Daming Haiku

Chapter 159 sergeant

The director of the training department is Hu Cheng, the commander of the original third fleet. Hu Cheng is older. Over the years, he has been doing steady and has also been determined to Xiaotian, but after all, he lacks momentum and is not in good health. This adjustment to Yu Xiaotian makes him retreat from the front line and let him be responsible for the training office. Do.

Hu Cheng has no problem with this arrangement. He also knows that his ability and momentum are not as strong as Liu Yidao and one-eyed dragons. Instead of fooling around in the fleet, it is better to do something behind, and the training office controls the three fleets, including fishing and merchant fleet new recruits, material allocation, ship construction and maintenance. The power of Xiu is not small. Even the commander of the three fleets dare not be rude to him when he sees him. On the whole, his status has not declined.

Of course, as the new director of the training department, Hu Cheng was also awarded the rank of major by Yu Xiaotian and the same rank as the chief officers of the three fleets, so that Hu Cheng had nothing to be dissatisfied with.

On the whole, the navy is such an arrangement for the time being. After some discussion, everyone said that there was no problem and they were willing to follow Yu Xiaotian's arrangement.

Next is the problem of the soldiers. After the development of the war camp in recent years, it has a scale of 2,000 people. Now it has been promoted to the army. In terms of rank, it has been equal to the navy, and is no longer the former barracks and is looked down upon by the navy.

So this time, Yu Xiaotian adapted the barracks into the army. Li Dazui, Meng Fei and other army chief officers all grinned happily and had a posture of raising their eyebrows.

In the past, the barracks were organized according to the five-five system. Five people were a unit, ten were a team, five teams were a team, five squadrons were a squadron, and five squadrons were a brigade.

In this way, in addition to logistics personnel and messengers, flagbearers, drummers and trumpets, a brigade has 2,500 soldiers, but at present, their total strength does not reach so many people, and there are less than three brigades for the time being.

Two of the squadrons are stationed in Keelung Fort, one brigade is stationed in Tamsui City, one brigade is stationed in Nanri Island, and several shore artillery detachments are located in various places, with a total force of nearly 3,000 people, and there are not many naval forces for the time being.

But now that the war barracks have become an independent army and changed into an army, then they will still have a greater development in the future.

Li Dazui, as the current supreme commander of the army, is regarded as the commander of the army and was awarded the rank of major, while Meng Fei is the deputy commander and is also awarded the rank of major. However, Meng Fei is still the commander of the army's new barracks, basically in the same position as Li Dazui, slightly lower than Li Dazui.

In addition, there are two captains in the army. Liu Tong is also an adjutant of the new barracks. They are awarded the rank of captain respectively. The rest of the squadron captains are awarded the rank of captain and lieutenant respectively according to their qualifications and combat merits, mainly the rank of lieutenant. As for the captain, they are uniformly awarded the rank of second lieutenant, which is the lowest level. The officer.

However, the captain does not belong to the officer sequence, but still belongs to the soldier sequence, but it will be distinguished by non-commissioned officers, and the rank and the position they assume are two different things, and it is also likely that there will be a captain with the rank of second lieutenant or a sub-captain with the rank of lieutenant.

For the army, Yu Xiaotian decided to adopt the organization of the squadron battalion, change the name of the previous team squadron, and officially adopt the new establishment.

The original team was renamed as a class, a detachment, and the squadron was renamed a platoon, and the squadron was renamed as a company. Later, the brigade was renamed as a battalion. Comrade Li Dazui, the current commander of the army, is at best, half of the regimental commander.

The original captains are also renamed as squad leaders, platoon commanders, company commanders and battalion commanders. For the time being, the largest establishment is the first-level unit of the regiment. If the sea wolf continues to expand its army in the future, as the army increases, the number of divisions above the regiment will increase, and there will be no brigade-level establishment for the time being.

This construction method is similar to the organizational structure of Spanish infantry. The number of a company exceeds 250, which is far larger than the number of companies in later generations. However, in the current situation of weapons and equipment, it is mainly in the stage of front-loaded husks, and the output of firepower must rely on the quantity to reach the minimum. The demand, the compilation method of the three-three systems in later generations, is obviously not suitable for the needs of this era.

Therefore, the establishment method of the Five-Year System is obviously more suitable for the needs of this era. As a basic combat unit, a company can have a certain combat effectiveness. If it is a large-scale operation, it can gather a battalion to fight to form an independent combat unit with considerable combat effectiveness. It happens that an infantry phalanx can be formed. With the cooperation of the spearman and * hand, coupled with the left stabbing tactics and strict organizational discipline, at least Daming can hardly find an army to compete with it in this era.

So at present, the battalion is the basic combat unit of the Sea Wolf Army. At present, the strength of a battalion has basically reached the scale of 1,300 people, and even close to the strength of a regiment in later generations. With auxiliary soldiers and special arms, the number of personnel at the battalion level will exceed that of the level of the army regiment in later generations, but At present, compared with the battalions of the Ming army, it is less than their number.

