Daming Haiku

Chapter 190 Freshwater Alert

After Waite led the Red-haired fleet to leave, Yu Zhigao secretly guessed that if he had guessed correctly, this Wett would definitely take his fleet to attack Tamsui City. Even if he couldn't beat Tamsui City, he would at least force the sea wolf to reach an agreement with them and let the sea wolf give up the blockade of their members.

The reason why Yu Zhigao knew about the sea wolf blockade is that he learned from Xu Xinsu. Xu Xin has always had a deep relationship with red-haired people, and naturally knows a lot about the situation on the side of the staff. Although Xu Xinsu himself has bought him to accept the recruitment and become a hundred households, he will not let go of this sea business. Abandoned is just buying an official body, which is more convenient for him to continue to connect to the sea in the future.

Now if Wate goes to trouble with the sea wolf, he is naturally happy to see it. In his opinion, the sea wolf is not a good thing, and the red-haired man is not a good thing. At least the sea wolf still has a reputation for benevolence and righteousness in the coastal area, and these red-haired people, as Fanyi, have long been notorious in the coastal areas.

Wate led the team to attack Tamsui, just in time to let the sea wolf and the red-haired dog bite the dog. No matter who killed whom, it was a good thing for the government, which was why he flatly refused Wett and attacked Danshui together.

Just as Wait led the fleet to leave Nanri Island, on the mountain in the northeast corner of Nanri Island, a pair of eyes, through binoculars, have been observing the movement of the Red-haired fleet. After the Red-haired fleet gradually left Nanri Island, began to turn to the direction of Taiyuan Island, and gradually disappeared from his sight, he released Under the telescope, he turned around and said to the people who followed him, "Let go of the carrier pigeon! Tell the big man that the red-haired man has left Nanri Island alone and may drive to fresh water or return to the man!"

After a while, the two carrier pigeons soared up on the mountain. After hovering at low altitude, they chose the direction and flew to the south of Nanri Island.

Since the officers and soldiers began to act, Tamsui City has been on alert. The forts on both sides outside the estuary began to increase the number of marine personnel and replenished ammunition. Tamsui City's own garrison company also began to turn into a state of alert and began to strengthen the defense of Tamsui City.

Militias from various townships and villages under the jurisdiction of Danshui City were also conscripted and assigned them with weapons, of course, mainly cold weapons, plus a small amount of miscellaneous*.

These township militiamen were also concentrated in the area of Danshui City, strengthening the defense along the coast, but Fang An did not block the freshwater estuary and continue to keep the freshwater estuary unimped.

However, on both sides of the estuary, he added several temporary forts and arranged more than a dozen 24-pound guns to block the river.

On the whole, the area of Tamsui River is not as easy as the terrain defense of Chicken Cage Bay, but Fang An is not too worried about this, because even if the officers and soldiers or red-haired people come, it is not easy to break into the Tamsui River and visit the freshwater city. If they choose to land outside the mouth of the river, then the sea wolf There is enough time to stop them from approaching Tamsui City. With the current strength of the sea wolf, they are not afraid that the officers and soldiers will land in Tamsui and attack Tamsui City.

Although the terrain here is not very complicated, the officers and soldiers do not know about it. The sea wolf's land division and marine troops have enough strength to stop them from attacking Tamshai City. If the officers and soldiers don't come, it will become their nightmare.

As for the Red-haired people who commit crimes alone, according to their understanding of the Red-haired people, the Red-haired people will never send enough infantry to land. At most, they can use the artillery of their big splint ship to shell the estuary area.

If they dare to venture into the freshwater river, it will be better. The sea wolf's cannon is not vegetarian. Although the freshwater estuary is wide, it is within the range of the artillery. No matter what they do, as long as they dare to enter the freshwater river, they will become a live target.

So although Tamsui City is on alert, it does not feel nervous. Even the number of fleets here has not been strengthened. The only patrol ships patrol the sea regularly, but the training ships of the marine training camp have been put into the patrol, which has been slightly strengthened.

However, on November 18, the vigilance of the whole freshwater city was strengthened a lot, and the personnel of each fort entered the position, and the number of patrol boats doubled, doubling the patrol waters.

At noon, a fleet of large Western splints appeared on the sea 30 miles outside the mouth of the freshwater estuary. The ships patrolling the sea found them early and immediately released rockets.

After discovering the rockets in front of them, they immediately began to release rockets. The red rockets can be seen far away even during the day. What's more, their ships also put a brazier and lit wolf smoke, so when the Dutch fleet approached the mouth of the Freshwater estuary, the freshwater City quickly received it. News.

