Daming Haiku

Chapter 198 Complete Annihilation

For a warship like this, the firepower of this ship is definitely not good. The 40-pound Karon gun has a flat firing distance of less than 100 meters. Even if the elevation shelling is raised, the maximum range will not exceed 400 meters, and the accuracy is very poor. When fighting, you must reach the enemy within 200 meters to hit the enemy more accurately. Ship, but this kind of gun is not pursuing long-range shooting ability, but the great destructive power of close combat. A solid bullet weighs 40 to 50 pounds, close to the weight of the enemy ship, which is enough to destroy the board of the enemy ship.

So it didn't have many artillery, but it was very terrible in close combat. Under the cover of the rest of the ships, the ship came close to the side of a Dutch warship, revealing its ferocious face.

First of all, the 48-pound Caron gun in the bow of the ship was fired, and one shot hit the left rear of the enemy ship's side. The 48-pound shells opened a huge hole in the left side of the Dutch warship like a piece of paper, directly opening the ship's gun compartment. The shell passed through the gun compartment of the ship. He came out of the right front of the ship again and landed in the sea.

And when this gun passed, the personnel and cannons in the gun compartment of the Dutch warship suffered heavy losses. The scattered plate fragments flew around the cabin. Many crew and gunners screamed and fell on the deck, and even overturned the cannons in the three gun compartments. Some sailors were shattered and torn apart by shells on the field. The broken limbs and arms are flying around, and the internal organs are sticky everywhere.

Without waiting for the Dutch on the ship to react, then the 48-pound gun at the stern of the Fu ship opened fire, but the Caron gun was not loaded with solid bullets, but loaded with a whole bucket of dozens of pounds of scattered bombs, with thousands of iron, and fired at the opened Dutch ship.

Thousands of iron probably the size of a little finger flew to the Dutch warship like a rainstorm, and a large number of cannons were fired directly into the gun compartment of the Dutch warship from the place where it was opened, and a large number of shotguns flew through the deck.

This time, the Dutch were unlucky. Whether it was in the gun cabin or on the deck, it was as if they had been swept by an iron broom. Immediately, the people on the ship were killed and injured. Just one shot, more than half of the sailors on the Dutch warship were destroyed and suddenly lost their combat effectiveness.

The effect of this gun is not only that. The captain commanding the battle on the deck, including the helmsman at the stern, also died on the spot. After losing the already clumsy hull, the commander and helmsman, suddenly crossed the sea like a dead fish, and all the cannons on the ship I was beaten down.

Seeing that the Dutch warship had lost the ability to resist, two sea wolf warships immediately rushed over and stuck to the sides of the ship. At the order of the officer, the soldiers on the ship immediately threw the rope hook or hooked the enemy ship's side with a hook, and hung several soft ladders.

A large number of soldiers then held a single knife or an axe or a short spear around their mouth, and began to climb on the Dutch warship and launched a white-edged battle.

The Dutch ship has already suffered heavy casualties, and more than half of the casualties. Now the captain and the officers on the ship have been basically destroyed, and it is impossible to organize effective resistance at all. After little time of fighting, the sea wolf captured the ship and completely Capture its control.

And several other Dutch ships are also not easy. Under the siege of the wolf tactics, they struggled. Although the gunners on the ship also tried their best, they could never suppress the sea wolf's artillery fire. On the contrary, the artillery was destroyed one after another, making their firepower weaker and weaker.

The fierce battle did not last for a long time, and the sky turned white. Waite's face turned pale. Looking at the situation on the battlefield, now his fleet has been surrounded by sea wolves and can't take care of each other at all. At this moment, he knows better than anyone that the Dutch have no chance to win. And if they continue to fight, they may be completely destroyed.

Seeing that one of their ships has hung a white flag and withdrew from the battle, it has obviously been controlled by the enemy, and the remaining two ships have basically lost their mobility. It is only a matter of time before they are trapped by sea wolves. It is only a matter of time to be sunk or captured. He has no power to relieve them and rescue them. .

So at this time, Waite gave a painful order, ordering his ship to stop and immediately rush out of the encirclement and flee to Dayuan Port. Now his only possibility is to retreat to Dayuan Port and rely on Dayuan Port to provide some protection for his ship, because his ship has also been injured and fled back to Ba. Davia is no longer possible. Only after a simple repair in the big port can it return to Batavia.

