Daming Haiku

Chapter 137 Fearless

Next, how to solve this problem has become one of the biggest problems in front of him. He has been secretly thinking about this matter during his recuperation these days, and now he has basically made up his mind.

So he handed down the order and asked the black head to step up on the side of Keelung Fort to clean up these Spanish prisoners. First, let them suffer a lot and experience the feeling of being slaves. After a few days later, he sent them to Nanri Island by boat. He wanted to talk to these prisoners face to face. .

As for Manila, Yu Xiaotian, as the winner, will certainly not send anyone to contact them and negotiate with them, but he must release a message to the West Bankers to let them know that this matter is not over for the time being. Next, it depends on how they choose.

So he ordered the director to spread some rumors to the Westbanks through some sea merchants dealing with them and ships going to Manila to do business.

The rumor contains bad and false information. First of all, it is rumored that the sea wolf is fighting for the Battle of Chicken Cage Bay. It is very angry. It is fighting horses, gathering tens of thousands of people and hundreds of ships. At the same time, it is also raising food, ammunition and other materials. The next step is to prepare to send troops to Manila to teach these damn West. Bankers.

In addition, there are also rumors that the sea wolf does not want to continue to be an enemy of the Spanish and intends to contact and negotiate with them to resolve this friction.

There are also rumors that the sea wolf will block China's route to Manila and prohibit Chinese businessmen from going to Manila to trade with the Spaniards. Instead, they will be asked to transfer to the officials to trade with the Dutch in the future.

Although these things are true or false, they will definitely be able to greatly deter them when they reach the Spanish in Manila. At least these rumors contain some information about reconciliation released by seawolves. As long as these Spaniards are not fools, they should be able to grasp some of them. Something useful.

Of course, the necessary pressure still needs to be experienced by the Spaniards. Yu Xiaotian sent several sloops to the Dongsha Island area for a period of time, specializing in attacking Chinese merchant ships trading from Guangdong and Fujian to Manila.

Of course, this kind of attack does not require them to take down merchant ships and rob them with goods. It is mainly to create an illusion for Chinese merchant ships that go to Manila to do business, that is, the sea wolf has begun to block the Manila route.

As long as the news of the attacked ship reaches Manila, the Spaniards should feel very nervous and will not worry that they will not bow their heads.

As for whether the Spaniards will send more fleets and troops to make a big report to the sea wolf, Yu Xiaotian has no worries about this matter.

Because he is now well aware of the weight of the Spanish people. The strength of this Spanish fleet to Chicken Cage Bay is so strong that he did not expect at first, otherwise it would not have fought so fiercely.

Judging from the size of this fleet and the scale of the infantry brought, the governor of Manila of Spain has brought out all the power he can. I'm afraid it is because they may have expected that they may clash with the sea wolves when competing for Chicken Cage Bay, so they came out for the first time. Power, so that there is no reserve power left on hand at all.

Spain does not have many large warships in East Asia. At best, there are some armed merchant ships coming and going. This time, six were pulled out by them at once, left five in Chicken Cage Bay on the spot, and only one ran back.

So the Spaniards have no way now to pull out so many people's boats to retaliate against the sea wolves. Unless they sink the boat and don't even want Luzon Island, they will all the Spanish garrison on the whole Luzon Island and come to Jilong Bay or Nanri Island to revenge on him by Yu Xiaotian.

In that case, he is willing to raise his hands to welcome them. Even if the Spaniards pour out, the number of ships they can use is very limited. Unless they cooperate with a large number of Chinese pirates operating in the South China Sea, they do not have such capital. Yu Xiaotian is willing to fight with them again. Add more useful prisoners to yourself.

But he believes that the Spaniards are not crazy, and they will never do so, because Luzon is more important to the Spaniards than Taiwan Island. After all, they have occupied Luzon for many years and established a complete ruling order there. If they give up there, they are absolutely reluctant and dare not do so. !

So as he expected, the Spaniard will definitely bow to him this time. As long as he can make the Spaniard bow, he can get more benefits from the Spaniards, and his greatest weight is also these Spanish prisoners, who can sell at a good price.

Yu Xiaotian, who had just recovered from his injury, was soon submerged in various complicated affairs, because in the past two months since he led his troops to Jilong Bay until he recovered from his injury, the situation in the whole coastal areas of Fujian has changed a lot.

What surprised the sea wolf people most was that Chu Cailao actually sent someone to Nanri Island to ask to see Yu Xiaotian, but at that time, Yu Xiaotian was still injured and was not seen.

However, Liu Laoliu still figured out what Chu Cai sent people to Nanri Island to do. It turned out that Chu Cai Lao's life in Zhangzhou was very difficult during this period.

