Daming Haiku

Chapter 184 Night Attack Ships

The scene of such a large fleet of ships sailing at night on the sea is quite spectacular. More than 200 ships are unfolding on the sea, occupying a few square kilometers of the sea. The sea is full of stars and lights, just like a prosperous city suddenly appearing on the sea, and each cluster of lights is marked The existence of a ship is slowly moving forward on the sea.

With the shaking of the ship, the light still flashed, just like the stars suddenly fell on the sea, which made people can't help sighing and even feel a little swaying.

Many people have never seen such a scene, and they have run to the deck one after another. Watching such a rare scene, they can't help sighing.

There are some readers on the boat, such as staff such as Tian Youren, some military library or lyregraphers and staff like Yu Zhigao. When you see such a scene, you have to recite poems on the boat and even drink some wine.

So the tension before the battle was relaxed at night, leaving only the boat operation and fighting to remain vigilant and dare not be careless for fear of the danger of inadvertent collision.

However, just after nightfall, a small number of fleets appeared on the sea level. This fleet kept a distance from Yu Zhigao's fleet, and all the lights were extinguished. There was only a small light hanging on the stern and the watch. This kind of copper lamp only opened a hole in one side, and the light could only go in one direction. It divers, and basically faces behind them, so from the side, their light is basically invisible.

The fleet has a small number of ships, one with a stern, which is not far away. The fleet also maintains a relatively dense state, and the fleet is silent. Everyone stands coldly at the side of the ship and looks at the starry fleet in the distance.

After nightfall, the Dutch fleet left Yu Zhigao's fleet on the order of Waite. Because of their large hulls and sails, although they could sail in the wind, it was difficult for them to operate against the wind. Sailors often had to move back and forth on the mast and adjust the ship. Sail, so the amount of labor is much larger than that of Chinese hard sail.

Such a slow forward speed made the Dutch a little helpless. They barely maintained contact with Yu Zhigao's fleet during the day, but after night, they did not trust the boat-operation skills of these Chinese people, so they simply left Yu Zhigao's fleet to avoid collision with these Kerong ships.

In this way, after entering the night, Yu Zhigao's fleet lost the escort of the Dutch fleet and had to continue to sail north in a group.

And at this time, it was also the weakest time for them. At this time, these dozens of unidentified ships appeared on the eastern surface of the Yu Zhigao fleet.

Time passed slowly in the boring sound of the sea waves beating the hull. The ships on the sea still had to keep drawing the zigzag route on the sea, adjusting the sails to the wind and moving forward slowly. When the time entered midnight, the fresh people in the army fleet were also tired.

Although the scene of the group's collective night voyage at sea is very beautiful, there will be a feeling of aesthetic fatigue after watching too much. People who have seen enough finally can't stop sleepiness and go down to the cabin early to find a random place to sleep, so there are only buckets and handkers and rudders left on the ship. Such personnel still stuck on the deck, and the whole fleet began to quiet down.

At this time, the mysterious fleet that remained in parallel with them from afar began to make new movements. A ship led by the fleet lit a light and flashed quickly. Only other ships behind it could see this flashing light.

After the first ship began to flash the lights, the ships behind also began to flash one after another. As soon as the sailors of later generations saw this light, they knew that it was a light language, which was specially used to transmit signals at night.

After the lights flashed, the fleet, which was hidden under the night, began to turn and slowly sailed towards the officer fleet on their left.

At this time, the moonlight in the sky was not very bright, and the people in the fleet could only faintly see not too far away. In addition, the sea was full of lights, so that they could only see places with lights. They could not find that a fleet was approaching them.

After about half an hour, the mysterious fleet finally approached Yu Zhigao's fleet, but their existence was still not discovered by anyone in Yu Zhigao's fleet.

Until the fleet approached Yu Zhigao's fleet, the fleet began to disband, and the ships broke away from the original formation and began to disperse into Yu Zhigao's fleet separately.

Although there was an officer's fight, I vaguely felt as if a ship was approaching their fleet, but when I looked at it, I didn't find anything abnormal.

The ships that approached quickly dispersed into Yu Zhigao's fleet, but they did not attract much attention.