So he had to withdraw from the battle and escape from here as soon as possible. Therefore, under his command, the nearly 800-ton ship he sat on began to raise the whole sail. After eating the wind, it gradually began to accelerate, and at the same time, the cannons on the two sides exerted a firing speed beyond the usual level, desperately Fired at the besieged sea wolf ships and intercepted them from besieging them.

But at this time, how could the sea wolf let them go? At this time, the two captured Spanish warships immediately rushed over and attacked Wett's boat left and right. Although these two Spanish warships were far from Wett's warships and not as strong as him, they were also not to be underestimated.

With the help of these two warships, the sea wolf immediately seized the initiative and gained the advantage of artillery battle. The fragments of Wate's ship flew around.

From time to time, Wett avoided the fragments flying around on the ship, and his mouth was as bitter as if he had eaten Huang Lian. Now he completely regretted that he should not despise this group of sea wolves. Originally, he thought that with the strength of his fleet, even if he could not beat the sea wolf, at least there was no problem to retreat.

But after this fight, he knew that this group of Chinese pirates, in terms of courage, training and equipment, had far exceeded his previous understanding, and he had completely failed in this battle.

Just as Waite was still thinking about breaking through and escaping, several flying-shaped fastships also surrounded, and they completely blocked Waite's escape.

However, at this time, a wave warship, regardless of the bombardment of the tail gun of the Wett ship, collided straight from behind towards Waite's warship.

This ship is just an ordinary bird boat with a displacement of only a few dozen tons. In front of the big ship Wait, it was like a baby facing a giant, but it still hit the stern of Waite's seat without hesitation.

Wight also noticed the operation of the enemy ship at this time and immediately broke out in a cold sweat. Although he knew that it was impossible for the enemy's ship to hit and sink his ship, the position they chose was really the most critical place for the warship. This place was also the weakest position of their warship, and it was also the rudder installation. Once injured, even if his ship is not damaged, the rudder will be damaged.

Once the rudder is damaged, his ship will be completely out of control, and then it can only be slaughtered by others.

So Wait hurriedly ordered the helmsman to turn and ordered the tail gun to sink the enemy ship immediately, but when he gave the order, it was too late.

Although his ship also began to turn clumsily, trying to avoid the impact of the enemy ship, the stern gun fired again and accurately hit the ship, opening a big hole in the deck of the ship. The shell even passed through the whole ship, and even the bottom of the ship was broken through, but it still could not stop the ship from going straight. It bumped into it.

With a click, Waite was suddenly shocked and fell on the stern deck, and all the people on the sea wolf's battleship fell into rolling gourds. Suddenly, the bow of the ship broke, and a large amount of sea water poured into the hull. In a while, the ship began to sink. The captain roared and ordered to abandon the ship, and everyone immediately jumped into the cold sea without hesitation and swam desperately towards the nearby friend ship.

On the surface, Waite's boat did not seem to be damaged, but after the impact, their steering mechanism was immediately damaged. The rudder was stuck in a position and could no longer move, so his ship immediately began to cross the sea and completely lost its ability to operate.

All the Dutch were suddenly discouraged, and they naturally knew what it meant to be destroyed. Naturally, they were very aware that the possibility of finally escaping from the battlefield had been completely destroyed.

Hear the white flag! Tell the sea wolf that we have surrendered! Drop the sail and close the gun door! Everyone gives up resistance!" After getting up from the deck of the ship, Waite looked at the battlefield and became paler. After gritting his teeth, he finally gave the order.

Yu Xiaotian did not personally receive the captured Wett, but ordered all the prisoners to be temporarily detained in the prison camp, and the captured Dutch warships were temporarily towed to the freshwater boat house, waiting for the next step of repair.

He did not even expect that he had completely annihilated the Dutch fleet, did not let go of a Dutch warship, and captured five of them, including the largest warship on which Wetter sat.

One of the other two warships was sunk in the freshwater river, and the other was on the battlefield outside the freshwater estuary. Because the ammunition compartment in the ship was hit and a large amount of ammunition exploded, it was completely destroyed on the spot and sank into deep water. There was no possibility of salvage and repair at all.

In this battle, the sea wolf also lost seven ships below the No. 2 lucky boat. The rest of the ships were injured, and more than 200 naval personnel were injured. However, for such losses, the sea wolf can still bear it and will not hurt the sea wolf.

The reason why he didn't pay attention to the Dutch commander Waite is that he still has more important things to do. These days, he has been almost awake all night, paying attention to the situation throughout the Taiwan Strait and constantly analyzing the enemy's situation.