Daming Haiku

Chapter 160 Sad Military Uniform

The implementation of the military rank system can be said to be a huge improvement in the sea wolf army system, which makes the sea wolf officially embark on the road of establishing a regular army and lays the foundation for gradually growing into a fully formalized modern army in the future.

The promotion of the military rank is bound to involve the improvement of military uniforms. In fact, Yu Xiaotian has begun to do this. He thinks he is a Hard faction and likes German military uniforms in World War II. He once wanted to fake military uniforms like this for his army.

But the reality is cruel. After careful consideration, he found that he can't do this at present, because he can make a large number of military uniforms for his men, only Songjiang cloth and Indian cotton cloth, and the Indian canvas used as a sail is too thick to make clothes at all, so he can only make do with it. Make aprons and protective clothing for craftsmen against high-temperature radiation.

The color of these Songjiang cloth and Indian cotton cloth is not the same, and the fabric is soft and collapsed. Even if it is made according to the style of German military uniform, it is not stylish at all and will not look good.

So he can only give up this unrealistic idea and make military uniforms for his subordinates based on the current fabric.

Finally, with his personal participation, a new military uniform was trial-produced by the garment workshop. This military uniform simplifies production as much as possible, because he currently does not have a sewing machine. The production of clothing is all handmade by women, which is very inefficient and cannot keep up with the output.

Therefore, in order to dress his men as soon as possible, he must simplify the clothing and reduce the sewing process. This kind of clothing can be said to be extremely simplified. A hole is dug out in the middle of a piece of cloth, pasted with a collar, leaving the position of sleeves on both sides, and sewed directly, like a face bag, after adding sleeves People just need to put their heads into their clothes and put their arms into their sleeves.

Even the nail button is saved. Two pockets are sewn on the front chest, which can hold some simple items. Because the belt needs to be tied, even the pockets are saved. The style is very different from the current military uniforms and ordinary clothing of the Ming Dynasty, but one advantage is that it is very convenient to produce, which almost saves the process. It's extremely simple, and there is another very important advantage, that is, super-saving materials, almost no fabric, and there are not many materials left. Almost a piece of fabric can all be used.

The trousers are also extremely simple, that is, the cloth tube sewn up by two pieces of cloth, and the lock eye is also simply saved, because everyone's waist thickness is different. If you use buttons, it is not easy to adjust. Some people wear them too loose, some people wear too tightly, and there are not enough belts for them, so they simply In the front waist position of the trousers, sew two cloth belts on both sides. After putting on the trousers, tighten the cloth strips and tie them up to put on the trousers. It is also quite convenient to put on and take off.

Only when there is an emergency meeting at night, some soldiers will tie the cloth into a dead pimple because of nervousness. When they want to pee or defecate, they can't untie it. Some people can only cut the cloth belt with a bayonet.

As for the problem of shoes, it has always troubled Yu Xiaotian. He does not have enough ability to release shoes for everyone, let alone want to distribute them enough leather boots. The key is not a financial problem, but a manual problem. If you want to release shoes for so many people, you need a very large shoe factory, which is purely handmade. It is unimaginable to sew cloth shoes.

Another sea wolf's army has a great training intensity and consumes a lot of shoes. Even if they are given a pair of cloth boots, they will be kicked in a few days and can't supplement them enough cloth shoes at all.

Therefore, in the past two years, almost all the shoes distributed to soldiers by Seawolves are straw shoes. Straw shoes are good, breathable, and easy to obtain raw materials. Corn leaves, tough hay, rags, rags, etc. are all suitable raw materials. Soldiers can make a few pairs of their own in their spare time. Straw shoes don't even need to be specially manufactured by the clothing factory.

In summer, there is only one sole of straw shoes, and a few straw belts or cloth strips around them can be tied to the feet. When it is cold in winter, they are knitted into an all-inclusive shape, and the soles are also thicker.

In this way, everyone can put on shoes, and only the officer level will be given some leather boots, which is the so-called fast boots of this era.

Straw shoes are still commonly used by many people even during the period of the Republic of China and in the period just after liberation. Even the soldiers of the Chinese expeditionary Army who entered Myanmar to fight in later generations are basically straw shoes made by soldiers themselves.

So among sea wolves, if you want to distinguish the identity of ordinary soldiers and officers, sometimes just by looking at the shoes on their feet, you can almost figure out their identity, at least *.

