Daming Haiku

Chapter 185

Everyone knew that they were attacked at this time, but it was not clear why they could not find the enemy in time before the enemy broke into their fleet. These enemies mixed into their fleet like ghosts and suddenly attacked them when they thought it was the most unlikely.

Everyone nervously searched for possible targets. Many officers and soldiers on the ship took out rockets under the orders of the officers, uncovered the cannon clothes covering the cannon, and were so nervous that they filled their cannons with shells. As soon as they found the enemy ship, they immediately opened fire, but they forgot that this was at night. Their The sight is very poor and can't be far at all. It can only be judged by the lights of ships on the nearby sea.

At this time, all the officers and soldiers are in a little confused because of the sudden sneak attack. They can't tell who the enemy ship is. In short, they feel that any ship may be the enemy ship, especially those ships that are close to them are more likely to attack their enemy ships.

At this time, a series of cannons suddenly sounded on the sea, and a dazzling flame suddenly flashed in some places in the fleet, followed by a rumble of cannons. Although these cannons were not too dense, they seemed so shocking in the chaotic fleet. Dynamic.

Some officers' warships were immediately hit by shells, and solid shells hit their ships heavily. Suddenly, the fragments of their ships flew around. What's more hateful is that these attacking enemy ships did not all use solid bullets. Unexpectedly, many officers and soldiers were busy running to the deck to look around and give him a chance. Our artillery was filled with grape bombs or simply loaded with scattered bombs, and bombarded the warships of the officers and soldiers.

Obviously, they did not intend to destroy enemy ships in a short period of time, using grape bombs and shot bombs, just to kill and injure some more enemies.

A cluster of grape bombs swept directly from the deck of an official ship. The officers and soldiers gathered on the deck did not even have a chance to lie down. They were immediately torn apart by the dense projectile like a shower, and screams resounded through the night sky. After the cannon passed, the ship Few of the officers and soldiers can still stand there.

The deck was full of corpses and wounded, as well as all kinds of broken arms and fragments of human bodies. Blood almost dyed the whole deck red. The seriously injured and undead officers and soldiers lay in the pool of blood and made a sad wailing and call for help. However, at this time, the remaining living people on their ship have already been scared to move. How can you save these robes?

The whole army fleet suddenly seemed to be boiling. The officers and soldiers who were hit by the gun immediately began to fight back regardless. The rockets and cannons were full of fire and attacked the ships that attacked them, regardless of whether they could be beaten or not, at least for a psychological comfort.

At night, there was an immediate sound of more fierce gunfire on the sea, but it was too difficult for these officers and soldiers who were seriously undertrained to fight at sea at night. In the night, they could only roughly see the position of the ships that attacked them. If they wanted to hit the enemy, they could only rely on luck.

What's more serious is that many of their officers and soldiers have been scared and can't even determine the position of the enemy ship at all, so they began to fire randomly and give full play to their bad habit, that is, as long as there is a war, no matter where the enemy is, whether they can reach it or not, they will fight first.

In such a dark night, although the officers and soldiers and fleets were evacuated after nightfall, they were still quite dense. The probability of officers and soldiers firing arrows randomly and hitting friendly ships is far higher than the probability of hitting enemy ships. Some officers and soldiers' ships were confusedly shot, so they did not dare to slow down and immediately began to fire. Strike back.

Of course, they didn't figure out who they were fighting at all. Anyway, when they saw someone shooting at them, they didn't care who they were.

One after another, officer warships began to fire. The whole fleet of Yu Zhigao suddenly seemed to open a pot, and the sound of artillery began to sound everywhere. The rockets were fired from various ships like splashing water, scattering to other ships one after another. Some ships began to burn, and the fire began to illuminate the sea. .

In fact, Yu Zhigao was awakened by his own soldiers at the time of chaos, immediately put on it, came to the deck from the cabin, and began to look at the periphery of the fleet. He was not a little surprised at this time. He never thought that on a relatively safe night in his eyes, he would suffer To the enemy's sneak attack.

And according to the reports of their own soldiers just now, they did not find any ships approaching their fleet before they were raided. Everything happened very suddenly, as if the enemy had not lit the lights at all and sneaked into their fleet in the dark, which is unimaginable in such an era.

Because no one dares to sail on the sea at night, they don't even hang lanterns, but they didn't expect that the sea wolves were really bold enough to do such a thing.

