Daming Haiku

Chapter 194 Vulse

A tall man stood on the shore of the estuary. Under the cover of the night, his waist was as straight as a javelin. Some people surrounded him and silently looked at the sea outside the freshwater estuary.

This man always held a monocular and searched silently on the sea. Through the eyepiece, he could see the lights rising from several Dutch warships far away from the shore. It was not until he finished looking at the whole sea that he put down the telescope in his hand.

Yu Xiaotian turned around with a look of disdain and said to Liu Wang beside him, "The Dutch are really arrogant! Unexpectedly, without enough boat cover, he dared to come to trouble us by himself!

What I'm afraid of is that they won't come. Now it seems that my worries are superfluous! After all, they couldn't help running here!

However, this Waite was still more careful. He only sent three boats into the estuary, leaving four boats outside the estuary, which caused us some trouble!

But it doesn't matter! It's not realistic to eat all of them in one bite. This red-haired general is not a fool! I also know how to keep a hand! But three boats are enough! Next, let's look at Liu Yidao and the one-eyed dragon! Send a signal! Start taking action!"

Liu Wang's face was full of uncontrollable excitement and immediately nodded and said, "Yes! Send the order of the big head, send a signal!"

After a while, three red flares flew up from the shore and rushed straight to the night sky. They flew very high before slowly began to fall.

The light of the red flare in the night can be clearly seen from far away. This kind of flare is actually a rocket.

For sea wolves who have long mastered gunpowder production technology, they began to test-produce this rocket very early. After adding some raw materials, they can produce a variety of dazzling colors. In fact, they are just some large *, but the burning time is longer.

At night, this kind of thing is naturally an excellent thing to transmit signals. In the era without radio, this kind of thing is undoubtedly the best way to transmit signals at night.

This rocket can fly to a sky more than 100 meters high and then burst into a dazzling light. Even if it is 10 or 20 miles away, it can easily observe the light of these rockets.

Of course, the Dutch are not blind. After the three red flares were launched, they immediately found the three flares, but they didn't know what it meant, but Wett immediately had an ominous feeling.

It is definitely not a good thing to send a signal at night. If the sea wolf can't do anything, he doesn't dare to neglect it. He quickly ordered to hang up the signal lights and gather several other ships to meet his position to prepare for the next possible situation.

He has some understanding of the night fighting ability of the sea wolf. On his way to escort Yu Zhigao's fleet to Nanri Island, the sea wolf once attacked Yu Zhigao's fleet at night and achieved considerable results, which made Yu Zhigao lose a lot of ships, and scared Yu Zhigao to stop the night voyage and only dared to sail during the day. OK.

So he is still quite afraid of the sea wolf's ability to fight at night. Now suddenly the sea wolf sends such a signal at night, and it may take some action against them.

But the night has become the best cover for sea wolves, making the watchers on their Dutch ships unable to see the sea in the distance. Although these watchers have been ordered to closely observe the surrounding sea before dark to prevent sea wolf ships from sneak attacks, but No matter how big their eyes are, they can't see farther away.

And the weather has also caused a lot of trouble to the Dutch. Tonight, the sky has some thin clouds, covering the moonlight, making the sea even more black.

On the shore outside the estuary, a pile of bonfires began to be lit at this time, outlining a long coastline. Just by looking at these fires, you can tell where the coastline is. Such a bonfire continues a long way, more than 20 miles.

The bonfires on the shore made Waite even more nervous. He immediately thought about why the sea wolves lit so many bonfires on the shore. In fact, this should provide navigation for their fleets to prevent their fleet from accidentally approaching the coast at night, causing them to hit the reef or run aground.

So he immediately ordered the lookout to quickly strengthen his observation of the surrounding sea and search for possible traces of enemy ships, but the sea was still a black hole, like a monster that could devour all the light, so that they could not see anything on the sea and could only hear the waves hitting their hull. There was a loud noise, and the roar of the sea on the shore hitting the reef.

