Daming Haiku

Chapter 174 Steady and steady

After receiving the new exercise code, the military immediately began to follow the rules, began the training in an all-round way, readjusted some of the changed norms and carried out the training completely.

Fortunately, although most of the officers of the sea wolf were illiterate in the past two years, Yu Xiaotian has insisted on promoting cultural literacy activities in the army, requiring officers, who are now officers above lieutenants, to know at least 1,500 to 2,000 words and must be able to write their own battles. Newspapers and logbooks and daily training logs.

Ordinary non-commissioned officers must know 800 to 1,500 words, while ordinary soldiers must know at least 500 to 800 words, so that they have the minimum reading and writing ability.

So after the new code is issued, it is not very difficult to implement. Basically, officers can understand and figure out the requirements of these regulations.

It's just that the cultural foundation of these people is still a little too shallow. Although they can understand it, they don't quite understand many of the regulations. They only know that their big head wants them to do this, but it is not clear why they want to do it.

For this reason, Yu Xiaotian had to hold a temporary training course for two officers of the navy and army in the wolf's den after issuing the new code. He personally became instructors, and asked Lin Yiyang and Liu Tong as his assistants to help conduct a surprise training for officers above lieutenants in the two armies of the navy and army.

The focus of the training is not on commanding combat skills, but on making a targeted explanation of each of the newly issued regulations, so that these officers understand why these regulations should be done, what are the benefits of doing so, and what problems can be prevented.

Through this short training method, each officer can fundamentally understand the benefits of the implementation of these regulations for military construction, so that the new regulations can be smoothly implemented and have a good effect, effectively preventing the following people from pretending not to understand, or misreading the rules, causing unnecessary trouble, and even The following resistance behavior occurs.

The officers of the sea wolf are very concerned about such training, because as people in this era, most of them are from mud-legged backgrounds. What they used to do has nothing to do with the army. Many of them are the lowest-level fishermen or mountain farmers. They don't know how many characters, and suddenly let them bring Soldier, it's really a little difficult for them.

Hao wolf has always used the method of training new soldiers in the new barracks, so that these people can start from the basics and receive the military education of sea wolves step by step, which has made them learn some things to lead troops, but these things are only dogmatic, and many people can only know why, which is for the sea It is naturally not a good thing for wolves to build an army in the future.

And how to lead the army and how to command the army to fight in this era is often only in the hands of a very small number of military generals. Ordinary people want to learn something to control the army. In the past, I'm afraid the only way is to be a personal soldier for these people. Only in this way can they learn more or less. Ordinary It is very difficult for people to learn the skills of commanding soldiers by reading some military books.

But the sea wolf is different. These promoted officers found that the sea wolf's military system is absolutely open to this aspect. As long as you are willing to learn, Yu Xiaotian is willing to teach them some ways to unify the army, and as long as you have the ability to advance. In the officer sequence, you can learn more, which is by no means the practice of cherishing yourself among the generals of land officers and refusing to teach the more advanced way of command to outsiders.

And Yu Xiaotian's origin is quite strange. He has no other relatives in this world except Liu Laoliu. Naturally, it will not form a situation of closeness and distance among sea wolves. No matter who is capable, as long as he is capable, he will be promoted sooner or later, and there is no peripheral situation.

This is undoubtedly quite fair for the sea wolf people, because they have also seen that the descendants who first came out of Xiaotian from the Little Yellow Island, although some people such as Heito, Luo Xianbin, Liu Tong, Han Xian and others are very good among the sea wolf and have become important commanders of the sea wolf. Personnel, but there are also a few people with poor ability and timid people who have not been promoted much. One of them was simply cleaned out of the army and placed in a place.

This also shows that Yu Xiaotian does not pay attention to nepotism. Even his brother-in-law Liu Wang has been the captain of his personal guard over the years, and has not gone down to directly command the army, which gives other sea wolves a very clear message, that is, as long as you are willing to work, capable, bold and careful. If you are afraid of death, you will have a chance to get ahead among the sea wolves.

In this way, the sea wolf members are naturally full of energy, and now Yu Xiaotian is not hesitate to teach them the way to unify the army (in their opinion, this kind of short training class is to explain these regulations to teach them the way to unify the army). All the officers are very excited and attach great importance to learning. Very serious.

