Daming Haiku

Chapter 162 Military Uniforms and Dog Plates

Yu Xiaotian is also not stingy with the equipment provided to the special team. In addition, it is also unconventional, such as flying tiger claws for climbing, ropes, as long as they can use them, they will be arranged to specially build for them. Everyone can also choose to match them with bows and lightbows according to their preferences and their own skills. *, blowing arrows and even flying knives, darts, cross darts or sleeve arrows.

As long as they want, Yu Xiaotian will spare the cost and find a way to get it for them, and it must be the best to meet their needs, so that they can work more.

In addition to being used as scouts, such a special forces team is also responsible for doing dirty work for seawolves, including attacking native tribes hostile to them, some* on land, clearing at designated points, attacking enemy camps and so on.

And such a special team is now a trump card in Yu Xiaotian's hand. Over the past year, it has done a lot of dirty work for Yu Xiaotian.

Last year, when the sea wolf intervened in the fishing market on land, causing the rebound of many fishermen or some gentry with vested interests, the special team was divided into groups and went to the land to help clear many guys who were against the sea wolf, and quickly suppressed their rebound.

Under such high-intensity training, these people are all cruel. For them, they don't even need to blink their eyes. Sometimes they can even destroy all the enemies without mercy, and there will be no guilt.

The formation of such a special forces team is also a very forward consciousness in this era. Anyone who wants to fight against the sea wolf must weigh their own weight. If they are not careful, they may die inexplicably, and they may not even find a place to complain. With the ability of the government to solve cases, it is impossible to catch them. The handle of the sea wolf, even the most arrogant brocade guard at the present, can only be abused by the Shanghai wolf's special forces.

As for the night or wandering and scouts of the officers and soldiers, although they are elites among the officers and scouts, their skills and equipment level and the sea wolf's special forces are not a star difference, and the two sides can only be completely abused.

This special team has now become an iron fist of Yu Xiaotian. As long as he points, this iron fist will immediately swing somewhere and hit anyone and collective who dares to fight against the sea wolf into powder.

However, this special forces are usually very low-key. They do not live with other army companies. They generally only live in a camp in the mountains of Nanri Island, or in camps deep in the mountains and forests around Tamsui City. Few people know their existence, let alone see them.

Only during the exercise will they appear and cooperate with the previous war camp to carry out activities such as reconnaissance and capture of prisoners. Only Meng Fei can mobilize them. Meng Fei is also responsible for training at ordinary times, but when mobilizing and using them, they must be approved by Liu Laoliu in the prison, or directly due to Xiaotian's personal mobilization. .

The overall arms composition of the Shanghai Wolf Army has been quite perfect in this era. Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs, and its combat ability can basically dominate in this world.

As for clothing, the military uniforms of special forces and ordinary army soldiers are completely different. Their clothing is designed separately, basically similar to the military uniforms of later generations. They use high-quality white pine river cloth or good Indian white cloth, and first use various green, yellow and brown pigments. Use tie-dye to dye flowers and green colors, and then make clothes.

In this way, it has become the first generation of primitive camouflage clothing. Although the effect is not comparable to the military camouflage clothing of later generations, it can also play a good role. It is a realistic version of the cottage camouflage clothing belonging to the local standard.

These clothes have been thickened in the positions of knees, buttocks, elbows and cuffs to increase their durability, so that they will wear them in a few days, at least they can wear more time.

There are also military uniforms and soldiers' clothing, which are also different in fabric. In summer, military uniforms are made of a kind of fine linen made in Guangdong. This kind of linen is fine, well ventilated, and also looks slightly straight. It can be ironed. It is not a diamond style, but a placket style, with buttons, and decorated with The button of the whale bone, close to the style of later military uniforms, is simple and comfortable to wear, and also looks better.

In winter, officers' clothing should take into account warmth, so they use tweed wool made of British wool that they have just purchased from the Dutch. This fabric is an item that the British pulled to the Indian merchant house to try to sell, but it has always been in a * state.

This kind of fleece fabric is warm, soft and straight, comfortable to wear, and straight. It was a product that was accidentally found when the sea wolf board merchant ship went to Batavia for trade. He brought back some samples and was seen by Yu Xiaotian.

After asking the price, Yu Xiaotian felt that the price was not high, so he ordered the council to buy this kind of velvet from the Dutch in large quantities. Later, he also established a relationship with the British business hall and purchased a large number of such velvet fabrics.

