Daming Haiku

Chapter 193 Blocking River Cable

After listening to the opinions of his captains, he finally compromised, because his captains' ideas are also very reasonable. The main fleet of the sea wolf is now unknown. The longer they drag here, the more likely the sea wolf's main fleet is to come back.

Although he is very confident in the fleet he led, he still understands the reason why many ants bite the elephant. Even if he can finally defeat the main fleet of the sea wolf, it is impossible not to pay a price. What's more, he also saw that there are many Western-style cannons in the sea wolf's fort, and the sea wolf did not He thinks it's so easy to deal with.

So what he wants is to punish the sea wolf, instead of fighting a deadly battle with the sea wolf here. If he can complete the action of shelling Tamsui City as soon as possible, it is better to complete it as soon as possible. As long as he returns to the big man and relies on the big man port behind his back, even if the sea wolf wants to revenge on them at that time, they can also rely on the big Yuangang defeated the sea wolf.

So in the end, he agreed with the captains and ordered an immediate operation, sending three gunboats into the Tamsui River to force Tamsui City in Tamsui Hanoi to launch a disciplinary shelling operation on Tamsui City.

The other four Dutch gunboats, under the command of Wett, fanned outside the mouth of the mouth, controlling thexiang dang da de sea outside the mouth of the mouth. As long as the sea wolf fleet appeared, no matter where they came from, they would be immediately found by the Dutch.

Three Dutch gunboats carefully sailed into the Tamsui River. They also untied the three large ssams towed behind their ships in advance and let three rowboats walk in front of them. While observing the situation on both sides, they kept laying down the lead hammers to explore the waterway to prevent their ships from stranding.

These three Dutch warships, led by rowing boats, slowly sailed into the mouth of the river, and both sides were quiet, but you can see thick smoke rising along the river bank and spreading towards the distance. It should be the sea wolves informing them on the freshwater city, and the Dutch have entered the river.

After entering the Tamsui River, the three Dutch warships were never blocked, and they did not observe any artillery or forts on the shore.

Where they saw, there were lush shrubs or forests, and some places were deep thatch, so they were somewhat relieved. They felt that although the sea wolf had set up strong artillery outside the estuary, they were probably too confident and did not set up a fort in the estuary.

So after sailing into the river, it was safer, so all three boats accelerated some speed and headed for Tamsui City.

However, after they drove about four or five miles into the freshwater estuary, they were still blocked by sea wolves. Some sea wolves appeared on the shore, set up some light artillery and fired at them.

The sea wolf's artillery is not big. Although it is quite accurate, it does not pose much threat to Dutch ships. The shells hit the Dutch warships and are mostly dropped in the water. Few shells directly penetrate the hull, but create some holes in their sails.

The Dutch also reacted quickly and immediately counterattacked. The two-board guns were fully fired, and immediately began to shoot at the sea wolves on the shore.

A large number of shells roared and landed on the shore. These sea wolves did not build strong artillery, so after being shelled by the Dutch, they immediately collapsed. Soon after, they fled clean, and several light artillery were overturned on the shore, causing the ship's The Dutch laughed wildly and felt that these Chinese pirates were nothing more than that.

Several sea wolves who tried to block the Dutch fleet failed to return and were defeated by the Dutch one after another, so the sea wolves changed their tactics and simply began to set off fire boats or rafts from the upstream.

These fireboats are all small boats, which are full of firewood and poured with fire oil. After being lowered from the upstream, after approaching the Dutch ship, they were immediately ignited by sailors and drifted downstream towards the Dutch ship.

And some wooden rows are the same. A lot of big nails were nailed at the front end, and the wooden rows were piled with firewood and oil. After putting them down along the water, they lit up and floated towards the Dutch ships, trying to nail the Dutch ships and burn their ships.

This practice made the Dutch nervous, because after all, it is a river. Although the freshwater river is very wide, it still looks very crampy for these big ships and there is not enough space to move.

If they are accidentally nailed by these fireboats, their ships are likely to be burned, so the Dutch did not dare to neglect them. They quickly ordered the three rowing boats in front of them to block the fireboats and push them out. In addition, the guns of the bow were also full of fire and fiercely fired at the floating fireships.

Under the resistance of the Dutch, these fireships and fires were either opened and left the channel of the Dutch ships, or directly destroyed by the Dutch naval guns and became fragments floating on the river.

