Daming Haiku

Chapter 197 Catching turtles in the urn

And at this time, lanterns began to rise on enemy ships. From the number of lanterns, he can see that the enemy has mobilized ten times more ships than theirs this time, and there are many large Chinese warships approaching them.

Wett didn't expect that the sea wolf could transfer so many warships in a short period of time. This time, they were in big trouble, so he quickly ordered to raise the full sail and sail at full speed. Even if they adopted the collision tactic, they would leave the water quickly.

Now Wate has completely regretted it. He didn't expect that the sea wolf would be so difficult to deal with and so fierce that he could organize dozens of ships to launch a night attack on them at night.

How difficult it is to organize this tactic? As an old captain, Waite is very clear. Even if he is asked to organize such a battle, he is not confident that he can do it so well. He doesn't even know how to organize it. However, these sea wolves have done this almost impossible. In the dark night, so many boats quietly gathered and surrounded them.

When Wett saw these enemy ships, he knew that he had played too much. I'm afraid he was going to finish this time, not to mention defeating these sea wolf fleets. Now it is a big problem whether he can escape or not.

As for the three ships that have been sent to the Tamsui River by him, he no longer cares, because since the enemy has arrived here, it will definitely seal the mouth of thedan shui River. It is impossible for the three ships to break out.

At this time, he had already heard the sound of gunfire in Tamsui City and had not stopped, so he guessed that the current situation of the three ships would not be much better.

Wett's guess is very correct. After nightfall, the three Dutch warships that broke into the Tamsui River began to encounter trouble. Behind them, two thick river-blocking cables were raised, and then a river-blocking rope was raised in front of them, trapping them in a section of the river. .

After the three Dutch warships arrived here, they could not advance or retreat in front of the railway. After they found that the way was blocked, they realized that something was wrong, so the captain who led the team, even gave up the task of continuing to shell Tamsui City, immediately ordered to turn the bow and sail out of the Tamsui River back to the sea. On the surface.

But after they turned around, they found that the iron cable had also risen behind them, blocking their retreat. At this time, they began to panic. The three boats finally accelerated at the same time and wanted to break the iron rope by impact. As a result, they only hit the first iron cable, but because they lost speed, It was stopped by the second rope.

After losing their speed, the Dutch warship was unable to break through the interception of the blocking rope and could only be blocked in the river, so they quickly asked the sailors to drive the boat to find a way to cut off the cable blocking the river and open the retreat channel.

So some sailors quickly drove the boat to the side of the iron cable, cut it with an axe, chopped it with a knife, and tried to break the cable, and even used a saw to break the cable.

But these iron cables are forged with thick iron bars, and the interface is welded with iron water. Isn't it easy to break? The only way is to set the iron cables on the stove and then cut them off. But may the sea wolf give them such a chance? And they don't have a place to make a stove!!

After the three Dutch ships were trapped, the sea wolves on the shore began to make a movement. It turned out that the bushes on the shore fell one after another, and the piles of dead grass were pushed away, revealing the hidden artillery bases behind.

Among these artillery bases, 24 pounds of heavy guns and even 32 pounds of Caron cannons were placed. When they saw the Dutch trapped, they were ordered to open fire. During the day, the sea wolves in the barricades watched the three Dutch warships pass in front of them with great power, but they could not open fire. One by one, they were full of breath and waited for this time.

The firepower on both sides opened almost in an instant. More than a dozen heavy guns concentrated their firepower and began to hit the three Dutch warships trapped in the middle of the river.

The Dutch never thought that there would be so many heavy artillery concentrated on the shore, but one of them was injured and lost many sailors.

However, these three Dutch warships did not accept this, but immediately returned their colors and began to fight back, mobilizing all the firepower on the ship and starting to shell the sea wolf's shells on the shore.

The two sides began a fierce artillery battle, and hundreds of cannons kept roaring in the river and on both sides, pouring shells at the enemy.

Although the Dutch have an advantage in firepower, and the number of artillery loaded on their ships is much larger than the number of heavy artillery in the Shanghai wolf artillery on the riverbank, their disadvantage is that they are ships, made of wood. Although they are very strong, they are still wood.