The sharp whistle immediately sounded on the forts of various positions, and the relaxed sailors and army soldiers immediately became nervous, rushed into their preset positions, began to uncover their coats, exposed the dark cannons, and began to take out the ammunition from the ammunition depot and send them to them. Inside the temporary storage house next to the gun position.

"The big master has an order, keep the gun position on alert, and you can't fire without an order! If it is shelled by enemy ships, only 30% of the artillery is allowed to fire!" Suddenly, a messenger appeared at the fort outside the estuary and shouted at the commander of the fort.

"Why?" The commander of the fort was a young second lieutenant. Originally, he had already rubbed his hands and waited for the enemy to come, but suddenly he received such an order, which made him a little confused.

The messenger gave the second lieutenant a white look and replied coldly, "This is an order. How do I know why? Just execute it! It's talka lot!"

The second lieutenant was choked, but he quickly saluted and replied, "Yes! If the order goes on, no one is allowed to fire without authorization and listen to my orders!"

For a short time, there was a rumble of gunfire on the sea. On the southeast of the freshwater estuary, a mass of gunpowder smoke rose up, and it quickly dispersed under the blowing of the sea breeze.

After a while, the two sea wolf patrol boats sailed into the mouth of the Freshwater estuary and headed for thedan shui City Pier. Behind them appeared a quite large fleet. Although the number was not large, it gave people a sense of pressure, because these boats were all large Western-style large splint ships.

Wett was actually ready to fight the sea wolf when he came, but to his surprise, he was only intercepted by a few sea wolf ships before he arrived at the freshwater estuary.

The other party ordered them to explain their intentions, so Wett did not hesitate to order the firing of the gun and directly use the cannon to show their intention. As a result, he sank a sea wolf's patrol boat on the spot, and the remaining sea wolves' small patrol boats did not fight. After firing a few shots, he immediately fled back to the freshwater estuary and sailed directly. Enter the estuary.

Wett led the fleet to the mouth of the freshwater estuary and found that the sea wolves did not gather a large number of fleets here to meet them. The whole sea outside the mouth of the mouth seemed very deserted. At this time, even a boat could not be seen, leaving only a few forts on the shore, which became the line of defense to prevent them from attacking Tamswanshui City.

dan shui City is not built by the sea, but more than ten miles within the mouth of the freshwater estuary. Therefore, it is impossible to use the cannons of the current era to shell thedan shui City directly on the sea. Unless there are wire guns of later generations, it can only sail into Tamsui Hanoi to pose a threat to thedan shui City. .

This is a foresight of Yu Xiaotian. When he chose to build a city in Danshui City, he took this into account and took the fort to build the city.

After Wight led the fleet to the mouth of freshwater, he also realized this problem and carefully observed the situation on the sea and the shore with telescopes, causing the fleet to block the mouth of the freshwater mouth.

Because the officers and soldiers are going to suppress sea wolves and seal coastal ships recently, many merchant ships have been unable to go to sea recently, so Tamsui City has temporarily become deserted during this period, and there are almost no merchant ships entering and leaving the Tamsui River every day. Therefore, Witt's blockade of the freshwater estuary has little impact on them.

After observing for a while, Wate felt that things seemed to be a little wrong. There was no doubt that the sea wolf should have had a lot of warships, but at this time, the main fleet of the sea wolf could not be seen in the whole freshwater estuary. So where is their fleet going now?

He just came from Nanri Island. Obviously, the sea wolf's fleet was not on Nanri Island, but now he has arrived at the Tamsui River, but he has not found the sea wolf's main fleet. At this time, Wait felt that things were a little strange. Where is the sea wolf's fleet at this time?

This doesn't make sense! Since they have given up Nanri Island, the main fleet should now shrink back to the current Tamsui City, but why is their fleet not here?

Wetts thought about it and couldn't figure out the problem, so he had to order the fleet to send two smaller ships to alert the nearby sea. The remaining ships began to shell the sea wolf's fort outside the freshwater estuary and the towering lighthouse.

In the afternoon, there was a series of shocking rapid gunfire outside the mouth of the freshwater estuary. Several Dutch warships lined up and blocked the mouth of the freshwater estuary and began to launch shelling operations on the turret positions and lighthouses outside the mouth of the Sea Wolf River.

Every Dutch warship is full of cannons. Their largest main ship, Weit's flagship, is equipped with more than 40 guns of various types. Even the smallest ship is loaded with more than 20 guns. After the fleet was released, more than ten ships were arranged on the side. After the five ships lined up, almost 100 cannons on the side of the ship could fire at the same time.

(Today, I would like to thank the old brothers who snore, believe, and magic blood tenderness! Thank you very much!)