Whether it is soldiers or sea wolf officers, they are now used to leggings, which is also a must for their military uniforms.

Especially in the army, because of the high training intensity of sea wolves, a large number of training and running march training are required every day. It will be very beneficial to put on leggings, so soldiers are also equipped with two canvas leggings.

In addition to preventing congestion and edema of the lower limbs, it can also prevent the calves from being scratched by shrub branches or thorns when marching in the mountains or the wild. Sometimes it can also be used as a temporary bandage tourniquet when necessary on the battlefield, and can also be used as a rope when necessary. Or tie a stretcher, the benefits are great.

As for the navy, the need for leggings and shoes is not very high. In this era, coastal fishermen are almost used to barefoot, and they almost never wear shoes on the ship, and the demand for leggings is not high, just to prevent them from hanging some items or tripping over people when they move on the ship. Therefore, there are also leggings, but the length is much shorter than that of the army, and it is convenient to fight. You only need to tie up above the ankle.

As for helmets, now sea wolf soldiers can only be equipped with a large number of rattan helmets. Such rattan helmets have low protection ability and can only prevent falling stones from hitting the head. With low effects on arrows and bullet defense, only a few officers can be equipped with some iron helmets and wear them in combat.

Now, with the strengthening of the economic strength of the sea wolf, the material reserves have increased, and the number of craftsmen has increased. Yu Xiaotian has set up another iron field, allowing craftsmen to make some iron pieces for soldiers, put them in front of the helmet, and add some defensive capabilities to the rattan helmet.

The style of the rattan helmet has been continuously adjusted, and now it is temporarily shaped into a shape with a brim, which is somewhat like a plastic helmet equipped by the Vietnamese kid army in later generations.

Although the armed sea wolf soldiers have unified their clothes and look much more neat, they are still a little too miserable in Xiaotian's eyes. The whole nondescript patrol of later generations, but this is also the best he can do so far.

The first batch of experimental products of the new-style clothing was first sent to those Spanish prisoners to wear and let them try it out. They were not used to this kind of jacket, but after wearing it for a period of time, these mercenaries were still satisfied with such a coat, because it was very convenient to wear and grab it. When I got up, I drilled my head and put it on my body, which also saved the process of buttoning.

For those who have never seen the military uniform of later generations, this kind of clothing is still very neat and not ugly. It is also convenient for soldiers to wear, but there are not many people who resist it. They just think that this kind of military uniform looks strange, but after getting used to it, it is not unacceptable.

So in the end, this new military uniform was finalized by Yu Xiaotian, preparing to start promoting equipment next.

The requirements for tailoring of this new military uniform have been minimized, but even so, Yu Xiaotian asked the tailor to make some paper samples of this kind of clothes according to the size of the number, so that people can cut them according to the paper samples.

Although there are one or 200 women working in the current garment workshop, it will take a year to make new clothes for the sea wolves in a short period of time, even if it is just a new suit, and it may not be able to make it.

In order to improve the production speed of clothing, Yu Xiaotian asked the director to send the fabric processing form of new clothes to some immigrant women, so that they can also help sea wolves make some new military uniforms when they are free at home. After delivery and acceptance, they can get some small money to make up for it. Household.

This practice is very popular with immigrants, especially these women. Because they have to help men farm and take care of their children, they can't work in the sea wolf's garment workshop or sails, but they can still squeeze some time out. Now there is such a good thing that can make them earn a little money. But I'm happy to do it.

In addition, although there is not much cloth left after cutting this kind of clothes, at least it can still save some. These cloths are also very rare things. The slightly larger cloth can be made into a hundred clothes for children. Small pieces of cloth that can't be put together, rubbed into cloth ropes, and can also be used for straw shoes. The straw shoes made by cloth strips have greatly improved the wearability of the straw shoes. In short, in this era, the cloth will not be wasted at all, and all of them can be fully used.

In addition to clothes, it also involves other equipment problems of soldiers, such as soldiers' bedding, because the temperature on the coast of Taiwan Strait and Fujian is still higher than in the north. Although the winter is also very cold due to the small glacier era, it will not drip into ice at night, but even so, at night There is no bedding, and it still makes people feel a deep chill, so this kind of thing can't be saved, but it is also difficult to solve it completely.