Daming Haiku

Chapter 186

After entering midnight, Feng De judged that the officer's fleet had completely relaxed, so he took his detachment and began to quietly approach the officer's fleet under the condition of light control, and dispersed one by one, following the officer's fleet and mixed into them according to the scheduled plan.

The officers and soldiers did not find their presence at all, and still continued to sail forward ignorantly, so they secretly chose their respective targets and approached.

After Feng De successfully led the team to sneak into the enemy fleet, he immediately began to launch an attack. When the enemy did not find their existence at all, each ship chose an enemy ship to lean on it. Suddenly, he attacked some enemy ships with *, causing some enemy ships to catch fire.

After launching, they did not hesitate to use weapons such as artillery and rockets to fight fiercely against enemy ships. In fact, with their own armed forces, it is basically impossible to kill many enemy ships.

Because their ships are not big, but relatively flexible, and the guns loaded on the ship are not large, mainly six-pound guns and twelve-pound short guns. At close range, the lethal power is acceptable, but it is not easy to easily sink enemy ships.

However, Feng De did not pursue the destruction of many enemy ships. Their main purpose was to harass and confuse the officers and military fleets, so after a fierce fight for a while, they immediately began to evacuate. Each ship was ordered not to fight, just to mess up the other party.

So after briefly slamming the enemy ships, they began to evacuate one after another. After they withdrew from the battle, the gunfire of the officers and fleet did not stop. It was still the sound of artillery, and they didn't know what they were fighting. In short, this was a standard night attack at sea, although they could not tell how many casualties there were. Fewer enemies and enemy ships, but for them, they have now achieved their goal.

At this time, they also saw that there were some lights in the distance, which should be a fleet coming this way, so Feng De did not stop much and immediately issued a rocket order, and the fleet sailed to their assembly site.

Although they came as a team, when they left, because the ships had fought separately. Although they withdrew from the battle, it was impossible to reorganize the fleet. Therefore, according to their original plan, after the successful attack, the ships withdrew by themselves, rushed to the assembly point to meet, and then returned. Return to Wuqiu Island and the main fleet will be in harmony.

After their retreat, the chaos of the officer fleet has not completely ended. The confused officer fleet did not know that the enemy ships had already withdrawn at this time. As long as someone is still firing, they dare not stop. In order to protect themselves, they have no time to identify the surrounding ships at all, as long as they feel If you feel that the other party is threatening you, you will continue to fire regardless.

Such chaos, even the fleet of the Dutch who came in a hurry did not dare to continue to approach the fleet of the officers and soldiers, and could only watch the chaos of the troops in the distance.

As a result, this chaos lasted for two hours before it gradually calmed down. At this time, the whole army fleet has completely dispersed. The branch is on a very large sea, and only about half of the fleets are not wrapped in this chaos. In Yu Zhigao's He led and drove close to the shore to avoid the chaos.

And when the chaos on the sea finally ended, more than a dozen destroyed shipwrecks had floated. Since these ships were burned, they were still emitting thick smoke. The flames were high, like a pile of bonfires on the sea, burning. Sound.

There are also some ships that were just confusedly destroyed by someone's cannon. The hull was beaten to pieces and struggled to float on the water. The officers and soldiers on the ship were also killed and injured, but they were all blood.

Of course, some ships were only destroyed. When the night attack began, some officers or helmsmen on the ship hurriedly tried to leave the regiment because of panic, but in tension, there was no way to guarantee safety at night. As a result, in the chaos, a large number of collisions occurred on the official ships, and many officials The ships scrambled to escape, but they collided with each other.

The third situation is the most important reason for the damage of the official ship, which is more than the number of ships destroyed and burned, and the official ship has different shapes and sizes. If a large ship hits a small boat, it is not a big problem. The small boat will be unlucky. It is often hit or injured on the spot and sank on the spot.

After the light of the sea, you can see broken hulls and debris everywhere, as well as some floating corpses. At this time, in winter, even the sea water temperature on Fujian is very low. Some officers and soldiers were destroyed and had to jump into the sea to escape, but they could not be rescued at night and could only earn money in the sea. Zha, the low-temperature seawater caused them to quickly lose a lot of heat, which eventually led to temperature shock. As a result, they were drowned alive. After dawn, the bodies of many officers and soldiers naturally floated on the sea.