The sudden situation made all the Dutch nervous. The captain ordered the sailors on the ship to open all the guns immediately and ordered the gunners to be in place immediately and ready to load and launch at any time.

The four Dutch warships began to take the initiative to gather together and form a diamond-shaped square team, forming a group ready for battle.

However, they waited left and right, but did not find any abnormality. Instead, the bonfires on the shore began to go out one after another, and finally the whole coastline returned to quiet and was shrouded in darkness again.

"What the hell do these damn pirates want to do?" This is the idea of all the Dutch. They were so nervous that they waited for a long time without any movement.

"Is it possible that these cunning Chinese are deliberately scaring us? Do you want to scare us away in this way?" So some people began to be smart to find the reason.

Wight still did not dare to be careless and continued to lead the fleet to remain vigilant, but after about an hour, the sea was still quiet and there was still no movement.

At this time, all the Dutch, including Waite, began to have the idea of being teased. Just now, the sea wolf did this, not summoning fleets to attack them at all, but to scare them.

So all the Dutch can't help but feel like they want to curse. In the middle of the night, people will be scared to death! The nerves were about to break, and nothing happened.

Just as they were about to relax, three red flares suddenly rose by the seaside, and then along the coastline, a bonfire was ignited again, outlining a long coastline.

The Dutchman, who had just relaxed, became nervous again and quickly stared at the surrounding sea. As a result, an hour later, the bonfire on the coastline went out again, and nothing happened on the sea.

This time, the Dutch finally couldn't help cursing. Naturally, there was no shortage of the best scum on the ship. They scolded all the dirty words they could think of and sprayed out dirty words on the coast.

Two toss in a row, this is simply playing with people! Isn't it obvious that they should tighten their nerves when they are to tossing around like this in the middle of the night? It's just one time, but two times in a row. People's energy is limited to toss for several hours in a row. For these Dutch sailors, it's not fun. If you continue to toss around like this, you can't want to rest all night.

But after waiting for a while, they still did not find any abnormality. The sea was still quiet and there was no movement. At this time, the Dutch began to relax. After all, it was not long before dawn. They faintly heard a while from freshwater Hanoi. The rumble of gunfire, in their sense, the three ships they sent to the Tamsui River should have begun to bombard the castles of the pirates.

However, at this time, three red flares were raised by the seaside for the third time, and then the bonfire was lit again, outlining a long coastline.

This time, even Waite himself was too lazy to stay alert. He scolded these damn pirates in his heart and had so much ability to scare people. He did it three times in a row, as if he didn't know how to be tired. It's just once or twice. Now it's really a bastard.

So by this time, Wate's fleet was no longer nervous from top to bottom. The sailors of several ships lay crooked on the deck of the cabin. Some people had simply snored and fell asleep. Even the gun door of the ship's side was closed, and the gunpowder taken out was put back into the ammunition depot. .

Since the damn pirates are willing to toss around, let them go. This continuous voyage has made these sailors very tired. Yesterday, there was another artillery battle with the shore, which made them feel even more tired. In addition, one night, the pirates tossed around like this, and almost everyone did not sleep. At this time, even Waite himself felt very tired and asked his officers to continue to take over the command and turned back to the cabin to rest.

Wett fell asleep as soon as he lay soft** and snored.

The sea slapped the hull and made a rhythmic but very boring sound, which made people feel drowsy. Even the nervous lookout all night also began to take a nap on the watchtower. They were too lazy to continue to stare at their sour eyes and went to search on the sea.

However, at this time, two large fleets appeared on the sea not far from them. All of these ships maintained a light control, but lit a one-way transparent glass lamp at the stern, so that only the ships behind the front ship could observe the position of the front ship. Xiang can't see their lights at all, and don't say they have found their whereabouts.

Liu Yidao and Monocynosaurus led a fleet from the north and south sides towards the mouth of the freshwater estuary. In fact, since it was dark last night, they began to sail and had approached the mouth of the freshwater estuary, but after dark, they stopped and quietly kept silent, on the sea. Wait for the signal.