However, the sea wolf artillery on the shore is made of rammed soil and stone. In order to prevent the cannon, it is still outside the artillery base, baskets made of wicker, and earth is piled up outside the battery. This method can absorb the kinetic energy of a large number of shells, making it impossible to destroy the battery at all.

What's more, the Dutch have now been trapped in the river and have completely lost their ability to maneuver. Although the freshwater river is very wide and more than two miles wide, it is still within the effective range of the sea wolf heavy artillery, or even within the range of direct sight. It is completely three good and ungood live targets.

So after the start of the artillery battle, although the Dutch had strong firepower, they were always beaten by sea wolves. Three ships were beaten in pieces, with continuous casualties and artillery destroyed.

The fierce battle lasted until dawn, and it was not completely over. Three Dutch warships have been beaten and battered at this time. One ship has simply sunk in the river. The remaining two boats can't escape. If they continue to fight, they will be sunk and may eventually be slaughtered by these Chinese pirates. So they finally chose to surrender and hung a white flag on the mast.

At the same time, the battle outside the freshwater estuary is basically coming to an end. Although the naval battle began much later than the artillery battle in the estuary, it concentrated on the essence of the sea wolf navy and launched an all-out attack on four Dutch warships in the way of lions and rabbits.

At this time, the combat ratio at sea is as high as more than ten to one. Even if the Dutch warships have strong firepower, they can't withstand the wolves. What's more, there are two identical Western-style warships among the sea wolves, plus several large lucky boats that have been deeply modified, and there are also sea wolves. All kinds of high-quality cannons, even if they fight for pure firepower, the Dutch fleet does not have an advantage at all.

What made the Dutch feel more powerless was that the sea wolf played hooligan as soon as it came up. It did not follow common sense. Before the Dutch reacted, it used more than a dozen attack ships to hit the enemy ship, and successfully hung three enemy ships, making the enemy ship unable to escape for a while and fundamentally lost its mobility.

Once a warship loses its mobility on the sea, no matter how strong its firepower is, it is equivalent to becoming the flesh on it, and all he can wait for is to be slaughtered.

In the end, only Waite's flagship was not hit by the attack ship because it was under the protection of the fleet, and still maintained its mobility. After the reaction, Waite's ship immediately began to rise and accelerate, and the fire was full, and the guns on the side began to fire constantly fire.

However, no matter how strong their firepower is, how can they stop the sea wolf's tide-like offensive? Dozens of large and small ships are also full of firepower around them. What's more, the sea wolf has always attached great importance to the training of their troops. The artillery operation is extremely skillful, and even avoid the process of aiming in the case of close sea fighting at sea. After loading directly, the artillery was pushed to the turret and began to fire at the enemy ship.

The sea wolf's gunner's gunners are so fast that they can't even match the gunners of the old sea coachmen. The sea wolf gunner's firing speed has reached 1.5 to twice that of the Dutch. The other party often shoots one shot, and the sea wolf can even fire two cannons in a row.

In contrast, the Dutch firepower was completely suppressed by the fire of the sea wolf. Hundreds of guns fired at the sea at the same time, and it was still at night. How spectacular this scene was. After the start of the battle, the whole sea was almost shrouded in the flash of gunfire.

The sea was like a thunderstorm, shining with artillery fire every minute, and both sides tried their best to fire fiercely at each other.

The rumble of cannons even made people unable to hear a single gunfire. Everyone's ears were full of continuous explosions, and the shells swept across the sea like a rainstorm, and the world changed color.

During the battle, several warships of the sea wolf were hit by the fire fired by the Dutch warships, and several warships were immediately destroyed. Some warships were even bombarded and disintegrated in the sea on the spot. In addition, several warships also suffered a fatal blow. They had to withdraw from the battle and rushed to the seaside and find a place to strand by the beach. Self-help.

But the Dutch are not uncomfortable at all. The firepower of the sea wolf is really too strong. Although the firepower of the single ship is insufficient, but the number of people is large, which makes up for the quality with quantity. Under the continuous volley, the Dutch warships are also beaten with holes.

One of the warships was even more unlucky. It became a test product of a new cannon of sea wolves. This new cannon is a 48-pound Karon gun known as a Ripper at sea.

This gun was installed on a reinforced No. 2 Fu ship. Except for only two 48-pound Caron guns arranged at both ends of the head and end, there were only two 12-pound short guns on the side.