Yu Zhigao was so frightened that he dared to take the remaining ships back to the sea and began to count the losses during the night.

After some inventory, the blue veins on Yu Zhigao's forehead jumped. He knew very well that the number of enemy ships that attacked them last night was not large, but the other party mastered their psychology. The key was to cause their chaos. Now it seems that the enemy has been completely successful, which basically triggered an officer and army at sea. The camp roared, which made the officers and soldiers kill each other at night.

As a result, Yu Zhigao's fleet lost more than 20 ships overnight, some of which were burned and destroyed, and more of them were destroyed by themselves. The number of officers and soldiers lost reached hundreds. Only a small number of shrewd officers and soldiers threw down the small savans on the ship when they abandoned the ship. He climbed the sabata and was finally rescued.

Don't mention the aggrieved in Yu Zhigao's heart. They had just set out for more than a day, and there was still a long distance from Nanri Island, so they suffered such a loss, and they didn't even see any of the enemy's hair, so they lost more than 20 ships and hundreds of officers and soldiers.

This is quite a heavy blow to their morale. Yu Zhigao finally regrets that he should not rush to Nanri Island to grab any achievements. As a result, the sea wolf took advantage during the night flight.

These damn sea wolves are really not easy to provoke. Unexpectedly, they dared to attack such a large fleet at sea in the night, which also made Yu Zhigao understand why sea wolves can cross the coast of Fujian in recent years and have won many battles.

Based on such actions of the enemy alone, it can be seen that they are not only bold and careful, but also have more night combat ability than ordinary people. Their ability to sail at sea is far stronger than their officers and sailors.

This made Yu Zhigao, who was full of confidence, have a strong sense of frustration. Although he had long known that the sea wolf was very strong, he did not expect that the sea wolf was so strong. What seemed impossible was actually done by them, and it only used very little power to cause so to the officers and soldiers. Big loss.

Yu Zhigao looked at the sea floating debris everywhere and couldn't help but be afraid for a while. Fortunately, there were not many sea wolves attacking ships yesterday. If the sea wolves poured out last night, it could not be guaranteed that his fleet would be completely destroyed overnight. In that case, not to mention his first capture of Nanri Island, and even Even his life is not guaranteed.

After thinking of this, Yu Zhigao suddenly felt a little discouraged like a punctured tire. He hastily ordered the fleet to clean up the mess and chisel down the damaged ships. Some ships can also be repaired and towed them to the shore. Find a place to put them first and arrange for simple repairs. As for those floating officers and soldiers The bodies were sent to simply salvage them, but many of them had slowly sank into the water before they could retrieve them.

After cleaning up the battlefield, Yu Zhigao ordered the fleet to continue to move forward and sent people to inform the red-haired people that they must follow the officer fleet and protect the flank of the officer fleet in the next few days.

Wett immediately nodded and agreed. Last night, the chaos of the officers and sailors in the Ming Dynasty understood the reason. When it was dawn, they learned that the sea wolf had sent an attack ship and attacked the officers and military fleet at night, even Waite had to readjust his understanding of the sea wolf and felt heavy pressure.

He thought to himself that this group of Chinese pirates who call themselves sea wolves are indeed unusual. Even the Dutch dare not do tactics such as night attacks at sea, because sailing at night is very dangerous in itself, and they have to break into the enemy fleet much stronger than them. This Courage and skill are needed even more.

However, the sea wolf still did this. It successfully attacked the officer's fleet and successfully triggered the chaos of the officer's navy, making them kill each other for half night, causing huge losses.

Based on this alone, he had to admit that the courage and ability of the sea wolf were extraordinary, and this opponent was not as simple as he thought, so he also put away the arrogance in his heart and began to become cautious.

In the next few days of sailing, Yu Zhigao completely restrained and no longer dared to sail at night easily in order to catch the road. With this lesson, he led a fleet to find a temporary berth on the shore every day before dark and strengthened his defense.

However, the sea wolves did not continue to attack them. There are still one or two boats every day, observing their actions from afar on the sea.

Yu Zhigao felt very unhappy about this. He took a closer look at the telescope bought from the Red-haired Man at a high price, and sent several fast ships to expel the sea wolves accompanying him.