Originally, the British had a headache about the backlog of these fleece fabrics, but they didn't expect to meet a big buyer, so they made a deal at a lower price, which finally made the sea wolf purchase a large number of such fleece fabrics.

Although it is not enough to equip soldiers, it is at least enough to make some clothes for the officers, so he is not stingy and ordered people to make a batch of such clothes for the officers. In terms of cutting and production, they are much finer than the uniforms of ordinary soldiers, so as to highlight the identity and status of officers.

Moreover, there is also a certain difference in the color of the navy and army's military uniforms. The navy adopts white summer clothing, that is, the primary color of the cloth, which also eliminates the dyeing process, while the army's summer military uniform is changed to earthy yellow in an earth dye, replacing the previous indigo or black.

Because in summer, the dark-colored clothing used before will absorb a lot of heat and make people feel very hot. After changing to a lighter color, it will at least feel better. Although the earthy yellow looks like chicken shit, it is somewhat protective in the wild, which is more suitable for the army.

The navy's activities on the ship in summer are not very dirty. It is acceptable to use white, and it looks much more energetic.

As for winter clothing, the navy uses a lighter indigo blue, and the army uses a darker indigo. This dye is currently relatively easy to obtain. Without too many twists and turns, the cost will be relatively lower.

But in terms of military uniform change, Yu Xiaotian has only just begun and has not been able to prepare all the new clothes, so I'm afraid the specific change will be delayed for a few months.

With the implementation of the new military rank and military uniform, it is naturally also involved in the issue of military rank marks. Otherwise, the military rank will be useless. Usually and on the battlefield, soldiers and officials still can't tell which military rank is high, so they must be issued with military rank marks.

Naturally, it is not difficult for Xiaotian to resist this. He directly copied the epaulettes and armbands of later generations. The lieutenant has one bar, plus stars, one bar and one star is a second lieutenant, one bar and two stars are lieutenant, one bar three stars are captains, one bar four stars are captains, and the school officer is two bars, and so on. As for the generals, at present No, and it is estimated that it will not appear for a long time, so I won't consider it for the time being.

And the epaulettes of non-commissioned officers and soldiers are also distinguished by following the military rank epaulettes of later generations, but in terms of materials, he can't get the right materials. He can only use canvas to wrap velvet cloth and rust on red or white lines to distinguish them. On the epaulettes of officers above the lieutenant, copper stars are added, and copper stars are also made of five-pointed stars, straight The copper sheet is used to stamp it out, and the stamping mold is not complicated. The die is cast with carbum and polished by hand. Moreover, the copper sheet is relatively soft and easy to stamp, and it can be stamped out a lot soon.

For the time being, when the new clothing has not been issued, the epaulettes will not be issued for the time being. At present, their old military uniforms have no place to hold the epaulettes, so they can't put them on their shoulders. They can only make them first and wait for them to be distributed with the military uniforms. Since they want to change, they can be changed together. Some people have changed, some people have not changed, and some people will express dissatisfaction.

It turned out that Yu Xiaotian also wanted to give a dog tag to his officers and soldiers with their names, enlistment time and service team, but he did not have suitable materials for the time being. There was neither aluminum nor stainless steel, zinc and tin were too soft, and iron sheets were too easy to rust. If copper pieces were used, it would be too wasteful. After all, this thing can be used as money, and he is not luxurious enough to squander the copper stored at hand.

So in the end, he had to give up. All the soldiers used bamboo pieces to make dog tags, while officers used whale bones to make dog tags, which is also an identity. In special period, when inspecting soldiers, they rely on this dog tag to prove their identity. At present, officers and soldiers on land use waist cards. Soldiers only have a number hurdle, and the dog tag is relatively simpler and easier to use.

At present, as the time when the officers and soldiers may launch an attack on Nanri Island is getting closer and closer, the sea wolf has officially begun to prepare for battle.

All the workshops controlled by various military weapons began to enter full-speed production as early as July, especially gunfire and cannon. They were produced in large quantities in two shifts to produce various weapons needed by sea wolves, and temporarily stopped the production of firearms to sell to the outside world, concentrating efforts to meet the sea wolf's own needs. Requirements.

Never has anyone thought that they have more cannons, so for the army, the more cannons are produced, the better, including the army. For a long time, the army has been extremely dissatisfied with the lack of artillery equipment for them.