Daming Haiku

Chapter 161 Special Forces

However, cotton is indeed a scarce material for sea wolves at present. The cotton planting area itself is not large. The limited cotton planting on land is mainly concentrated in the area of Songjiang Prefecture, and the cotton produced is basically digested locally. Fujian has little cotton cultivation due to insufficient land area, and the climate It is also not suitable.

Therefore, it is difficult for sea wolves to purchase cotton. It is really not enough to distribute quilts and mattresses to every soldier. Even if Yu Xiaotian tries to find a way to buy a large amount of cotton from Songjiang Prefecture, Taicang and other places, and also buy Indian cotton from Portuguese, Spaniards and Dutch, it is still It is difficult to fully meet their needs, and Taiwan itself is not suitable for growing cotton.

So in the end, the cotton mattress can only be saved. Each soldier is given a thin quilt, and a mattress sewn with three layers of Indian cotton cloth or Songjiang cloth to save the cotton. In winter, ** is covered with thick grass or straw mats made of straw, or simply find dry grass on the spot and spread it on * *, but it can also be dealt with without freezing people.

Although such conditions are much worse than that of later armies, in this era, such conditions are very rare for soldiers. Even the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty do not have such conditions.

These beddings are very simple. When the team moves, just roll it up and carry it on its body. Everyone is also given a backpack with two shoulders, which can hold other personal belongings.

In addition to these, sea wolves are now not short of leather. They can get a lot of deer skins and wild boar skins on Taiwan. The whaling industry has also provided them with a large number of whale skins and shark skins, so each soldier is also provided with a wide belt. Soldiers are iron buckles and officers are copper buckles, which can also distinguish officers and soldiers. The identity of soldiers.

In addition, there are two boxes made of leather, which are specially filled with ammunition they carry with a lid and a leather buckle. Even if it rains, the fixed ammunition in the paper bag inside will not be wet. The ammunition box can be worn on the belt and tied directly to the waist, one on the left and one left. Everyone also There is a bayonet with a skin sheath, which can also be hung on the belt, which is more convenient to carry.

Another thing is that everyone is also provided with a bamboo kettle, which can hold two liters of water. The sea wolf has regulations that it is not allowed to take water and drink raw water on the spot, so that it is waterproof and unclean, causing a large area of soldiers to have diarrhea. Now they do not have any disinfectant tablets, so as long as conditions permit, water must be replenished. Boil it first and let it cool before you can use it.

The bamboo tube is packed in a straw bag with a cloth belt, which can be carried on the body, but when running, it is a little wandering and should be tied tightly to the belt.

Especially for some bombers, in addition to carrying *, each of them also have to carry two*. Generally, they only carry bamboo shells*, but once they face large-scale battles, everyone can issue iron shells* and a small plate of fire ropes for ignition.

Among the current infantry of Sea Wolf, the arms are more complete than the European army. In addition to the long spearmen and * hand, as well as the necessary rescuers, firemen, drummers and flag bearers, the duties of * hands are now subdivided, the two arms of battle infantry and light infantry have been divided, and a brand-new projectile is also added. At the same time, two engineering classes have been added to the company.

In each infantry battalion, a heavy company is added to provide logistical supplies to the battalion, so that battalion-level combat units have a certain supply capacity and can do short-term mobile operations.

Yu Xiaotian also wants to get some light cavalry for his men to be used for reconnaissance, attack and pursuit. Unfortunately, the south is really short of horses, and the climate in the south is not very suitable for raising horses. Most of the horses they have now are short and poor Yunnan horses, even if they are not very tall Mongolian horses. They don't have many horses. The total number of horses is less than 100. Among them, except for some old and weak horses, less than 20 horses can be used as war horses, and the remaining dozens can only be barely used as horses.

The number of horses is seriously insufficient. They can only be replaced by ploughing cattle or mules. It is really pitiful to death, and cattle are not suitable for military use at all. They move too slowly and are easy to be frightened on the battlefield. Although they are strong, they have little effect. They can only slowly pull some heavy vehicles safely. Action from the rear.

Fortunately, the sea wolf does not need to carry out large-scale mobile operations on land, so the demand for logistical supplies is not very large for the time being. Otherwise, his army is definitely a lame army, and its mobile combat ability will be very tragic.

In addition to these arms, there is also a special force directly under the wolf cave or directly under Yu Xiaotian's jurisdiction. The number is not large, only more than 70. Yu Xiaotian gave them a separate sea wolf special team.