Fortunately, the Dutch are that the sea wolves seem to be not well prepared for their attack. Although they have made various obstacles, they are not fierce. Whether it is the shelling on the shore or the fireboats laid down, the number is not large, and there are no obstacles on the river to their movement.

So the Dutch who invaded the Tamsui River believed that their arrival should have exceeded the expectations of the sea wolf, which achieved the effect of a sudden attack.

As their fleet got closer and closer to the freshwater city, the resistance of the sea wolves became stronger and stronger. At this time, more seawolves began to fire at the Dutch in the river, and the firepower became much stronger. Occaliber artillery occasionally began to fire at the Dutch ships.

And the number of fireboats downstream also began to increase, which made the Dutch feel nervous again. While constantly fighting back against the sea wolves on the shore, they should also be careful of the fireboats floating upstream, so the speed is getting slower and slower.

The total distance from the mouth of the freshwater to the freshwater city is only more than ten miles, but because of the continuous blocking of sea wolves, the Dutch are very slow.

They walked for more than three hours on this road and had not yet reached Tamsui City, but by this time the sky was getting darker and darker.

The Dutch began to get more nervous when they watched the weather getting late. They knew that the night would provide better protection for the sea wolves, and the enemy was likely to attack them at night.

But they dare not stop, because once they stop in the narrow river, it is a live target and lose their mobility. Once they put down a large number of fire boats upstream, it will be difficult for them to deal with, so they can only bravely and move on, while Several small rowing boats were placed on the ship and made the sailors row in front of them to prevent the fireboat from attacking.

But after it got dark, the number of sea wolves' fire boats was getting smaller and smaller, which gave the Dutch a long sigh of relief. After they entered the estuary, the sea wolf had put down dozens of fire boats, and there were dozens of fire platoons. These fire platoons were either destroyed by them or biased. Leaving the channel, losing control, drifted towards the estuary or the shore, and finally gradually burned on the river.

Now the sea wolf may not have enough boats or wooden rows to act as fireboats, which makes the Dutch people on these Dutch ships breathe a sigh of relief.

What they are most afraid of is not the sea wolf's cannon, because in their opinion, the sea wolf is not well prepared. Except for a few heavy cannons outside the estuary, they are not attacked by heavy guns after entering the estuary. Occasionly, there are one or two larger guns, which are not a big threat to them. Their ships are strong and can easily Dealing with the artillery attacks of these sea wolves.

What they are most afraid of is the fireboats. Once they are attacked by a large number of fireboats in the river, they will be very dangerous. If the seawolves don't add oil just now and put down these fireboats in batches, but dozens of fireboats or even hundreds of fireboats at once, they are really difficult to deal with. It will be ignited by the fire ship.

However, the sea wolf seems to be unprepared. It was only a batch of fireboats, which allowed them to respond more calmly and did not suffer a fatal blow.

Now the sea wolf's fire boats are put down less and less. Sometimes only one or two fire boats are put down, which no longer poses any threat to them, which also makes the Dutch self-righteous judgment that the sea wolf does not have enough boats to use as fire boats. Now they have nothing to worry about.

So the three Dutch warships did not take the initiative to retreat after darkening, but accelerated their way to Tamsui City.

However, soon after dark, the situation seemed to have begun to change, and more and more people began to move on the dark two sides.

These people did not care about these Dutch warships, but did not know what they were operating on the shore. They made a creaking sound at night. From time to time, there were some light artillery cannons on the shore, which raised a mass of shells and fired shells at the Dutch ships sailing in the river.

And these artillery did not pose a great threat to the Dutch, and the shooting accuracy at night was not high. Most of the shells fell on the river. Even if they hit the Dutch warships, they could not cause enough damage to the Dutch warships.

But these cannons effectively covered up the creaking sounds on the shore. The Dutch couldn't see them at all. At this time, several thick chains began to slowly rise in the river. If the Dutch saw it, they could immediately recognize them. These were several sealed cables. , specially used to intercept ships on rivers and rivers.

But what is puzzling is that they were not raised by sea wolves before the Dutch passed by, but they were raised after the Dutch passed by. If they raised these cords in advance, the three Dutch ships could not get close to the freshwater city at all.

However, after these iron cables rose, they still cut off the retreat of the Dutch from the river.