Daming Haiku

Chapter 175 Picking peaches when the time is ripe

In June, there were strong winds and floods in the area of Changzhou, Suzhou, and the river rose sharply. The towers of the city were immersed in the waves, and the corpses were floating all over the field. The news of an earthquake also came from Shanxi, and dozens of prefectures and counties were affected.

Including Fujian, it hasn't rained much since spring this year. Now there has been a severe drought. Fujian lacks arable land and food cannot be self-sufficient due to the terrain. This has led to people in many places in Fujian unable to make a living, forming a wave of people, and a large number of people in various prefectures and counties have begun to appear. Slingers.

Zhu Yifeng can't be regarded as a bad official, and even the reputation is quite good, but he still has to launch an attack on Yu Xiaotian under such circumstances. The limited financial and material resources have been invested in the attack on Nanri Island this time. The relief for local disaster victims is far from enough, resulting in more people to be called the flow. People.

In a word, the current Daming can be said to be almost rotten from the inside out. Under the accumulation, even if Chongzhen ascends the throne, he can't save it with his character.

So the defeat of Daming is only a matter of time. No one can save Daming. At this time, since Yu Xiaotian has set up such a situation, if he is just thinking about a corner of peace, then he is not Yu Xiaotian.

So after he just recovered from his injury a few months ago, he began to formally consider his next plan. In the end, he decided that the chaos of the world may not be bad. If the Ming Dynasty could not be maintained, it would be better. Instead of letting the Later Golden Man occupy it, it would be better to let him take charge of the world. He believed that No matter how stupid he is, he is not even the offspring of wild boar skin.

When it comes to wild boar skin, Yu Xiaotian remembered the news received in the past few months. Wild boar skin with a large number of Tarans followed the original trajectory in history and went south to attack the Ming Dynasty during the first month of the sixth year of the Apocalypse. First, he went down to Songjin and other seven cities, and then besieged Ningyuan, and Yuan Chonghuan led his troops to garrison Ningyuan. He really took advantage of the few gates at hand. The Hongyi cannon severely damaged the tartars.

It is rumored that Yuan Chonghuan, the great victory of Ningyuan, injured the wild boar Pinurhachi with a Hongyi cannon, which caused the wild boar skin to withdraw from Ningyuan, for which the court and the opposition were all encouraged.

It is no more than Xiaotian, but he dares not believe the news, although it is indeed recorded in history that Nurhachi was injured by gunfire in Ningyuan, which led to his final death.

But in fact, the Ningyuan War took place in the first month, but the wild boar skin died in August. If the wild boar skin was killed by Yuan Chonghuan's cannon, the wild boar skin was too strong to die after more than half a year. This matter doesn't make sense.

However, at least the wild boar skin still hung up in August, and the impact of Huang Taiji was still quite influential. It was precisely because of this Ningyuan's great victory that he was finally favored by Emperor Chongzhen and made him take charge of Ji Liao.

It's not that Xiaotian has no hope for Yuan Chonghuan. Others don't know Yuan Chonghuan's ability. He knows more than anyone else what Yuan Chonghuan did after he came to power.

Since Yuan Chonghuan became the governor of Ji Liao, he has not done a few decent things. On the contrary, after taking office, the first thing he killed Mao Wenlong, the general of Dongjiang Town, resulting in the lack of leaders of dragons in Dongjiang Town and eliminating a huge threat for the Tatzi. Needless to say after that After the Tart lost the threat of Mao Wenlong, they no longer had to worry that the old nest would be taken out. Under the leadership of Huang Taiji, they began to attack the Ming Dynasty south for years.

If Mao Wenlong was there, the Taran would not dare to do so, but it was only because Yuan Chonghuan was not used to Mao Wenlong's self-respecting and killing Mao Wenlong without authorization, which caused the Taran to have no worries.

There are two views in later generations. One view strongly supports Yuan Chonghuan, saying that Yuan Chonghuan is a national hero, and the other point is that Yuan Chonghuan is the biggest traitor to the Ming Dynasty. Yu Xiaotian did not pay much attention to these two views before and feels that this fact is unclear.

But he can be sure that even if Yuan Chonghuan is not secretly having an affair with a man, then Yuan Chonghuan is not a really capable person, otherwise he will not be able to do such a stupid thing as killing Mao Wenlong.

In addition, after his observation of Daming in the past few years, he found that Daming is not without capable people. Daming actually has some quite capable people, such as Sun Chengzong, Xiong Tingbi and even later Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng and others. These people are quite capable, as long as the court can reuse these people, It should not be a big problem to pick up Li Zicheng and Houjin Taranzi, and no matter how difficult it is, the foundation of more than 200 years here is much stronger than Li Zicheng and Houjin Tare.