What is the special forces team? Except for Yu Xiaotian, no one else has ever heard of it, but these people selected to join the special forces are definitely elites in the army.

Most of these people are extremely flexible young people, up to 30 years old. Many of them used to be some people in the world, and some of them were darts engineers in the bodyguard bureau.

And these people have all received great favors from sea wolves. After very strict selection, it can ensure that these people are all sea wolves or simply Yu Xiaotian's loyalists.

After these people were selected to join the special forces, the salary and food treatment have been greatly increased. The salary is even more than ten times that of ordinary soldiers. The food is even meaty twice a day. Even ordinary officers can eat eggs that are not easy to eat every day. To put it's worse, they are better than women in confinement. People eat ten times better.

So after entering the special forces, these people soon appeared strong under the rich nutrition. Although they were not tall, they were very strong.

But at the same time, their training is also ten times more stringent than that of ordinary soldiers. They rarely conduct queue training, but they do other high-intensity military training. Every morning, they have to carry out five kilometers of fully armed cross-country and march quickly in areas with complex terrain.

During the march, they must also pay attention to their hidden bodies and cannot be easily found. Once they are found by the instructor because of carelessness, they will be punished.

In addition, they also have to undergo high-intensity fighting training. The so-called martial arts masters that Yu Xiaotian can find at hand have been selected, including himself, and regularly go to special forces to teach these people fighting lessons. In addition to weapon fighting, fist and foot close combat is also something that must be practiced.

Their fighting style has no routine restrictions. Yu Xiaotian gave them only one requirement, that is, no matter what method they use, even if they kick their crotch, it doesn't matter if they dig out birds, as long as they can knock down the enemy in the shortest time.

But fighting is divided into several purposes. The first is to kill the other party directly in the simplest and fastest way, which is aimed at targets that must be cleared. Once you take action, you will not be alive;

The second is to disintegrate the resistance of the other party's resistance as soon as possible, but you can't kill the other party. You are only allowed to mutilate the other party. This is for the purpose of interrogation. As long as you are alive, it doesn't matter if you are disabled. Anyway, after asking what they want, you still have to kill them;

The third type is also to knock down the other party alive, but it can neither hurt his life nor cause the other party to be disabled. It is best to stun him and lose consciousness. This is aimed at the target of obtaining a living goal and staying useful characters in the future.

In addition to learning various cold weapon fighting skills, these special forces also need to learn to use firearms, especially precision shooting. Previously, they were equipped with smooth-fire guns, all of which are selected high-precision guns. After high-intensity training, the sharpshooters among them can be basically accurate. Guarantee to kill the enemy effectively and accurately at a distance of 70 steps.

But now with the successful trial production of wolf tooth rifles, the best of the first wolf tooth rifles, that is, some of the most accurate rifles, were sent to the special forces for use and handed over to these sharpshooters, making them immediately become the strongest snipers of this era.

In addition to rifles, they are also equipped with double-bend guns, that is, double-shot pistols. In close-range emergencies, they can use this gun for self-defense.

In addition to the use of firearms, they also need to learn how to use the least gunpowder to cause the greatest damage to the target. Generally speaking, when assaulting, without heavy fire support, they can use it to break through the opponent's defense facilities.

Of course, they also need to learn to cross the armed crossing, requiring that the water quality must also be very good. Everyone must be able to carry out the crossing of more than five kilometers, within 500 meters, and also step on the water, holding the gunpowder that is afraid of being soaked in water, *, so that it can reach the target without touching water.

The purpose of doing this is to make them that everyone can go up the mountain, enter the forest and go down the water when they need it.

In addition, they should often conduct wild survival training and learn how to survive in various environments and rely on the least amount of materials, including hiding, collecting food on the spot, hunting, making a fire, keeping warm, emergency medical care and other subjects.

For this reason, Yu Xiaotian also asked some Langzhong to go to the special forces to teach them to identify all kinds of wild vegetables, mushroom fungi and other food that can be collected in the wild, as well as collect herbs needed for emergencies on the spot, so that they can learn to hunt with the simplest things from hunters or natives, and use the simplest and primitive way to warm and protect the wild. Warm method.

In addition to the day, they also have to do regular night training to learn how to sneak into enemy-controlled areas, including cities, fortresses and courtyards, and can perform skills such as kidnapping, assassination, assault, demolition, arson, poisoning and so on at night.