Yu Xiaotian sent a small notebook made of good white paper to each officer. Considering that the brush is inconvenient to use, he made some charcoal pens with charcoal strips (he can't find suitable graphite at present, so he can only use charcoal instead to make some extremely rough pencils) and distribute them to the army. Used by non-commissioned officers and above.

While listening in the short training class, these officers desperately recorded what Yu Xiaotian and Lin Yiyang told in a small notebook, for fear of missing something and learning as much as possible.

This made Yu Xiaotian feel very ashamed, because when he went to school, he had never been so hungry and thirsty in class as these subordinates in front of him. Many times his brain was always in a state of running and thinking about other things, and these officers did not need him to rectify the class discipline at all. Lv, everyone put up their ears and stared wide, for fear of missing something, and desperately recorded it in their own small books with rough charcoal pens.

He checked some people's notes. Although the words written by these officers were crooked, it was really difficult to see the extreme, and there were typos, but his serious attitude could definitely be seen from the lines. Many people recorded almost everything he said in detail, even by chance. In order to liven up the atmosphere, the jokes and jokes have been recorded, which shows how serious these men are.

Since they are willing to listen, Yu Xiaotian has worked harder to tell them what he can think of in as detail as possible, so that they can understand the reasons for the formulation of each regulation of this exercise. In the future, these people will become the seeds of his struggle for hegemony in the world.

Yes! It's fighting for hegemony! Now he wants people, cannons, guns and guns, and the rich side. Why should he let the tartars enter the customs to rule the country?

How many people are there in the right? At best, there are only tens of thousands of people, and Yu Xiaotian is a magnificent Han nation. Since he has reached this time and space, and now he has created such a situation, he does not believe that even those native turtles are not as good as the troats, and still let those wild boar skin descendants enter the customs to rule China.

Now Yu Xiaotian has figured it out that Yiyi is simply learning from turtles. In the past, when he had no strength, it was enough to think so, but now he has become more and more powerful and has laid a relatively solid foundation. If he still thinks about Yi'an Yiyi all day long, then he is not Yu Xiaotian.

Unlike others, Yu Xiaotian has never eaten a meal. He takes one step and fights steadily. Unlike those pig's feet written in time-travel articles, he doesn't even know where the next meal is. He begins to think about competing for the world. People who think like that are simply brain-damaged, either crazy or white. Idiot!

And Yu Xiaotian is the kind of person who likes to fight steadily. In a period, he talks about a period of things and considers the plan of a period. Before he had no strength, he did not think about fighting for the world, but as his wings became more and more abundant, his plans for the future began to adjust, and now he is guarding Taiwan. The idea of Yiyi Anyi couldn't meet his needs. Seeing that his strength was getting stronger and stronger, he gradually began to carefully consider the idea of competing for hegemony.

Although the Ming Dynasty is still the year of Apocalypse, it is now the end of the six years of the weather. Although the appearance of his little butterfly has affected the situation along the southeast coast, the overall impact on the Ming Dynasty is not great, especially in the north. His tentacles have not been extended too far, so It failed to affect the situation in the north.

If it goes on like this, it is estimated that the Apocalypse Emperor should... Next, Emperor Chongzhen should ascend the throne, and the situation of the Ming Dynasty has also accumulated and is difficult to return. Although few people can see this now, the historical giant car still carries huge momentum and pushes the Ming Dynasty towards the abys. .

From the recent immigrants he collected from the land, there have been a small number of exiles from the mountains and Shaanxi. From their mouths, Yu Xiaotian has learned that Shaanxi has become a scene of a hundred miles of red land due to years of drought. People eat each other and Yi Zi eat such human tragedies, which has long been everywhere, but the imperial court has done this He didn't care, and even refused to reduce taxes. They continued to urge them. Many local people have had to abandon their land and flee and become exiles in order to find a way to live. What's more, it is not good for the exiles to gather up and rob their homes, eat large households and attack villages along the way. It has become a mess.

(I'm dizzy. I didn't know what I was busy with in the morning, but I forgot to update it. I just remembered it now! Hurry up! Shout, I can forget, brothers, don't forget to give me the monthly ticket!)