Daming Haiku

Chapter 191 Limited Counterattack

When the Dutch fleet began to shell, the scene was quite shocking. Starting from the bow of the first ship, the Dutch ships began to fire in turn from front to back, and each shot could shoot a large number of shells.

Originally, the sailors in the sea wolf's fort were full of confidence and waiting to fight with the Dutch, but when they saw the Dutch shelling, many people began to turn pale, because they had always thought that their cannons were powerful enough, but when they saw the Netherlands today When the fleet began to shell, they knew that the firepower of these red-haired ships was really strong, far exceeding the firepower of the forts they set up at the estuary.

When they saw that the gunshots began to flash on the Dutch ship, all the seamen of the fort immediately got into the battery.

After establishing Tamsui City, Yu Xiaotian began to send people to build defense facilities here. In addition to building navigation lighthouses in the estuary, he also built several forts in the estuary.

These forts all adopt the main structure of triple soil rammed soil. It seems that the rammed soil structure is not as strong as the all-stone structure, but the triple soil rammed soil structure has its strength, that is, the barriers of the artillery are more elastic and can absorb the energy of shelling to a certain extent, and the interior is not easy to be shelled. At this time, there was a crack, causing stone fragments on the inner wall to fly across and kill the inside.

And outside the rambed earth wall of the battery, a thick layer of large stones are applied, which effectively protect the battery. Generally, it is basically impossible for shells to destroy the battery.

In each battery, three to five 24-pound long guns are generally arranged. In total, about 30 24 pound long guns are arranged in the forts outside the estuary. In addition, there are also some light guns in each battery, which is used as a measure to prevent enemy infantry from landing to attack the artillery, forming a far and near crossfire. The physical defense is quite tight.

When the Dutch bombardment began, all the seamen stationed the fort hid in the battery, and hundreds of shells of various types fell into these shells like hail.

The whole battery was like a sieve, constantly trembling in the enemy's shelling, and the dust kept falling from the top of his head, making the soldiers in the battery look gray.

Fortunately, their artillery bases are semi-permanent artillery bases with roofs, rather than open artillery bases. Otherwise, it will be difficult for sea wolves to survive under shelling like the Dutch.

Although a large number of flower bombs, that is, grenades, have not been put into use at this time, even if there are flowering grenades, they are not very powerful with the current manufacturing technology of shells and gunpowder, so the Dutch have not used many such flowering bombs, basically using ordinary solid shells.

But even so, the kinetic energy of 20 to 30 catties of shells hitting the shell on the shell is quite powerful. When each shell hits the shell, the shell will vibrate violently, making the sea wolf officers and soldiers hiding in the shell be worried.

"Grandma, fight me! Just hit it with one cannon! Let them not be too arrogant!" The second lieutenant of the battery cursed and spit and shouted loudly at the soldiers in the battery.

After experiencing the feeling of being shelled several times at this time, the gunners found that their artillery was still quite strong. When the red-haired cannonballs fell on their shells, they failed to effectively destroy their shells, so they gradually felt at ease, although above The order did not allow them to open all their firepower, but they still allowed 30% of their firepower to open, so there are currently three 24-pound guns in their battery, which can be used to fight back with one.

So these gunners, who had already felt uncomfortable, gathered next to the cannon in the middle after hearing the order, began to load it quickly, and quickly joined hands to push the cannon to the gun door. The muzzle poked out of the gun and pointed to the sea outside.

"The enemy ship is 300 steps away, aim!" After observing the hand lying at the gun gate and visually measuring the distance between the enemy ship and the turret, he immediately roared.

The gunners immediately began to slowly turn the gun body and adjust the elevation of the barrel to point it at the largest red-haired warship in the center.

They can see from the flag that this largest warship is the enemy's handsome ship, that is, the flagship. Since they want to fight, they naturally have to choose the most important battle.

For these seamen, they have to carry out high-intensity gun operation training every day. Now whether it is loading or aiming, they are already familiar with it. It doesn't take much time at all. Every few days, they also shoot live ammunition, so for their own target, these gunners are still Be confident.

