, which is certain to Xiaotian.

"Bear, in addition, how was the blackhead arranged for the ships that sank at that time, including our and the Spanish warships? I don't have the energy to ask about this during this period. I didn't remember it until I saw you today!" Yu Xiaotian suddenly remembered this and asked Luo Xianbin.

As soon as Luo Xianbin heard this, he quickly replied, "Brother Hei didn't forget this matter. At that time, the brothers marked the location of the sinking ship, and some of the ships sank too deep, so they gave up.

Before sinking, several other ships sailed to the shallow water and sank to the shallow beach. These boats are not convenient to salvage for the time being, but they have also sent water ghosts to dive down to find out the location. First, some cannons were salvaged. Some cannons are not in good position and cannot be retrieved for the time being.

Three large ships sank by the Spaniards, one of which burned in a deep water area, so there was no way. The other burned ship was hung by a long dragon hook and dragged to the shore before it was burned. After the fire was extinguished, the cannons on the ship were removed and transported to Keelung Fort for inspection. Some of them were temporarily put in. Some of the warehouses were too burned and deformed, waiting to be smashed back to the furnace.

As for the Spanish plywood ship that sank in the shallows, the water ghost explored it many times. There are three holes under the waterline of the boat. The overall damage is not too serious, but there is still hope to be picked up and repaired to see if it can still be used.

At present, the manpower and material resources are limited, and there is no way to salvage water for the time being. If you want to fish out the water, it is estimated that a lot of manpower will be needed. At present, Keelung Fort can only be sent to fish out some cannons and things on the ship, and the rest will have to wait for the big man to send people there. Find another way!"

After listening to Yu Xiaotian, he was very satisfied with the ability of Blackhead and Sun Baoqiang. The two people cooperated and rectified Keelung Fort well. Both of them were very capable. I dare not say that their cooperation was a perfect combination. At least there was no internal struggle and procrastination, which was already very good.

As for this era, it is not easy to salvage a large ship weighing hundreds of tons from the water. Few people can do this kind of thing. Although the sea wolf has done it several times, it cannot be said that it is experienced. In addition, there is no decent lifting equipment in this era, which can only be used in simple methods. It takes a considerable amount of manpower and material resources to do it.

To salvage such a large ship, at least a few large sand boats need to be used, and several boats need to be fixed together before we can find a way to gradually salvage the ship.

However, after all, this ship is still a Galen ship type. Although it is only an armed merchant ship, it still has salvage value. As long as it can be fished out, if the main structure has not been seriously damaged, then it can be repaired for a period of time, at least before the sea wolf builds its own gunboat of the same type. It can still be rampant on the Chinese sea for a long time.

So Yu Xiaotian wrote down the incident, began to arrange several large sand boats of the transfer of personnel and the merchant fleet, organized a salvage team, and tried to find a way to salvage the boat out of the water. As long as it could be fished out first, he could drag it to the shallow water of the nearby beach, stranded on the sandbar, and then block the leaky place. Make it have the ability to float, and it will be much easier to do next.

The key is how to get it out of the water. The ship is filled with water and sinks on the seabed. The weight will be very large. Although it will not be so heavy with the help of seawater buoyancy, the weight cannot be ignored. Once the organization is not good, if you put a few big sand boats in, you will lose a lot of money.

So this matter must be done by an experienced and organizational person, but for a while, Yu Xiaotian couldn't think of anyone who could do it, so he could only start organizing material resources and make early preparations for the time being.

In addition, after the ship sank, it can't last too long. The longer it takes, the deeper the ship sinks to the seabed, and the more difficult it is to salvage, so this matter cannot be dragged on. It must be solved as soon as possible. Another problem is that it has entered the typhoon season, and the salvage operation will be greatly affected. The time they can use is very short, which is a problem in front of them.

However, Yu Xiaotian still decided to find a way to salvage the ship at all costs. Even if the ship cannot be repaired and used after it comes out of the water, he can also find a way to pull it to the boat house for the craftsmen of the boat house to dismantle, so that the craftsmen can learn some Western shipbuilding technology from it, which can not be done with money.

Although this time they also captured several Spanish craftsmen who came to Taiwan with the fleet. These are shipboard carpenters who are responsible for repairing ships at any time when they go to sea, these Spanish craftsmen are not good craftsmen. They can only do some simple work and can't build ships by themselves, even in horses. In Manila, the Spaniards did not set up a shipyard and could not build a big ship in Manila at all.

So these captured craftsmen can't provide them with much help. Everything has to be explored by themselves, and one more reference object is undoubtedly very useful for sea wolves.

Another thing that Yu Xiaotian is very concerned about is these hundreds of Spanish prisoners, many of whom are scum, not regular Spanish soldiers, and they are not all Spanish, including Italians, French and Germans.

Now is the period of the Thirty Years' War in Europe. Europe itself is in a mess, which has spawned a lot of social scum and adventurers. Some of them are trying to escape the war, some are trying to get rich, and some are fooled out of the sea to drift to Asia.

So in the Spaniards who are seriously short of sailors and soldiers, it is easy to find new jobs and become hired sailors or mercenaries. These people are not necessarily loyal to the king of Spain. They basically fight for money, but this time they unfortunately became victims of this war and were captured by sea wolves.

So Yu Xiaotian gave his idea to them. These people are familiar with Western land and sea combat methods and the operation of Western-style sailing boats, and many of them are also soldiers. Among them, there are many people who know more about architecture and art, and even several doctors on board ships.

These are all the talents urgently needed by Sea Wolf. In the past, they had no chance to obtain such resources. Few Europeans were willing to come to work for Chinese pirates, but now he has captured so many people by force. If they are like those Chinese scum and the bought Southeast Asian indigenous black skins Like a monkey, if you are thrown into a hard labor camp and use the most basic labor force, it is really a little bit rare.

Sometimes, he was overwhelmed and had almost no life, so he had no energy to care about this matter at all. Now he has gradually recovered, so he began to think about how to take these people for his own use.

This incident also involves his next relationship with the Spaniards. In the past, he did not have much conflict with the Spaniards in Manila, and can even be called a partner. The two sides have always maintained trade relations, just because the Spaniards want to grab a territory in northern Taiwan, establish a trade port, and maintain peace with the Netherlands. Lan people competed and continued to trade with Daming merchants, which is why such a big conflict broke out.

However, in addition, they do not have much conflict of interest at present. Although Yu Xiaotian hates the Spaniards, these European beasts have massacred a large number of Chinese expatriates in Manila for thousands of years, and Yu Xiaotian hates them very much.

But at present, he has no plan. For this matter, he rushed to find the Spaniards to settle accounts, capture Manila and expel the Spaniards from Asia.

On the contrary, he also hoped that the Spaniards would not be too weakened in Asia because of the sea battle of Chicken Cage Bay, because he knew very well that the Spaniards could not deploy many troops at home to support their East Asian colonies.

The Spaniards and the Dutch have always been hostile. The Dutch have now shown an aggressive posture in East Asia, opposing the Spaniards everywhere, and the Dutch East India Company they established has always spared no effort to squeeze the Spaniards out of East Asia.

Yu Xiaotian does not want to make wedding clothes for the Dutch for the time being, helping the Dutch defeat the Spaniards. With the existence of Spaniards, they can form a competitive relationship. At present, he controls a large area of Fujian waters and controls the supply of many merchants and Daming specialties. If it is crowded If the Spaniard left, he could only sell these goods to the Dutch. The Dutch were dominant and lost their rivals.

So it is in his interest to maintain the Spanish presence in Asia at present, so he does not intend to completely tear his face with the Spaniards.