Although the fleet was attacked, after all, Yu Zhigao is a general after several major scenes and has rich combat experience. After observing it, he immediately judged that the number of enemy ships that came to attack them this time was actually not large, because from his position, the fire point in the fleet was not It's a lot, and the loss is not big for the time being, so he can still stabilize his mind.

But the next situation made Yu Zhigao feel afraid, because with the sound of gunfire, his fleet on the whole sea has been completely messed up. As more and more ships began to fire, they have completely lost control, and the real enemy has not seen it until now, but just blindly towards them think It was the enemy's target that opened fire.

Yu Zhigao panicked, because he knew very well that in such a late night, he could not effectively control the fleet, let alone carry out effective command. He said that it was difficult to find the enemy and kill them. Even now it was difficult for him to order him to stop fire, and he also saw that the peripheral chaos was moving towards the inner circle. While developing, more ships are joining the melee.

If this situation is allowed to develop, his whole fleet will eventually fall into this chaos, so he no longer dares to neglect it. He immediately ordered the light ball to hang up, order the fleet to march towards the shore, and ordered all the ships in the fleet to stop fire.

But his order, at this time, only some of the people on the ships that had not been affected saw that the ships that had been involved in the chaos were busy opening fire at the nearby "enemy", and no one noticed his order at all.

So the chaos still continues. Yu Zhigao gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do, so he had to order again. The fleet followed him to leave the chaotic sea first and take away the ships that were not involved in the chaos. Otherwise, sooner or later, the remaining ships would be trapped. Go, then the problem will be more troublesome.

At this time, some ships without lanterns began to quietly break away from the officer's fleet, but they did not leave immediately, but took the opportunity to take advantage of the chaos of the officer's fleet to go around to the other side of the officer's fleet and suddenly drove towards the officer's ships again. Fire.

A cannon roared and smashed the hot shells into the enemy ship. For a moment, solid bullets, chain bombs and grape bombs flew on the sea. Suddenly, several official ships were hit. At this time, some official ships found that the enemy was no longer in their fleet at this time. They quickly turned the muzzle to prepare to counterattack, but they did not wait. They organized an effective counterattack, but they were first hit by their own shells, which made them understand the situation at all. They could not tell who was the enemy and who was the friendly army.

Looking at Feng De, who was standing on the stern of a bird boat, he nodded with satisfaction and said, "It's almost time!" Launch the rocket, inform our brothers, immediately withdraw from the battle and go to the scheduled place to gather! Let them mess themselves up!"

This night attack on the main general of Yu Zhigao's fleet was Feng De, who was promoted not long ago. After Luo Xianbin, Feng De has now been among the middle and senior levels of the fleet and became the captain of the second detachment of the Second Fleet, leading more than a dozen fast ships. Of course, it was not a flying fast ship, but just some bird boats. Wait for the modified Chinese fastchuan.

These Clippers are not strong and are usually mainly used as patrol boats, but this time they were ordered by Yu Xiaotian to attack Yu Zhigao's fleet at night.

In fact, since Yu Zhigao's fleet came out of Yongningwei, the sea wolf has been staring at Yu Zhigao's fleet, but did not attack it. After Yu Zhigao's fleet passed Quanzhou Bay, Feng De led the team to attack.

With their strength, if they want to attack Yu Zhigao's fleet, it is basically a suicide act of moths during the day, so their only chance is a night attack.

The night combat ability of the sea wolf fleet is absolutely second to none along the coast of China. Their navigation skills at night have been greatly improved with the help of captured Spanish sailors. After they have learned new sea positioning skills, they are basically free to sail freely at sea. There is no need to move along the coastline as before.

The captain and officer of each ship have learned new navigation techniques, and with their continuous exploration of night formation navigation, the ability to sail tonight is quite good.

So this time, Feng De took advantage of the lax gap of Yu Zhigao's fleet at night and took his detachment to ambush on the sea in this area in advance, waiting for the arrival of Yu Zhigao's fleet.

After nightfall, they found the fleet of officers and soldiers. If they still can't find the fleet marked by such a large lantern, then Feng De can really wash and sleep when he goes back this time.

After discovering the officer fleet, they observed that the Dutch fleet left the main fleet of officers and operated alone, which made them much safer.