Unfortunately, the officials struggle with each other, but these capable members can't do things wholeheartedly at all. These capable members have to face all kinds of attacks all day long and are constrained everywhere. In addition, the suspicious character of Emperor Chongzhen in the future, they can't do one thing wholeheartedly.

This can be said to be the stubborn disease of the Ming Dynasty. In fact, the Ming Dynasty was not destroyed by the hands of several emperors. On the contrary, it should be regarded as being destroyed by the so-called Qingliu faction of the Ming Dynasty. These people are full all day long and have nothing to choose other people's faults. Whoever does well will immediately flock to fight with them. In a word, I can't do it. No one can do it, but no one can do it in the end.

On the contrary, after the Tatars entered the customs, many Daming officials changed their masters and rolled their sleeves one by one. Nothing could defeat them. For their new master, they were stunned and built a huge country in a few years, and they knew that Daming was not without capable people, but at all. There is an environment for capable people, so it's really strange to say that the Ming Dynasty will not die.

So Yu Xiaotian, a person from another time and space future, has no a sense of awe of Daming. Now he has a strong army, so it's really strange that Yu Xiaotian doesn't want to participate in this battle for the Central Plains in the future.

Of course, these things Yu Xiaotian thinks can't be told to anyone for the time being, even if it is his closest person, because although Daming has declined, few people can expect it. Daming will disintegrate in just ten years in the future. Now it will only make people feel that he is crazy. Even if some people now feel that Yu Xiaotian has a sense of self-reliance, they only feel that Yu Xiaotian wants to occupy Taiwan Island and become the king, and few people can think that Yu Xiaotian has begun to make the whole Ming Dynasty.

But as long as he makes up his mind, Yu Xiaotian will know what to do in the future. Now, although he has a strong army and fleet, his strength is still too weak in the face of Daming, a big guy in the world at present.

Let these thousands of people spread to the land, that is, at most, he can control several states and counties. If he wants to take the whole Ming Dynasty, it is impossible.

And Yu Xiaotian knows better than anyone that although the army he built is very strong, it also has weaknesses, that is, the army he built is too dependent on logistics. Like the army he currently has, the daily consumption of ammunition and materials exceeds the same number. The number of Ming officials is several times larger.

If you want to maintain the operation of such a huge army, it is impossible to maintain their combat effectiveness without a solid foundation. At present, although it seems that he has controlled fresh water and chicken cages and reclaimed a large amount of land, they are not capable of being completely self-sufficient at present.

Especially in terms of grain, it seems that the grain hoarded in their grain depot is piled up like a mountain. In fact, most of this grain has been purchased from Guangdong, Zhejiang and even Nanzhili in the past two years. Nowadays, the grain output of Nanri Island and Danshui City can only meet the needs of immigrants and only provide extreme supplies to the army. A small amount of food is supplied, and most of the military's food needs to be imported.

If you can't feed an army and food can't be self-sufficient, that's unimaginable. Some people may say that the army can support war and rely on looting to meet their own needs. In history, many insurgent armies have used this kind of plunder to meet their own needs, such as Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong A cattle man has never paid attention to agricultural reclamation, but he is wrapped in a large number of hungry people like locusts, and eventually overturned the Ming Dynasty?

But for Yu Xiaotian, the army he wants is not these peasant army-like bandits. Although it is indeed necessary to smash many old things, he does not want to stain his hands with too much blood that should not shed, because he is a person, not an inhuman monster.

So although Yu Xiaotian has made up his mind, it is not yet the time for him to lead his army to attack the land and have a showdown with Daming. And although Daming has declined, it is not yet the time when the oil is exhausted. The strength accumulated by Daming over hundreds of years is not something that he can easily shake at present. Once Daming was forced, Daming would fight back. What he was most afraid of was that he lived for nothing, but in the end, he fought with Daming for both sides and took advantage of the tartar for nothing.

After Xiaotian's careful consideration for a long time, he still decided not to land for the time being and participate in this hegemony war. The bad guys let others do it, and it was not too late for him to reach out to pick peaches when the time was ripe.

For the time being, the most important thing for him is to lay a solid foundation and establish a military industrial system that can support the consumption of his army, which will provide a good foundation for the large-scale explosion of the army in the future. At present, his military equipment seems to be not small, but such a scale is far from supporting a huge army in the future. The ability can only meet the needs of the present, and even the needs of the present cannot be guaranteed.

(Special thanks for the reward of the wolf friend in the night light! Your support is the driving force for me to crawl forward! Can the reward be more violent?)