But from Xiaotian's point of view, this structure should be more reasonable and more effective. What's more, the sea wolftooth rifles are now in full production, including Nanri Island gun production, and three newly-pulling machine tools have been installed. Recently, the rifles produced are basically this new type. The rifle, Minee, also began to be put into production in large quantities. In the future, after a large number of troops are equipped, the combat effectiveness of the Seawolf Army will jump to the world's strongest infantry in this era.

Although it is only a small change, a few lines have been added to the rifled, but the sea wolf's * hand can directly effectively output the firepower to 300 meters away, and even reach a distance of 400 meters when shooting with a fire platoon.

And the enemy they have to face does not even have the ability to fight back at this distance. If it is an army with weak combat effectiveness or poor discipline, several rows of guns will probably be directly disbanded on the spot, and there is no close combat at all.

Even if the sea wolf army soldiers with wolftooth rifles are now dragged to the European battlefield and directly fight against the European * hands, Yu Xiaotian believes that his soldiers can still beat the strongest Swedish army in Europe all over the ground, and Comrade Gustav will still be killed by him.

So on the surface, the army strength of the sea wolf is not large, but if these 3,000 people gather together and cooperate with some cannons, Yu Xiaotian feels that it should be quite easy to take them to sweep Fujian.

Now the officers and soldiers actually want to recover Nanri Island and drive him out of Nanri Island. It is simply to send him prisoners, free labor and war materials. He will not miss this opportunity to make a lot of money. This is his decision. The reason why he did not take preempt this time is to wait for the officers and soldiers. After the door, they were still looking for teeth all over the ground, just like the last time they dealt with Chu Cailao.

However, compared with when Chu Cai came to beat him, his current strength is not what it used to be.

The army has no problem with Xiaotian's such adaptation. He is the boss. He said that it is whatever it is. Anyway, he doesn't change the medicine. The establishment has only changed its name, but the structure has not been significantly adjusted.

After talking about the rank of the officer, the next step is the rank of the soldier. Yu Xiaotian once again misappropriated the experience of later generations and divided the soldiers into six levels, including four ranks of non-commissioned officers and two levels of ordinary soldiers.

Sergeants are divided into sergeants, sergeants, sergeants and sergeants, and soldiers are divided into private soldiers and superiors.

Among the non-commissioned officers, the sergeant is a junior non-commissioned officer, which is mainly awarded to such personnel as the squad leader and deputy squad leader, including the artillery commander and the chief of the sailors, and the commander of the soldier is also awarded the rank of junior non-commissioned officer.

The sergeant is an intermediate non-commissioned officer, mainly awarded to squad leaders and artillery commanders with long service and experienced combat experience. Among sailors, important positions such as helmsmen, or gunmen on ships are awarded the rank as sergeant.

Senior non-commissioned officer is also known as a non-commissioned officer. He is a soldier and has not yet entered the rank of officers, but he has a high status among soldiers. He has been specially awarded soldiers with long service, military achievements, rich combat experience and certain command ability, but has not been promoted to officer.

As a non-commissioned officer, when necessary, such as the chief and deputy platoon leader or even the chief and deputy company commander may have casualties on the battlefield, in the absence of an officer, he can directly shoulder the task of commanding operations. Usually, he can work as an auxiliary platoon leader or captain to help them manage his subordinates, such as the navy. Among them, the first lieutenants have been granted the position of non-commissioned officer for the time being. The level of pay is basically the same as that of second lieutenants and officers. With the increase of their years of service, their pay will continue to increase, and may even exceed the lieutenant's rate.

However, Yu Xiaotian is not among the non-commissioned officers and continues to separate the first, second and third-level non-commissioned officers. At present, he does not need to set up such non-commissioned officers. If the current non-commissioned officers need to continue to be promoted, he will be directly promoted to lieutenants and enter the ranks of officers.

And ordinary soldiers only have two grades of superior soldiers and privates. The privates are actually former trainee sailors or trainee soldiers. They belong to new recruits* who have just been assigned to the army from the new barracks. Their combat experience is basically zero, but they have just received a certain degree of military training and still need to continue to learn more in the army. Professional skills, half a year later or after passing the assessment, they will be transferred to a first-class soldier, even if they are official soldiers.

In this way, the former trainee members are now renamed as privates, eliminating the name of trainees. However, in practice, these privates are still habitually called trainees, which are regarded as soldiers, but they are not qualified soldiers.

In this way, all the members of the navy and army of Shanghai Wolf as a whole have a clearer level, and there will be no one who will be confused about who is the official. According to the habits developed by the sea wolf in recent years, members with low ranks, no matter your position or rank, will honestly salute when they see members with high ranks. There may be an offense.

(Today, I would like to thank you for the reward of the two wandering brothers in Jiangnan!)