Since he was defeated by the sea wolf and fled back to Dongshan Island, Chu Cailao's prestige and strength have been greatly lost and weakened. Although he tried to restore his strength last year and was ready to find Xiaotian to revenge, but with the passage of time, Chu Cai Lao sadly found that he was no matter what He is not the opponent of the sea wolf, because he can't get so many red cannons, let alone the sea wolf's kind of Clippers.

Even if others have a lot of hands, they can only be beaten by riding when fighting with sea wolves. They will only humiliate themselves and can't get back half a scene.

So after I figured this out, Chu Cai's desire for revenge gradually faded. Fortunately, after taking his compensation, Xiaotian did not press him step by step, so that Chu Cai's life could still live. At least in the coast from south of Zhangzhou to Chaozhou, it was still Chu Cai's territory, and the sea wolf did not Continue to put your hand into his territory.

So for more than a year, there has been peace between Mr. Chu and the sea wolf, and there has been no conflict. When the sea wolf's merchant ship sailed into the sea controlled by Mr. Chu Cai, Mr. Chu ordered his men to brighten. As long as he sees the ship with the sea wolf flag, he must not touch them, or even try his best. Escort a section of the road to let them safely leave the sea under his control.

Mr. Chu Cai is really scared. He is afraid that if he is not careful, the sea wolf's merchant ship will have an accident on his ground. Yu Xiaotian will be angry with him. On the pretext of raising troops against him, he will also drive him away from here. In that case, he will be completely beaten back to his original shape. Who will be on the sea in the future? Does he treat it as a person?

So in this way, the two sides were at peace with each other, but it lasted until the end of last year, when Chu Cai found that he had met another strong opponent and began to challenge his current position.

That's the new Zheng Yiguan. After taking over his adoptive father Li Dan's plate, Zheng Yiguan's strength suddenly increased countless times, and he tilted the focus of his business to Fujian, trying to create a territory that belonged to him here. The sea wolf's strength was strong, and Zheng Yiguan did not dare to challenge the authority of the sea wolf. .

So Zheng Yiguan hit his idea on his boss Yan Siqi, but Yan Siqi gained the support of Yu Xiaotian, which made Zheng Yiguan's attempt to control the Bengang area finally fail.

So Zheng Yiguan tried to squeeze Chu Cailao away from here, robbed Chu Cailao's territory, and occupied the sea around Zhangzhou and Chaozhou as his territory.

How can Chu Cai Lao easily give up his territory to Zheng Yiguan? Naturally, the two sides fought on the sea in Zhangzhou and Chaozhou during this period.

Originally, with the strength of Mr. Chu Cai, he was not necessarily afraid of Zheng Yiguan, but since Mr. Chu Cai gave it to Yu Xiaotian, his opponent's control ability began to be seriously weakened. In addition, Zheng Yiguan's strength has soared. In the past few months of the two sides, Mr. Chu Cai has gradually been unable to hold on, and the situation has become very unfavorable to him.

So Chu Cailao thought of his former enemy Yu Xiaotian, because he heard that Yan Siqi had gained the support of Yu Xiaotian. From the sea wolf, he spent a lot of money to buy a batch of Western-style cannons and equipped them on their ship. The sea wolf even sent some artillery instructors to teach Yan Siqi's artillery skills and help Yan Siqi reorganize the army.

With the support of Yu Xiaotian, Yan Siqi actually tied with Zheng Yiguan when his strength was not as good as Zheng Yiguan, making Zheng Yiguan unable to do anything to Yan Siqi

So Mr. Chu Cai also wanted to buy some artillery from the sea wolf to strengthen his strength. At least he could not let Zheng Yiguan force him into a desperate situation.

But after he sent people to Nanri Island, he did not see Yu Xiaotian and was driven back by Liu Laoliu. In everyone's eyes, Chu Cai's idea was simply a dream. Sea Wolf and Chu Cai were always enemies. Although the two sides were at peace for the time being, Wang Hong's death was inseparable from Chu Cai Lao. If it hadn't been for Chu Cai's old crime, Wang Hong would not have been killed by Ma Feng.

So now Chu Cailao wants to ask for help from the sea wolf and buy cannons from the sea wolf, which is simply a joke, so Liu Laoliu did not disturb Yu Xiaotian, who was seriously injured, and directly refused the request made by Chu Cai's men.

However, after Yu Xiaotian recovered from his injury, he was actually very ambiguous and interested in this matter, which made everyone a little unclear whether Yu Xiaotian burned his head due to a fever during the serious injury.