More importantly, they have to aim and train at the swinging marks set on the sea every day. They are no longer familiar with how high the elevation of the gun body should be adjusted. 300 steps are the most accurate effective range of their 24-pound gun, so basically there will be no error, even There is no need for school shooting, not to mention that when they train, the sights are all buoys made of small sams. Now they are replaced with 2,000 large boats, and they don't have to worry about not being able to hit the target.

"The aim is over!" The gun commander was responsible for aiming. As soon as he finished aiming, he immediately shouted, and the other gunners immediately rushed to both sides of the cannon when they heard the sound, turned their backs and covered their ears with their big mouths to prevent the loud gunfire from deafening their ears.

"Fire!" The second lieutenant commander of the fort immediately roared without waiting for the gun commander's voice to land.

A gunner had already prepared the red fire brace and did not hesitate to poke the door where the medicine was installed.

The inside of the battery immediately vibrated violently, and at the same time there was a loud roar. The 24-pound gun rack quickly sat far away in an instant and stopped until it was pulled by the pulley group.

The smell of gunpowder filled the whole battery, and people couldn't help coughing loudly.

"Hit! Haha! Good fight! Right in the bow!" A watchman with a window above the battery immediately reported the effect of the shelling.

The gun commander laughed and said, "Grandma, if I can't hit it so close, I should be beaten!" Load it! Hurry up! Let's give them another shot! Haha! I'm going to hit their stern this time!"

The second lieutenant is quite satisfied with the performance of the gunners. The first gun hit, which is a very face-off thing, and it also fully shows that he is usually qualified in the practice of these gunners. Although he can't open all his firepower today, with the effect of this gun, he can at least get Jia There is no problem with the prize.

While this fort opened fire to counterattack, several other artillery bases also began to take concerted action and began to fire back at the Dutch warships outside the estuary.

Because of the restrictions of the order, these artillery bases do not have full firepower. They only use one gun and up to two guns to counterattack, and basically the accuracy of the shelling is very high. This is inseparable from their daily practice. They are no longer familiar with the performance of the cannon. They already remember the relationship well and are clear, so it is no longer difficult for them to hit a large ship whose movement speed is not very fast between 300 and 500 steps.

In addition, they have recently received the guidance of Spanish mercenaries, which has improved their artillery skills, so the shooting accuracy of the gunners of each fort is very high. Although some of the forts did not make the first hit, they are also some close arrows, which are already very close to the target.

After starting the shelling, the arrogant Dutch did not expect to be counterattacked by the sea wolf artillery so quickly. Although the firepower of these sea wolves is not strong and there are not many fire guns, which makes them feel that the number of artillery equipment in the sea wolf's artillery is limited, but for the sea wolf gunners The accuracy of the shelling surprised them.

Not long after they hit the first round of shells on the shore and had not yet completed the preparation for the second volley, the sea wolf on the shore began to fight back. Although there were only a few cannons, these shells were very accurate.

Immediately, Wett's flagship was hit by three cannons, and two other ships were hit by one gun. Even if the other two shells did not hit their ship, they were all close-range shells, which were very close to their ship. With a slight adjustment, it is estimated that the next gun could hit their ship.

In addition, they were surprised that the shore guns of these sea wolves were actually Western-style large-caliber guns. From the perspective of ballistics, they should belong to snake cannons or half-snake cannons, which are full of power. Originally, their warships were made of solid hardwood, and the side panels of the hull were very thick, which could easily resist before. The shells fired by the Ming army's cannons, but in front of the sea wolf's cannons, their hulls could not withstand them, and almost the cannons would be penetrated through the hull. Although a few cannons had caused them casualties.

Wett's boat was hit by three cannons, all of which were accurately hit on the side of their hull. A shell went straight into their lower compartment, killing several of their gunners on the spot and destroying one of their naval guns.

Such a shelling shocked Wait and his men, and quickly ordered to speed up the shelling and suppress the artillery of the sea wolves on the shore.

Not long after the first volley shot on the sea, a series of shocking cannons were once again remembered. The smoke once again enveloped around the Dutch warships, and was slowly blown away by the sea breeze. The air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder smoke, and the roaring shells once again fell on the shore like a storm. Between.

The sea wolf's battery trembled violently again under the fierce shelling of the enemy.