"Daw! Why did the lantern on that ship die? Turn left! Grandma, they are too close to us! If you shine down, it's time to hit it!

Hi! I said, the people on that ship, are you blind or are you all asleep? Didn't you see that all your lanterns went out? Turn quickly, it's too close! Did you hear that?

The bucket on the mast of an officer's blessing ship suddenly saw the shadow of a ship in the faint light, and the ship was dark, and even a lantern did not light up. It was approaching their ship, looking at the fact that it was about to stick to their ship, almost the next moment. I ran into their boat.

So the fight immediately cursed, quickly greeting the hand and the helmsman below to turn the rudder to avoid, and shouted and scolded to remind the approaching ship, so that they could quickly turn the rudder to avoid collision.

However, the ship did not respond at all. It still maintained its course and approached them. Seeing that it was not far away from them, it began to react. The ship lit up with sparks, and the ship began to adjust its course and was almost close to the lucky ship.

The sailors on this Fu ship were shocked and sweated coldly at this time. They quickly turned the steering wheel to avoid it for fear of bumping into this bastard ship. On such a dark night, if they hit the ship at sea, it would be a big trouble, so the people on their boat suddenly rang. The film scolded, but some people still felt that things seemed a little bad, because the boat that suddenly appeared next to them seemed a little too strange.

After the ship approached, they found that there was not no light on the ship, but a strange light on the mast, and the flag could not be seen on the ship. And after approaching them, there was a little lighting on the deck of the ship, which made people feel that things were not good.

Some people rushed to find the officers on the ship at this time and shouted that the ship should leave their ship immediately and not to continue to approach.

But at this time, things began to change unexpectedly. Suddenly, things with flashing fire flew towards the army's lucky ship. At the same time, more fires were lit. Experienced people immediately judged that this was some ignited fire. Arrow.

"Enemy attack! Not good, enemy attack! ..." The flexible officers and soldiers immediately judged what had happened to them. It turned out that some enemies took advantage of the cover of the night to sneak into their fleet and launched a sneak attack on them.

But before their exclamation landed, the flying fires hit their deck. As soon as they fell on their deck, they immediately made a crackling sound of porcelain pieces. Almost in an instant, the ** splashed inside immediately burned, and the fire As soon as it burns, it is very fierce.

Some of the officers and soldiers who were caught off guard did not have time to escape, and their bodies were splashed with fire. Suddenly, their clothes were also lit, and immediately made a sad scream.

Before the officers and soldiers understood, a cluster of rockets flew towards their ship and nailed them to their ship or sails. The rocket's arrow poles were wrapped in grease-soaked cloth. After nailed to the sail, they immediately began to burn.

Until this time, everyone on the ship was awakened, and someone surged out of the cabin, staring at the fire on the deck and screaming what had happened.

At this time, such a scene happened one after another in Yu Zhigao's fleet. This scene appeared in more than a dozen places. Unidentified ships suddenly broke up in the fleet, throwing countless ignited fireballs on the adjacent officer ship, which then caused a fire.

The exclamation immediately spread throughout the sea, and everyone was immediately stunned. Someone immediately judged that they had been attacked, but in such a night, it was impossible to find the enemy ships that had mixed into their fleet, and the whole fleet of Yu Zhigao began to be confused.

Everyone looked around the ship in panic for fear that such an enemy ship would appear next to them. Fortunately, the main fleet led by Yu Zhigao was located in the center of the fleet, and the alert was also relatively tight. The enemy ship did not rush directly to the center of their fleet, but mixed into their outer fleet. In this, there was no direct sneak attack on the main ship led by Yu Zhigao.

But they still succeeded in causing chaos in the fleet led by Yu Zhigao. The alarmed officers and soldiers gushed out of the cabin and ran to the deck of the ship. They looked nervously around nervously and couldn't figure out what had happened for a moment.

At this time, seven or eight boats in Yu Zhigao's fleet have been lit at the same time. The people on the ship shouted and cursed, desperately trying to put out the fire on the ship, sprinkle sand, spray water with barrels, or draw water from the sea. They were busy.

(Wow! Thank you for your reward, brother Jenlyx! Touching! This is the motivation! Ha ha!)